IVF/ICSI Support Group

Went NUH today, took blood test, signed consent & collected Suprefact.
Would start Suprefact on 4/7. Any cycle buddies?
Ron when U be starting?

Shainie, better rest more then. Wah, quite alot of med hor.... Anyway, just take as given…  Wah, so good, I can't stay away from office so long.... Start work next Tuesday Liao....
hazel & bluenosebear thanks
Hi mabel
Hugz.. How many wks r u now? Hope there will be miracle for u next wk.. If the worse really happens, hope no need to do dnc n can natural mc..

Hi shanie n hazel n diantreez n babymaking
Congrat to u.. Rest well..

Hi mina n flowers
Hi hi.. All the best to ur coming et..

Hi gals
Just an update.. After my dnc 5wks ago.. Now waiting for af.. Today had seen doc Loh to check n confirm am clear inside.. Doc Loh say i can try natural next mth and can soon do fet after next cycle too.. Of course i wun rush into it.. Must tiao myself well..

Today had got a series of my bt results, glad to know all r negative except one of my bt on Antinuclear antibody got slight trace of positive so i am abit worry that it may due to this that result in my dnc.. Any other Gals who has this problem n know whats the countermeasure? He say nothing can be done except take asprin..;( but i hv take that in my last ivf too so very sad wht can i do now to prevent the same thing happen again? Must it always be a gamble whenever bfp? Sigh..feeling so helpless especially not much support fr gynea..;( shd i goto care? Sigh..

Hi qing
Hugz to u.. How r u? R u still on confinement now?
Mabel, start on aspirins for 3-6 mths before starting FET. It can be bought at KKH pharmacy without prescription. Last round u take too late.
minako I did not take any hl and mc this time. Take my own leave for a week. Not fully staying at home. I still go out to nearby shopping ctr and market

Cant sleep. Im really bloated. Turn right and left also cant help
Morning Shainie, how come u didnt request mc? I also intend to rest for a week then go back to work. Keep my mind occupied. Wat reason do you give your superior & colleagues?
Minako good morning. Mc they give only for 3 days. So I just take leave. I did not tell them anything just pretend like nothing coz take my own leave. If take mc sure they will ask. Last year got hl for 19days need to answer this and that, so this time I better keep quiet from them

Joanne thanks. Take care. Rest well this few months.
Sarah, that is wat the KKH pharmacy told me. Guess dosage is not a lot. My friend who hv repeated failures told me her gynae WANs her to take 3mths before the next cycle. Dr Paul tseng at tmc also told wan to be aggressive start taking a few mths before preg too.

If a Preg lady can take thru out pregnancy, a normal person shld be too. Maybe just tell ur gynae u wan to take early.
Thk u Hazel
Oh.. Hv to take so long? Can bought at guardian? Hv u heard of this test name? Any cure? Sigh..

Hi qing
Hugs.. For me, i rest for 2wks.. Take confinement food at ihostfood.com at 2nd wk to make my body strong again.. Didnt bath use normal water for first 10days but use da feng chao for twice in that 10days.. Rest well k.. N drink red dates drink for at least 2wks (replace normal water)

Thk u gals for ur hugs..
J03, not sure non-hospital pharmacy sells. There was this med that was reported in ST around last aug where a lady took it n successfully delivered. I asked dr tan hh n he said is still Under research & hence dunno how safe. Guess dr Loh will think in the same manner. Antibodies will reject something that dun belong to part of out body. So fetus is one. Anyway, can only take aspirins. Dr tan hh n Paul tseng also said so. Then hope for the best coz it does nt mean by taking the worse wun happen. Ur the other qn I hv answered earlier. U wan more info go goggle on the web. Is all there
Hazel, wat is the dosage that u took? Last time during FET Dr Loh prescribe half tablet everyday. Mayb I can email and ask Dr Loh. Thanks.
babymaking, I do have experience with both Dr Mathew Lau and Dr Tan HH.

Actually Dr Mathew who open my heart to embark in ivf. DH also comfortable with him. If he did not convince us we never start our IVF. I did my fresh with him but luck not on my side. When he went to overseas for mths (after he do tansfer for me) I was transfered to Dr Tan HH. So I started my consultation with Dr Tan HH after my failed fresh cycle. And this time I BFP under him, but not forgotten Dr Matthew who did er for me, who started everything for me.

