IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi moomoo - yes, it will be our turn soon. Must believe! Everyone, including our dear embbies, Majulah!! Any plans to start next cycle soon?

Hi BNB - none blasts, only compacted stage @ d5
but it's ok, they made it to d5.. already pass "big exam" in my books.. hahaha.. Are you waiting for AF now to start stims next week?

Hi Tzac - With twins, both embbies implanted to release hcg so higher bhcg at same BT date, but maybe singleton implanted early. Key thing is see sac + bb hb, and safe & smooth pregnancy until healthy baby in hand. Good luck for BT tomorrow, bring back babydust to share!

My weight goes down again today by 300g that had gone up yesterday. I think I should not let this matter bother me as long as I have good appetite.

Does anyone has the feel of ovaries sensitive a week after ET that is similar to stage 2 with the Gonal-F injection to stimulate follicle growth?

Does BT day also scan for sac?
It's so hot!! Feel like drinking root beer float! Hubby is drinking it now!! Not fair! *pout*

Hi Sisi, take it slow.. Oh.. U r the one scolding in office n not the one gonna scolding so ok lah.. Less stress.. Ahhaha.. I doubt I will return to office early. I work in a bank. Mkts had been so bad. N if I go back, I will b running g up n down for margin calls, calling clients, getting approvals, etc.. Too risky. Even though I feel bad leaving my boss n colleagues at this stage.. Sigh...
Hi JoynFaith,
Try not to think to much about the symptoms. It will drove you mad
But I know its hard coz I have been doing that too. Sigh...even though this is already my 3rd cycle. Btw, BT day is not the scan day coz its too small to see. Your scan will be 2weeks after BT. So there will be another 2 ww to go thru.
Hi Sisi,
Try to relax and try not to scold too much. REmember you want to have a good nature and happy baby. There are so many things that pregnant women cannot do, such as get angry, talk bad about other people, crying etc. Hahaha....so u must become a saint for 9 months.
Hi all,
I'm new in this forum. Happened to chance upon this forum for ivf.
I just started ivf last Thu. Now doing the suprefact jabs. first day doing the jabs seems ok, but later on, the jabs become more painful. Sometimes i also have blue-blacks after the jab.
Any advice for proper method of jabbing? (if there are any).
Any food i should also avoid this period?
Thanks all for the advice!

Hi Ron, wow, D5! Looks promising! Good luck for ur BT, is it this wk?

Hi Candy, welcome! Normally I sit upright, pinch my fats, then inject at 90 degrees. Mebbe coz I have enuff fats, it's not much pain, haha. No blue-black either.

Slept the whole of morning & afternoon, only woke up for food. I'm having heartburn & pain in the upper abdomen, similar to gastric.. Suspected due to the green tab (doxycycline) so I just stopped taking it. Anyone experienced it b4?
Hi Candy,
Welcome to the forum. Did you pinch you tummy when u r jabbing? Try to jab alternately. For example today I jab on the right, tomorrow i jab on the left. Try not to be at the same spot. As for what kind of food I eat. I eat chinese herbs. I went to Raffles Hospital for TCM accupunture. The doctor there told me to eat "Ba Zhen Tang" to increase the blood, you can buy it from EuRenShen. Eat more proteins like egg white. And dun eat fruits that too cold/"liang". Drink more chicken soup. And during the superfact jabs, no exercise, I was told by the nurse. Eat supplements, like UltraMega woman from GNC, vitamin C, COQ10, and folic acid.
Hi moomoo, thanks for your info.
Guess i will try to sit upright aso. btw should we inject fast or slow? i have been doing it slowly. After finish, wait a few secs before removing the needle. Should be the correct procedure for least pain right?
Hi Moo moo,
I experienced that once, but my guess is that I dun eat enough before taking the antibiotics. I must have a full stomach before eating antibiotics and supplements, to prevent any gastric. Doxycycline is antibiotic given after the ER, you need to finish that to prevent any infections as at this moment we cannot afford to get sick.
Hi Candy, my hb has been doing lucrin and puregon jabs for me so far. There's actually a certain technique in injecting. If u look carefully, the needle is not entirely round. It's tapered so the longer part of the needle should go in first with the shorter part of the needle facing up.

