IVF/ICSI Support Group

Mm, oh u hv not done the fresh cycle.. Then on your ER, while they preparing the drip needle on your hand for u, u tell them first. U will be given the Hl when u discharge. So check it is correct. I didn't request before EF n didnt check the hl until I got home! So I had it changed on ET day.

Dun give up, try again. I did one fresh n one FET. Both ended with m/c. First time was in 2nd tri somemore. I did 2nd fresh in may.. Till I carry my bundle of joy in my arms then I can relax. Jia you!

Pls give them the reason that mc/Hl is not recognized by ur co if it wrote reproductive centre or ivf. Then they will mostly likely give in to your request. If for other personal reasons like wat u shared. They may not agree
Hey u doing fresh cycle using nov menses? I dun think ER will be end nov/early dec leh. U start injection on d21 after menses, by then end nov earliest if ur menses is early nov. U need to jab for 28-30 days before can do ER... That is 3rd week of dec already.. U sure ur doc ard to do ER for u n not on leave? Xmas time leh

My first fresh I used oct menses, ER was early dec!
Thanks hazel. You are very kind and helpful. I hope my egg qtty and quality will improve and I will bfp in my 2nd trial. Besides tiao my body, I also try to stay positive. Now pray every night. Hazel, I have read about your story. You will have smooth pregnancy this time. We may have diff religion but I will pray for you and your baby.
For my mc- it still show reproductive unit for the first box and social clinic d for second box. U mean first box (most left) can also change to clinic d instead of reproductive unit?

Today is my 4dpt still no special feeling. So normal....Wonder if dr left my embby is the tube forgot to put in.
Sophia, I didn't make it. AF report Liao. Good luck to yr BT! Will meet up with Dr Loh and see what plan he has for me.
Thanks Ron, Jessica. Will try not to think negative thots. In my first ivf with crinone, had no 'cheesy residual at all so I was super worried. In the end, that cycle not successful.

) I also keep asking my hubby what if emby still left in the tube and dr didn't actually put in. Hubby called me crazy!
Since yest after ER I hv nt been feeling gd. Tummy cramps and feel nausea. Before I go in to the opt theater yest I saw my file they put in bold "risk in OHSS". Does it mean I hv? Doc prescribed me "carbogoline", which is for preventing OHSS. I am worry tomo will they cancel my ET and will I still hv chances of having OHSS after ET?
I couldn't sleep well last nite and woke up in the middle of the nite feeling like vomiting. I hate the feeling and feel so down. Feel like crying out but I told myself no cos I hv to be strong. Wa should I do?
Tanny, yea u can. I didn't change reproductive unit that field but another field which indirectly means Ivf. The nurse asked me if reproductive unit that field I needed to change also. What is written on the mc depends on who the duty dr then who issues.

Fatefully, at KKH dr loh allows after d2 ET if patient is tested positive of ohss n patient dun wan to abort n freeze all embies. Ie ET on d5 or D4. In hope that ohss has subsided to non dangerous level. So discuss with ur dr. Dun forget ohss may be bk if u are pregnant during 2ww.

At the mean time, pla drown yourself with at least 2 liters of water, lots of egg white and immonucal.
I m ok with reproductive unit as it just means fertility issues. Cam be cyst, fribods, blocked tubes, etc. As long it does not directly mean I did a procedure for Ivf
Hi just faith, as I'm on medicated FET, AF will not arrive unless I stop my progynova. But I tested -ve again yesterday, so think oso no hope

Never mind, we try again next time!!
whitetiger : ya! wanted to ask my hubby too but hold myself back. i know he will just look at me and dun reply. otherwise he will just look at the tv/ or surf net. sometimes he dont reply me... think its when i ask this kind of weird questions.

hazel : thanks. the first box always indicate : reproductive clinic, KKH. second box : i got them to change to Clinic D as sometimes they indicate IVF there. the african doc is not very friendly. when I request if she can yesterday's mc to not state the ivf word and as well as issue today mc the same way, she keep quiet, did not even reply me ok - feel like tokking to someone who is ignoring you. she just key into her pc, adjust her printer, add paper and issued it. somemore after that i still say thank you to her. like she not happy. even my hb also felt the same way. anyway its over. nurses are better - at least when u request, they say ok, u wait here while they try to get a dr to endorse it.

fatefully : if u r really unwell, i think call kkh hotline or go down for help? yes and drink lots of water and eat 10-20 egg whites. i heard it helps. i also say my paper indicate "risk in OHSS???" with 3 question marks - no worries, u're not the only one. how many eggs did u retrieved? maybe u hv a lot, thats why prone to ohss. more than 20 is considered a lot.
any patient with dr zou? does she encourage us to get ATY or do acuncpture after ET?

seem to feel something is lacking cos im on nothing except this utrogestan inserts. no pills even to eat. dr also nvr prescribe me progynova (wrong spelling)

did my D6 progesterone blood test and say will call me this pm.

Sophia : Sorry to hear that. Take a break and try again.

