IVF/ICSI Support Group

My bk aching... Can't sleep well

Babymaking, try rubbing with ruyi oil. I find it helps. Now I know, hungry also eat only a few pcs. I was hungry late yesterday night but dare not eat. Ended up drinking one small bottle of bird nest only. I m very xiao jie one, threshold for discomfort n pain is v low. A few times it is so unbearable, given my low threshold, that I wan to cry. Hub keeps saying he knows but he doesn't until he is in my shoes.

My gf who has been thru alot too to hv a pair of twins told me when I see my bb smile at me next time I will know all is worth it..
Hazel - cannot raise white flag....hang in there.

Qing - You too, do not raise white flag yet. We cannot raise white flag so soon. I would like to share with you this site which I am not sure you came across http://www.misdiagnosedmiscarriage.com/mycommunity/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=11318
Not that reading this site can prevent miscarriages but at least it highlights to us that there are so many cases out there that no one will even think possible not even medical professionals simply becos drs always need scientific proof and as long as no studies are done in those areas, they cannot recognise it. So we should be more aware of things before making our decisions.
Hazel, my 1st bhcg is at 387 then i did 1 myself 2 days later which is at 667 if i rem correctly but i knw definitely not doubling.

Mabel, ya read tat site many times but flag reali raise half liao. Gs nt growing by 1mm per day n no yolk sac all telling mi time to give up.
Ron, af finally reported ytd. Hopes of miracle gone...
Is urs here yet?

Looks like gonna carry on with FET. Ladies, june cycle buddies anybody?
Qing - *hugs* We know how tough it is. I struggled to keep myself sane too, still am. Wait for your dr to take a look first dear. If your sonography were done at all different clinics, then the measurements may not be accurate enough to compare.
Mabel, ya definitely struggling as i m a SAHW didnt hve a precious kid to take my mind off things. How i envy u. Now even hve difficulties facing hb.

Haha tink 1 gd thing is time to plan for holidays eventhough hb do not have many leaves left after all this. Wonder how to do the mini confinement also. Not reali into these things, didnt do it after 1st mc also
Ameilla> congrat that u can start ur Fet so soon. All the best!!

Qing> hugz. Maybe u want to go to mc forum for more support if there is no miracle.
Is this ur 2nd mc? First mc oso same problem? Whts ur gap before u try again? Maybe didnt tiao enough. Go to a tcm to tiao urself well before try again. Still hv embroye?

Hazel> congrat!! Think u hv bfp again, thats happy news!! Rest well, eat well. U going back to work or going rest to first trimester? Pls share with us ur tips. Sorry, may i know ur age?
Hi hazel

I did one more HPT the day after my actual BT 18dpt, for keeping (I also kept the hpt for my boy with his cord :p till now) the line was darkened and obvious
I am counting down to my scan at AMC come 21/6 now...

Been reading the thread, your bloat still bad?
Yes one tab twice a day. Hv u arranged the date to do scan n see dr Loh? U already passed the 250 hcg mark. Wat's there to do BT again. Regardless of the reading level on Tues, u still need to do scan n see dr Loh.
Is it common for kkh to do scans 2 wks after the other? After the 2nd scan, how many more weeks to the next? By then can change gynae?
Hazel/ Silsilly, is it common for our temperature to be elevated after BFP? it seems like my temperature kept staying in the range of 37.3-37.6 since i BFP which is not normal for me cos my usual temperature are always from 36.5-36.8... thanks for your advice
Mine is also elevated.. Hovering between 37.2 and 37.3.. Our temperature fluctuates in the day though.. So, it's common..
Silsilly, thanks... cos with the rise in the temp, i've been feeling really restless and tired... no more symptoms now, just the temperature... what about u ?
Daintreez, yes. It is normal. It shows that u r pregnant. I m sad that after O, my temp hardly achieve 36.7 n above. This how's that my uterus is not warm enuf. Diff to came nceive. Any one can help?
Silsilly, first 2 appointments are at 2 wks interval because after 8 wks the chance for the viability of the pregnancy is higher. After that, the if u r doing DS check, there will be a BT before 11wks and a DS scan by 13 wks. Generally, An appointment will be scheduled after the DS scan for your gynae to review with u. After that, the next appointments is after the 5 mths bb detailed scan, at abt 19wks, unless dr Loh WANs to see u another visit b4 that.