Taken puregon for 5 days so far. Can check if lots of ewcm is normal? Hv been having lots of ewcm these 2 days. With lucrin to suppress ovulation, will there be a possibility of ovulating early? Am worried cos my puregon dosage is rather high (300iu).
Hi Candy,

Yes you let go the pinch and after you jab finish, you count to 10 before taking out the niddle. You should be fine
Hi chocolate soh,
oh i didnt look so closely at the needle.

ok i check more closely tmr. will try the way u recommending.
Anyway really thank everyone for the advice and info. didnt expect to get replies so fast!
Hi Chocolate,
EWCM is it vaginal discharge? If yes, I do have it too and sometimes quite thick and mine also injected with 300iu. Not to worry you wont get ovulation too early because you inject lucrin. So must remember to inject that.
Hi Candy,
Hahaha because most of us in 2ww and we have taken leave and bored at home ;P Once you are in 2 ww u will be hook to TV and computer than u ever before.
hi Imel,
hehe then u can organise mj session with fellow 2ww to kill boredom.
i already start preparing by asking hubby buy dvds to stand by liao for my 2ww.
Hi moomo0, you are already done er? We can still be cycle buddies if yes, hahaha. BT is only next week so long way to wait......

Hi candy, try & hold pen steady (if u have small hands, use one hand to hold pen steady, another to press down). Maybe go a little faster as the most painful bit is the initial puncture of top skin layer.
Hi Imel, thx for the advice! Will continue tomorrow with full stomach

Hi Candy, I inject quite fast, even if slightly painful. Withdraw also quite fast. Happy trying tomorrow!

Hi Choco, yes, I got a lot of EWCM during puregon jabs! Was worried abt ovulation too, but CM din turn clear & BBT din go up until last injection prior to ER. So it shd be ok.
hi all

after my failed FET in july, with 1 frozen embie left, discussed with my gynae, and planned to start a fresh cycle in october/ november.

i did my FET transfer on 20 july, BT on 1 august and my menses came naturally on 4 august.

i am trying to plan the process. need some advices... as my gynae gave me all the medications and it is up to me when i want to start the process...

my gynae has given me the following itinery
1. Duphaston for 10 days to trigger menses
2. Decapeptyl injection on 20th day of cycle
3. 14 days after Decapeptyl, scan, bloodtest and start with 7 days of Gonal F injections dosage 112.5.

may i ask for fresh cycle, do u always start off with medications to trigger the menses or can start the fresh cycle with natural menses?

if take medications to trigger menses, how many days after the last menses then start the medications?

and may i also ask what supplements or herbs do you take for a fresh cycle? like prenatal vitamins, folic acids, fish oil, chicken essense etc etc? as i am going back to singapore in sept, wld like to take the opportunity to buy all that i can...

Hello imel,
Are u w dr Jin at raffles Tcm too? Hmm if u do see her again can help me ask her if first tri can still do accu although not at tummy area (like what she did during ET day)? That day after updating her I forgot to ask her and I knw she super bz... Thanks in adv and all the best to yr cycle 
Pau le, I am doing my fresh cycle too. What I know is you don't need all those medications for fresh cycle.

I am taking multi-vites and chicken essence everyday. I don't know what else to prepare my body for this too. Just trying to relax and make mymyself more relaxed.
hi koirc
which stage of the fresh cycle are u at? im planning to do in oct/nov.... so u start the cycle with natural menses?
I guess I've started the process. Went for my D2 scan. Then need to scan again on D9 and do repeated scannings until doctor says I'm ready for ET. Should be within the next two weeks I think. I don't know what to expect from the fresh cycle too.
hi ladies, u mention it is good to take chicken essence during 2ww after ET. May i know how often to take chicken essence, is it daily or just alternate days?
btw, i will be starting my FET cycle soon. I will hv balance 6 embryos left. How many embryos should i thaw for this cycle? I know not all the thawed embryos will turn good after thawing.
Candy, welcome to the forum! I had blue blacks too on my tummy during the suprefact injections and the nurse told me that was because i pinched too hard and never let loose after the needle was in.

Tzac, good luck with BT!!! What time will you get the result?
Dr ananda charges $300plus for fr gentic scan for singleton at 14wks. He will spend an hr scanning, on the Doppler to let u listen To bb's heart beat, check the blood flow, give u a CD will many bb's photo, a full detailed report, etc.

There will not be refreezing once embyros r thawed.
Hi Candy, I had similar issue when I 1st started. Then a sister taught me this: breathe a few times till u r ready. Then take 1 deep breathe, count to 3 n just poke swiftly. U shd pike at least 2-3 fingers away from belly button. A bit more o the lower tummy area. Aft a while, u will get use to it.

Hi pau le, this is my 1st fresh cycle. Doc did not give me any medication b4 the start if cycle. Let menses start naturally.

Hi Tzac, pls share ur baby dust wif us ok? Waiting for ur gd news!!
Imel, I agree with you not to let worry too much on the symtoms. It's just a normal reaction especially for me as first timer. Another week to go before BT.

