IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi enigmaysl, I stopped all tcm after ET, as advised by my doc.. DH oso discouraged cos he dun really believe in tcm anyway.. *sigh* now after my failed FET, scared that he'll start his anti-tcm story

Thanks, sisters! Another stupid question - what type of honey is good?

I think I must have caught the virus from office. Everyone's sneezing away!
Koirc, I personally believe Manuka Honey is the best especially if you have sore throat or cold. You can google more of its awesome properties.

Sophia: I know what you mean. my DH calls it Hocus Pocus (HP drink) but everyday he will still make his own HP drink to drink at designated time no choice anything to help his swimmers (low by the way). I asked Dr Zhong, she said that once i do my ET, she will prescribed another type of concoction. Actually i know that western doctors usually dun like to have a mix for the fear of contraindication but for me, i find soothing and comforting after the TCM. less tired and haggard plus gastrict problems reduced. Jia You ok!! Are you planning for a fresh cycle (sorry if i have missed your intro in earlier postings)
koirc, for manuka honey, you can just take a spoonful of it on its own.. good for sore throat.. buy those that are above UMF 15..

enigmaysl, still have 5 more in the freezer to use next time.. my doc on leave until end of the month, so now taking a break from all the medications.. will try to find time to go see Dr Zhong to break the bad news to her, and start to 'tiao' my body *again*..
Hi Enig,

On my way to Prof now... Hopefully gd growth! Let u know if I'm going on mon again.

Hi Koric,

Try not to take too much honey. In my last pregnancy, gynae also advise not to, he mentioned some allergy related stuff. Guess it's plain water & milk to pull thru!
Sophia: taking a break is good.. i had a mental block this morning when i was administering my injections.. somehow cannot find a spot that ain't painful.. I will be seeing Dr Zhong for my accu later and dun worry, i am sure she will do her best to help prep your body... take care of your body and your body will take care of you and your embies okay

Siblinghopes: Good luck and all the best!!! ay your follicles show good and healthy growth. Question: do you get more discharge lately? I am getting quite alot similar to those egg white kind during fertile days. wonder if it is the jabs and the growing follicles.... I am going to see Prof tomorrow

Have a good day everyone!!
Hi, may i know if your tummy especially the belly button area is bloated and looks very big after the 1st cycle of ivf. Its already 2 months later and my tummy is still bloated (not pregnant). Is it becos the ovaries have become bigger during stimulation? Will it shrink back in size?
Thanks for the advice.

Do we have to take special milk? I was at NTUC and saw all the formula milk for pregnant woman. Is it necessary?

I only take milk with cereals for breakfast. And honestly, I am quite sick of eating cereals and bread. I wish I can eat my fried bee hoon everyday! :p
mmfeen, yes it happened to me after my 1st cycle. I don't know why and I tried to do workout in hope to shrink my tummy but no result after two months.

I think a lot of people were wondering if I were pregnant. :S
Gals, do you feel sleepy after taking Conceive Well? And do you feel an extra layer at your abdomen the next day after doing acupuncture?

mmfeen and Koirc, same here after my 1st fresh cycle and not seeing my tummy shrinking after workout for about 3 weeks plus. I hope it can return to its original size so I can fit to some of my pants. Wonder how to let it shrink back to normal.
Hi gals,
Today I went for ET. Doc advice me that I hv slight OHSS and tummy feel bloated. She also tell me that after ET I might be even more bloated. She did give me choice to choice, either I go ahead or I freeze the embbies but she also say that thawing might waste some of the embbies also. So I choice the former. I am nt sure I make the right choice. As I hv OHSS, doc advice me to drink lots of fluids. Can anyone advice me how an I reduce the bloatness or prevent further OHSS increase. I ONI hope I don't endanger myself or the embbies inside me. FYI, I hv 11 fertilized and 1 under observation. Pls help!!!
Fatefully, you can try the following.
1. Drink 2-3 litres of fluid. (You can change to luke-warm water if you are sick of room temp water).
2. Eat up to 8 egg whites per day.
3. Drink Gatorade Perform/ 100plus/ H2O (Drink G.P. cos' no gas).
Hi gals, today is my 3rd day of menses, currently injecting Lucrin daily, will probably start Puregon next week.. Would like to check with u all, what food is good for lining thickening cos my gynae said i have thin lining problem, even when the sizes of follicles r big enough, the lining was still thin (think that's why i hv all 3 failed iui). Anyone has any suggestion? Does TCM & acupunture really helps? Pls advise.. Thanks.
dragonhopes, I was told by the nurse to eat egg white when I'd my OHSS but I don't eat up to 8 of them per day instead I drink Gatorade Perform that helped me. Gals in this thread ate egg whites so you may try. Another form of egg white so long you feel comfortable in eating it. Half boil ones easy to digest.
Jessica, protein is good for lining. Gals here take egg whites, imunocal before ER. I took TCM and acupuncture after i fail in my fresh cycle and I feel my body immune system become stronger but I guess it depends how your body response to the treatment.

