IVF/ICSI Support Group


I am going for FET next week. May I know what food is good to increase uterine lining and can I continue to take royal jelly and conceive well?

Hi Hazel,
Finally I'm starting my Lucrin jab on 11Sep after a long wait. May I know wat r the DO & DON'T dat i shld observe during my cycle?

1) When should I start eating egg white?
2) When should I start to drink immunocal?
3) Can I start my accupunture with Dr Zou now? I've yet to go see her.
4) I check with nurse can I continue exercising during Lucrin stage & she says OK. Is it true?

Hi Sistas,
I'm with HH Tan - KKH...Anyone here under him too?

Here is the website for the singapore distributor. I heard they deliver if u buy 2 box or more. U can call them to find out more. I soak with soap powder also no use.

I forgot to use pantyliner and it's now very difficult to wash away the waxy stain on my panties and shorts too. Any special idea to wash it away??
Jessica: You can actually go to OG at Rochor Road Level2, Supplements area and get Immunocal from the cashier. Get basic Immunocal (not the Immunocal Platinum). $100 for a box of 30. Otherwise you can call 62818229 to request for delivery. less than 2 boxes of purchase, you got to pay $10 delivery charges. They are increasing the price after 15 Sep. I am gearing towards the ER now and on a daily basis, i am taking 3 egg whites in the morning, chicken essence (1 bottle), 1-2 pouches of Immunocal, supplements as well as TCM. For Immunocal, you have to have a shaker to mix easily. Lots of foam.

Tahope: I just eat everything as normal when i started my cycle from begining but once i started my stimulation regime, i cut spicy, sour and cold food. Take more fish and drink more water. Fresh fruit juice without ice is good too. As for accu, i also started on alternate day basis once the stimulation jabs started. So far slight bloating but you get tired more easily so rest more... it is hard not to be nervous and some days you will feel down, tired with the jabs, but talk to someone bout it or come into forum to just talk it out so that you will feel better. It is important to have a support system going through the cycle.
Hi VyVy,
Great to hv another cycle buddy! I've got a prince age 2. Me confirm going for retrieval on Tue. Did all my admission stuff already. Will be doing replacement on fri. Let's spend the next few weeks sharing tog & with the rest here!

Thanks Enig! Really brave of you! Me still no courage to do accupunture.... Jiayou! Ur efforts will pay off!
Good morning sisters!

Joy & Faith, so you take manuka honey when you're pregnant?

I didn't see a doctor for my flu. Just slept a lot yesterday. And when I felt better last evening, I went out. :S Then I kept sneezing again and didn't feel well again.

Today, I feel something very different about my body. I didn't wake up in the middle of my sleep to pee. I woke up at 7+ and I don't feel tired and sleepy like the past few days. I am worried something has happened to my embbies!
Hi siblinghopes, just finished 2nd scan, ER scheduled on wed. But my biggest follicle is already 18.5 mm, but some are still small. Total 17, but maybe 8 will mature according to dr. What's your count?

Geminy, so when is your ER?
Tahope, there is a long list to dos and donts. Search thru the archive of this link. I nv follow strictly. First fresh cycle I avoided cold drinks, chicken, egg white, red dates with longan drink daily n soya milk. Lining was 14mm at last scan before ER. FET I nv bother, everything per normal. 2nd fresh cycle, I tooK chicken essence during stimulation stage daily as the nurse told me can increase follicle counts. Dr put me on extra injection during stimulation stage too. But no of egg retrieved same as last fresh n quality of embers deteroriated somemore. Our age is v impt. I m 2 yrs old now and close to 40. I didn't take egg white or other stuff in 2nd fresh. Lining was 11.5mm at ET. Cold stuff i reduced too. All 3 I bfp, no live births in first 2 pregnancy.

Egg white n immuncal can start at Lucrin stage. Up the intake at stimulation. They r supposed to increase follicle count n reduce ohss. As for exercise, yes can continue now. But stop when stimulation starts. Accupuncture can also start. For me I nv do.

Must hv faith we Will succeed. Don't hv to be too bothered by the dos n donts. Do what u deem fit. Any of the day, dun stress yourself. That's the most impt.
Got a question: May I know when can we do pap smear or totally cannot. Then at which stage of pregnancy can do pap smear? Or until delivery then can do? Believe now can't do else hurt the embby/ baby.
Gals, thanks for all the quanlity information provided, really appreciate..

Hazel, u mean we can't exercise at all during stimulation (ie when we start to inject Puregon)? Not even jogging or gym exercise?

