IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Sunbelle, not to worry you can have your baby. I also went for lapro when I was just 21. Had severe pain and hospitalised found out I had cysts at both ovaries (dermoid and endo). My gynae told me to quickly married and have children but then marriage things cannot be forced and I ended up getting married at 30.

For the first 2 years I tried to get pregnant naturally, but failed. So I tried IUI and failed. Next I tried IVF. 1st cycle I got blighted ovum, found about that during New Year's eve. Quite heartbroken. But I tried again 6 mths later for 2nd fresh cycle. And Thank God I gave birth to a baby boy who is now 2 years old.

Last year I went for FET, I tested +ve, but sadly after 4 mths later I have to abort it coz my baby didn't develop well. This time will be my 3rd cycle and my last cycle to use CPF. So let us all "jia you" together!

Tzac, peko, hope, hopeful, imel, sunbelle,& other girls: thanks for the wishes. I was just tested positive with bhcg of 400, not very high i guess as some sisters here got 1000 but i hope the number will multiply. I can't stop smiling today but i know the journey is still long and have to still be cautious. I hope the baby dust keeps on spreading to all other sisters!! Tzac, the next one will be you this wed!

Hope, good luck on your upcoming FET. What's the difference between natural and medicated FET? Great that they will waive ET fee!!

Imel, ocean, sisi, hopeful, sunbelle, moomoo, ron, rest well during your 2ww and wish you all luck and baby dust!!

Ziah, don't lose hope as the others have said, most important is quality and not quantity. I hope you will have good quality eggs by this fri ER! Be strong, we are here for you;)
Hi Ziah,

Not to worry. In my 2nd cycle, the doctor gave me low dosage of puregon and when I went for scan, they only found 4 small follicles. At first they want to abort it to change to IUI instead. But I insist on having IVF. And with few follicles that they collected, I got pregnant and give birth to a baby boy. Have faith!
ashley, congrats n catching all ur bb dust. i think the hcg level not too bad. take care and enjoy the journey....when is your next scan?

me really scared of the BT leh as scared result does not tie in with the hpt....sure hope i can be the next one to spread the bb dust :)
Congrats Ashley on your good news
very very happy for u. Tzac, you will be next.
Hi Hazel,
Thank you very much for sharing. Yeah we also know mus resolve root of problem thus we also approach dr Loh for second opinion. He din mention much but to put on suppression jab first. yo, I m also hoping n praying that the embryos will stick at a good Feng Shui Place hahaha
then their journey will be smooth thru out the 9 months
Hi Ziah Lo,

Dun be too upset. Remember we just need one good egg. I have always believe in life, there are miracles. To me, babies are beautiful miracles. Let your gynae guide you cos he/she mus have seen lots of cases n aware of the situation.
u can go for the initial oscar test first to see how's the risk ratio... if not satisfactory then u can consider going for amniotic test or some mummies i know went to camden medical centre for further detailed scan...

like wat the rest said... u just need 1 embie to stick to you.... we doing all these (IUI, IVF, surgeries, etc) to increase our chances of conceiving... at least we are more proactive... so i believe somehow we will be rewarded for our hard work someday...
Hi Hopeful283,

How much is the ET charges huh?

Hi Hopeful,

The unit few floors beneath my level oso renovating. What I did is on the room aircon n sleep or watch tv haha...think the most xiong part of hacking is over Liao haha. Last week that part is irriating heheee

Hi Imel Cheung,

Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I totally agreed marriage tin cannot be forced n depends on fate. Whom din wan to get married at a young age to a good hubby heheee? Guess we jus straight away launched our "new project" after wedding dinner project is completed haha
wow your own decision in having ivf resulted in a baby boy
great move.

Hi ladies whm BFP, can you share with us whether do u really bedrest all the way for 2 WW huh? Hehe n eating habits? Do u gals nap a lot huh? Ashley, you are our latest n fresh from oven graduate leh
share share huh? Hope to catch your baby dust too
Hi Eskimobaby,

Clap clap ... Fully agreed with what you said...with all the hard work that we put in, there will be lots of positive results like we do gain lots of knowledge which we k share with people whom are also trying
No need bedrest but more of like lazing around... Doing things u like... Relaxing... but no going on shopping sprees but going out with hubby for dinner once a while is ok... basically just relax
Ashle, congrats! Thanks for the bb dust!

