IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hazel congrats!!

really happy for you!

Hi all,

Can I join this thread? Let me have a brief introduction of myself.

I had my 1st IVF on 2008 and my boy is now 2yrs old. I did my FET on Jan and was preg for 11 weeks which ended up in miscarriage. I had spotting during my 2ww till the day when my gynae confirmed no heartbeat (I dun experience this on my 1st preg).

I am given green light by Dr Loh (I'm from KKH) to proceed with my FET on July. Currently I have 6 embryos left. Can anyone advise me will the remaining embryos with not so good grading make it hard to implant? Since the good grading ones has already transferred first.

I am having mixed feeling. Excited to be given the green light for another try but having phobia that it will ended up in miscarriage again. Already having difficulties in conceiving, I dun understand why must I endure pain in losing.

I hope to join this thread to share the experiences and happiness. Which nobody can understand how much we have gone thru. God bless
Congrats to you!
Have a smooth 9 mths ahead and take care of yourself ok? Nothing is more impt than the mummy and baby.
Ocean, every embyro is different. Dr Loh will tell u the same too. Embyro is graded based on appearance. An embyro tt looks gd on the outside but not be a gd embyro n vice versa. There are sisters here who didn't succeed at fresh, but succeeded at FET. In fact there was one, fresh failed followed by a few failed FETs. She wanted to start fresh cycle again but dr Loh asked her to use up all her frozen Embryos first. She strike triplets in her last 3 embyros. Bbs are already born. So dun worry n try again!
Ocean, I am also from KKH. Under Dr Loh, I did soiui and end up m/c in October 2009. In March 2010, I did another Soiui. The cycle was almost aborted as the eggs were not growing. 3 doctors counselled me to give up but I insisted to proceed. Too many eggs were stimulated as a result. I converted to IVF to have the 13 eggs retrieved. 5 got fertilized. 2 was transferred on 15 Apr 10 and I am now mother of a 5month old girl.

My appt with Dr Loh is in August. Told him I wanna do fet if I dun strike natural. With same concerns as you, since better grades were transferred already. I wonder if I will stand any chance with the remaining eggs or should I start a fresh cycle. Haizzzzz
Just faith, the grading of the embbies are just superficial, really depends whether the embbies can continue to develop after ET. I transferred grade 4 embbies during fresh never strike but transfer grade 3 embbies strike. Hmmm being through 2 process I rather go for FET if I have frozen embbies coZ less stress compared to fresh. Just my tots.=)
Sarah, I didn't do anything particular. I guess we know our body best. I dun take tea generally. All types. Because I hv lots of watery discharge after taking. I interpret that it is too cooling for me. I dun take dangui also as after my menses wun come after taking! So, too heaty for me. During cycling KKIVF nurse told me her patients swear by chicken essence to increase follicle count n quality. So I took daily. My body can take it coz it was not too heaty for me. Follicle count did increase but not the no of eggs retrieved. As for quality, I dunno coz no one analyses the mix of each embyro. They are graded based on appearance. If u go by grading then is no. Cox my embyros are all grade 3 this round except for one grade 4.

Dr loh keeps saying is luck. Some sisters may think he is just giving excuses. But I hv came across a number of sisters who succeeded here with poorer quality embyro. I dun wan to name the sisters here. But Gan who had just shared her experience attested to that.

The whole process of getting pregnant and proceed to a healthy live birth is something complicated & difficult to analyse for increased success. Just on getting pregnant itself, is already so complicated. Egg quality, womb lining, hormones level many more.

I can't help but believe in dr Loh that is really luck. Also fate. That makes us helpless right? But dr Loh told me this is life. I agree with him. Is nv smooth sailing. He shared with other stuff that we are helpless to during one of the consultation. He is a doctor, he sees lives n death everyday. But he is not god.

End of the day, we just do wat we can & hope for the best. At least when We look back next time we dun regret. During the process, the bonding b/w us and our spouse will increase. We didn't lose everything even if we dun succeed.

