IVF/ICSI Support Group

qingwei, my progesterone bt reading is 267. Think the passing mark for insert and jab support r diffrent. I also din ask what is the passing mark for jab support. Like what clb said, the reading din indicate anything. Relax, ok!

j03, my aunt is a stuborn tyle lady, she dont do mini confinement after MC, just let it be till she got preggy again, then MC again till she finally got her daughter, feel sad for her each time when mom told she was MC again.. since you full term pregnancy before, i am sure you will soon. my body still have some outstanding issue not yet solve, maybe due to jabs during ivf or maybe.... need to monitor for 2 more cycles to see how it go.

Clb, super happy for you to have twins, by the way how many weeks for you now? cheerss..
J03, I need some time to read ur plan.
U will be claiming via ur existing plan n after that then upgrade w Ntuc or other insurer? If is still from Ntuc, U need to check if there is any exclusion before u confirm the upgrade.
If is other insurer, u rem declare n see insurer accept n no exclusion at all then u switch from Ntuc to other insurer.

If u doing a switch, rem switch ur dh n ur son medical plan.
Just in case one day if dh n son need to hospitalise due to like food poisoning u won't panic n still got to rem who is under wat plan n wat insurer coy.
Clb, congrats on yr twins too! our EDD shld be same, did yr doc tell u yr EDD yet? twins is double the risk so i just keep telling them to strive on while i just pray for their safety. hope we clear every scan smoothly. U take care & we both strive hard to complete the journey.

J03, don't let our pregnancy affect yr recovery..u were part of us, in 6 mths time we see u having another BFP with flying colours & double joy. Your never give up spirit will be rewarded! better go take a gd rest now...
Perper & other interested sisters,
U may wish to refer back to the archive in relation to the skincare prdts, which CLB has kindly posted:

Posted on Friday, April 22, 2011 - 5:44 pm

Hope u don't mind me directing the info here, as I have found the info very useful.. Thank you...       
Whitetiger, my medical insurance is from Great Eastern.
I choose great eastern becoz of it's comprehensive coverage on pregnancy complication. Other insurer only cover up to 5 type. Great eastern cover up to 20 types.
I remember last time those patient from CARE said that the ivf insurance is not compulsory. You can opt out for the insurance. And for KK, what the nurse told me last time is that as long as u plan to deliver ur bb in sg hospital then is compulsory to buy.
i got this from SKII Q&A pg. those still concerned may want to avoid totally. anyway, just for info.

Can I use SK-II products when I am pregnant?

Use of SK-II During Pregnancy
ll of our skin care products are safe to use even when you are nursing or pregnant.

If you have specific concerns about using a product when nursing or pregnant, we recommend you to contact your doctor who is in the best position to advise you based on your particular needs.

Don't worry too much abt the hsg scan (assuming u meant the one to chk for blocked tubes).. The cramps r bearable, smthg equivalent to menses cramps & ll subside in a couple of days..
Qingwei, I am with SGH. And it seems I'm the only SGHer here... Makes me wonder why everyone is going KKH...

Oh ok... I think mine is the oral tablet called dydrogesterone. I did go for the BT on Monday but I wasn't told what my level is. The nurse just said that if it's ok, they will not call me. And asked me to continue with the tablet.
queenie, thank u so much for ur help.
the list clb has provided is helpful, i will check my pdts based on that list. btw, the posting time was 6:04pm, those interested may refer to that post for a complete list of ingredients to look out for.
Tanny, not to scare u. When I took HSG, I so scare of pain as i don't noe I read from where that if very painful meaning is badly blocked.

When I did it, my god it was so painful.... Worst then my af cramp. My mind thinking die le la.... But result was all CLEAR... Rem walk slowly aft that. I feel normal during the resting time. But I ran across the street n end up I went back to 24hr clinic at 11pm due to severe pain.

I gana infection. I suspect coz I ran across the street.

If can eat painkiller before will be good.
During ur 2ww, wat support is SGH providing u with?
Qingwei & myself r given progesterone capsules to insert into our vaginals.. Tat is wat we meant by inserts..
Some progesterone supports are in the form of injections, like wat summer is given.. Some can b orally taken, some gel-like, I read fr Internet.. 6 days aft our ET, we r told to go bk for BT to chk our progesterone level to see if additional support is required..

Qingwei, summer,
Mine is 60.. I m worried too, cos I always fear tt I m not inserting the capsules the rite way.. Like qingwei, I always hv abit discharge aft each insert.. But I tink, there is another type, the gel-like one which ll result in discharge too.. I guess the stress is building up.. + my office ppl r irritating me with sms.. Coooooooooooool down....