Can you tell me how medicated FET starts? When/ Do we need to take injections from which day? Take to take HCG shot as well right before ET day? Are you with KK?
Tanny, Mm, yes some of the junior drs n nurses there r not very helpful. Or they go strictly by the book. But dun hv to fret over that. Our gynae is very accommodating. At ER, when u lie on the OT bed, tell the nurse dub knock u out (usu they wun) coz u wan to talk to dr loh when he comes in. Request n explain to him directly.

If he forgets, n others dun help, just go n look for him. Other than Monday, he is at clinic d from mid morning till 3pm plus then he proceeds to tps. At clinic d, knocks on his door n wait for his assistant to come out n request from dr loh thru her.

I m a tps patient. After tested bfp on a thurs, I requested for another day mc on fri to rest over the wk end. The nurse n duty dr at KKIVF refused to give me coz they said no valid reason. I asked the nurse to request from dr loh. The nurse dare not n said dr loh will scold her. Asked me to get an appt to see him n request. I was like, i was so tired n she wanted me to q for hrs just to get a mc?

Well, I walked to tps (since is 5pm plus) n told the registration nurse there my request. I requested her to inform dr loh I hv bfp, passed her the 6wks scan form at AMC n asked dr loh for another day MC. Within 5 mins, I got the mc thru the nurse! I didn't even q for hrs or pay consultant to see him.
Hi tanny,
There retreive 25 eggs.
I will try to drink lots of water & 100 plus. But the egg white I will feel like vomit when i see it.
Tanny - normal to suddenly feel like you are not doing much during 2ww, after all the jabbing & scanning in the 2-3 weeks before ER/ET.. Trust your doctor. Nothing much to do just relax & enjoy the break
hazel : i heard dr loh scolding nurse before - it was at my ET. the nurse was holding the scanner and placing it on out tummy while dr loh is doing the ET. i think he is having a tough time finding his way in my whatever. then i heard him say "press harder, just press and stay there, y u dunno". wah so fierce hor, in front of patient and her hubby.then after a while, he ask me to get up and pee first thereafter, continue again. his face always smiley smiley but can be so fierce.
fatefully : r u on long protocol means got the suppression stage? i got only 16 eggs under short protocol. for me i eat 5 half boiled, put with soya sauce v nice, then lunch i eat another 5 fried eggs with soya sauce again. do u hv immuonocal? i also drink it twice daily. maybe i eat too much to prepare for ohss.. i dont like eggs in milo very yucky. i prefer fried eggs. u can eat fried eggs for meals, i do that. Rem to drink lots water.

Ron : yeah, thanks. i really love the break. i always feel v tired during my working days. even weekend rest are insufficient. after this long break, im feeling v refreshed, no headaches.. like re-born feeling. i think its good. dr zou says can read from pulse that im no longer tired.

the website on making own chicken essence?
Hi Ron8129,
Thanks heaps for your advise to my question in earlier posting. Take great care of urself ya

Hi Hope 4 BB, I am also with Gleneagles and started for a week already.. Which doc are you with over there?
Hi Tanny,
Yes I am on long protcol. I dont hv immuonocal. But I am trying to drink lots of water/100plus. Egg white I hv been eating since I started my Lurcin jab, 4 egss every alternate day then change to 6 eggs whites last few days..
Piglet - did the doctor speak to you after your scan on the baseline follicle count? Also, did u do the hormonal blood test before you started the cycle for AMH or FSH levels?
Any tips to drink Immunocal? I am not sure if i am doing it wrong, its either too foamy (can hardly drink anything) or too lumpy, mouth full of powder yikes
Hi Hopeful, yes I was really shocked that my hcg is so much higher than my previous one. I put in two embbies. I don't have anymore left...

Amelia, yes another 2WW to the HB scan. This is the thing about going through the process, it seems like we try to cross one hurdle every two weeks. :S

Geminy, thanks and all the best...

Sophia, when is your BT?

I really think that we women are amazing! We just don't give up!
Hey sisters who BFP, can someone give me advice on what I should do in the next two weeks to ensure my embbies grow well?

When do you know if you get singleton or twins? I am hoping for singleton but I read that if hcg is high, quite likely to be twins. Is it true? :S
hi girls, i am new to this thread. Failed 1 SO-IUI and 2 cycles of Gonal-F injections (without IUI procedure) Thinking to proceed IVF in Nov.

What's the reason you girls tell your boss for 2 weeks HL? How many trips do we need to go back for scanning and see doctor before ER?

Anyone of u got refer letter from Polyclinic then go KK? just want to know the price different.


Babydust to all of you
Piglet02, try taking chicken essence daily and I followed one sister's advice to take chew's organic selenium eggs (buy from ntuc). It helped to grow my follicles. I had more follicles this round compared to last round. Also take red dates. I went for twice a week accup and daily accup (5days before er) with dr zou. All these I learn from forum.
Hey Sophia, sorry I was catching up on the posts. Sorry to hear about the result... Do you have anymore frozen embryos left? Don't give up ok? *hugs*
I also on Chinese medication. Take it every alternate. On other day I take brand chicken essence. I think have to stop my Chinese medication n take Chicken Essence daily n egg. Just recieved call from kkh to start my gonal f jab this sat. Will this jab help also?
Piglet - is L:0, R:3 the number of follicles seen during scan today? or the baseline size today?

