IVF/ICSI Support Group

Kimmy, yes I took crabs n dim sum. Just no raw food during 2ww. I did go out on some days. Stay at home every day will be bored!

kimmy: what is pregnyl? some how my prescriptions are not the same...
Grace, if retrieve less than 15 follicles, will be given pregnyl jabs (1000units) once every 3 days during 2ww. If retrieve more than 15 follicles, will be given pressaries 3x a day cos prone to ohss.
Kimmy, I think cos dr loh was so long, I also ended up waiting to long! my bladder was so full!

Today I'm not feelng v well. When I woke up in the morning, my lower abdominum was mildly painful and it was like that the whole day. Drinking lots of water made it worse. I asked the nurses and my dr, but he said its nothing to worry about.

Then when et, I got a bit depressed also. Only had 2 eggs that were good enough to be transfer (grade 3 and grade 4), so no frozen eggs at all. So sad. But I'm keeping my hopes up that these 2 in me will survive!
How about you? Did you get the freeze any embryos?

So I came home straight after going out for lunch, to rest my tummy. Still a bit painful...

Grace, pregnayl is to help thicken the lining and make it fluffy apparently. ITs a bit complicated to use! Cos need to mix... Its the same one they injected at 24 hr clinic. But we just need very small doses only.
Wongval - all the best. keep hopes and do not worry.

In KK, soon after the ET, they ask the patient to move so that they can do the ET for next patient. I read in internet, it says we should lie down for one hour after ET. Can anyone shed some light on this. Also is it a must that we have to pee soon after the ET or is it like within this specific time u need to pee?
Minako: Jus checking in, How do i activate the pm? me feeling bit more relax today dun wan to make myself crazy thinking of all scenerios. i tell myself whatever gonna be is fixed by now. Jus that my bloatedness comes back. So abit uncomfy esp after meal. U ok?

Kimmy & Wongval: congrats u make it to ET. Now welcome to 2ww club! stay upbeat. Must remember to eat well. wish you a smooth sailing 2ww n beta test. actually my fertilization is also not tat ideal. ha ha.. jus to share, for my case, i retrieved 36 eggs but in d end only 7 make it. chey! so much for the numbers. And i was bloated like hell for first week. for mine 2 embbies inside me is thru ICSI.
Hi Wongval,

Were you after me? I was called to go ET room to wait for Dr Loh then he received a call to go up and do C-section. Then nurse said 15 min wait only. Then she call again, Dr Loh said 20 min more. I held my bladder crazily. Thank goodness for some sisters in forum entertain me via whatsapp to keep me occupied. Then when nurse call Dr Loh again, he went Clinic D to see some patients and I nearly fainted from holding it in. Dh kept joking ask me not to blast it Dr Loh face later since I can't keep it in. Wah very xin ku. I wished she let me released earlier so that I can drink water again instead of tahaning all the way from this morning 8.20am till 11am then do. So when Dr Loh appeared with the patient's daughter and was in good mood, all my frustrations disappeared loh. The nurse told me after me got 1 more patient, hope that wasn't you. :\ Cuz by time I went out I didn't see you already so I thought you already left.

Waited so long for nurse to teach me pregnyal jab and in the end gave up cuz need to mix here & there then draw out only 0.2mg somemore! So I said forget it, I will come back to KKH to inject. So I may see you on Sunday & Wed! Hehe. Is your Dh accompanying you on Wed? if not we can talk talk. :D

I was also quite surprised when Dr Loh said the eggs are not too bad but out of 12 only 4 was fertilized and 1 under observation. So I only froze 2. Transferred 1 4-cell & 1 5-cell. I don't even know the grades. I thought I will be told but no leh...how did you know? Don't worry, this cycle will work out for us k? Stay positive!

My lower abdominal also v painful & sore. I asked the nurse and she said normal. But after ET and I had my happy pee, the abdominal not as painful. I guess cuz ER was 2 days ago so that's quite still in midst of recovery...

Hi miraclebaby & blessings, thanks for the well wishes :D Now is getting through the 2ww. Haha! I haven't lie down or slept since this morning. Been too excited so far. Haha.
Blessings & Minako, all the best to BT tomorrow!! :D

Grace, when's your BT? Next week right?

Su, how was your ER today?
Hello Grace, you were prescribe inserts during your 2ww? I think pregnyal is prescribe to those who have certain number of follicles retrieved and below if I'm not wrong. Anyhow I'm sure kkh is making sure you are getting your dosage of progesterone too!

How have you been passing your 2ww? Any tips to share? Any HK drama/comedy to recommend?
kudos to you kimmy for holding your bladder very well.. I CAN'T! heheh
From 9.30am to 11am I went toilet twice and drank more water again... then 11.15am can feel my bladder burst out.. After op done, I immediately got up within 10mins & zoom to toilet.. then sighed a heavy relief!! not my first time anyway and I was already blessed with my boy. Now praying for my last FET to success.

