IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi JoynFaith, I m seeing Dr Loh next week, not today. Haha, this thread is so active that I tend to mix up you and Fatefully. To me, the nicks are just so similar.
You starting ur FET this month? Natural or medicated? How was your first AF? My ovulation is delayed by about one week this month so I should be expecting my AF to delay by one week too.
I may not be starting FET in my next cycle as initially planned due to work commitments in November. Afraid that the medical leave will clash.
Sounds fun to meet forum mates in person at Dr Zou's place. Me going for acupuncture this evening. Anyone going too and wants to meet?

Oh Joy, Enig, ya hor,laksa got coconut! Silly me! Ok ok, will be more careful from now. So silly me!

Joy, i havent call dr zou, inform her so she dont worry, should call her soon.Just now i call, her dh say she busy.

Piglet,your maturation rate not bad, 8 out of 10! Nvm, you will succeed this cycle so no need use frozen embryos! Lets rest well together. We are now PUPO! Think can eat durians,rest of ladies,correct? Durians promote growth but not too much hor? Will be heaty.

I m on bed arrest liao, so bored until watch Hi5! kekeke ..
Hi just finish seeing doc, doc say it doesn't look serious when she "feel" inside. And I don't feel pain when she "touch" me. She say it might be due to endo, but I will be having a u/s on 5th oct. Now I feel better but still abit pain... I am so worry it my endo.
Seems that most sistas here have had a bad experience with ER and suffered OHSS. Im scared...
Chocolate, oh I see. The thread is going too fast that is so confused. You can start preparing your questions and bring along when you see Dr Loh. Looks like only Jaded and I are cycle buddies for FET in Oct. Pray hard to our snowbabies to survive thaw.

I'm on medicated FET. I've started my 2nd AF this month and just started on the medication. I'd my first AF before Beta HCG so it's bfn. The flow was heavy. As for 2nd AF this month, it was delayed for alomost a week. And also a bit abnormal cos' I'd spotting for 5 days that is longer than before IVF. On first day, the flow was more than usual, which I don't have before IVF. Then followed by lesser every day, which I will have heavy flow on day 2 before IVF. Somehow it's haywire. I ask Dr Zou and as I've suspected was due to low lining at uterus. Indeed I got it right after Dr Zou confirmed. Wondering other gals have this issue.
Ganie16: dun be scared ok... I think with ur E2 trends during stimmulation will give ur doc a rough idea if u r at risk or not... Also I think during scans prior to ER, doc shod predict if the risk s there. Most importantly stay positive and stock up on protein, isotonic drinks as they do help. Take it easy and not stress or walk too much... Not everyone is prone to OHSS.. God bless
Hi heartbeat I just reached home and take my first meal of the day. Super hungry. How your embbies? You must have a lot to frozen. They give u the summary. This time round Dr Tan given me jab and asiprin for 2 weeks. Have to go back to kk every 3 days to do the jab. Still thinking whether to take my tcm an tai medication.
Piglet02: found this on earlier thread:

for 3 days transfer:

1dpt ..embryo is growing and developing
2dpt... Embryo is now a blastocyst
3dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
4dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
5dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
6dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
7dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining and has placenta cells & fetal cells
8dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
9dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
10dpt and above...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
Hi Piglet, me too! So hungry till dh ask me want eat what, i straightaway ask for laksa, forgetting got coconut! Greedy me!

I dont have the summary yet because 8 of my embryos still under observation. If all pass then i have 14 left to freeze, if not then only 6.
Heartbeats I also craving for laska. But ended eat meepoh. Disappointed. And buy lots of char siew bao. Heehee. Scared later hungry.

I was under the impression that ER is just a simple procedure and shouldn't cause too much discomfort, but seems that most in this forum didn't feel too good. Hmm.. no wonder my TCM doc warned that IVF is going to be "xing ku" for the wife. Thanks for your encouragement. I'm at the very initial stage, going for counselling on Mon then see how it goes from there. So many hurdles to cross it seems...
Piglet02: if follow strictly, shld be 5 days after today ba... Then again I reckon as estimation only... Hee
Ganie16: it is a simple procedure but @ the end of the day still is invasive and everybody react differently. I personally found that prepping the body with tcm, supps and acupuncture helps but usually doc will not recommend tcm. U just need to prep ur body and mind for it, stay positive and all will be fine cos u cannot predict ur reaction to stimulation meds for now... All the best ok
Hi gals,

I am planning to stop my TCM med if I start to do my FET. Cos the 1st IVF I done I took the med but didnt help me at all. I will still eat Dr Zou med while I am "bing" my body. But if I am on 2ww I will stop eating. I wa to try something diff from my 1st cycle.
Hi hope283,
Did you see on your top left corner, where you can log in your nick and pw?

After you log in, go to "edit profile".

