IVF/ICSI Support Group

Can I start taking protein now, one week prior to the stimulation stage puregeon?

Anyone also in a delimna whether to put 2 or 3 eggs? Me too. I'm prepared for twins or triplets; but I believe chances of triplets is quite low unless I'm so very lucky. Why I wan to put in 3 is because of the higher probability. When I suggested 3, dr Loh says put 2 per time. My hubby says prefer to use the grant of 3k and if put 3 chances of complications from twins is much higher ie premature birth etc..

Tanny - can start EW no problem. dont mind me asking your age? Since this is your first transfer, why don't try put 2 first as You may strike first time, then no more issue. Multiples, ESP triplets, got high pregnancy issues. Balance embbies can use for bb#2 in FET cycle. That's why it's usually only recommended fo older & women with multiple cycle failures as there is evidence probability of ivf success is lower. Better to have safe pregnancy, eventho now we just want to get that bpf. Just my thots.
Hi all Sis , juz bk fm ET n transfer 3 embies, I decided to forgo the govt co funds as all embies are healthy. So doc suggest to put all 3 since this is my 2nd ivf.

My stomach are bloated, taking egg White will help?

Snoopy69, dun gv up, I failed my 1st ivf and I start taking lots of supplements 2 mths ago to prepare for this ivf. Now my eggs quality are better than the previous time. So happy n hopefully can succeed
Ron- im35, and my first ivf. I tot might as well go for 3 while I still hv the chance to. Next time oct no more...Maybe I wait n see how he fertilisation goes... If 3 then put 3. If only 2 fertilized then no need to think so much..

Can we take triple fish oil with COQ10 50 mg? Or Coq 10 is good enough by itself? Btw what's immunocal platinum ? Better? Saw that this month got 20% off with any GNC purchase..
Hi Sisi, rest well for the nx 2 weeks.. Lets keep each other company. I am already starting to get bored on day 2.. =) Good that Dr Yu allowed u for put in 3 embbies. She advised me not to.. My last embryo shd be "thrown away" cux it is only an OK quality and they felt that there is no pt in freezing 1..

Trying eating egg white and drinking h2O. It may help with the bloating..
Hi Ziah lo,

Mi oso got endo. Let jia you together

Hi skyehope,

I have exactly the same health condition with endo n adeyonomosis. Which doc u seeing at mount E huh? I have tried lots of way to resolve the adeyomosis but still have . How about u huh? Din went to go thru the c-section of taking it out. can share with me which are the doctors n your experience huh?

Just to share good news with you that one lady with our conditions gave birth to a healthy baby gal in march this year.
I really look up to her as my inspiration. congrats on your BFP!
Hi Ashley,

Thank you for your comforting words

Congrats Baby for your BFP!
hope all ladies here join u soon.

Bbliss, no worries, the pulling is a normal sensation is a good sign that the baby is growing

Moo3moo : guess is okie no matter is HL or own leave so long we feel relaxed throughout our journey to success
think not advisable to go exercise cos we shld be relaxing. Light walk should be okie.

SkyeHope : Fully agreed on your advices on exercise. when is your 6 week scan huh? So u staying in Singapore to focus on this project?
Hi Hopeful, don't worry as it is the quality that counts n not quantity. Normally doc will suggest to put only 2 embbies for 1st ivf. Previously a lady was pregnant only with 1 embbies, so dun wori too much.
You got a 14 days mc right? I got it fm the nurse but I am going bk to work on Wed. Feel so bored aft 3 day rest. I am going crazy....
Hi Jus Faith,

Your words are comforting

Jia you n good luck on your blood test tmrw
Ashley :
Have u try HPT huh?
Hi Hopeful, I also saw the cute cartoon in today's papers. So cute

Mi Lucky cos parents cme to keep me company for few days. Yeah do have the same feeling as you. Will start my books tmrw

Anyone play mahjong to while away time in 2WW huh?
Hi Sisi rest well during 2ww.. I know it can be quite boring to rest at home, but it's very important to relax during 2ww so just do your best;)

Sunbelle, thank you.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I haven't done any HPT cos i'm a coward chicken;) and also i don't have so many HPT like tzac;)
Hi Sisi, u going back to work on Wed? That fast? Take it slow at work ok?