Gals, my friend has helped to buy brazil nuts from Pat's Oven at Vivocity at $4/100g. They are in my fridge now. Wow... they're big. I feel like eating them now. Hope I can accept their taste after my FET. Thanks gals for your information. Dr Zou says my menses will be delay this month from my BBT reading, that's to say my FET will be delay too. And she says I have ovulated this month but I guess I've missed BD during ovulation since I didn't buy the kit to test. Will show her my Sep BBT record next week and see what she says.
Do u get cramps after egg transfer? Today is my 3rd day after et and still no cramps. In fact, other than indigestion, no symptoms whatsoever. Even indigestion clearing up . So like normal like that leh.

Heard that must feel cramps then likely to get bfp. Wonder if true?
JoynFaith, so i only take the egg whites & not egg yolk,right? Can take half boiled kind cos i find it easier to swallow or the boiled egg? Where can i get imunocal, guardian pharmacy? Yes, i tend to get flu & cough often & my cough will last for months.. Actually i sld be starting my IVF last month but due to me having heavy flu & serious cough, my gynae cancelled it and changed it to long protocol which the ER will take place on end of sept. I hope this time will at least pull thru until that time cos these few days, i tend to have a bit of sore throat again, dunno is it due to flu or what, very worry. Hope to get my immune system stronger b4 doing ER & ET. Do you have any good recommendation for TCM? Thanks!
Koric, can take. HL is fine. Fr now milk n cheese can take only pressurized one. Is written there one. So soft cheese, blue cheese all cannot take. pressurized will ensure no bacteria.. Pregnant make sure ur food is fully cooked if u take steam boat n BBQ stuff. If not later diahorea will be v painful n unconfortable.. Serious one can lead to m/c too.
I take honey only on occasions when I m heaty or hv sorethroat. Not daily or a few times a wk. My gf told me EYS tcm said cut down on honey if pregnant. But of course, western dr dun say that. Those seeing dr zou, maybe can ask if can take when pregnant.
Hazel, why are you discussing about diet for pregancy? I thought all of us here are still doing IVF and discussing when to bfp leh?? I am confused... So, that means we should take pressurized milk and cheese during stimulation and suppression stage?
Going for my ER on tuesday. Follicles growing well, lining ok. Dr seem rather cool this round. I think I'll not get too stress up, will just leave it in his gd hands, afterall, it's not my first time & many of his!

All the best to all & of course, myself!!
sunstillshines, brazil nuts taken after FET to help implantation.

Jessica, egg white is rich in proteins (almost no fat), unlike egg yolk has a high fat value. You can eat any form of cooked egg so long as you find it easy to swallow. Half boil is easier to digest. The gals here has mentioned to get the immunocal from OG or purchase from internet. Guess your body is heaty so try to drink more water and prevent heaty/ deep fried/ hot (chilli) food for now. You can try rinse your throat and mouth with salt water after you've brush your teeth to help in your sore throat. Take good care of yourself and all the best in your ER and ET. We might be cycle friend then. As for TCM, currently I am seeing Dr Zou Yumin at Blk 505, Ang Mo Kio Ave 8, #01-2670 (Closed on Wed) that I gotten her information from this thread. Many gals here see her. You can choose to have acupuncture only and just inform her if you don't want to have the medicine. Got another TCM Dr from this thread too: Mr Ban Choon Chen at Blk 81, Marine Parade Central, #01-636 (Close on Tue).

I think there is another TCM from hospital but don't have the contact. It could be at SGH. If any gals know about it, please provide information. thanks.

