IVF/ICSI Support Group

I changed my job to part time and going to work first 1/2 of the week. Although i still have to do some work in the later 1/2 but the stress level is reduced by alot. Unfortunately, taking long leave is not encouraged by my co.

Koirc, dun read everything as omen. Just stay calm. Sometimes when we give our body less stress(emo and physical), the body function better.

Bingo, Good luck and have a good collection number.

Those doing BT today, all the best !!!
Ritz & silsilly,

All the best for your BT today.
Clb, nice EDD..Xmas day. our twins shld be ard early dec..hope to last till 37-38 wks..me very ambitious. My 1st bb was overdue & still very comfortable inside until no choice do c-sec. Yrs 1st can try natural, dr loh say my 1st one c-sec most likely will do so..

Ltjabi, Melodi, initially my MS was bearable, but now getting worse, eating lesser & vomit a few times too..dread eating. We all more or less sama sama..hope so it's gd sign for our journey.

Melodi, glad yr scan is gd most likely yr MS will end by 12 wks..so just bear with it. for twins i wonder if it's gg to last forever..

J03, FET is painless & simple in fact u shld feel much lesser stress next rd. The max MC KK will give is 3 days, hopefully yrs fall on Wed, then u will have 5 days rest over wkends. For me i went back work after 3rd day. For nex rd u need to erase the mc shadow & keep telling yrself it's gg to last..Yr mind is very powerful use it to yr adv ok. tdy episode will be over be strong for us!
J03, you going for your procedure today? It's painful process for you. Be strong! You will be fine. Don't worry! Jia you!
Melodi; ya agree not very nice to tok abt pregnancy here that y I only read nowadays never tok abt pregnancy. Not very comfortable in December thread though. hope all is well. Besides feeling sick I don't feel anything so juz hope bb is fine. R u showing yet?
morning sisters,

wanna check with those @ kkh, has any of you ever requested for a diff protocol from what dr prescribed?
I've been doing some research on internet to keep myself informed prior to ivf in jun and heard from this fertility expert that she encourage natural selection over icsi whenever possible because icsi may result in injecting certain chromosome and because baby's blueprint (being their foundation cells) are formed already at 8 weeks old so she said we may unknowingly lead our kids to go through ART right away next time? I'm on 100% icsi and i wanna know if i can do half half, although i rem. the nurse telling me that via natural selection it is possible that no embryo may develop or something. then whole cycle wasted. :\ Perhaps when I see Dr during the ER stage?

I think i am thinking too much...but anyone knows if its possible to request for half half?

Ok on a happier note, Happy Friday to everyone and all the best to those taking BT / doing ER / doing ET today. I'm sure we will all be blessed with carrying our little one for all that we're going through.

Queenie >> how are you? so we postpone outing to next week when Bingo can join us? Or I can meet you whenever you r bored too. hee hee hee

Yes..positive thinking helps a lot. I've seek some 'professional help' recently in counseling, to prepare myself mentally before ivf in jun and my therapist was sharing with me that she was diagnose as infertile at the age of 30. she cried her eyes out but went to see a chinese physician whom did some holistic healing and could make her cry and stop at will, and 2 mths later she got pregnant. so she agreed that the mind plays an important part.

sisters, one DVD which i found to be quite entertaining is 公主嫁到 (english title: can't buy me love). hope this can help entertain you during your 2ww
Another batch of BT sistas tdy, gd luck to Ritz & Silsilly wish u both carry on the bb dust fr bbnn & 12bhappy!

whitetiger, yr AF cramp is standard procedure, don't give up any hope..continue rest well & stay focus on achieving yr goal. JY!

Queenie, yr decision is bravo, this is time to be a mum as IVF is a brave & timeconsuming path we need to make sacrifices. Since yr job is too stressful nex time with kids u also need to reduce yr workload, now is a wise move if yr boss not understanding. U will not regret once u see yr child..that is mother love, priceless
I agree with GOH that Queenie's decision is bravo. To take that 'first step' to set priorities and do it is already a big step.

-hugs Queenie-
Thk u Goh
Next time when i am abt to do fet, may seek ur help more, is it ok? Btw, u do natural or medical fet?

Hi gals
After today, all will be over for my this ivf cycle.. Hope to join u gals back here soon so that is ready for me to ttc again..
All the best to all sister here to get bfp n carry healthy bb in our arms..

Thk u nell too..

Hi qingwei
Look forward to ur advise.. Will insurance co know i do ivf n reject my claims? More worry is they told my hr collegue the ivf thingy.. Or will this case treat as pregnancy n dnc case only? Thk u..
J03, Jia you. It must be tough on you today. Please hold on. I believe very soon your dragon BB is on the way. Sure BFP on your FET next cycle. Rest well after today and maybe can have a short trip with DH and son to relax yourself first. Jia you!

Goh, gg for your scan already
Yes hope our MS will quickly go away. Sick of eating.

Itjabi, ya i think tummy is showing because bloated with gas too :p Actually I am more comfortable here too since we started from here but just worried what we share here might be insensitive to other sisters.

Sorry sisters if we have accidentally offended you. Hope all of us doing IVF can BFP and can share our joys together. It is really a tough journey.
Hello...sorry i got another question. Im very long-winded today so hope the sisters don't mind me...