JoynFaith, thanks for your remedy, i felt better this morning when i wake up, throat not so dry & pain. Can i drink manuka honey cos heard it's good for curing sore throat?

Enigmaysl, do i have to start drinking chicken essence now (i'm currently injecting Lucrin daily now, will start Puregon next week)?
Jessica: Hope u feel better soon. How are you doing with the Lucrin jabs? I had in total 10 days of Suprefact before i started on Puregon 150IU a day and reduced superfact to 20cc. How is your dosage gonna be? I started to be more health conscious once stimulation started as need to ensure quality of eggs is enhanced. are you taking any supplements or consulting any TCM?
Jessica, no jogging. Your ovularies are stimulated so dun stress them furher...some start to feel bloated also so dun add on to the discomfort. Light exercise like brisk walking or swimming r fine. anyhow at your own comfort level. Every one reacts differently to stimulants.

Swimming is a gd form of exercise during pregnancy after it is cleared by the dr to start. The support from the water reduces the impact of exercise n helps to improve muscle aches n leg cramps.
Dun do pap smear after pregnant. Is not a matter of harming embies or bb. Our cervix cells changes due to hormone changes after pregnancy. Pap smear results r not accurate at all. Do after delivery. Usu 6 wks after when u visit ur gynae for post delivery check up.
Ocean, not sure on Royal Jelly but you can continue Conceive Well after ET (told by DR).

Tanny, after a few wash, the waxy will go off. Hope the girls have other method for you.

Koirc, sorry I'm not pregnant and hope to have one soon, hence I can't give you an answer.

Jessica, no strenuous and abdominal exercise. And no leg lifting such as shoulder/ head stand in yoga pose before ER. No swimming temporarily to ensure your womb won't be infected by the swimming pool water before ER.

Salt is to kill germs and it's an old remedy. Keke... cheap and effective before your throat gets worsen. Do take note of your food and you won't fall sick easily. Yes for manuka honey but take it moderate cos' a bit cooling. My TCM Dr told me to drink when I feel my body heaty. A teaspoon is all right. Or drink chrysanthemum tea also can.

Hi. Can't join you & siblinghopes as cycle buddies as my cycle is aborted.

All the best to you and siblinghopes for your ER and ET.
V sian. Everytime I see doc for scan I took it as leave or mc. I think my mc and annual leave going to be busted very soon. It's now only 3rd quarter. My boss says if it's usual sickness like flu, is ok to take time off to see doc. But for my this thing (yes she knows it's ivf and is supportive of it, she say), however she wants me to take leave or mc cos it will be too frequent as time off; unjustiable. Sianz lor.. No choice i just take until no more than become unpaid leave. My Dept also different standards. Same Dept but another boss allow her staff to take time off for dr apptm and therafter she was on 2 months hosp leave then. I just wished my boss can be more accommodating lah... During this time when I'm on Mc or hosp leave, I also bring my notebook to work from home. Like unappreciated like that..... Sorry for this long post; I just wanted to pour this out......
Tanny, wat time do u Start work? If u r with KKH, be there at 730am latest n be the first one to scan n see duty dr at 8am n 830am respectively. U can be in office latest 10am. Y need to take leave/mc. Just say u go see dr, in abit late. It is not that frequent anyway.
hazel : i start work at 830. that time i din know kk open at 730. mine is quite frequent - for my this short cycle, i had my scans daily prob because of the public holiday n long weekend. my co dont have things like time off, so if u're come in late, u're late - ok to late once a while, but not late regularly.

she tell me when she preggy, she also take leave to go for her scans etc. after this, now i tell myself to be smarter, no need to say the true reason - just say surgery will do. thats the difference between medical reason and non-medical reason (ivf by choice) = to her, this is not a medical reason. i just hope this time will be bfp. if not.. sianz.. cos she is going to give birth soon, going on maternity soon. for the next 4 mths, if i need to go for fet/ fresh, must tell a new person again (the stand in boss)? i dont think she can approve to let me go on leave when she is in her 4 months. haaa. actually for HL, no need approval one! but annual leave must.
anyone use inserts? do u find that pushing them into the v funny - i use utrogestan - it can move from left to centre. sometimes from centre to right? i find its very weird.. i tot it can only be pushed from the centre deep deep in. but push halfway a bit, it can go left wards. then i start to think about v scans - when the sonographer need the left ovary, she push to the left, and push to the right when she need the right ovary readings. i wonder my insert is stuck at the wrong left area. i psuh halfway it goes left left left.. seem like cannot return back to centre already.