Wongval, you are kimmy's another cycle buddy. Do enjoy your 2ww with a lot of positive thoughts!
12bmom / kimmy: thanks for the explanation on pregnyl.
yap, was given pressaries

wongval: we just need 1 to be successful!

blessing: wow 36!!! no wonder u feel the bloatedness. 7 is good!
i also expected myself to OHSS, cos dr loh upfront told me will whack me hard hard due to my age.
he wanted to grow as many as possible. me also icsi

kimmy: my BT is next Monday. urrgghh! so excited.
these few days felt like my menses coming, keep nagging at my hubby that it's coming until my hubby buay tahan me.

2ww was kept occupied with tvb. can go to this fantastic website www.funshion.com
all the latest and old shows there.
go for the 2011 shows, mostly ok.
then i started playing Plant vs Zombie on ipad, v fun.
read some books, chit chat with friends on msn, come to forum..... :p
actually the days just passed
Grace! I go there & watch too! Heheheheeh
Do rem to pass us babydust.

Duno y now I getting paranoid that I didn't get enough bed rest right after ET, in fact went to pee & went pharmacy straight away. Cuz I just heard that gleneagles lets their patients check in for half day and lie down half day right after ET. Oops, r the embbies still inside me? Hahahahaha!
ya the nurse told me to hold for another 20mins while lying... then my face become red.. I cant hold on anymore, so the nurse let me get up and walk in hand slowly towards the changing room which has toilet inside... finally pee long way!! the embbies being "locked" into the lining and will not lose easily..
My boy 14 months last week

too young right?
If dr Loh is doing the ET, no need full bladder. He is v good. I dun drink alot of water at all. After ET, I dun even need to rush for toilet. This round I didn't even drink any water until when I turned up at KKIVF the nurse told me my turn soon! Then I drank 2 cups at most.. Kekeke
Kimmy: yes yes ur embbies are still implanted safely inside you.
the nurse told me i can now go pee right away after ET. she said dun worry it won't fall out. i find it amusing as i didn't ask her anything. Maybe she had anticipated this question to her. ha ha..
blessing, bloating is a good sign! You have high chance of bfp
As for pm activation, you need to login to your profile under preference & untick do not sent me 'private message'.

kimmy, embbies do not fall out from pee hole.. different 'hole' silly gal..
Cervix is closed. Embiees wun drop out. I hv saw a 2 gynaes at KKH n another pte one at tmc. I still trust dr Loh. Yes he has his mood swing & can be tactless but he really understands our worry & try To be obliging to our requests. We all know how packed his schedule his and he works more than 12 hrs a day. But yet he does not turn us away as long as we can wait.

Where to find such dedicated doctor?
Hi all, thanks for your positive thoughts. Dunno, I managed to ask the embryologist about my eggs and why all 10 fertilised, but only 2 were good enough grades! She said my eggs have granulation. I tried to google and found out that eggs with granuation have lower chances. I'm praying that the 2 put in me is ok.

Kimmy, aiyah, I think I know who you are liao. :D I was holding my pee, until I couldn't take it, I decided to let go. Then within 5 min of letting go, the nurse told me it was my turn! Then had to start drinking more water again. Next time we must talk talk. I think my husband remember how to mix the medicine. He's usually the one mixing them, I inject. hehee.. Less for me to worry!

Did any of you feel the abdominal pain for long? If so, how long? It really is quite uncomfortable. I almost spent the whole afternoon sleeping.
Even when I walk, there is pain. and I dare not rub! dOn't want to rub and move my babies!

Wow, grace, thanks for the website! Shall start watching. heheh.. today my mood is quite down after I heard about my eggs...
Couldn't concentrate watching anything even.

Blessing, what were your grades for your embryos you put in? You'll know tmrw is it? All the best! Spread your baby dust!

Su, how was your er? Hope it went well!
Thanks everyone for yr reassurance! Yes I trust dr Loh too and have confidence. Wahaha I think I ask that silly question cuz when dr Loh show me my bladder just above the uterus I was like hmm if I pee won't it pass thru there? Wahahaha.

Minako, so funny! To be honest until recently I dint know it's different hole (oops)

Miraclebaby, 14 mths is a cute age! Just celebrated 1 yr old..nice!!! Ok la with this one, they will be abt 2.5 yrs apart.. :D

Hazel, ya he got mood swings but yr right no matter what he seems to be able to emphatize with us and why we feel a certain way...
I agree with hazel everything about dr Loh. Have to understand his mood swings cos he always try his best everyday. If you are seeking your own attention, maybe he is not the one for you unless you totally trust yourself in his hands whatever it takes you. The final choice is yours.
Miraclebaby, oops sorry my bad...I suck at counting. Hehe but kids are such joy! I won't mind too ;D

Blessings & minako, all the very best. ;)
thks for the wishes folks.