So KKH booked me for June cycle. The thing is now my May cycle hasn't arrive yet. Supposed to be yesterday lah. So assuming my May cycle comes late, then my June cycle only comes in early Jul...they will still accept me even tho I've technically did not go to them during the Jun period right? Or will I need to notify them?

I really want to get started on this journey and get the chance to conceive our own finally instead of still trying & waiting for past 3 yrs...
kimmy, yes, although the nurse schedule u under June cycle, if ur menses only arrive in early jul u can still proceed with the jul cycle. I did check with the nurse b4 abt this. Alternatively u can ring the KKIVF nurse to confirm as well.
J03, rest well. Hope you find the cause of ur MC and will be able able to have a bb in ur arms in the next attempt.

Kimmy, usually it is okie to tell them ur cycle came late, cause af cannot predict so zhun one.
thank u Sarah for letting me know. Much appreciation.

[kimmy is in a post frenzy this morning...]

And to all sisters who have given me friendships & advice here, thank you. I was just talking to another friend today who has a newborn and she was telling me about her new friendships with some of the mommies on this forum. Then I told her that I also made new friends here & I am very thankful for these friendships too ( although I didn't tell her which thread exactly).

You sisters are a 'godsend' to me because no one else can give out so much warmth, comfort & understanding during this important journey of transition to motherhood.

I want to thank each & every one of you, for making a difference to my life.
J03, sorry late reply. It depend how the doc write the report.
Upon claiming insurer might seek doc report. If they do that then really depend how doc write.
My Frd had a day surgery with dr Loh. He did mention he won't write it as fertility problem so that she can claim insurance.
Melodi, glimmer, Itjabi- maybe we shld try go to the other thread sometimes? =)....i think only mel is active there now...=P
i need to take anti vomit pill once in morn...if still not good, take 2nd one at noon...mel, u mean the current pills not working for you? i read hsg levels peak at week 8 to 10, that is when ms will hit hardest also, after that will taper off.so we can only ren now...maybe u can ask for stronger pill zofran ($20/pill), it's quite effective for some...is cheaper if buy fr public hosp pharmacy.
Nell & Blurlet - Thanks. I think I am really giving myself unnecessary stress... Can only blame myself for being so under prepared for this whole thing.

Am trying to keep positive but have had mood swings the last few days. And I get agitated with the smallest thing.

Now counting down to one more week...
Jo3, take care.

Im doing medicated FET this cycle. I got my baby aspirin today. I request from the nurse and she ask it from Dr. Will start taking it today. Attact by gastric due to the progynova also nausea.
Sarah, ok. I will be starting immunocal soon.

I don't know why suddenly off and on i feel like my heart beats very fast and my body shakes (like trembling).

Sarah, not sure man. hope not! i resigned from job in order to relax...

Mm it happened for short while whenever I just wake up from my naps. I keep napping these days even when sitting at the comp. Think the weather too hot...

thanks for ur concern nonetheless :]
Sarah, i didn't take anything diff except for maybe I kept eating those 'heaty' stuff ppl eat during 2ww because my body is the 'liang' type so I prepare my womb to constantly be warm. So yes, I feel hot easily. I think its a result from eating too much heaty. wahahah.
Tks for your well wishes..
I just got a call from kkivf and I will not be celebrating any time soon cos I need to repeat BT on Monday..

Hope everything goes well..
Silsilly; dont worry sure will double. Melodi had the same issue too.

Chris; i think I do. How r u? How has ur ivf journey been?
Hi itjabi,

how many weeks are you? Have u been in contact with the rest? I log in like a few months once and this time just happened to see your name

is this your 2nd one?
Hi, does anyone here have PruSmart Lady insurance? There is an optional Maternity Risk Cover. Anyone know if that covers pregnancy by IVF too? I don't mean IVF process but once you become pregnant.

That's close...I read that some ladies take longer to detect even with BT. Dun worry to much. Stay positive over the weekend. I will be doing my BT on Monday (23 May) too. Nervous too. But not gonna take HPT.
Hi itjabi,

Ooh I tried frozen cycle in oct 10 but was not successful, then during my last visit in apr 2011, s f loh advised me to try for the frozen cycle (last try) this coming Jun... i was still considering and then i just found out recently i'm preggy. Actually i stopped trying since oct 2010 cos my workplace was really stressed and i was disappointed with the results for the frozen cycle.
Hazel, good idea *winks* But hor, they waiting for my May cycle to come to start taking those blood tests which is compulsory. Argh!!! The agony..
hi itjabi,

i changed my diet after i seen s f loh, he told me tat i actually succeeded and the egg sticked on to my womb just that i miscarried during the BT. And he prescribed me baby aspirin for june frozen cycle. I understand that baby aspirin is similar to "dang gui" in chinese medicine as it's used to improve the circulation of blood flow to the womb. So this round i tried at the advice of my sis-in-law who is 3mths preggy now, to take black chicken tonic soup at least 1-2 a week, and i also started taking beef, and i drank red dates + wolfberries tea ( recommended by dr zou) in mid Apri till now. And I find that it really improved my health overall and i dun feel giddy easily anymore.

Hi ladies,

Just to know and for our info that we cannot transfer 3 embryo if our age below 37. I supposed to transfer 3 embryo but the new government rules already kick off. Only can transfer 2.