Hi Sunbelle, I m also hitting books tmrw. Also starting a blog on my IVF story.. So that I can show to baby what we ve went thru..
Hi Sunbelle, Moo3moo n Sisi, how is ur appetite now? Are u able to eat well? I have been eating like a mouse n in btw meals, I will b 'mouth itchy' n start eating tidbits.

I feel very bad cux hubby took effort to cook healthy meals n I could only take half a bowl of rice..

Is this normal?
Hi Tanny - ic, it is a tough decision at this age. I'm 35 too. Hope It will be a peaceful decision when u r closer to ET.
Hi ladies, thanks for all ur advice! Will follow & rest well. At most walking ya, until the womb is stable. Baby, yes, my ET was last Friday. Will drink more water altho feel bloated..

Hi Tanny, complications due to premature birth is severe. My gf was away from work for almost 1 yr due to her twin preemies. I'm worried abt getting twins, let alone triplets. Pls consider carefully wif ur DH & doc ok.

Hi Hopeful, appetite is ok but I feel full easily after each meal so can't eat anything in between. Bloated all the way.. Ur DH cooks? Wow
Hi Zian Lo,

When I went for my checkup I was found with severe endo too. I also worry ab my IVF as it my 1st time doing it. Doc did say that my tube wasnt very gd too. But I hope it still can produce some eggs.

Let "JAI YOU" together!!!!
Sisi, please take more egg whites. It will help to reduce your bloatedness. After my ET last year, I increased my egg whites from 4 to 6, 6 to 8, then 8 to 10. Of course I take at different intervals in the day. My bloatedness was severe then. I felt like I was 3 month old preggy.

Why want to go back to work? Since u hv MC, why not idle at home n build more positive thoughts? Surf net, watch DVDs lah. Haha. I was kiasu - bed rest throughout my pregnancy.
Hi ashley , yeah boy i m super crazy hor hahaha. Can u believe it, the nurse told me able to do BT for me today when i went for jab but i declined n said will wait fot wed. Think me more scared of BT results ....... All the best to u!!
btw, i ask the Dumex online Careliner if it is necessary to take amniotic test for 1st trimester for 35 yrs old and above preggy mum? She says some clinics make it compulsory but some clinics make it optional? The amniotic test also can cause 2-3% miscarriage. Is it meant for those 35 yrs old & above?
Hello sisters!

How is everyone doing? Haven't been on this forum in a while and I see some new friends here.

I am going to start my natural cycle very soon. Going for scan this Wednesday... A little apprehensive... Still thinking if I should thaw partial or all of my embryos!
After my ET, I was very bloated and burp. Due to the bloatedness, I could not eat much. I had nausea and constipation too. All these gone after a few days. Is this normal? Does anyone has these experiences?

After the experiences disappearred, I'm left with burping after I eat something. The more worry thing is my weight is reducing but pick up today by a bit. Is this normal?
Hi JoynFaith, Yep its normal, I experience it too, I felt nausea and burp alot. I try to eat more egg white as it is said to help to reduce the bloatedness and also drink more water. Now is my 5th day after the ET. Not much symptoms just sometimes feel uncomfortable with my ovaries and still feel abit bloated after dinner. Not to worry dear. Just relax and Let God decide what best for us
Peko, Tzac, thanks i'm still in the hospital after BT this morning, went out for breakfast then came back to hospital. Cos just in case bfp, have to buy more progesteron inserts i guess. And i stay so far from hospital, so better wait here. BT result is not out yet, so nervous. It's like going for an exam that you cannot study to aim for good result. Just cannot do anything but hope for the best. If bfn i will ask doc when i can start FET.

Joynfaith,i had bloatedness n constipation too after ET, that is normal. I had nausea after ER mostly from the anaesthetic.
Hi Sunbelle - I've had painful periods for as long as I could remember. I still have my adenomyoma there (apparently all the nurses at the ivf centre remember me due to my larger than normal uterus!) as it's hard to completely remove, but basically I had c-section in 2004 to remove adenomyoma and endo cysts on both ovaries, but I my right ovary was more diseased. Hence both of my IVF cycles, my left side has always produced more better quality than my right. I did it at Mt E with Dr Loh Foo Hoe - then in 2009 I did a laparosomy with Dr Loh again as we were trying to get pregnant (been married for 5 years, tried for 2 years) At that time, I had just moved back from Melbourne to Malaysia, and doctors had recommended me to go for a laparoscomy (keyhole), try naturally for 6 mths, then pursue ivf if no success. So we started out ivf in 2010..

