IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Queenie, I remembered your post because you have the same name as my sister

I have been a silent reader since i started my 1st IVF 2 mths ago. And same as Queenie, everything went well at all stages except for the final BT whereby my AF reported 4 days before the BT date. I have make appt with Dr SF Loh and would like to hear from him what he will recommend for my FET.

Just to share, i "tiao" my body at Chee Sheng Tang (upper thomson) 2 mths before i embark on this IVF journey. So everything seems good as i don't have very bad side effects from the IVF medication. I read that alot of the ladies here are seeing Dr Zou. Was thinking of trying Dr Zou for my next cycle. But i do not want accupunture. Is there anyone who seek consultation with Dr Zou without doing accupunture?

Tzac - congrats leh! Graduate together with Hazel, Kimmy, Ashley liao. Hahaha. Take very good care. Hope bb dust will fall on me soon too.

For sisters embarking on FET / ET, all the best and hope to hear good news from you.
Congrats Tzac....

lovebell, actually most of sister go to Dr Zou is bcoz want to do acupunture. For me I only do acupunture and didnt take the medi.
Hi Tzac, 恭喜恭喜!! Wow.. We are having lots of baby dust floating ard!! So happy!! Let the gd news continue!!

Hi mmfeen, I did not manage to see him today. Will see him tmrw. But I think he will give me medicine for 2ww cux he was d one who ask me to go back 3 days aft ET.
I did ask both my doc n nurse if I can take herbs. Dic says it's ok if it makes me feel happier. Nurse say it's ok as long as Sinseh knows that I m on ivf as they will ensure that the medicine they give does not clash wif d western medicine.
I will see him tmrw n see wat he says. I trust him. Cux during d whole ivf program he told me not to waste time to see him cux thr is nothing he can do for me.. So i will see what he says tmrw..
hi ladies,

i underwent my ivf cycle in 2009 and have a lovely daughter. looking to be blessed again with a sibling for my little girl and am embarking on my frozen cycle now. for those who have gone through frozen cycle, any tips on how to prepare my body? it will be a natural thaw cycle.
Ron-Like what U said, can survive till day 5, sure can make it.
Yap waiting for my AF, now spotting, waiting for the full flow, likely tonight or tomorrow bah.
It seems so fast, going to start stimulation next week. I still have alot of unfinished work ..........
Congrats, Tzac.
Tzac - Congratulation! After reading your msg, i also recieved call from KK around the same time as you. Though i know mine is a negative, can't hold back my tears when the word "sorry" came from the nurse.

Sarah - thanks for the reply. Maybe i will ask Dr Zou if it is ok for me to do without accupunture after she read my pulses. I want less stress in the next cycle so "needling" is out ;p

To sisters who have underwent FET or in the queue, what are the factors to consider if doctor said can either do Natural or Medicated FET. Thanks!
lovebell - can take dr zou's med w/ no accu.

bnb - we got same natural cycle-la, today would be AF if not on meds. <jia-you>, &amp; try not to worry too much about work as still got 2 weeks before ER

queenie - hi! ya, me still here in another 2ww.. hahaha...good to hear you are going to meet your snow babies on Friday.

sisi - brown discharge likely old blood from ER.

tzac - congrats again. may i ask what is your bhcg (coz u tested positive since d12pER, right?)
Thanks all forcthe congrats. Now is the 2 nd hurdle-scan.

Lovebell, hugs to u, knw that feeling as tis is my 3rd try before i succeed. Take care ....

Ron, reading is 1157 which nurse told me is very gd result, is that so?

I m now anxiously waiting for the scan
ron - Does Dr Zou accept booking appt? Tks.

tzac - can share how you prepare your body for your bfp? did you seek TCM? any special diet? As for my failed attempt, i seek TCM 2 mths before my IVF. Then in my 2ww, had egg white and ginger drink to reduce bloatedness from the ER/ET. Chix essence and bird nest on alternate day. But my embbies still did not stick to my womb. My DH said maybe my womb's wall is too slippery...
Thx hazel, dun expect to make it.