I still appreciate both Doctors. Both me and DH comfortable with both of them. Since Im under Dr Tan HH, I will continue to see him.
Seen dr mathew lau once n not really take up with him. Dr Marianne is nice n friendly. Dr Loh is like a man with quite few words.
I will be starting ivf in august n dr Loh gave me letrozole to try for this cycle, hoping that I can conceive naturally before ivf.

Since im asked to call on day 1 of my menses; Counting my cycle days, my AF will start end of July / last week and next cyle end of august. So should I call on day 1 of July AF or day 1 of august AF? Day 1 of July AF should be around 27 or 28 july..
Hi sisters. Anyone took the organic raspberry leaf before? Do you store in airtight container in room temperature? What is the shelf life? Is 1 teaspoon enough to make a cup? How many cups do we consume each day?
Shainie, then last time i only took 50mg. Coz the tablet hard to break into half so the pharmacy staff ask me to disolve in 10ml water then take 5ml. I email and ask Dr Loh see what he will advise me.
Qing22 - it will be a really nice hope to hang on to. But come to a point, just have to face reality. My Dr. was very nice not to rush me into a D&C. He says if my HCG continues to drop badly, then can just wait it out. If rise, then do ultrasound. If sac continues to grow without fetus, then D&C is better. In fact throughout our consultation, he did not even mention the word 'miscarriage'. Appreciate that he is sensitive about it. You take care too after your D&C.

Hazel- I have never taken aspirins leh. But anyway, base on my poor response, we have decided not to proceed with another cycle. I have no frozen embryos for FET. Dr. told me my response this round has dropped and next round, may worsen. If lucky, maintain. so hubby and I decided to channel the funds to adoption instead.

Summer - I am 8 weeks but sag measures about 6 week. two weeks behind though growing. So going by the books, it is a pending miscarriage.

Shaine - Congrats!! Take good care!

To the rest of the sisters, thanks for your concern and support over my results. You guys who jia you. I will still drop in even as a quiet reader. Hope more BFPs will happen in the near future. Good luck ladies!!
Sarah, tha means on ER date start taking. Cannot stop. Take all the way. Tested BFP ask for more coz they give u not enough to last till 1st appointment to see dr Loh after bfp. U will make it the next round. Hv to believe tt ok.
Joanne, i am nt doing serious confinement. Jus came bk n still bath wif tap water jus abit hotter than normal. Becoz mine is basically just a waterbag so i m nt drinking longan water all those. Jus try to cook more food wif sesame oil n ginger n no seafood.

Mabel, yes true eventhough hopeful but still have to be realistic. Today during the d&c process when the nurse comment that my hb look sad n i just cant help n cried out. So embarrassing. Ironically part is my d&c is today n my sis blood test is also today and positive. Feeling happy for her but cant help to feel even more sad for me haha
Daintreez - My son is getting better. Rather I am stress with my inlaws who are staying with me. They are normally fine. I dun really bother with their lifestyles. But whenever their grandchild is sick, they are over the top. Like the whole world needs to stop.His fever has stopped, getting back his appetite but still slow and still passgin soft stools as he is eating really fine food and not much too. BUt my in laws are so sensitive over the slightest cry he has like tummy upset (actually due to hunger cos he does not have much in tummy). But they do not trust my judgement and start lamenting how serious things can get. I got really fed up to be frank. I just ignored them. I know they do not like it but they also forgot that i am going through a pending miscarriage. I would be happy if they can just leave it to me and my hubby. Sorry....I need to vent it out so badly. I realised that as a daughter-in-law, one is always reagarded as outsider. They are insensitive to me at all as everything good about my son is inherited through their family. They have never mentioned a a single trait that belongs to me, the mother, in my face. Perhaps his not-so-good traits are credited to me. It's frustrating. Like with my current miscarriage, my mother-in-law told me she thinks I have an unhealthy womb. She just jumped right in, in my face. I was like...arrgh...why say that at this point. It hurts!! I would rather she doesn't talk at all if she has nothing better to say.
qing - I can understand how you feel. WHile a few of my GFs just gave birth, one expecting and waitin gfor me to join her. I can't help but feel sorry for myself too. Though I did not cry at all, I feel lonely. The lonliness is difficult to explain. There may be friends and family, hubby there to console and support but they can't feel exactly how I feel.
Mabel, read about what happen to you...*hugzz*.
been thru like this during my first fresh.
I hope things will be better once your son is well.
Good that dr is not rushing thru dnc yet. Hope miracle will happen to you
Thanks Su_yana! All the best to your coming delivery. Have you shopped for all the baby stuff? That is the most exciting part pre-delivery. hahaha
hi ladies, the last one week was hell to me. i was too devastated to speak to anyone. my ivf stopped halfway cos i hv no embryos to transfer. this was even though i hv 31 eggs retrieved. i was like crying every day whenever i think of it. i dun even hv the chance to see my embryos, i dun even hv the chance to witness the transfer, i dun even hv the chance to feel the embryos in me. worse, cos of so many eggs retrieved, my bloatedness was so terrible. so it was both physically & emotionally traumatise to me. i don't hv faith in myself anymore..
perper: It must be very hard for you! All of us are embarking on a difficult journey. Do give youself a break from ttc. Please do not just give up. Please find out and check out the reason why did this happened. Give yourself a chance to understand your body.
Mabel, yes i totally understand abt the inlaw part. Eventhough I m nt staying wif them but the invisible stress is there. Throughout the 5 yrs marriage, i am always being reminded that i m suppose to give birth as soon as possible. Eventhough both of us do not have any prob but we r jus nt lucky enuff. There is 1 particular year, when my mil narrowed me alone and left me a card for a specialist. The feeling is so awful for me like the prob is with me and nothing with the son. My 2 sil is always trying to find faults like why i m not working n when the BO happened, we just like to have some of our own time also cannot. The sis have to blame my hb for being secretive all these.