Minako: I have activated my pm profile.
besides bloatedness n short of appetite, i dun hv any other obvious signs like spotting etc. so long as our af haven't reported means we can still pin some hope bah. ur hpt testing tat day might not b accurate as nurse told me some test -ve but blood test comes out as +ve. Cld be still early to detect. I pray and wish for u are one of them.

ok i m off to see Ah di show now...good nitez..
hi kimmy n wongval, my ER goes well. thks. juz e bloatness n cramping keeping mi to lie down all dae. 34 retrieved. nw pray tat e eggs r gd enuff for transfer. abit worri. k oni wait til sat morning for ET.
Baby making, saw your posting at another thread... Did dr loh told u that edd u put in that thread? Ur ER was a day earlier than me... But my edd Is a day earlier than u.. Dunno how dr Loh counts, my scan yesterday did show fetus' growth is a few days ahead so he shifted my edd a few days forward.. Hm....
Hi Hazel - I have not visited the forum for awhile. Great to see that you and you baby are doing well.
How is Daintreez, dun see her around?
3dp3dt...no symptoms at all...this is my first FET after a failed fresh cycle in march...looks like I am heading towards failure again
hi hazel,babymaking,nell,

how's your constipation? Are you feeling better?
nausea subsided?
i'm now taking double dosage of calcium pills cos can't consume dairy products and not even soya bean milk. My gynae told me to avoid or drink sparingly as i've got fibriod and endo inside my wound and taking soya bean products will increase their growth.

hi Mabel,

how are you doing?
Hi Chris

I am fine except that I am still waiting to miscarry naturally over the past few weeks. No signs of it till now. But I have decided I will go for my D & C next Friday when hubby returns from his trip. Dr will do a final scan next Wed before the D&C. *sigh*
kimmy, if u go and pee after EY it wont affect anything. When I do my ET Im very 'full' and almost to burst during ET
5mins aftet ET I really cannot tahan and go to pee..
Chris, my morning sickness is mild.. Dun eat unwell, after eating also unwell, That said, appetite is not bad. I nv take any calcium tablets at all on my first pregnancy. 2nd tri onwards dr Loh will prescribe multi vitamins and fish oil. He nv ask me to drink milk either & I drank at most one glass a day if I do drink. I dun anyhow take all All these vitamins unless he asks me too coz excessive vitamins is no gd for our health. They get retained in our body & will give us more problems in life later. ESP calcium, it not water solusble & will accumulate in our body if too much. It causes painful "spikes" in the spine if excessive.

There are so many brands of multi vit and fish oil too. All different content so I will just take the brand dr Loh prescribes. Even those sore throat sweets buy at supermarket I dun anyhow take as it contains an ingredient which Is no gd. Even those water soluable efferescent vit C tablet is no gd. The best source of vitamins are still from the food & fruits we eat.

Mabel, nv see Daintree also.. Is better to op for a d/c. Faster, less pain & cleaner. Natural method is a long process & may not be clean n will give more problems later. Be strong & take care.
chris: my previous gynae asked me to avoid all soya products when i first started lurin onwards.
trying the same thing out this time also, hopefully...
so tempted to do a hpt!
morning gals

yes 19 feb, though last scan was 18 feb, i dun really bother abt edd, cos my baby was 5 weeks earlier :p man propose, baby dispose

btw will you be getting a doppler?

dun take too much calcium tablets unless u are taking lots of water to get rid of excess. make yr kidneys work harder.

no constipation just nausea, no travelling in car, mrt, worse is taxi and buses, the fumes sets me puking immediately.

even with vit b, still not much improvement except for that one week w/o symptoms that scared the (*&* out of me and a urgent walk in appt to see sf loh. been skipping meals on and off to cope with nausea. found that fresh cold orange juice works wonders to curb nausea, so i sip that diluted with water through out the day.

dun wait too long, start with a clean slate and put this behind you. you are strong!

re; fish oil
i think nordic natural fish oil is good, also cheaper than those prescibed by gynae if buying from iherb. will start on that when gynae start to prescibe fish oil, usually in 2nd tri.

now taking folic, vit b, duphaston and aspirin, and as and when puking is not so bad in the morning, will also take 1 tab of obimin. i'm not eating very healthily so thought better to supplement.
Thanks sisters for the indepth info. Didn't know so much about calcium and the effects of taking multivits. I always take soy products! In fact, I used to drink it every day at work! Must stop drinking now...

Good luck blessing and 12bmom! Let us know your positive results!

Babymaking, not getting the Doppler. I will just go see dr Loh more often! Ha!

Gynae dun propose supplements in first tri because (1) worsen morning sickness and (2) waste the supplements if throw up!

Actually, nausea cannot skip meals. It will make it worse. If I dun eat I will feel nausea! I csn eat lunch at 1145am & my tea break at 4pm is mee rebus! Dinner at 730pm.
