IVF/ICSI Support Group

Drink more water to flush out excessive calcium does not really work cox it is not water soluable at all. So excessive calcium cannot be passed out as urine. Anyway, there r other sources of calcium from food we take. Just google online. Sf Loh wun prescribe unless he thinks that the mother is calcium deficient. My gf with twins under him dun even take calcium tablets. End up it may do more harm to the mother on long run.

haha hazel
i am trying not to be paranoid by going back to see sf loh every other week and kena suan by him. all i need reassurance that bb has a hb, so will be getting the doppler when i find the contact - i can't believe i 'lost' it.

actually what irks me most is the wait to see sf loh. so far for last 2 appointments i had to bring my boy along and he goes into meltdown mode when the wait exceeds 2hrs. hehe, if i were 2 yrs old i will also throw tantrum, that's how unstable my mood is nowadays.
ah, drinking more water won't wash out excess calcium? ha i always thought drinking more water will wash out anything :p

oh btw, if taking calcium tablets, also got to take Vit D otherwise body also won't absorb the calcium.

oh yeah, i was skimming some articles on immune system, when preggy, immune system is lower than usual to allow the fetus to grow (as it's considered foreign), so better to stop taking immunoocal then, cos immunoccal strengthens your immune system and hence will work to fight foreign cells in the body.
Babymaking, only soluble supplements such as folic acid and vit C will be flushed out as urine if excessive. The non-soluable ones get accumulated in our body. My hubby is diabetic, I used to give him efflescemt vit C coz his immunity is low. When his diabetic dr knew, he told me is better to take a fresh orange a day instead. Kiwi is also v rich in vitamin C.

Dr loh likes to joke at times. Dun mind him suaning. Yes, the wait to see him ia terrible. I told him I can always go to a pte gynae for a scan in between his appointments but then I rather wait n go To see him instead. He's ok one. Just ignore his comments. End of the day, he wun turn us away.
Dear sisters,

Am new to this forum
Have recently embarked on my ivf journey. Can anyone share how to pass thru e 2ww?

Been rather paranoid aft my ET as keep thinking wat gg to happen to my embbies, r they still in mi aft e transfer etc...

Do u all haf any symptoms aft ET? Mi nothing much expect some mild cramps some times. Is tis normal?

Hope to get some enlightenment.

Btw, anyone using progesterone inserts here ?
Hi hazel, other than supplements, do you take any herbal stuff or anything to 'bu' during your 2ww previously? Chicken soup? Anything?
Hi BBliss, welcome! I'm at the start of my 2ww! Would love to hear the other experienced sisters share as well. I also have mild abdominal pains at times. so you are not alone! My doctor said it should go away after 2-3 days, as it is the effect of egg retrieval.

I'm on pregnayl jabs, not the inserts... so can't help you. But I was on inserts when I was on IUI.

Are you with kk?
Wongval, dun take herbs coz we dunno wats safe n wats not safe. Nutritious soups like chicken soup is gd. Wolberries & dates are fine. But no other herbs. If u take outside pls be careful, as it usually has dangui which may cause bleeding. Bottled normal Chicken essence without herbs can take too. Bird nests also wun harm.

Herbs such as cordecepts take only in 2nd tri onwards or better still in 3rd tri as bb is absorbing already by then.
Hi Wongval,
I'm with kkh. R u ?

Today juz marked e 2nd day of my 2ww. Oredi cannot tahan le. Been paranoiding n feelin unsafe since ydae. Haha.

Wonder y do some sisters haf jabs n some haf inserts instead. Mine given inserts. Is there any diff bet e two ?

Btw, today is ur which day of 2ww? N hw r u feeling?
Babymaking, Hazel, thanks!! I am fine as am pretty good at managing my own emotions and stae of mind by nature. So not to worry. Just that I tried to avoid D & C as I still need to fetch son to and from school when hubby travels. He will be travelling for the next few weeks only back on weekends. Wish you gals continue with your healthy pregnancies.