Sisi, do whatever you feel comfortable with and will not stress you. E.g. if you feel stress at home and feel comfortable to go back to work, please do it. Remember to take it easy at work.

Candy, welcome to the forum. I also new here. I got a few bruises too so don't pinch too hard on your abdomen before you jab.
1. Firmly pinch up area skin, (i.e. in the lower abdomen with thumb and finger).
2. Hold syringe with the other hand and insert the needle at 90 degree angle into skin, all the way in.
3. Inject the medication by pushing the plugger of the syringe down with index finger.
4. Do a 5 counts before pulling needle out.
5. If bleeding, gently press over the injection site with alcohol swabs and apply pressure until the bleeding ease.
Note: If you have pain when the needle goes in, likely you have hit the vein. I've that experience but we can't see the vein to locate the jab site. You might bleed when the needle is pull out, please apply step 5.

Candy and Paul Le, during the superfact jabs, I eat healthy food and no cold/ cooling stuff. You can eat food that contains Vitamin E that will create red blood cells and promote fertility. Many mention to eat egg whites in this forum that you may try. I took folic acid (5mg) per tablet every day.

Moo3moo, thought you should finish the green tablet (Doxycycline). It should be taken with/ after food. With plenty of water and remain upright for at least 30 mins after taking. No iron or indegestion remedies. Caffeine drinks and milk should be taken 2 hours apart from the tablet cos' they will prevent the tablet from absorbing from your body. Usually after the 30mins of sitting upright, I will feel sleepy and will go to sleep. All these drowsiness went off after I finished the tablets.
Sunbelle, I did not bed rest except during the 6 days of bloatedness (mild OHSS) period that I can't even sit/stand for long (5 mins). Hence, my best position was laying on bed. Also felt fatigue so slept most of the time. Actually during 2ww, bed rest is not necessary. It's good to walk a bit for blood circulation unless the situation does not allow. Do whatever you feel comfortable with low stress level.

Once the bloatedness went off, I felt I'm alive again. I'm more active and can walk around. I will read books, watch media player programme, knitting, surfing internet, chatting and etc... I will take a short nap when needed since these days I tend to wake up a few times in the middle of the night and sometimes can't get back to sleep.
Erm ... anyone knows about AMH, for a 34yo, what should be a normal range in ng/ml? I am waiting for my BT results, like to find some info in the meantime. Websites very confusing, some say 2.0 and above is good but some say 30++ then considered good, haiz ..
Congrats Ashley! I think am late. Hv been away from forum for a while. So jst read back.

Tzac - Guess u already got ur news? Advanced wishes and congrats.

Sunbelle - Not sure how much wud be the ET fee. When I asked the nurse, she dint give me the figure, but jst said that it will be a bit expensv. In short, I dont need to pay anything for the coming cycle except for medicines and Bloodtests.

Abt the medicated Fet, this will be done for people who are not regularly ovulating and with no regular menstrual cycle. So, we need to take tablets from Day4 of the menses. And there is no need for us to ovulate in this. While in natural fet, they monitor your ovulation time through scans and do the ET accordingly. You can google for more info on this.

Somebody asked why the ET fee is waived for me, sorry forgot ur username, the reason is my FET cancelled as one of the sister at KK forgot to thaw my embies for Blastocyst transfer.
Woohoo.. Queenie is back @ tis forum.. Heehee...
& I don't recognise any names, except for Ron, who was here to advise me info. bef I started my 1st fresh..
Hi, Ron.. U in 2ww now? **wave**

& koirc who has the same bt date as me in my last round... **wave**

m doing FeT ET tis fri.. Any cycle buddy?
Meanwhile, good luck to all cycling sisters.. :-D
Hip hope283, may i know how many embies you thaw for your blastocyst transfer? I will be doing my FET cycle and not sure how many i should use.
hi hopeful, may i know if ban choon chan physician will be prescribing chinese herbs for u during 2wwk? I tot we should take any herbs during 2wwk.. only take chicken juice/essence.
We hv been toying w the idea of trf 2 or 3 embbies.. Initially told doc 2.. Then aft tt ask nurse to amend to 3... going to chiong Liao..
I hv 6 frozen embbies like u.. & hv no idea hw many can survive the thaw.. So juz bring my babies home as quickly as I can..
Hw many u tinking of transferring?
Hi Mmfeen,

I have 9 embies left after my fresh. Will be thawing 4 now. Another 5 will be left for freezg.

wave Queenie, yeah wow, Queenie bk... I will be starting my cycle end of this month. So i will be following u, cant be a cycle buddy.