Ziah, all the best for ur ER this fri! Be positive, continue ur protein intake for the follicles' growth & rest well.

Ha.. just had spotting this morning. One spot, enuff to scare me. Slept the whole afternoon to ensure my embryos still wanna stay inside me. This morning my bbt dropped to baseline. Wa... ! Hope it would increase tomorrow, so tt I can take it as implantation dip..

Wow, I just realized how knowledgeable some ladies like Hazel and Ron are. I feel so ignorant.. must up my knowledge & learn from all of u during this journey
Candem clinic for detailed scan at 14 wks is:
Antenatal Diagnostic Centre and Women Clinic
#06-07/08 tel: 6333 8621
Dr Chinnaiya Anandakumar

Those with high DS risk will go see dr Ananda as ammoi amniocentsis test carry a 2% miscarriage risk.
Congrats Ashley!!!! Yr bhcg of 400 is considered quite good! Hehe mine was lower, but like you said, it will definitely multiply nicely every 48 hrs!
Moomoo don't worry Hazel, Ron and Bbliss will not abandon us here, right? ;) we constantly need their knowledge!! For me, i don't have much knowledge but can only give support;) don't worry so much about spotting, a few of us had that too!

Thanks everyone, i think luck plays a part cos actually i did not really eat/drink those nutritious stuffs (cos i had no idea, until i joined this forum! Haha..) i just tried to relax, think that is most important..

Sarah, thanks.. I am new to IVF, this is my first cycle. Just to share:
29jun d21 injection suprefact/buserilin 50ml
12jul d1 injection suprefact/buserilin 20ml, puregon 150iu
16jul d5 ultrasound, blood test, injection suprefact/buserilin 20ml, puregon 100iu (lower dosage due to ohss)
19jul d8 ultrasound, blood test
22jul d11 ultrasound, blood test
23jul last injection, night ovidrel 500mg
25jul egg/oocyte retrieval (OR), antibiotic, crinone progesteron gel 2x/day, dostinex (ovarian hyperstimulation)
Result: 13eggs -> 11matured -> 5 fertilized/embryo
28jul embryo replacement (ER) 2embryo. 3embryo frozen.
8aug blood test bfp;) bhcg 400
1. Proluton (oil-based injection at the backside ;( need to be done by GP 2x/week)
2. Pregnyl (tummy injection 2x/week)
3. Duphaston
4. Floron (iron supplement)
5. Folic acid
6. Crinone (progesteron insert, 1x/day)

Doc said No: caffeine, alcohol, raw meat, unripe fruit, cosmetic which contains retinol

Tzac, stay positive! (in mind and in BT ;)

Sunbelle, For me i tried to rest in the couch whole day during 2ww, i didn't dare to go out - afraid of walking too much, but maybe i was just being so kiasu. I did not really nap, unless i feel like it. I also had a lot of support from my mum who came just to ensure i have food at home. She prepared simple dishes like stewed beef, grilled fish, nothing extraordinary, some are even not so healthy. We are not very familiar with healthy chinese herbs.. But she gave me 2 portions of veggie and i also took at least 2 servings of fruits. Of course we don't want cooling fruits like pineapple, banana, watermelon.. I normally have apple, papaya, kiwi.. It's to help my terrible constipation, more than anything else!
Hi Eskimobaby,

Yeah think take it easy n do nothing is the best hahaaa..I din noe I can sleep so much haha n eat so much. But always felt bloated even if eat same portion for a meal.

Hi Ashley, thank you so much for sharing
yeah rest well. Are u still on medical leave to rest or goin back work huh?

Hi Moo3Moo,

Have more rest. N take things slowly. I think I m becoming round n round after nuaning heheee
Hi Ashley, Congrats! You just graduate from primary school and the number is good. But remember you still need to take care, as there are more exams to go thru. Jia You

Hi Sunbelle, for my 2 ww, I watch TV, do cross sticthing. Walk here and there for good blood circulation. EAting wise, just like Ashley said, dun eat something raw and dun eat fruits that are too "liang". I dun really eat chinese herbs coz I dunno whether it is ok or not. I just drink more chicken soup.
Ashley, Congratulations! Thanks for your information and bbdust.

Imel, thanks for your advice.

