IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Tanny, I went got scan day 5,7,8,9...

Hi su, ;) glad to know that pregnyl jab was ok.. Thurs will come really soon! We'll be rootin for u :D

Conceive well is the maroon and pink pills right? I dislike that smell... Anyone got the same feeling? Thanks Ron for the update. As for the drip, where do they poke it is it on the vein of the hand?
By the way what do u sistas let yr hubby eat? Mine takes the blackmores men's performance multi vit. Does dr give yr hubby any vit? Mine was also given vigor ace.

Also got Immunivital left over by last yr when I saw another gynae.. I rem a sis saying immunvital can be taken by both male n female, so I can take too?
Morning girls ;)

Tanny yes most of the girls dislike that smell ;) but quite a few girls here eat Liao BFP ;) hope this can motivate you to carry on ;) as for the drip yes they will poke through ur vein on ur hand but don't worry the nurses there r very experience so it is a fast n little pain only ;) all the best to u
chris: congrats! dont have to do the aminotic test.
cos the test itself carries some risk too.

awt: good luck to the blood test today.
Shainie, u doing any mini confinement for the 2 wks?

Sun, BO is when there is no yolk sac but gestational sac. Embryo did not develop into fetus but ur body still think that you r preg
Morning ladies!

Su, glad that the jab went well! Not too bad right? so don't worry about Thurs. All will be fine!

Kimmy, haha, ya, I might consider the hydrotherapy class too. But I think can only do when you're preggy. We shall do together k? Ya, my BT is on Friday 29th.
Chris, if u intend to buy medala breast pump, go to this link: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/3147559.html?1310510794

The spree is on going n is a USA set, cost abt S$450 now for freestyle model including shipping. The cheapest in SG i saw so far for freestyle model is at the KKH shop, selling at $799, parallel import set. Even if there is sale, the shopping centers in SG will sell around $799 too.

If u hv friends going to bkk, can also ask them to help u buy the disposable breast milk storage bags at boots pharmacy (is equivalent to our guardian here). Is dirt cheap at 40 bags for about THB125 (S$5) I think. Always out of stock too.

This can help save some money.
Thanks grace! Nurse just told me it's positive!! Waiting to see the dr.. Was having butterflies in the tummy this morning and didn't feel the initial bump I had when I had my girl.. And this time no intuition too so was especially nervous. phew!
Congratulations Awt!!! That's fantastic news!

Hi Wongval...yah...we shall do together! Mm I'm guessing my BT should be the same day as you. Can't wait for tomorrow!

Hi Chris, congrats & good news to hear too!

Hello Su!
Im so sorry to hear abt your loss.. *hugz* Tiao ur body and try again after a few mths k? Dun gv up! Maybe we will be cycle buddies again..
Awt: congrats! glad to hear d gd news! Grabbing ur babydust now. am anxious too for my beta test. Minako hope u are doing fine. we both gg for our fri beta test, all d best to both of us! hee..

I am going to have my FET at end of this month. Will be starting my Progynova tomorrow. May I know is there anything I need to look out like taking Longan red dates, brazil nuts etc..? As I had my miscarriage 3months back so quite nervous this time.

Is it true that all my frozen embryos are not as good as fresh since I have a miscarriage due to FET? Any idea why Dr need to prescribe Aspirin? I never take any Aspirin before for my fresh & FET cycle. Thanks in advance
Babymaking, I saw him just now @ 2 wks interval. He wants to see me in 6 wks time as everything looks gd. I told him too long n reminded him I want to see him more often. He then said I know u r scared, ok, see u in 2 wks! He added next visit after this will be 6 wks time after my Oscar test. Since I hv Oscar scan in between.... I think still too long, will ask for 4 wks next visit. So that works out that every 2 wks I hv a scan. :p
ocean, i asked my gynae before about the quality of frozen embryos and she said, in fact, those that survived the thaw, she noted that the babies are stronger and bigger. so don't worry so much.
awt, Congrats on bfp!! Wat was your hcg level? Sorry tat I missed your post. How many embbie did you transfer? Also you test hpt before bt?

blessing, I test hpt yesterday & it was bfn. I dun tink got hope for this fet cos symptoms (bloating/backache) gone except for breakouts & cramp.
minako, thanks! hcg is 800.. actually, despite having OHSS, i only retrived 11, 5 fertilized, only 2 grade A and transferred the 2 grade As. nothing left to freeze..
when's your BT? in the end, i didn't test hpt.. but this morning during BT, the nurse asked me and she said ya, sometimes not accurate. there was one patient with a negative (from the hpt) but BT is positive.
Congrats Awt and chris! Wish you both a smooth sailing 9 months ahead!

kimmy, it should be the same day :D Its the last day of my HL I was given.
Babymaking, the nurse passed me the blood test form again to test HIV, hep B, etc. I told her I ivf patient tested ok then can start ivf right? Then she said ok! If not, waste money again.
Awt, I tried to pm you but you did not activate it. May I ask how old are you? Is tis your 1st fresh cycle? Which hospital was your ivf done? What do you mean by grade A? Is it the best grade? How many cells? Did you had any symptoms during 2ww? your bt was done how many days after et?Sorry ask so many ques.. You may pm me.
Minako: Dun think so much already now that we are at this stage. 2 more days we will know liao. At least u hv the guts to test hpt. well i dun test as i hv nvr seen + hpt before, always find myself jinx using it. so i let everything be on fri. Let's juz hope for the best! I will pray for u too.

