IVF/ICSI Support Group

Linda, they scan did find some fluid in abdomen area but moderate vol so maybe thats why they didnt tap me. I also scared after ET dont know how.

Sunniegal, orh ... hopefully i can still ET. Worried tomorrow dr Loh know tell me cannot ET, will be so disappointing one.

They measure my ovaries, it has swollen till double normal size! No wonder so pain! Each ovary still got multiple follicles, wonder is it after ER, some still growing. Sigh~ sure hope all this is worth it.
Heartbeats: sorry to hear that u r feeling so unwell and such u really cannot predict till after ER. I m just afraid that 100 plus gassy. U really have to take it easy and I believe I got mild OHSS to and my tummy was so bloated. Try to do half boil egg white and gulp down at least 4. That was what I did. Think it helps... Get well soon
Thanks Ron and Heartbeats.. First time say women problem. Now second time gg for HL dunno what reason to give leh.. Cannot be same reason - they think wah so fast after 2 month need to go again? Unless say the truth.

Heartbeats : I ate 10 EW day previously. It should help..
Miracle, I didn't take DHEA. But I understand dr loh does prescribe for some of his patients as supplement. of course pte drs give too. U can check with him more.
Anyone can advice on the following

i have friend telling me not to take soya product from now onwards because the egg will be harden, ep but i saw the posting do n dont stage 2 take soya product high protein, confuse?

Where to buy conceive well gold? What brand? When should i start taking it?

Thank you
Looking : Cant advise on this about the soya product. Conceive well is by blackmores. Can buy from watsons or guardian. I think can take anytime u r ttc.

Just heard that news that my colleague is preggy for 4 months and another for 5 months now...... So easy for some people...
Enig, yah i am seeing dr foong. Haven't started the ivf yet, maybe in nov or dec, depending when i can get the medical records from my previous doc.
Heart beats : 28 eggs no wonder. For me, I feel little bloat only - had 16 eggs retrieved. Was on a tiny 150 puregon only.
Tanny, i also just know today that 2 of my colleagues are pregnant. So envious and sad but i believe sunshine will come after a rainy day. All of us will succeed one day
Hi heartbeats

I tried 100plus without cold. It's help. How you feel better.

Sorry I got difficulty in passing motion. Abdomen pain. Hoping that it goes of by tomorrow.
Re: soya products

First fresh cycle, I didn't take from Lucrin stage. No assisted hatching.

2nd fresh cycle, I didnt bother to avoid any food. Embryologist did assisted hatching (which is ex!!) during fertilization. I asked dr loh after I got preg at 6 wks why first cycle no AH. He said if egg shell too hard embryologist will auto do AH. I m not sure if the harder shell this time is caused by soya products or my age.
Since Ron mentioned me as a recent example of one who failed fresh & succeeded w fet, I tot I shall post smthg for u.. & to cheer other sisters on too...
I oso noticed tt u r taking a very similar path as me.. I m oso 33 tis year.. & I tink my af came earlier than urs.. Mine came 10dpt.. Both Dr Loh & Dr Zou said no way!! Dr Zou even told me she spent 1/2 day helping me tink wat went wrong & y af came tis early.. & end up she has no answer... Dr Loh shook his head, saying my eggs grading (grade 5) r soo good, lining looks good on ET day.. But still...
Wat I m trying to say is there is no 1 answer for failure.. If yes, the answer may b.. It's not my turn yet.. But we muz always believe tt our turn ll come soon...
I seem to feel tt u r taking tis ivf journey as an exam & got hit by the failure.. But I rem 1 sister said.. Ivf is not our exam.. Nobody marks our results.. Ivf is our chance to b mummies.. If tis chance don't work, try the next, the next & so on..
In a way, I m quite similar to u.. I lost courage aft my bfn.. I even tot to go fet after resting 1/2 yr.. Thanks to sisters here, I found the courage to face wat I m supposed to.. 1 sister in particular ask me.. wat is the baseline? & the reply is adoption.. Juz try & try & if fate calls for it, we conclude tt we hv done our best & go for adoption... So, we ll still b mummies in our lives..
& rem tis, u can b lacking in courage to proceed but ur snowbabies r waiting for u.. Give them a chance to b ur babies...
Lastly, hv u considered 1 of the reason for bfn is not physical reason? I admit I was very results orientated during my fresh.. & I tink tt was the main reason for my bfn.. During fet, I took it more light heartedly.. So u need to consider ur state of mind too..
That being said, hv a good cry, pick urself up & go for fet whn u r ready.. Keep telling urself how strong the desire to b mummy is...
All the best to u & all other sisters...

Pinpanter/ Linda:
Dr Zou once told me a grp of gals made frens in her clinic & went to AMK hub to eat.. R ur the ones? I hv made 4 good frens on tis forum too, including kimmy & Dr Zou was so happie to hear tt... She always believe in de-stressing w fellow sisters.. Such a lovely doctor.. :-D
Hi queenie,

Nope not me! I do think state Of mind is very important. Relax and dun bed rest too much. I walked, shopped and watch tv ( but not long).