The start of 14 wks is 2nd tri which is mire stable. If u r having twins, there will be more detailed scans at specialized clinic, ADC in 2nd tri n the reviews after the scan with the dr. When u hit 3rd tri, intervals of visits get shorter n shorter.

Daintree, your body temp is higher now coz of the preg. It will get worse as your bb gets bigger. Some mtbs break up into heat rashes in final tri. That is why I say the journey to become a mother is not easy!
Tks hazel for the info..

I'm bloated, constipated and feeling sick most the time.. The giddiness started but no merlion-ing..
Starting to get uncomfy..
Sunstillshines, hi dear, actually I've been taking chinese herbs from a doctor in Toa Payoh since last Sept, problem is the medicine needs to be brewed daily... the herbs are adjusted to your body by this physician, it is actually pretty 'heaty' she told me, but as my body is very 'cold' i can drink that without falling sick at all, only feels more warm thereafter and body can tahan aircon after taking it for a month... prior to that i usually freeze whenever i enter air conditioned places... thats the only one i does religiously, i dont know if it is the one that helps, cos the rest like longan drink/ dr zou/ egg whites etc, i only took it after i embarked on my ivf in april... nothing at all before that just the herbs from this physician in Toa Payoh... if u dont mind exploring u can try, cos i've asked other medical halls with the prescription she gave me, all of them told me the prescription is all the 'heaty' herbs to regulate blood circulation so it increases the flow in the body, this can help those people whom are always 'cold'.... our womb especially is 'cold' by nature...
Hazel, thanks for your advice, i actually really cant recall all these after the long gap between my last pregnancy.. or maybe i wasn't so cautious then as it wasnt naturally concieved.
i shall just get used to the rise in temp, been worried why am i always feeling feverish n tired...

Sil, I am also constipated, bloated slightly after each meal but usually subsides pretty fast... my giddiness comes only occasionally, most of the time i am totally ok.. for me its the rise in temp that makes me feels lethargic and tired hence feels sick... when is your next scan or visit to dr?
My next scan is on 21st June.. It will be my 2nd scan..
it's another scary wait lor.. Haizz.. The worry is never ending one..
Sil, mine is same day but first scan... u r also scanning at amc? ya, never ending worry, but dont worry, yours is 2nd scan, one hurdle cleared before me
daintreez, thanks! I am seeing Dr Zou currently. I think her medicine is also heaty. I think I will embark on drinking longan with red dates and wolfberries....

This is the last month I am trying naturally. My body has recovered back to normal. If this cycle is a BFN again, I will be going for my 2nd FET. Really worried.... I wonder if I should start a fresh again if the 2nd FET failed.... Emotionally very tired... ...
A sister asked me how old I m earlier. I m 38 this yr. Hv not bfp yet. Even if bfp, is too early for me to rejoice. Hv to take each step with caution. No special remedy or food. As per normal during cycling.

Daintree, 2nd scan is in dr loh's room
sun, hugz... stick to dr zou if u r already seeign her, most physician uses the same protocol... plus she is well recommended.. try drinking the longan drink on a regular basis, i am still doin that now daily.. hoping it will keep the womb warm too...

all the best! must keep yourself relaxed ok?
Today is only 1dpt and I'm not feeling so comfortable. Backache like crazy, mouth is tasteless, diarrhea for awhile then stop, nausea and bloated.... Phew, quite uncomfortable day even though I lie down almost half the day. Wonder how the rest of the next few days…
Feelingweird, welcome to the 2ww club! Tell urself is a good sign if these continue thru out 2ww. But if they dun, dun fret out also coz they are sisters who dun get any symptoms n bfp!
Was admitted to kk on fri for moderate ohss, was discharged on sun.. Still feeling bloated and uncomfy, esp when lying down sideways to zz.. Its only d7 since my ET... Just hope the ohss will get better soon...
flowers, tq. I have a good rest in d weekend

Having mild cramps on & off since d5pt at my lower abdomen, bloated, tenderness of breast and backache. All my fingers crossed for this cycle.

Hi sistas,
I am embarking on FET in July after 3 failed Ivf (2 MC & 1 blighted ovum).

on Lucrin jab since 28 May and Progynova since 5 June for regulated FET. Any sisters out there commencing FET. Any advise.

Please advise TCM - Dr Zou contact.

Thanks a bunch, Sarah