We are born with the number of eggs we have in our lifetime. This is our ovarian reserve. As we age, the reserve dries up. Some tests such as AMH and FSH can gauge if the reserves are declining.

Most of the time, the number of eggs available for release per batch (for each month) is the roughly the same monthly, but occasionally it may vary depending on our body.

gonal-f is a follicular stimulation drug that stimulates any existing follicles to grow. It does not increase the number of follicles you will have for this month's batch. The sistas advise on what to eat & do is also meant to help the follicles you have seen during scan to grow and mature. Do give those a try - no harm.

When is your next scan? If possible, ask to talk to your doctor abt the low number of follicles scanned, and see what he/she says. It will probably give you some confidence of what to expect for rest of the cycle.

I was afraid I may be scaring you (sorry, that is not the intention) but i think it's better to be prepared now so that you can talk to your doctor. We have seen sistas here who have low number of eggs but bfp in the end - we only need ONE good egg and one good sperm to succeed.
Do you gals feel sleepy after taking Conceive Well?

And for those doing Cat and Cow Pose in Yoga after bfn, do you feel your abdomen having something heavy the next day after doing acupunture with Dr Zou?
got a call from kk, no need to go back to collect additional support. reading for progestrone is 316. what's the passing mark?

piglet02: whitetiger is correct. I do all these too, all learnt from this wonderful sisters at this forum.

sigh.. now im watching nu xuan (female fist) on internet.cable too slow for me already.

who else on hosp leave like me now?

koirc : i also dunno how to answer yr question, i think should be ba, higher figure should be twins.

dragon hopes : my immediate boss knows i go ivf. but i din tell anyother people except 1 close colleague. ask my boss not to tell any one else including bigger bosses. some sis here say go for women's operation/ women's problem. That should be good enough. no need to tell them too much.

price difference i think its about half but u cant choose doc. u get allocated to whichever dr is on duty that day. not good for me cos u got to repeat your history again and again.

my wastage rate is v high. 16 retrieved. 10 matured but 50% wastage. left 5 made it to day 3 only. i asked embroyologist why, how to improve? he din answer my question leh. just tell me about the factors they grade the embroyo. v young embroyologist and he is like in a hurry to go back in. chat abt 5 min only. i wanted to copy the grading/ cell but he says cannot. can ask dr loh for it when i see him again?
Hi ron8129

Today only do a V scan n homo blood test. This is my 2nd time fresh cycle. The first time I had 18 follicles. That is what I heard during my scan. No Dr today.
Hi, I confirmed with the nurse. I am confirm short protocol coz I have low no of eggs. Signz.
Going to start my IVF in the next mth. Anything that I should eat once i start my jabs to prevent OHSS? Thanks.
Piglet - oic. Any indication of why much low numbers since decent number of follicles in cycle#1? Did you fsh/amh levels change a lot this round vs last round?

Maybe those were not referring to numbers of follicles
. We can only do what we can & hope for the best. Hope you get to see the doc soon for some clarification.
Thank ron.

I didn't do the 2 test you mentioned.I just call up KKH, the nurse said I have to start gonel f then my next vist then will know how many follicle. Heehee just scared myself. Today is to scan for lining and homo level.
Hi tanny,
I am also on HL nw. Tomo is my ET. Btw do anyone experience farting? I fart with some dont kw is clear oil/water out... Why is that so? I hv been feeling nausea everyday??? Why??? Pls advice.
Piglet, u hv not started gonal-f! So that is baseline follicle count. Once u started, more follicles will be stimulated. Btw, no Chinese herbs when u r cycling. It will interfere with the hormones injections! Didn't dr loh tell u to stop your herbs? I hv 8 retrieved though last scan showed 12 follicles.. So tt means some were empty n had no eggs. Out of 8, 5 were matured n all fertilized but one didn't grow so discarded. Transfer 2 n freeze 2. I hv good FSH reading but doesn't mean I can retrieve alot of eggs.

Tanny, that is a good progrestrone reading. If u r on insert, passing is abt 50.z if on pregynl injections, passing is abt 80.

Enigmayal, immuncal can mix with Orange juice or other fav drinks to take. Just dun mix with coffee or tea or those with caffeine. I dun hv lumpy problem as I used a shaker. Yes, foamy. But no choice just hv to drink the liquid plus the foam! :p

Koirc, sleep well, eat well n rest more from now to first scan. Nothing else u can do. Yes, yours sound like multiples! Is ok, can close shop after this! U will know at 6wks scan.
Hazel, my tcm dr give me to strength my egg and warm my womb. She only require me to take the medication every 2/3 days once. I under Dr Tan. I have not consult Dr Tan yet and will not be seeing him till my ER. I did feel my womb is warmer nowadays and have stopped all cold drink and spicy food after taking the medication.
Thank you hazel for your advice. I planning to stop my Chinese medication once I got the green light to start my gonel f.
Tanny, which day after et u do blood test for progesterone? My nurse and dr keep telling me no need to do bu I wonder if I shd insist. Today is my second day after et. Don't feel cramps but I get indigestion after every meal. So uncomfortable