Ron, actually for tis cycle, i din do much preparation work. Last min decision to start cycle too. Before ER, i took egg whites n drink red dates. After ET, only eat egg whites n brazil nuts. One difference compared to myvlast two cycles is when i sleep in the nite, i use blanket to cover my tummy n osso wear slippers in the house. Guess i m really lucky tis time round :) dun worry, itxwill b ur turn nxt
Hi, mmfeen,
Thanks for ur well wishes.. Jiayou for ur Fet in nov.

Hi, hope283,
**wave** It's okie.. Cannot b cycle buddy but can b ivf sisters who support each other.. :)

Hi, lovebell,
Thanks for remembering my post.. Wow.. Same name as ur sister &amp; same outcome in ivf.. We r meant to b ivf sisters.. Haha..
Ur dh very funny leh.. Wall slippery.. I tink mine too...
Hmm.. Try not to tink too much on tt failed cycle &amp; move forward.. Ur embbies waiting for u.. Jiayou!!

Hi, Ron,
Whn is ur BT? Let's graduate fr here together &amp; eat katong laksa, tis time to celebrate BFP!!
Hi Ron8129, thanks for the info, coz for my 1st ivf I see no discharge and that's why get panic..

Hi Hopeful, you doing BT tml right? I am doing mine on Friday. Gd Luck
Thx hazel, dun expect to make it.

Ron, actually for tis cycle, i din do much preparation work. Last min decision to start cycle too. Before ER, i took egg whites n drink red dates. After ET, only eat egg whites n brazil nuts. One difference compared to myvlast two cycles is when i sleep in the nite, i use blanket to cover my tummy n osso wear slippers in the house. Guess i m really lucky tis time round :) dun worry, itxwill b ur turn nxt
Tzar, Congratulations! Take care. Did you need to wait for prescription after BT?

Lovebell, hugs to you. Don't give up and 加油!

For those who have done your acupuncture with Dr Zou, what kind of medicine was given? Need to brew the herbs? Or is it in powder form/ liquid form?
Ron- yr AF won't come for the next 9mths
I must learn to 放得下, workaholic lor, hehe. Rushing to complete as much as possible.
Tis cycle I very relax.
Hopefully will BFP for u &amp; me &amp; the rest of the sistas waiting for BT
Joynfaith, actually quite fast as when i went down after the call, everyrhing is all prepared n juz need to wait for a very short while can get prescription liao.
Tzac, congrats! Baby dust is all ard, good for us in the queue

Hi Sisi, I also had light brown spotting yest, no more today. As long it doesn't continue I hope it is ok..

Hi Joynfaith, thanks, but this morning I went to see O&amp;G 24h clinic due to cannot tahan the heartburn. Doc gave me some medicine &amp; told me to take small portions of food &amp; no need to continue the antibiotics. I hope it won't affect my embbies too much..

Hi Sunbelle, I weighed just now. 2kg increase in 1 wk plus! Wow.. I can't imagine how to fit into my working clothes next wk. Even if I can I'd look like bak chang..
Tzac, do you mean you went back home after BT and returned to collect your medication after the call? If so, I will need to wait for a while after BT since I live far.

Moo3moo, I was prescribed with Cabergoline for 8 days to help with my bloatedness after ET. My bloatedness worsen at day 4 night that I could not go to sleep cos' felt uncomfortable with any pose. I felt left chest pain and difficulty in breathing. I tried to apply a lot of 如意油 on my abdomen and it cleared off the chest pain and partial bloatedness. After my normal breathing was back, my DH walked me one round in the house. All these lasted for about 2 hours. Maybe I did not take enough egg whites everyday. You can try ginger drink to help in bloatedness and remember no orange juice and food that cause wind such as cabbage during this period. I took small portion of food and many meals during the bloatedness period. You can also take protein food such as chicken. Can you imagine 1/4 mug of milk was a challenge to me already. I'm felt happy when I can finish a kiwi. I hope you can get over the bloatedness soon.
Hi Joy n Faith ,

I m like u, sleep half way n woke up middle of night n unable to sleep.