Alot of sisters here congratulated me in this forum, including long time sisters like Gan & just faith. Thanks for all your well wishes. I m not announcing yet except in this forum link. I didn't even go to MTb link where my sisters friends are though I know they will be happy for me. long time sisters will know that is too early to rejoice n the mths ahead is full of obstacles which I hv to clear. Just take one step at a time. Have faith!
Hazel, really? I asked my doctor and she said it's ok for me to go massage before IVF/FET but once I start the cycle I should stop. Alamak, I just book my massage!
Koric, that is what the massage lady told me when i asked her while trying naturally. She told me massage it is not good loh. I am not sure how true it is.
"I can't help but believe in dr Loh that is really luck. Also fate. That makes us helpless right? But dr Loh told me this is life. I agree with him. Is nv smooth sailing. He shared with other stuff that we are helpless to during one of the consultation. He is a doctor, he sees lives n death everyday. But he is not god."- hazel, u have sum up dr loh's philosophy well.after every failed cycle (7 in total) I railed at him and ask him for reasons why this or that wld work/ didn't work, but he never was able to pinpoint anything. When the cycle worked, he was also never able to pinpoint why it worked. Conclusion, we can only do do much, the rest leave to luck, fate, chance etc.
I dont understand why massage is not good lei.. tot it's supposed to help us relax and destress? Maybe just tell the lady dont put pressure on your stomach....
Joanne, the massage lady told me there are many acupuncture points on our body. (I agree to this) Yes, massage is for relaxation and destress BUT Massage involves the whole body from head to toes. E.g, some points on our toes are linked to the womb.

The massage lady told me, pregnant ladies also can go for massage in 2nd tri BUT it must be done by someone trained to do pregnancy massage.

I dont think the massage lady who massage us on normal circumstances are trained in that aspect.

it works on the same principle when sisters go for accumpuncture before cycling. tcm dr will perform accupuncture not only on our abdomen area, i recalled, my thighs and other parts also being poked
Hazel, thanks for sharing. I also believe is luck. But I will try to take watever that is good to improve the chance in order for me to have no regret if fail the cycle.
Ok, sisters! I borrowed this book from the library called "The complete guide to IVF". It says can do acupuncture, massage, reflexology. But then again, the book is written by an ang moh...
Sarah, yes we do our best. we know our body best. so do what u deemed fit. this fresh cycle, i abit bochap. coz last fresh cycle i was so careful, this n that i dun take, and took egg whites, red date/longan drink, durians, etc. this round, i cant be bothered. i hv reached a point whereby i realised maybe RELAX and take it easy is the best remedy?
Koirc, I did fertility massages with a Malay Aunty every mth since failed fresh in Oct. She will massage & 'pushes' up my womb & try to clear 'blockages' in the fallopain tubes every session. She encourage ttc couple to do traditional massage because it improve blood circulation for whole body. Once pregnant, she will switch to aromatherapy massage (*pre-natal).

I tink it depends on how you feel about going for massages & getting the correct peson to do it. Personally I feel it helps to de-stress.

Hello Piggy, *wave
Koric, can do. but how many here are trained for that? how do we know for sure also? sight to their certifcate? i rather dun take any risk.
Hazel, I agree with you. But seriously, if I thaw all my embbies in FET and still don't get pregnant, I really don't know if I'll have the courage to go through fresh IVF again. I am quite vexed now on whether to thaw partial or all embbies. :S
Koirc, i dont think u are with dr loh, kkh right? end of the day, is the trust b/w u and ur doc. we of course feel apprehensive of thawing all, i will think like u too if i am in your circumstances.
Hazel, yaloh, relax is the key point.
During my FET, I keep playing iPhone's game. Lot ppl play game is very enjoy but for me I very kancheong. And those movie that I watch is also very kancheong type so I guess this is also play a part. Will try to listen to music or those funny movie this time round.
Sarah, i am a v kancheong person also. We just have to learn to relax. I keep reminding myself that I dun wan my kids next time to be a kancheong spider like me!
StickyBB, *big wave*

Perper, agree with flowers take normal panadol & sleep the day off cos 31 follicles is a lot. I tink you will be given progestrone inserts. So et in 2days time? Big step towards bfp.. Jiayou!
Joanne, yes failed 7 cycles. 1 fresh, 6 fet, not counting 3 iuis. Succeeded on 2 fresh cycle, my boy is now 23mths, and now waiting for scan to see #2 baby's heartbeat in 2 weeks time.