For those who has very bad bloatedness like me (looks like a 4 month preggy) due to mild OHSS, you can try the following:
1. Drink 2 litres of fluid per day. (I go for warm water since I got scared drinking room temperature water after 4 days).
2. Gatorade Perform (Seen from oversea forum) - Bought from Cold Storage; Maybe can drink 100plus if you can't find.
3. Egg White
Note: No orange juice as advise from nurse because it will create wind and make you more bloated.

My bloatedness lasted for 6 days and went off. Somehow Gatorade Perform drink and warm water helped in clearing the bloatedness faster. I'm glad I can walk around actively now.

Sunbelle, I did put on 300g since started the cycle until ET. I did not measure during the bloatedness period since I was so tired and mostly laying on bed. But I weighed 400g less on the day when bloatedness went off. My weight continued to decline until today it picked up by 300g. I guess weight gain is due to the fluid in the follicles that cause the bloatedness, hence as the follicles start to shrink back to its original size, our weight will decrease. As for me could be eating very little during 6 days of bloatedness so I lose weight. After that, my diet is back to normal and now the weight starts to pick up. Will monitor again tomorrow.
Hi moo3moo - I wish for you and all the sisters here hopefully strike bpf first try & have am uneventful pregnancy. Sometimes blur blur and pass the 9 months pregnancy into motherhood is better. At the rate I am going with my cycles, I may be here in this forum for a long time
Hi Ashley, congrats on your BFP. Can graduate to the next step liao!

Tzac all the best on your BT!

I am back to work tdy. Lots to catch up after 2 weeks.
Imel, yes dr ananda is good n v nice. He gave me a gd lesson of DS kids when he knows we are concerned as my DS risk per KKH was High.

But sometimes is also one's fate n destiny. I went to him for 14 wks detailed scan for my first pregnancy. All was good. He was also v accurate in predicting the gender. But my girl's heart beat stopped a few wks later. My gynae run tests on her placenta n all was well. She was perfectly normal. Which tally with dr ananda's detailed review of the bb n her organs.

This incident made me realized that if something is meant to happen, it will happen no matter how gd my results or scans are. Is God's will and being mortals we are helpless....
My big boss's wife has high DS risk for her 2 kids. She Cried n cried. My big boss told me they can only pray coz it took them 7 yrs before first kid came. N the 2nd one, another 4 yrs later. He accepted the risks n treasure wat God has granted him. He didn't let his wife do further tests. Both kids are normal n pretty!

Whether we are trying to conceive, or already pregnant, we can nv control the outcome. We just Need to have faith in the God we believe in. Bad results may not be as bad as we think. Good results may turn otherwise too. Nothing is for sure until we reach the finishing line.
Hi Hazel, really feel so helpless when trying to have even one kid. It's like we are doing all we can, but not even near the finishing line. Me thinking of seeing TCM again. My ex colleague recently pregnant after 5 IUI try. Also asked me to try her massage lady. So I may try see can help my next FET or not.
Hi moomoo and BNB!

So nice to hear from you both. How are you both? Am at d7pd5t, none to freeze, struggling to believe it won't be a brick wall again. Preparing for the worst, hoping (very hard!) for the best. So much easier said than done tho'
Tzac, my next check-up is on 26aug. Yours shouldn't be too far apart as your ET day actually only 3days earlier than mine. Good luck for wed BT!

Sunbelle, i quit my work 2 weeks ago just before my ER/ET procedure. Just don't want all the stress at work, also thought it's time to change job after 4yrs!

Good night everyone..
Hi Ashley, thousands of congrats! Now is the start of stage 2 of our dream.. Take care and rest well!! *envious*

Hi Sunbelle, I went to my parent's place instead. i scared all the drilling will upset my embbies.. hahaha.. Paranoid, but what to do? They need a condusive env. I cant bedrest the whole day. it makes me very weak. The moment I try to stand up to walk to toilet, I will feel giddy. I scared..

Hi Moo3moo, you are taking BBT? I dont dare to do it anymore after my 3 failed IUIs. Too stressful already.. Kudos to you!