Hazel, yes I remember EYS staff told me to stop honey with UMF during pregnacy. Currently, after taking TCM, I feel my body heaty so I will take a teaspoon of honey sometimes that Dr Zou agrees to it.

siblinghopes, all the best!
My dr said lining above 8mm is gd to go. They also need to see if it's 'healthy', he mentioned some 3-layer is gd. Sounds like三层肉! Hahaha!

Thanks for the encouragement! Will take the wkend to spend more time with my elder one & Mon to clear work & clean the hse!!!
Hi siblinghopes, I might also be doing my ER on Monday or Tuesday. So we r cycle buddies, but I'm under kkh. I also have an elder gal which is already 4 yo. How old is your elder? I really hope can give her sibling(s) too!
Good luck Siblinghopes... wishing you ll the best. and VyVy... you too... Have a successful and blessed ER. I just came back from accu and today she hit the nerve near the ovaries... oooooohh so sensitive!!!
JoynFaith, thanks for the infos, will try eating just egg white. Btw,do we have to take at least 6 egg white/day? actually i dun really like egg white,i prefer egg yolk but for the sake of having baby, better eat lor.. I will try your method to cool down my body, hope the sore throat will recover soon.. So glad to know we are cycle friend, hope we can succeed in our IVF, of course, best wishes to all the others that are also doing IVF like us.. Btw,u mentioned i can get immunocal from internet,may i know which website is it? I will try to call Dr Zou's clinic to chk her appt, hope it's not too long queue cos her clinic is nearer to my hse..

Sunstillshines, thanks for providing the info..
Congrats Koirc and bb2012! Wishing you two a smooth 9 months ahead!

dragonhopes, Dr Zou said lining of 11 - 13mm is ideal. And ya, lining with 3 layers is good. Mine was 14mm triple layers that time and Dr Loh commented my lining is very good but on the other hand, Dr Zou said it's too thick. Am wondering whether the thick lining is the cause of my failed cycle.

Any ladies trying FET (medicated/natural) soon? Will be seeing Dr Loh end of this month and I am thinking of trying natural FET in Oct. Any views on whether natural or medicated is better?
Chocolate_soh, so 11 - 13mm is considered good? When i'm doing my previous 3 iui, my lining is only abt 6 - 7mm thick though the follicles are already abt 13 - 14mm big, my gynae gave me some medication but it dun seem to help much, think this might be the reason why the iui din succeed.. beside egg white & immunocal, which other food can help in thickening the lining? Is there any food to refrain from eating? Thanks!
After ET does anyone feel bloated until cannot stand straight? I dnt feel comfy at all.. Btw before I do ET I have some very light brown stain... But I still go ahead to do ET. Even nw I still hv it. The pill I insert to my vagina also can out abit like milky paste.. But I sleep for 2 hrs after the inserts. It it ok?

I even cry becos I almost can't handle the bloated tummy and so afraid I may hv to admin to hospital if my OHSS get serious. But I told myself since I go this far I hv to bear it for the next 2 weeks.
Hi Sister
May I can whether can we take brazil nut during lucrin jab. I read online that it being one of the richest dietary sources for selenium, a vital mineral for human health.

Besides being an excellent source of selenium, it contains significant amount of magnesium, phosphorus and thiamine, and very rich in protein and dietary fiber. Selenium is an important antioxidant that can protect from the harmful effects of free radicals. Selenium is also found to boost the immune system

Jessica, I'm not sure about how many egg whites to take. I think I've seen the gals mentioning about at least 4. I'm not sure which website on the purchase of immunocal. Jessica, don't drink caffeine and soya bean stuff.

Gals, kindly let Jessica know how many egg whites to take before ER and the weblink of the purchase of immunocal if you know the information. Thanks in advance.

Chocolate, I'll be doing medicated FET this month and currently waiting for menses to come. You can discuss with Dr Loh and see which suits you better.

Fatefully, when did you do your ET? Excess of progesterone insert will be pass out from the body, so you can place a panty liner to collect the remainder in order not to stain your panty since a bit waxy and can be tough to wash away. It's all right to sleep after insert. Usually need to lay for at least 30 mins after insert.

Take it easy and have enough rest. Keep your stress level as low as possible. If you OHSS worsen until you've difficulty in breathing, best to go to hospital 24 clinic for further check. Remember to drink 2-3 litres of water/ can eat up to 8 egg whites/ drink Gatorade Perform/ 100plus/ H2O (Drink G.P. cos' no gas).
