IVF/ICSI Support Group

Congrat to summer n babymaking. Pls spread us tons of bbdust.

may i know why r u taking immouncal n egg white since our embroye already retrieve n wun bloat so much since we no do er? Sorry for my ignorance.

Minako, I m on FET transfer 3 embbies. They thaw 3 1st but one is weak so they discharge & thaw another one. Bhcg on the 23rd.
Gambatte, immunocal not only reduce bloatness, it also helps to improve lining, follicle size & enhance immune system. Many sisters whom bfp still taking immunocal throughout their pregnancy. I tinking of taking egg-white to increase lining thickness if by 1st scan not optimal.

Shaine, u doing medicated cycle? Which hospital? Any idea of the grades? Wow, hcg bt on 23jun.. Remember spread bb dust to me *wink
Mabel, why were you given that? Started since your transfer? Today I felt about 4 sharp pain just above my pelvic, kinda worried. The sharp pain only for about 5-10 seconds then stop. Does it mean maybe lining going to fall out? Dunno is it I need more support… sigh
Thanks ladies for the congratulations. Tons of baby dust to all the ladies here.

Still hv many obstacles to clear. Just take one step at a time.

Hazel, all the best for ur bhcg tmr.

Koirc, all the best to ur coming FET.

Mabel, daintreez n babymaking, sure can see bb/bbs hb in one/two wk time. Cheers.
12bmon: wah, which hospital are you from? so thorough with ppt presentation. KKH is very quick. Just a nurse in a room over in 15minute.. not very thorough. Say first time is brief. next time then will be thorough.
Summer, thanks..
when do u need to see dr Loh again?

hazel, all the best tomorrow
keep us updated
i see. Didnt know immoucal oso help in lining.;)

did u test hpt this morning? Shd be positive. All the best to ur bt today. With high reading. Yeh! Then dun left us pls, u r our guru. We need u here..;( beside ur bb dust, we oso need ur advise. ;)
Hazel, all the best!

Jass - I'm also thinking about transferring only one. But my doctor insist that Singapore is not so sophisticated yet to transfer only one embbie.
Did you ask your doctor?
Jass - I read that in some European countries like Switzeland they can only trsnafer one at a time eventhough they have alot of embbies. The rest must be frozen. The reason being, recent research found that transfering one will reduce chances of multiples tremendously cos multiples leads to more complications supposedly. One other impt reason is that, they found that with just one embryo, they can more accurately place it at the most strategic location in the uterus (they call it the MIP point) that will increase chances of implantation. But not sure if the doctors here are as advance. I thought they should be.
it's most prob the plaster, if the site not bleeding after the jab, do not need plaster.

just curious why consider putting in only 1 embryo? as FET already lower chance of success.

how does immunocal increase lining? from what i understand immunocal is only a high protein mix, and it's useful only to prevent bloat from ohss.
i don't think RE's here are so technically sophisticated, hardly see them in the international medical field with any research papers or anything like that.

btw in some European countries, ER is commonly done with just some oral painkiller and no sedation in doctor's office. *horror*
Babymaking, I don't think I am prepared to have twins. So like mabel said, putting in one reduces the chances of multiple pregnancies.

My doctor is planning to culture the embbies to blastocyst to increase the chance. But I am still thinking whether to thaw partial or all embbies.
Koirc, I guess if u tell ur dr ur concern of having multiples the dr will understand and let u just transfer 1 embryo. For Dr Loh, he ask me to transfer 2 embryos but I say I want to transfer 3 and he also say is my decision ya if have triplet i must accept it. Then I say yes so he transfer 3 for me. U can talk to ur dr abt ur concern and they will listen.
Hi Sarah,

I did. But my doctor is not very keen on the idea. She said we're not so sophisticated yet unlike the west. I have about a month to think...

How are you now? Sorry there are so many sisters and I kinda lose track...
Sarah, I think Dr. Loh will assess your chances of multiples. If he thinks its high he will suggest transferring lesser embryos, like my case he suggested 3 and still tell me can cope wan. Think he hinting i low chance heh
Koirc, Oic, mayb the dr have his own concern and he want you to success.
What if transfer 2 instead of 1?

I will be doing my fresh cycle in early Aug. Another 1 1/2 mths to start the cycle. This time will just let dr loh to decide how many to transfer and also have to depends on the grading.
flowers, i remember during my fresh cycle, he already get ready to transfer 2 embryos but I tell Dr loh that I want to transfer 3. Then he ask my hubby again and say r u sure 1 2 transfer 3? will hit triplet leh... after awhile v still insist to transfer 3 and he say me greedy. hahahaha.
Hazel, Congratz! May you have a bundle of joy or 2 bundles in 8mths time, and this time peaceful and uneventful experience. ^^
Sarah, I'm starting my FET in August too!
If transfer two, I'll have to take a gamble on having twins lor.

Hazel, congratulations! Finally relieved! Take good care and have a smooth journey ahead!
Koirc, mine is short protocol so i roughly estimate the ER/ET will be around mid aug. (Provided everything go smooth)
we might be cycle buddy.
Just Faith, I had to do 2nd fresh cycle. I only had enough to do one FET from 1st fresh cycle which i got pregnant too last Aug. Yes, you know the ending of the FET.

Sisters, thanks for all your well wishes. Will take each step cautiously.
flowers, dr loh said me very kiasu n greedy. but for FET i let him decide and he say put 3 but still not success. So this round i will transfer 2 if i have good embryos.
Babymaking, I m very tired today. Asked the nurse to get me another 2 days mc/hl. She ssid cannot but after talking to her she said she will try. Dr Loh is super packed at tps today. Sun wan to queue for hrs to see him for this. Ic dun hv then will go bk to work tomorrow.

Multiples? Dun think so since it is not even 4 digits. Actually, I

Im very bloated since last nite. Last nite dont have enough sleep due to it. I drink lots of water also cant help, immunicoal help a bit but cant last longer.