btw, another boss in the same dept (our dept has 2 bosses (supervisor)) sent a mass email to everyone in my dept saying im on MC. guess everyone maybe very kaypo/asking around now.
Hi Geminy,
Hope u r fine. It's impt to take care of urself during this period too. Guess ur gynae wants to give a better chance to ur cycle hence the delay. Stay ard this forum. Lots of support fr me & the rest of the ladies!)
Siblinghopes: Hope you have a smooth ER next week. btw do you have to do the trigger shot yourself? I just seen Prof today have have another round of scans on Monday, Wenesday and then i reckon will be my turn to trigger the last shot. Thanks encouragement on accu. sometimes i dread the idea but i think it helps though...
Hi Fatefully,

Yes! During ohss, I was bloated until I couldn't stand properly! In the end I was admitted to hospital. But I noticed even in the hospital, there was nothing much they could do... so, as what other sisters advised, you shd:
1. Drink 3 litres of fluid (need not be plain water, u can take other drinks or soup). I know it's hard, in hospital I literally drank half a cup every half an hour, couldn't manage one whole cup at one go. You must not get dehydrated.
The nurses in the hospital had to monitor my liquid intake and urine output. Only after they were balanced, I could be discharged. I noticed my urine changed from dark yellow (when I got admitted) to very light yellow (when I got discharged).
2. Eat up to 8 egg whites per day.
3. Drink Gatorade Perform (no gas). My hubby bought ard 30 bottles.. cleared stock @ NTUC.
4. Eat in small portion, otherwise u would feel more bloated..
5. When sleeping, if difficult to lie flat, use pillows to prop u up.

But like what my doc told me, if it becomes painful, pls go to hospital. Uncomfortable is ok, but painful is not.. take care!
Tanny, I havent start my ivf process. Work,$,time make me really need to think abt that seriously. I was telling my DH, if I strike toto I will resign and stay at home for baby. Too bad no luck!

My company is at changi coast road. So even harder for me. Sigh!
Hi moo3moo,
Thanks for ur info. I hv feeling uncomfy but not pain. It only the nausea part which make me feel uneasy. I hv been trying to drink lots of fluid but too much will make my tummy feel bloated and hard and sometime it make me feel breathless. Since now I am on my 2ww, I didn't even rem I hv the embbies inside me cos I am bother by the bloatness I hv nw. I try to eat wa I should but it hard.

Then what happen after u admit? Hw long ur bloated subside and hw do u do it?
Tanny, at least u are doing IVF. My boss ask me to delay coz is my peak. To them, this is a choice matter not medical surgery, so not impt to them. What's wrong to ask you wait some more. They will not understand how long we waited and hated the waiting game.
Faithfully, how many days post ET are u now? Passed 7-8 days already? If so, bloating is a gd sign. Bloat all the way to BT, bfp n it will continue for a while. Bear with it!
Enigmaysl, i'm injecting 10 unit of Lucrin for 28 days, felt bloated & very tempermental.. I will start Puregon next week, my gynae said he would want me to take ard 300IU of Puregon a day.. I'm wondering will that be very high, whether i can take it cos i'm already very bloated now, hope it won't cause any OHSS, very worry.. I have yet to start any supplement, just the multivitamin & folic acid prescribed by my gynae.. I might go to see TCM which recommended by JoynFaith & most of the gals here, hope it will help me to ease my discomfort.. Btw, when r u doing your ER

Hazel, i will stop jogging & gym exercise then, still thinking to go aerobics or yoga, din know all these will add stress to my body.. Thanks for enlightening me..
Vyvy, siblinghopes,

Thank you so much for the concern. In short for my case: too little follicles, uneven size and may not even have any for ET.

I have not give up. Will see doc and discuss with him further. I love this forum and will definitely hang around.
JoynFaith, that means i can't exercise at all, will become a really big fat woman soon, hahaha.. Dunno why my taste changed recently, begin to like fried food, guess that is why i got sore throat, will refrain from all these stuff otherwise i will fall sick again.. I love chrysanthemum tea, but dunno how to brew it, hahaha.. can teach me? Btw, do u know how's the taste of immunocal?
Immunocal is tasteless. So, u can mix in your fav drink (non-cafine) & drink! Lucrin is to suppress certain hormones, shldnt cause bloatedness.. Mood swing for some yes. Better inform your dr b4 start of puregon... Coz it will get worse after puregon.. Dosage of puregon is dependent on age. Older usu higher dosage.
Jessica, haha... it's worth a little while with no exercise if you want to maximum the chance of conceiving. I do simple stretching like flexing my fingers, arm, stretch arm and neck rotation on bed when I wake up. If you know yoga alternate breathing, you can proceed with it one set in the morning and the other set before sleep. You can go for brisk walk too if not a scroll walk is good.