Sistas, good to have tea together enjoy lovely afternoon ;).

Good night
Hi joynfaith, we're cycle buddies
I'm not 2 sure Abt the hep c test, will ask the nurse when I go for my scan. When's ur scheduled scan?
hi heartbeat..i was hyperstimulated and had OHSS after OR...Intially,it was not that bad till i had ET after day 5..MY case worsen..I vomitted and my stomach was bloated with fluids..

I had tapping of fluids from my adominal a couple of times..It is best if your dr assess you before ET..I didnt tell my dr i felt bloated before that and only informed him after ET..He was stunned though but i was already very sick on the day after ET..

Best to have best of health to continue the journey..I was preggy during my 1st Fresh IVF..But however,i had a MC during week 17..

Am also waiting for my next round of FET..

Heartbeat, glad you are back. Drink 2-3l of fluid per day. Can take up to 8 egg whites each day. All these will help in your OHSS. If you feel very bloated and can't eat much, just take little amount with many meals. you visit Dr Zou yesterday morning near noon? If so, we were in the same room. Heard that you had nausea and Dr Zou told you was due to your many eggs retrieved instead of food poisoning.

Jaded, hihi... did you do Hep C test during your 1st fresh cycle? Mine never, thus need to do since just required recently. I will be doing first U/S on 3 Oct at 9am. How about you? Are you on natural/ medicated FET? Are you able to decide how many embryos to thaw? Chocolate is our cycle buddies too.
Yes. I actuaaly met up with 5-6 sisters fr tis forum n go to dr Zou place then amk hub during preparation for my 2nd Ivf. And guess wat the whole group of us all graduated either a mummy of single child or twins .
Heartbeats: are u feeling better today? Will u be able to proceed with ET? Hope u r able to eat more today...
Piglet02: what about you? How is ur post ER coming along?
Hi Enigmays I in kk early to wait. The old nurse check me in. I asked whether can I buy the medication first. She better don't. Sian I told her that my hubby not here with me. I having cramps n don't feel like walking. She said must walk slowly cannot always stay in bed. Faint. I also need time to recover. She doesn't understand us.
Piglet, if too painful n u r alone. Ask them to request the pharmacist folk tO bring over to you. During one of my day surgery a few yrs bk. That was done for me.
Ah, I just went to look at my previous medicine from TCM and realised it is the same Dr Zou everyone is referring to in this forum! hahha.. But my TCM doc is Dr Xia, she is actually working in Eu Yan Sang and works part time at Dr Zou's clinic. She will only be at the clinic one every month. Unfortunately, my hubby n i are not so "guai". We ate the medicine for about 1 year and went for acupuncture for my previous 2 IUIs but it failed and we lost hope and stopped going to Dr Xia. Gosh, maybe I should visit them again? I went to Eu Yan Sang to ask if I should be eating any chinese medicine during this 2ww and they all say no. My BT is next Tues.
Hi gals,

I am having bad pain on my left side ovary. I nv hv this pain when my AF is here. I just failed my IVF and I hv severe endo. I am not sure is the pain becos of endo or wa. Cos before I do IVF when my AF come I would nv hv such pain. If I go KK O&G will I able to see my gyna since she knows my condition.

Pls advise.
Fatefully, since u hv severe endo, did ur doc advise surgery for u? I hv mild endo and fibroids previously and did a laproscopy in april to clear everything.
Thanks ladies for all your tips and advises. Today feel better and thus able to proceed with ET. But i will still drink 100plus and eat egg whites and drink lots water.

JoynFaith, ya, thats me. I was already very uncomfortable before start acupuncture. Halfway thru i told her i want to stop liao, feeling nauseous. I still told her maybe i ate wrong thing as i had ice cream the night before.

Hi Enig, thank you. Just came back from ET and ate laksa. Now feeling bloated again.

Piglet, completed? They got give you embryo pictures? Very heartwarming hor?
Heartbeats, glad you are better and can proceed with ET. Continue with your egg whites and fluid. Avoid orange juice during bloatedness as it will create gas and make you more bloated. You should also avoid laksa since got coconut milk. Rest well. If you have any difficulty in breathing, please call and visit 24hrs O&G Clinic.

So coincidence at Dr Zou but we are always behind the curtain and don't get to see/ know one another.

Chocolate, how's everything after seeing Dr?

Jaded, sorry, Chocolate will be seeing Dr today so has not confirmed on FET. She might/ might not be our cycle buddies. The thread is running too fast recently. The gals here during this period are very active.
Heartbeats: glad to know u r ok. Try to avoid spicy food... Coconut milk may cause wind in ur tum tum... Continue with fluids k... All the best in 2WW
Hi heartbeats I waited super long today cos dr tan doing ops. Last pt again. This time no embroy to freeze. Out of 10eggs, 8 matured one but 4 didn't respond. So today transfer 2 only.