BTW, I realised that even after I stopped pregnyl for so long, tummy still very bloated, getting more and more white and yellowish discharge and constipation is still on going. Can't wear my usual clothes. Hope it will go down soon and bk to normal *sigh*.
Hello bbliss!

I'm with kkh too and today is also my 2nd day. Haha like u I feel unsafe already cuz I keep wondering if embbies are still there after I walk ard ytd right after ET. Haha! So don't worry u r definitely not alone. Wongval is also day 2, we got same ET day and BT day

How many eggs did u retrieve? Maybe more that's why u got inserts but it's the same function as the pregnyl jabs...
I buey tahan & did some light housework earlier liao. Watching 3rd movie now. Hahaha
Bbliss, yeah, I'm also on day 2! So we probably were all in the same waiting area! I'm feeling much better today than yesterday. Yesterday I was grouchy with my hubby, cos I had quite a bloat and painful abdominum. Its gone now! so happy. I actually planned to go back to work before my HL ends, but after yesterday, and the fact that my only 2 surviving embyros are in me, I thought, better play safe.

I shall listen to Hazel and watch what I eat.

Kimmy, are you sure you want to do housework? haha.. I'm so scared. Just sit down, get up to get a drink or something.. Now I'm doing some work. Got some paperwork to review, that my office sent to me. I think I'm a workaholic. I should turn on the TV to relax. Being in front of the computer made me go look and read up all the IVF news and internet sites! Kimmy, are you on long or short protocol?
Gals ah, no worries abt moving around though. 2nd and 3rd day of my ET, I hv to bring my dad to hosp for his eye op, so I tot that would minimise the chance. But of course, dont walk for too long and tire yourself out though. Relax ok?
All the best.
Hi wongval,
I'm on short protocol. Yrself? Haha I do v light housework like packing and sweeping cuz my mom coming to visit later. I know what u mean abt being in front of the Internet. Haha so far I restrict myself to watching videos/movies on the comp only so time pass faster...

Hi valteen,
Thanks for reassurance :D haha I guess we can't help but worry each time we get up and walk to get a drink or get food etc but after a few days we should get used to it. Hehehe.
Mabel, I don't think its the pregnyl jab. More likely your body still think that you are pregnant and the hormones are still high. Probably after the natural MC or D&C then it will go down. You are very strong.
Hi Kimmy n Wongval, high possibility that we were at the same waiting area.
I had my ET done early in e morning. And same as Kimmy, I walked to phamarcy after my ET and I even walk ard for lunch. N ONI after tat I finally got home n lie flat on bed. Keke.

I keep 'fan' my hubby asking whether e embbies still in mi not etc all e funny funny paranoid qns. My hubby asked mi dun tink too much.

I retrieved 33 nos. What abt both u Kimmy n Wongval? Wonder if tat e reason for inserts coz Dr said I likely prone to ohss. I having my BT nex wed. What abt u 2?

Btw, wat do u mean by short or long protocol ya?
all the best grace, hope it's just implantation bleeding...

oh.. for those in the 2ww, as i was having moderate ohss, dr says don't take soya.. cos that will make the bloatedness worse.. i was asked to eat 4 egg whites everyday and drink a cup of the powder milk (meant for those preggies)

wah Bbliss, that's alot of eggs! i had ohss but only managed 11 eggs.. so much for the bloatedness.. :s
Thanks AWT & Grace for the reply

My 1st pregnancy was 1000 plus hcg. Also thought may be twins but ended up singleton. 2nd purposely cultivated to blastocyst as afraid of twins and ended up hcg 800plus. So I guess it depends on our body hcg hormones?

Anybody can advise what supplements to take prior FET? I am currently taking progynova, aspirin, royal jelly, conceive well, folic acid & TCM. Can I take longan red dates? How about brazil nuts? Do I need to take high protein shake? Any tips helps in implantation.

So sorry to ask so many questions. I am abit nervous this time after my miscarriage.
Wishing you all the best. Have faith in ur embryos, they will stick to u

Have u gone for ur BT? Actually I saw u posting ur IVF journey since last year. Although u went thru patches but I really admire ur confidence to try again. I pray that u will have BFP very soon. God bless u
Hi awt, u took 4 egg whites daily ya. Wow....tat alot. Does egg whites help in implantation?