Hi Whitetiger, I bought the organic eggs from NTUC. I think its Chew brnad. Cost ard $3.50 for 10 eggs. BIG ones. So be mentally prepared..
Ron 会的,next will be our turn and move on to next stage, how many have you transfer this time? Fresh or FET? When is your bt? BB dusts to us!!!!
Ashley, congrats! Dun read too much about numbers. But you are most likely expecting a singleton. *wink*

Ziah lo, I strike on my 1st Soiui but MC on Oct 6, 2009. Tried 2nd soiui in feb 10.... 4 doctors from KKH counselled me to abort my cycle as I was already on 200iu and the eggs were not growing. I insisted and saw Dr Loh - told him I understand the risks and ready for IVF if too many eggs are stimulated. So I continued with puregon and ate plenty of egg whites. When I return to KKH for nex scan, too many eggs were stimulated as a result and was converted to IVF straightaway. 13 eggs were retrieved. 5 matured. 2 transferred and 1 precious was implanted. Now she's 7months old.

Have faith and believe in your god. Miracles will happen if you believe in them.
Hi ashley, sorry but r u with kk?

Finally BT tomolo...mixed feelings....

Thanks snoopy69, Ashley n all for your luck :)
Ashley, congratulations, collecting bb dusts, have a smooth 9mths pregnancy..

itzac, all the best for your BT tomorrow, may i know when do you start to test hpt with +ve? Seeing faint or dark at first? Are you from kkh also? Rest well for today before your excitement on tomorrow. Awaiting to collect your bb dusts too..

Moo3 and those who are also in 2ww, enjoy your 2ww, next will be your turn. Good luck!!
Hi moomoo,

I used hpt on d12 counting er as d0. Those internet hpts lines do not seem to darken leh but the line appear faster compared to when i first test on d12. Today tried the watson brand n line is really darker. Hope my BT gives me gd news. Yup, with kk. What abt u?
Tzac, i'm not with kk, am with glen e.. Don't worry you will pass the 'exam' tomorrow!

Just faith, thanks. Did you mean low bhcg normally gives you singleton, and high bchg gives you twins? I'm not to sure what the number actually means.

Hopeful, moomoo, soon will be your turn!

Snoopy, don't lose hope. Just prepare yourself for the FET and hope you will strike this time!
Tzac, congratsss..you tested so early with +ve, very high you might get twins..woohoo...so happy for you!!!

Ashley, look at all the support you have after bfp, can tell you are under pte hospital...hehe...be more kiasu also good..
Moomoo thxs, really? Din knw hving twins mean able to get positive early. Me only hope once confirmed tomolo, it is a smooth journey.

Ashley, ic so u taking any medication now?
Tzac yes doc gave me all these:
1. Proluton (oil-based injection at the backside ;( need to be done by GP 2x/week) mon/thurs
2. Pregnyl (tummy injection 2x/week) tues/fri
3. Duphaston 
4. Floron (iron supplement) 
5. Folic acid 
6. Crinone (progesteron insert, 1x/day)
Wow ashley, still need so many injections? How long u need to take these? My god! Daily progesterone jab already made my bums super pain liao. Mayb tats the difference btw pte n kk as dun think kk has any more injections after bfp
Hello all Sis, Happy National Day. Anyone going to watch the fireworks later on?
I m so bored at home..
So decided to go bk to work tml, dun wori will not stress myself too much. Promise to take care n most importantly kept telling myself not to scold ppl.. Haha

Btw egg whites really helps my bloatness, tks to all the sister here for sharing.
Hi Ashley, My God your doc gave u so much things to eat. Last time my doctor (at KK) only gave me folic acid and progesterone (insertion) for 1month. Then after 1 month no more progesterone, only folic acid to eat for 4 months because he said my morning sickness was very severe. Only after 4 months he start gave me other supplements to eat.

Hi Tzac, hahaha same feeling about the daily progesterone jab. My God that time the doctor jab me at the centre of my butt, make me so pain to sit. But Tzac I do agree with you that the doctor in KK did not gave any injection after BFP. My 1st IVF cycle I went to pte and same as AShley I had lots of things to eat and inject.

Actually, there is no need to take all these support is pregnancy is normal n healthy, ie no spotting issue. Those pregnant naturally dun take these support other than folic acid. But ivf patients take coz drs wan to support the pregnancy as ours are ivf m not natural process.

Is nv good to drown yourself with so much hormones medicine. KKH will give the minimum n increase when need be when the body dun produce enough. End of the day, viability of the pregnancy is not just hormones level. The embyro plays an impt part. If embyro is no gd, how much support one takes also no use. Worse still, the body will be under the impression that embyro is ok.

I m not trying to be negative. Just trying to be factual. If not those sisters which little support may start panicking when they read that some are on so much support n why they didn't.