Congrats Tzac, you made it
your reading is very high which means twins huh? very high for initial stage. Which I read it as a stable one. Hoping to catch some baby dust from you gal. Are u with KK or Pte huh?
Hi Moo3Moo,

Hope your bloatness is gone in no time. rest well. Think whenever I eat a bit, I m easily bloated haha ... Wow u goin back to work next week Liao huh?

Very happy to see so many BFP here . Hurray !
Hi Sisi, yup. There is a BT tmrw. But this one is jux to make sure d medications are working rite? If not, they will give us injection.. How's work today?
Hi Sunbelle, I think need to be cooked ones. SGH gave a list of do not eat food list n uncooked egg is one of the food we ve been recommended not to take..
Whew.. I m not d only one who can only eat very little. Appetite had been so bad except for today. Ate mac n cooked spagetti in afternoon.. Which I ate a lot!! Finally..
Hi lovebell,

Jia you! I m oso pressing on after gone thru. Guess many ladies here also pressing on til the day they are preggie.

We k also be like them. Jus believe in it we will be mummies soon. I always dream that I will bring my baby to stroll in the park with my hubby. Hopefully this dream will come soon
Hi Hopeful78,

Can share what other food that we cannot eat huh? I only know watermelon, tea, kopi n cooling stuffs.

Thank you so much for your advices. Think appetite vary. Yesterday national day ate 2 plates of mum yummy home fried bee Hoon n then one plate of noodles...Hmmhmm jus eat when we can hahahaaaa...
Hi Moo3moo, hope spotting will go off by tml, it doesn't look like stain to me ley, so worry.
Hi hopeful, the BT tml also important, our bhcg will b tested, if level too low, then they will gv extra injection, if it is high it is a gd sign then. Don't worry too much the nurse will call u tml aftern for the results.
Hi Sunbelle, the list is acrually v short.
Eat lots if fruits n veg
Do not eat mould-ripened soft cheese
Make sure eggs r throughly cook till white n yolks r solid.
Avoid food tat contain raw n uncooked eggs
Cook all meat n poultry throughly so there no trace of pink or blood
Eat cooked rather than raw seafood/fish
No alcoholic drinks

Something extra nurse say: no pineapple, n can take almonds.

N I read somewhere, no ginger..
Hope this helps..
Joynfaith, yup i took bloodtest ard 10+ and received the call ard 2+pm. So hv to wait few hrs for the results. I think if u waiting there, mayb can let nurse knw and hopefully u can get the result earlier.

Sunbelle, i m with kk. Tot my reading quite normal but its ok, 1 or 2 are both fine w me. Impt is healthy babies :)
Hi Sisi, is it? I did not even know what's tmrw BT all abt? Thot it's just a routine check!! Hahaha.. Shows my ignorance!!
So I shd ask them what is our bhcg? What shd b the "passing mark" for this test?
Hi Tzac, what is d website u bought the hpt from? I wanted to buy 1 from Watson today but was rejected by dh.. So was thinking of buying it behind his back.. Hahaha...
Hi Hopeful,

Thank you so much for sharing the useful information.

Yo, both u n Si Si also with KKH huh? All under dr Loh huh?
Hi Tzac,

You are right. Baby healthy is the most important tin. Relax n rest more if you can. U go back to work alreadly huh?
Hi hopeful,

Thank you very much for sharing.

Yo ladies, for blood test to test whether progestrone needed, do we need to fast the night before huh? Thank you.
Hi Hopeful, yes u may ask them, I did it last time n can't remember which level is consider gd. I know the bhcg will hv to double up every single day to show preg sign.
Hi Sunbelle, eehhh.. Frankly speaking I m not sure if d injection is progesterone.. But they nvr mention anything abt fasting on d instruction letter.


I was/am with Ji sheng tang before I strike last year. You should continue with JST if your body is those liang type. Must be patient when taking Chinese medicine. Dun expect it will tiao overnight. I saw Dr Zou once. But I wasn't comfortable with acupuncture and their prescribed powder medicine.

I am doing FET this month. Now day 2 on prognova.