I really feel for women with our conditions as well as all those who have to go through fertility treatments...it seems like I have been in a constant battle with my periods forever! I don't think I will ever be able to get rid of my adeno, even Dr Loh (Mt E) who I must say, did a very good job, I healed very well and the scar is like non-existant now, was very realistic about the whole situation. My pain was just getting too much (I was 24 at that time) I was taking like 4-5 painkillers every month and it was getting in my way of life...

So now we've been on ivf for a year now. I think after the c-section, my periods definitely improved, but the pain started coming back after a year. But I could still manage it. Recently I went on some TCM for a few months and I think it may have helped thin out the menses more, but I got like a million pimples on my face : ( I also been exercising more, trying to eat more healthy and better lifestyle. Before I went for my c-section I was in uni, it was extremely unhealthy lifestyle...

Sunbelle and ziah lo, how have you been coping? I know the first time I started on lucrin and puregon, my bloatedness was really bad. Now second time around in May, it was much better as dr lower dosage a little and I think I was in much better health. My MIL from HK brought a lot of herbs and soups so I have been drinking that everyday. I think that may have helped a little as well? I'm not sure...

Good luck everyone!!!!
hi ashley, :) good luck and do pass me your bbdust once you have the good news.. so how long u will need to wait for the results.....i will be like u coming tis wed...
Hi Ashley, all the best hope to hear ++++!

Hi Skyehope, wow u r amazing, u went through so much hurdle and still stay positive.
Hi Fatefully, moo3moo, sunbelle, ashley and the rest of the sisters, thanks so much for the motivation and the kind words.

Came back from my last scanning and i have only 2 folicles that is of the rgt size. The remaining 4 are still too small.
Doctor said no point waiting for the 4 and decided to gamble with the 2. and gg to do my ER this fri.
i insisted to wait coz I said that at least if we wait i have more chance of having eggs in the 4 remaining folicles.
he said no point coz at the rate they are growing he thinks that they are not that too good a quality.
I had to put up a brave front and hold my tears coz i really dont want my dh to worry for me. He want me to stay positive. but as im writing and pouring out all this to you gals i cant help but to cry.

there is nothing much i can do from my end other than just praying and hoping there are good eggs in the 2 folicles.
i did ask the doctor what if tehre is none, she said then there wont be any embroy transfer..

I guess i have done and tried my best and all i can do is have faith.

Sorry for the long message coz i find that you gals would be in a better position to understand our situation..
Hi Skyehope,

Thank you so much for sharing with me. To be honest, I always dread the arrival of the time of the month cos the cramps can keep me awake at nights n broke out in cold sweat as well. I pop painkillers from 2 to 4 to 8 per day n realise that things are not right. Went lap n remove 2 cysts n found adeyomosis n endo too. Concieve after lap but MC. Later rested for one year tried SO-IUI but failed. Take TCM for so many years. Later got so tired of everything jus give up earlier this year n gt preggie again but MC again. Was very upset as I strike after signing the IVF consent forms.

I m trying the IVF method to help us to reduce the MC rate by selecting the best combination of eggs n sperm. I have visited Dr Fong yang whm have asked me to go for c-section to remove adeyonoma but after careful discussion, we decided not to after in consultation with chinese physicians.

What is the laparosomy that you jus did with dr Loh(mount E)?how did u get to know Dr Loh(mount E) huh? I have even visited the Chinese phyisician at ban Choon chan whom Also cannot resolve the adeyomosis condition. Was very very upset that time. Went to a support group in motherhood n realise that many ladies still go on to have heathly baby with our conditions. In fact I tot the best remedy is to have a baby n no mense for 9 mths will resolve our problem. Plus continue
Breastfeeding will stop menses too. Like you, we are married for 5 years liao.