1 of my fren's son is having his full mth tmlo n yet i have to informed her of my misfortune. Many of the frens who got married later than us already hve kids n cant help to avoid them.

I agreed that families n hb eventhough present but willnt b able to help in easing our feelins. The only thing i can do i jus nt to cry infront of them to let them feel better
Hi All,
am new to this thread.

Am with SGH's CARE and doc in Dr Yu.
Am starting my lucrin injections on Monday.. Nervous abt it.

Had been seeing TCM @ Marine Parade for > 6 months. was told that its not appropriate to take further TCM now.. But what abt acupuncture? Is it too late to do acuputure @ this stage?
Perper, *hugz* ..... Hugz…  it must be tough to hear that there's no transfer but you are very strong to be able to withhear that and pls tell yourself don't give up. Which dr are u with? Did he explain why?
Perper, my guess to the reasons to abort:
- only a handful of mature eggs out of the 31eggs?
- ICSI was not done on all mature egg thus fertilization rate was low?
- u r doing D5 transfer n none of those fertilised make it to d5?

I know u r very upset. But u need to know wat went wrong.
Mabel, MIL is like that. Got 1 time my in-law also comment on me that after marriage for 2 yrs still dun even have "eggs". I didnt talk to her for few mths. The best part is that she dun even realise that she said wrong words n just say she is just kidding.
Another incident, she ask my 2 SIL who have no problem on conceiving to get pregnant again although they already have 2 kids each and ask them to give to me after gave birth. Funny rite....
Hi Hazel
Oh.. So u mean my only solution is to take asprin only? No other ways? Thk u so much for ur advise.. Really feel so helpless on what can i do to overcome this antibodies..;( will tcm help?

Hi perper
Hugz.. Is this ur first fresh cycle? Dun give up k so u must find out the reason to overcome it.. We must really jiayou.. Hope ur bloatness already subsized..

Hi qing22
Rest well gal n take care.. When u intend to try again?

I taking the leaves now since still waiting for my af after dnc.. They say the leaves can help make our uterus strong so no harm trying since no caffine. But if u ttc, stop take it after ur ovalution.. How effective is it? Am not sure since first time taking.. I just try as long as there is thing good for our womb.. U thinking of taking too?

I'm wf kkivf dr loh. He cldnt be sure what was my problem. only 3 out of 31 eggs mature. & my 3 mature ones didnt divide normally. He said mine is a v rare case & he had seen only few such cases. He can only think of 2 possibilities - either chinese medicine interferring my body cycle or i was not responsive to pregnyl. He asked me to try again in sept with short protocol & 2 addl jab in addition to increased pregnyl dosage. He mentioned that if my eggs stil cant mature, it shows that i hv intrinsic problem & hv to use donor eggs. I was so upset to hear this. This means i cannot hv my own bb