Mi wanna drink milk too but can't as nw taking doxycycline, an type of antibiotics to b taken for 8 days. Tis med can't take milk. Been relying on takin fish n meat for protein intake.

Awt, wat was ur embbies grade transfer tat time tat u got pregnant.
Hi ocean,
I agree that 12bmom is a strong woman and I've been following her posts since last year too...

Hi bbliss,
Am prescribe same meds as u too can take calcium/iron/pre natal only after 2 hours. For 30min need to sit upright position right? I retrieved 12 eggs but only 4 can use and 1 in observation... Yup, BT also next wed to test progesterone support level :D

Am gonna munch on some Garrett popcorn that my mom bringing over, that's ok right?

Hi Su, all the best for ET tmr! And welcome to the 2ww club! :D keep us posted! xoxo
Hi Bbliss,

I was given Aspirin by Dr Loh this time despite not receiving for my past 2 cycles. Read that it improve uterine lining & blood clot etc. % of implantation increase on Aspirin, dun know how true. Maybe u can ask ur Dr?
bblis, not too sure if egg whites help in implantation though. needed the protein for the ohss, so no choice. took until i wanted to vomit.. cos i was taking the half-boiled eggs.. mine was 2nd day post ER, the 2 transferred were 4 cells and 6 cells. grade A. so now don't know if twins or singleton till 2 wks time.
Hi Kimmy,

Yes, in fact I got some tips from her previous posts which are useful. Currently looking back previous achieves for more information . keke
Kimmy: so can consume calcium foods ya. Ok. Noted tat

Awt: hw do u feel after ET? I dun haf much cramps now but rather stomach discomfort. Like muscles in stomach pulling ard like tat.

Other sisters, do u all experience such discomfort as well ? Notice quite a lot of sisters having bloatness but I dun haf. Is tis normal ?
bbliss, i had bloated stomach for a week. then got abit better, but then pimples breakout and super dry skin (but i am normally prone to breakouts). 2nd half of the 2ww, i felt some occasional pulling around the womb area.. no cramps i think.
Ocean : wow thats a lot of pills to take...where do u get yr royal jelly?
progynova, aspirin - do u just buy off the shelf? Or need doc prescription?
Hi mabel,

i think agree with hazel too, maybe u can check with doc if its better to do a d & c since its cleaner. Anyway take good care of yourself and eat well.
awt: i also hope it's not a bfn.

ocean / kimmy: lost all the faith as the traces are still there.

waiting for my hubby to be back with hpt kit.
Thanks blessings!
Able to share what you did during 2ww? I got a bit carried away earlier & ran towards my front door :x
Blessing, did I miss your post? Was it positive? Hope so!

Bbliss, yeah. I also have the stomach cramps feeling. Like muscle pull, but today its much much better. However, somehow I try to walk slower, cos sometimes I feel like it will hurt if I move too fast. I feel like an old lady. ahaha
I'm on the antibiotics too

Kimmy, you're on short protocol? Was there a reason?

Awt, wow! Both grade A embryos! That's really good! I only have grade 3 and 4... Apparently best is grade 5. So mine definitely not as good. Any sisters got positive with less good grades? :S
Su, all the best tmrw! WElcome to the club!

Grace, don't think to much... Hopefully its just implantation bleeding.

Kimmy and bbliss, just wanted to find out. did any of you have discharge? I have today.. a little. And the first was a bit brownish. I hope its just from the ET and nothing else..
Other sisters, did u guys have that too?
Hi wongval
V slight discharge today but I'm guessing it's the blood from ER still.. My abdominal not hurting leh, is there something wrong w me?
Not too sure why I was on short protocol but was told by acupuncturist dr zou before that short protocol success rate is lower..ahh trying not to think too much!

blessing - congratulations!

Wongval - don't worry about grading/number of cells. Lots of sistas also don't have Grade5 and still BPF. Brown blood is old blood. Enjoy your 2ww.

Jia-you and good luck to those in 2ww.