Wish the journey ahead is smooth for all of us
Hi Ashley,

Can fully understand the anxiety that u are facing. Share with us here in this forum. Jia you!

Dear joy n faith, I had exactly the same symptoms as you. Then the bloatness went off.

Ladies, I got a shock when I weigh myself since nuttin to do. OMG! Extra 3 kg wow wow wow...do u all experience that huh? Is weight gain normal in IVF?
Hi ziah, hang in there. Usually the lead pack of follicles are the best ones, so trust your doctor. We only need one so wishing the best for you.

Keep taking your egg whites & hope some of the slower ones will mature by ER
hi ziah lo,

dun be sad....think positive but i know its easier said than done...your 2 follicles will be aboe to make it....jiayou jiayou.....
Thanks Ron and Tzac..
I will hang in there . i have faith and hope it will turn out fine.

Tzac Good luck for the BT this wed ok.. Jiayou !
Endo n edenomyosis n block tubes do not affect quality of eggs generally. The former 2 hinder implantation when the egg is fertilized. Depending on the severity of these 2 conditions & how much surface area in the womb they affect. Even if embyro is successfully implanted, if implanted on the affected areas, risk of MC is high. These conditions will thus hv to be resolved before trying to get pregnant. Even with ivf, it will not help if womb condition is not improved. So, the dr has to evaluate how seriously these 2 conditions based on detailed scan.TCM dr cant advice or help much at all. Of course the risk of laparscopy To resolve these conditions carry a risk of scarring the womb n will give rise to the same set of problems, ie implanation n risk of MC.

These 2 conditions will usually recur 6 mths after laparscopy. So, need to quickly get pregnant after that op.

We all need a healthy n clear womb to get a substainable pregnancy. Egg quality we can try to improve with food n tcm. But if wOMB has growth it usually has to be addressed first before trying to get preg. Of course there r women wiley these conditions who still get pregnant when the embyro dun implant at the affected areas of the womb.

My 2cents of sharing.
Ziah, your dr has made the right decision to proceed. If u wait longer, u can't be for sure the remaining follicles can catch up. But one thing for sure is that these 2 gd follicles will be scarified coz they will become too big n matured n cannot be used anymore. Who knows, these 2 follicles may be good ones?
Anybody aware if the twin-pack of Conceive well gold promotion still on? If so, which place?

I jst went around to nearby watson and Guardian, but dint find the twin pack.
Hi Ashley, remember to share your baby dust with us!!

Hi Ziah Lo, hang in there and stay positive.. The 2 follicles may produce good quality eggs and as all docs say: u only need 1 egg and 1 sperm.. I had plenty of eggs. But at the end of the day, I only had 2 for ET. None left even to be frozen. So its the quality that counts. Let us all let the negative thoughts get out of our heads and focus on the positive. Law of Attraction. We have all given our 200% and no regrets..
I went to KK last saturday. Dr.Loh advised me to wait for another menses before starting FET. So I will be starting my FET once I get my menses end of this month. He also suggested me to go for medicated fet. I asked him if I can try natural this month. He did a scan and was showing me that signs of ovulation is not found. He showed me the screen,but I cant figure out anything (so ignorant).

One good news, KK IVF centre agreed to waive of the ET charges for me for the FET. Although they initially tried to convince me for only ultrasound charges, I was persistent and asked them to waive of the ET fee. Finally they agreed.
Hi Ziah, 1 more thing. Not sure if it works. During my last scan before ER, they all expected only a max of 10 follicles. And only 4 are barely going to make it. ie ard the 16-17 mark. I decided to give myself 1 last shot and started to eat 4 organic eggs, 2 black chicken eggs and 2 "first born" eggs a day. Initially, my max was only 2 black chicken eggs and 1-2 "first born" egg. And surprisingly, on the ER day, they took out 25 egggs, of which 20 are >18. So I have a gut feel that it could be the organic eggs that helped the last push. Even the doc is puzzled and could not figure out why the sudden increase. In case this may work for u..
Hi hope283 - I can't find the twin pack in promo anymore but there is a 20% discount for national day promo at Guardian until 14 aug normal pack $36 and twin pack $68 (I think).