You will see a long list. Go to "preference" heading and UNclick "Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users"
Hi sunshine, shd I be checking from my new messgs? There are around 770 plus messgs there. Iam jst lost. Sory for being so naive, plz advise
Getting really bored at home during this 2ww. BT is next Fri. No symptoms so far except for painful nei nei. Read that an adverse effect of progesterone support is enlarged breasts. Don't see that as adverse effect at all. Lol :p
Hi ladies, is it advisable to take tcm med during the whole ivf process? Which stage of ivf must stop tcm med? Will just acupuncture helps?
Not sure if it will. But I would rather be safe since ivf already quite medicine-intensive. Normally yr doctor will tell u to clear other medicine with him during this process.
Ya, Sunnie gal, why adverse effects for enlarged breasts!

Ganie, i think if you are well prepared, ohss can be coped. For me, i think i over estimated myself thinking i wont get and didnt prepare well at all. I learnt my lesson already, learnt it the hard way unfortunately.

Fuyutsuki, Whitetiger, i m of opinion its best to stop tcm before jabs so that the medicines dont clash. But acupuncture should continue till ET cos acupuncture is external, dont clash with medicine and instead help promote lining growth.
Fuyutsuki, i dont have model answers, i only learnt after suffering from it.
The sisters here helped me alot instead. But if next time, i think i will start downing at least 4 eggwhites daily, even before ER and drink lots water/fluids, at least 2L daily and eat light, dont take milky and coconut stuff.

When your turn, you see how. If scan shows near 20 eggs, better start eggwhites and fluids immediately. Early prevention is better than cure.

I feel lousy today, like sit also not right, lie down also not right, quite miserable. When i laugh, my chest hurts. Want to pass motion also cannot. Sigh~ Hope all these is worthwhile.
got so many valuable advices from this forum, at least i am well-prepared before i start the ivf.
heartbeats, stay positive, all our efforts will pay off eventually
I know need to drink a lot of water for OHSS. But does anyone know what's the reasons for taking egg whites? How do egg whites really help in follicles production and in relieving OHSS? And half-boiled ones somemore? cos eating half-boiled eggs- risk of food poisoning from salmonella bacteria in eggs.
Hi sunniegal: I think apparently fluids like Gatorade and protein in eggs can help absorb the fluid build up due to OHSS and help channel that to pass out in urine. Hence not just water but specifically fluid like Gatorade or 100 plus. Actually it does not have to be half boiled eggs but any kind of egg whites cooked in various ways. Personally I just find that half boiled eggs are easier to gulp down ;) but I do understand ur concern of bacterial in eggs.
Morning ladies... Hope you are all feeling fine today. How are your 2WW coming along? Sibling hopes... All the best to ur beta BT next week... I will be praying for good news for us
All the best to you Sunniegal ... Me too have been cooped up @ home since the morning..... This is what house arrest feels like lol.
Hi hi, me will wait for bt on wed... Linda, when's ur bt? I try to do slow walk to promote blood circulation.... Been having cramps the last few nites, can hardly sleep through the might without waking up!!!! Sighzzzz... Am also paying for the best. To those bt-ing on Mon, share your gd news too! Will wait for your news online!
Hi heartbeat how r you feeling. I only have little cramp. So went out for breakfast. Most important don't feel stress up. Take brazil nuts.

Hi ladies may I check whether is it advisable to take an tai yin during 2ww?
Thanks Enig! Me go for slow walks on alt days since 7 days past transfer... Hope to be able to promote better blood circulation.. Rest loads! It's the tv & my mags tt keep me going everyday...
Am I taking too much medication? I was given aspirin and foilic acid and jabs by Dr during 2ww. Also taking egg whites, brazil nuts, chicken essence, concieve well and taking tcm (an tai). Praying hard this time round.

Gd luck to ladies with BT next week! I m feeling so excited for you all!

Piglet, i m much better today. Yesterday was horrid, cannot sit, cannot lie down, cannot poo, even laugh or talk also chest pain. Today much better. Ya, lets not stress but i cant help feeling touchy at times and flare up over small things like when dh flip bedsheets in my face because i was scared the dust will irritate my nose and make me sneeze.

So you didnt do complete bedrest? I m thinking i want to stop bed rest too. Too much lying on bed like no blood circulation. I m walking already but walk very 'wayang', you know like those ancient palace ladies, sway left sway right, haha

Piglet i also have aspirin, folic acid plus inserts and cabergoline. Ya, taking brazilnuts also and red dates longan drink. I think what you are taking is ok, as long as not too heaty to cause any discomfort. Are you wearing socks to bed too? I dont have an tai yao as i was having ohss earlier so i thought better simplify the things that went into my body.

What do you ladies think about bed rest, necessary? I read the womb is like peanut butter spread between bread slices, embryos wont fall out, true? Sometimes i can get quite paranoid.
