IVF/ICSI Support Group

Meryl, haha...maybe same birthdate...my ET is 30 sept, my scheduled BT is 17 oct but I went for earlier BT, like you, I wanted additional support. I was at Kk around 10.30am, what time were you there?

the injection must be at buttock right? u can reach yr buttock?

May I know what is the freq of scan and visit doc during the phase of Gonal F?
Wow, 2 days didnt come i lost track liao

Congrats to all who BFPed!
Luvnhope... nvm lah.. I hope this round I can produce more follicies.. now tiaoing my body with TCM.. old liao really make a diff..
Hi Babyjourney, my surgery cost me ard S$2k, maybe bcos removed 9 polyps that's why more costly. $1.5k deducted from medisave n balance paid cash.

Hi Meryl n May, congrats! N Grab your babydust!
Hi JoynFaith, can help to add me in the spreadsheet? It seems that unable to add it using ipad/iphone.

I'm doing Natural FET in Nov under KK Dr SF Loh. Thanks alot! So happy to see so many cycle buddies in Nov.
Meryl, May, congratulations and grab your babydust! Meryl, how many embryos did you transfer and what's your reading for your beta HCG BT?

Baby, I've updated your status. Good luck and all the best! You might want to try this weblink on your iPad/iPhone:


Bbhopeful, Hope_4_bb and Looking forward, I've added all of you to the spreadsheet in the above weblink. You can update your status according by going in to edit. This is the place we can oversee what's happening to sisters in this thread.

Gals, if I've missed you out in the spreadsheet, do help yourself to the spreadsheet in the above weblink.
mc007, just saw from the list that we r under the same doc, dr lc foong and we both started suprefact on 8 oct, so we could be cycle buddies
when did dr foong ask u to go back for bt and scan? Mine will be 20 oct.
Hi Fuyutsuki

I am not with Dr LC foong. I am with Dr Marianne from KK.. Have updated the list.. can't be yr cycle buddies liao..XD
Saw that my details were changed in the spreadsheet, prob by accident by other sisters here. Let us b careful when updating the document?

just wan to complain a bit. I went to the GP clinic to jab my gonal F...the doctor..not skillful...wasted some of my Gonal F...I aso dun know how much..I am on 450 dosage...how har...i think the syringe..abt 1/4 wasted by him
Hi hope 4 bb

Even u jab yourself the Gonel f will have a little left over. Keep it till u review with Dr. Bring all the balance back. Th last time I did it, dr increase my dosage. Told the nurse to combined all my balance so not need to buy additional.
na is nt the leftover in the bottle. he pull out the needle from bottle time, he accidentally push the syringe and the solution spill out from the syringe. That y i can see the syringe like some of the solution gone.

do you mean you also spill some and the doc increase the dosage?but how the doc know how much was spilled?

I think piglet is trying to say that there will still be some leftover after yr injection. So normally, the nurse can combine the leftover to a certain dosage so you no need to buy extra.
Sisters, just an update. Went for 2nd BT this morning. Bhcg at 1600. Next BT on tue, 18 Oct. Keeping my fingers crossed. These 2 weeks more difficult to pass than 2ww. Every moment i wonder whats happening inside. Whether safe and sound or not, growing well or not, comfortable or not etc. During 2ww, super bo chap. Anything also do. Now super kiasu. Anything also scared. Haiz...really tough.
Hi Amelia, congrats!! Wishing you have smooth pregnancy ahead. Is it your fresh or FET? Any tips to share?

More and more sisters BFP with high hcg. This is really very motivating!
Ron, mine is the first method u mentioned mix 6 times bottle by bottle. I dun have tje gonal f pen in the link.

Futu, quite ex cost me $25 from gp. Glean e clinic only $15. but i tght to save travelling time do it at clinic nearby. So unprof. I think tmrow i will go bk glean e to inject as more prof
Hope4BB - hmmm, surprised you were given the multi dose pen instead of the dial-pen. Do you have all your meds or getting more supply at next scan? If need to buy more, ask your doctor what is price difference bwtn the multi-dose & dial-pen. The dial-pen is much neater to use. It's available in 450iu single use pen (no need mixing & easy to self-inject as can't get wrong), or even 900iu for 2 dosage. Mine cost about $1/- excl Gst per IU, so about $450 per pen before GST. Unless you r paying much less for multi-dose, ask your doctor about the dial-pen version at next scan.
Hope4BB- Plus as the other sistas were referring to, the dial-pens are slightly "overfilled" so "unused" balance from a few pens can be combined to save you from buying a few extra pens. The mixing version a bit more mah-fan. Good luck for your cycle.
ron, mine is quite ex
is 110 xcl gst for one bottle (75iu per bottle) for 6 bottles(450iu) will cost me $660.

wah mine is so much more ex and troublesome.

u mentionednper pen is 450iu. What if your dosage reduce to 200iu or 150iu. Then how does the pen works?
I got 3 days of supply. Seeing doc again on Monday.
Hope4bb, y don't u consider injecting urself? It is quite easy actually and save u the trouble of going down to the gp daily. I used gonal f previously for so-iui, got my hubby to do the injection for me, so if u r scared to do it urself, ask ur hubby to do it.
Hi hope4bb

If u take 450iu, the dialed pen can turn up to max 450iu. If dosage reduce, you just turn to the required dosage. Very easy to use. No need to mixed. R u with KK?
Hope4bb - the pens come is various dosage (300, 450, 900, I think). I m w private and I think government hospitals pay half the price per IU. Say you get the 450iu pen, each day u only need to dial to 450 (there is a lock mechanism so you only dial your dosage) and inject to the end of the pen. If say you reduced to 225iu per day, the pen can be used as 2 separate injection (day1 inject from 450iu to a mark that says 225iu, the keep the pen & inject tomorrow's 225. Similar, if dosage reduce to, say 150, then the pen can be used 3 times. Also, gonal-f can be self-injected in thigh or tummy (near belly button area) not necessarily at butt only, which allows you to self-inject. Please speak to your doctor of these options (pen and injecting other than butt).
Hi Amelia,

Agree with you that this 2 weeks post BFP is even tougher to go through than the 2ww. Just a question though...how many weeks pregnant would you be after the BT? Would the first scan show the heartbeat or just how many sacs? Thanks
Hi sistas who have BFPed, do u take any supplement? And if yes, what did u take and when to start taking?

Hope to be able to graduate like u soon!

Hi Bbhopeful,

I started taking the Blackmores Conceive wellgold when I began my cycle. It contains ingredients that supports a healthy ovulation & reproductive system such as folic acid, thiamin, CoQ10, zinc, magnesium etc. While prenatal vitamins are good, I think folic acid should be sufficient. I am just kiasu....You can buy this from NTUC Unity. Good luck!