Awt: tats a high hcg level. If u dun mind share with us more of ur details. thks inadvance. Oh ya, wish u a smooth preg ahead. eat well and rest well.
hi sisters with kkh. how long does the consent signing take ? wonder if i shld apply just half a day or 1 day? what happens that day? just sign the form and attend a briefing & Q&A session is it?

need to do any BT that day?
Hi mumwannabe, It doesn't take long. Maybe about 15 min with the nurse. She will explain stuff in more detail,including when to call, the payment methods etc. After that about another 1/2 hour for the Q&A session with the doctor and other couples, including waiting time. The doctor explains the more technical bit of IVF and also reiterates somethings the nurse says. I think total, just put aside 2 hrs. Take half day leave should be enough!

I think don't need to. Even if you haven't taken BT within the last 6 months, they might only take it the first day you start IVF. That was what happened to me, cos my last BT was 7 months ago.

Good luck! When will you be starting IVF?
Wong al : aug cycle for me. Is the waiting time really so long. Q time is 4 months even for private? Ok then can wait till day 1 to do BT.
Good morning sisters!
Think I too nervous that I got up from 4am - 5am last night to pee and cldnt sleep cuz my a-hole there hurts so bad like something stuck. Anyone had similar feelings after ER? Sorry for sounding gross. Haha I just needed to describe it so u know what I'm talking abt...
Embbies, here I come!

Mumwannabe, I was on 3 mths queue too. I think private faster I enquire b4 but cost also significantly higher and no govt grant.
blessings, i had a ET 2nd day post ER, one was 4 cells and the other 6 cells.. so it's confirmed that anyone didn't split but could be either singleton or twins since both cells are good. will know in 2 weeks' time! but dr did say she did have a patient with 1000 hcg but it was a singleton.. depending on when the implantation took place.. maybe hers took place earlier?
so fast they schedule the follow up already? my appt will be next wed, doing oscar blood test 1st before the doc's appt (weird), i will feel more reassured if the doc's appt is before the bloodtest, or at least scan first. don't know why, but this preggy i feel very down and depressed even though so far it has been smooth sailing. *wryly*
Babymaking, ur mood swing is caused by hormones changes due to pregnancy. Ayloh, sf told the nurse to arrange Loh.. All the appointments to see him, and to detailed scan date at ADC.. Dunno y he so fast this time. Anyway, I m having a scan every 2 wks, either at his room or at ADC till 14+ wks. Then is 5 wks gap at 19+ wks for detailed scan & see him. I will most likely schedule to see him midway that 5wks myself.

I asked him to turn on doppler for me to hear the heartbeat yesterday n he said I can see on screen. Told him oscars test, the sonographer wun let me hear also n he said that's not his department so he has no control! Haiz!
Hazel, sorry i didn't read the older threads, how many weeks are you now? Good to hear that all is going well and I know the anticipation for the next visits.

so between 4wks to 12wks, the scan is every 2 weeks? then monthly?
Awt, usually dr Loh wun schedule appointment of 2 wks gap even in 1st tri if he Is of the view that all is gd during the scan. Usually 2nd visit to see him is 3 wks gap then followed by at least a mth's gap. Well, b'coz of my previous unfortunate experiences I requested to see him more often. So he is v obliging to it though he feels It is not needed.

He ever scheduled a gap of 8 wks for me in 2nd tri! anyway, I wan to see him more often for scans to put me at ease.. Until I can feel bb's kicks/boxes for sure daily then I can monitor myself daily.

He is a very nice dr though he has his mood swings. he will see us one if we request. Call same day n ask for urgent appointment he will oblige too.

I m nearly 9 wks now.
Sorry i got some silly questions. ER - how do they get the eggs? Insert a catheter into the v and thru the uterus and poke the ovary is it? Won't the ovary bleed huh? So one ovary poke once? Will the hole be closed on it's own or continue bleeding?
After waiting in ET room for 70minutes, dr Loh finally
he had a c-section then clinic d, then brought in a pAtient's daughter and ask me if wanna bring home instead. Haha ok he must be good mood today... Finally had one of the longest & best pee of my life after that! ;)
awt: congrats. so good to have bfp news!
800 is good number. must "hope" more of your babydust.

ocean: aspirin is to dilute the blood and increase blood flow to uterus.
some info: http://miscarriage.about.com/od/treatment/f/baby_aspirin.htm

12bmom, blessing: good luck to yr bt tmr. bring us more good news!

kimmy, wongval: enjoy yr ET! haha... i also had the same experience during my ET.
so excited till cant zzz.
kimmy: so relieved when the bladder is emptied, right? ;P
Grace - thanks! Yup! I pee happily but waited another hour for nurse to teach pregnyl. In the end give up, too many things to note so will go back Kkh instead.

Hi hazel - I rem last time quite early in yr 2ww you also went out for dim sum & crab right? So can eat crab right? I been craving for it a while now. Did u have full 2 weeks bed rest? Now after ET I'm out having lunch and all, ok right?