Sorry, I've never taken Immunocal but Hazel has shared it here. She has explained on your change of your taste bud too so I shall not further evaluate. Maybe you can change to grill food (healthier) instead of deep fried food (bad for blood circulation) if you've the urge. I'm not sure about your current stage how many chrysanthemum to take. Last time, I took five of them (white) soak in hot water for 15 mins and consume. You can repeat it one/ two more times until taste fade. If you are taking the yellow ones, you need to boil them maybe at least 15-20mins.
Hazel, i think i have always have this problem of bloatedness cos of my gastric issue, that's why when i took these injection (esp Puregon), they will make my condition worse..

JoynFaith, exercise on bed will make me feel sleepy again, i will go to sleep instead of flexing myself, but of course with breathing lah, hahaha.. Pardon for my ignorant, i only know there's yellow chrysanthemum, din know there's also white ones, how's the taste & effect, same as yellow ones?
Usagi : I told them I planned this v long and I have reached my turn in the waiting list and dont want to delay. Moreover hhey know my age so they also dont dare to ask me to reschedule too long. I planned it in my non peak period though. Hmmm... can u plan it around yr non peak?
Hi Joynfaith, just have to drink more water as advised by the sisters here. Will help to ease the bloatedness. Hope you will bfp!

Tanny - hope you will bfp this time. Then don't need to keep explaining why you need to be away.
My menses cycle somehow gone haywire after my failed second ivf attempt, bfn on 7 aug. Then the menses flow was not heavy and lasted longer than usual after that. Today is already 11 Sep, no signs of it coming. I wonder if it's the hormonal jabs which i took earliewr as I was on daily progestrone jabs. Coz I did not have this issue for the first IVF attempt and the only difference between the 1st and 2nd ivf was the daily progestrone jabs. Anyone has this experience?

Seeing sinseh (dr chen qiumei) now and brew herbs lor and do accupressure massage once a week now to tiao body. Hope will have better chance at the next FET.
Hi Fatefully, a few days after ET I was feeling bloated & breathless even when I talked. Weight increase ard 2-3kg. I was taking pregnyl jab, 1000 units every 3 days. When I was hospitalized, my doc told me to stop the pregnyl jab coz it might be making my bloatedness worse and changed to daily progesterone injection until BT. Doc also gave Gaviscon liquid to ease heartburn and acid indigestion coz I initially had them. My bloatedness eased after 1.5wks, after taking lots of liquid & egg whites. My ovaries were enlarged, so I felt pain if I tried to sleep sideways. Only last week the pain started to go away..

I was bfp, hcg level 112, but the hcg increase was too slow and finally stagnant at ard 260~290 for ard 3 wks. No bleeding or pain, so my doc prescribed me misoprostol tablet. Just took yest, AF just started this morning.

Pls continue drinking and eating in small portion, but much more frequently..
Thanks snoopy69.

Those who r u kkh, the indication stated on yr Hsg or pelvis ultrasound scan - is that the diagnosis? Dr nvr go thru with me yet.

Moo3moo: oh no, pls rest well and get better soon. Hugs hugs.
Moo3moo, take care gal. You will need to drink more water these few days and 'tiao' your body for next one. I also took Misoproscol tablet, was heavy bleeding for two days, then just spotting for next four days. Now totally gone back to normal, even tummy also no more.

Ladies, anyone going for FET end of Oct? Do we need to keep taking folic acid now till next month? Dr Loh didn't prescribe this pills to me the last time I saw him last week. But I understand that we will need to take this pills 3 months before bfp. Thanks Gals.
Hi Enig,
Yes, doing the trigger jab on Mon on my own...

Not as lucky as manny of the ladies here. Last checked I've got 8 growing follicles, approx 2x 17mm, 16mm, 2x 14mm, and so on.. Can't do blastocyst transfer coz it'll be the wkend and dr's not ard... Well I'm just upset coz I was hoping to spend another wkend with my elder boy.. Mon transfer wld be ideal... Didn't share with anyone hence got to manage on my own & hubby suggesting to bring boy to my parents place to play since he's always there on weekdays.. Hubby say will only bring him back in the evening... Oh how I miss him....
hi gals,

am trying naturally while waiting for my next cycle.

i rem someone posted a link on v cheap ovaluation test strips and pregnancy test strips.

can share the link?