So, qingwei, u r told to continue the insert, rite?
Queenie,dont stress. Tell u what, my stress come fm one big pile of undone iron cloths. I am very headache whenever I open and see them in my cupboard. Sian......
Queenie & qingwei, no need stress... ur support is sufficient. As long as more than 30 for those insert 1 then is ok liao. (for KKH standard)
Hi Queenie, ya I guess I was given the oral type. I went back for my BT so the nurse said if they didn't call me in the afternoon, I can just continue with my medicine. So I'm just taking my medicine every day and waiting for the BT next Friday.
Queenie, I left my hp to silent so that I don't see the SMS asap. At night then slowly reply them.
I do have a full time day job de. =p
Sarah, u can try asking the dr who see you after your scan. If she/he needs clearance from dr Loh asked him/her to go ask.
I am with NUH.

About the insurance, both times, the nurse who goes through with me the documents right from the start will tell me about it and on ET day, they will give me the form and remind me to send it out within 7 days after ET. Also with GE. As mine is only 1 embryo, paid about $68.00. If 2 embryos, is close to $300.

About the progesterone support, NUH gave me Crinone inserts in stick form (like tampon)starting from ER all the way through the 2ww. On top of that, after ET, they summon me back for two separate pregnyl jabs in the first week. I didn't get the pregnyl jabs for my first IVF cycle. I asked the nurse and she says for Pregnyl it is case by case but it does cause alot of bloating.

Was also given antibiotics after ER for 10 days. Meantime, have to continue with folic acid and my multivite. With NUH, they never to BT throughout the 2WW.
Hazel, thanks. I will do so. Actually i follow ur post long ago since yr 2009 and I remember that time when u tested BFP is around mid Dec 09 (if i remember correctly). I like to read ur post coz u r very knowledgeble, u know a lot of things/med terms. Last yr when i did my fresh cycle, i tell myself not to use pregnancy test coz I hope to be like u bfp without using pregnancy test.
Wish u best of luck in ur coming cycle. cheers.
Hey Mabel, if you don't mind can I ask why you only do 1 embryo transfer? Sorry, I am quite ignorant. Because SGH didn't ask me how many I want to trf.

And when they showed me two embryos on the screen, the embryologist and doctor said they are beautiful. But I cannot tell that they are beautiful.

Then the embryologist told me one of them is half compacting and she tried to explain but I still catch no ball.
I tried to google but still don't quite understand...

Btw, I was given antibiotics after ER too. I just completed the course. I asked the nurse if I can take my multivites. She advised me to stop until I finished all the medication. So I have stopped.
Jo3, dont forget to do ur confinment. It helps ur womb to become normal and strong. Sometimes mc can happen when our womb not strong enough to carry d baby. Take care.

Hazel, can we just request d nurse for baby aspirin. My 1st scan for fet is on 30.5 dunno see Dr or not after scan. They did not prescribe me the baby aspirin.
Hi Koirc

My response to the stimulation wasn't fantastic eventhough this round I am put on high dosage with a twist (more costly too). I had several good growing follicles but a handful are way ahead of the rest so it became tricky. In the end. they only managed to retrieve 3 eggs ( I was so disappointed)as I thought I had like about 6 good size follicles but I guess some were empty. When the embryologist called me, she said one did not fertilise, the other 2 did but one did not continue to divide and so I am left with one good quality one she said (that was a consolation). So now keeping my fingers and toes all crossed for next Monday's BT.
Su_yana - Yeah I loves the staff there. Som comforting and patient. Treat each of us with utmost care. Always nice even on busy days
. That is why I am still with NUH.
Sarah / Summer,
Thanks.. I now know wat the seniors r gg thru in tts 2ww.. Muz reali keep myself occupied by watching DVD.. The moment I hv nothg on in my mind, my tots start to wonder..

Juz don't open the wardrobe.. Out of sight, out of mind.. :p

My phone oso in silent mode.. Juz tt last nite I finali see it, 10 new sms fr colleagues.. Tellin me they got no time to help me do one last minute work request.. I wonder wat they expect me to do, whn I m on HL.. They don't knw tt I gg thru ivf.. Nah.. Don't tok abt such thgs..
I get to eat my big pork Bao & char siew Bao.. Dh bot for me.. Heehee..
I see. All the best, Hazel. I'm sure it is excellent quality. I too had problems when I did my first scan. The imaging technologist said not big enough. So I had to increase my dosage too. Puregon is so expensive!

Don't know if I'm not inquisitive enough and too ignorant. I don't think SGH explained so much to me.
queenie- tks for reminding me abt the post. I've repasted here for sisters again:

These powerful substances, found in some anti aging moisturizers, are lauded for helping reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. Retinoids are a type of vitamin A that speeds up cell division (quickening your skin's renewal) and prevent skin collagen from breaking down. There is no strong evidence to show that retinoids ingredients are harmful when used on the skin. It is advised by doctors to avoid during pregnancy and nursing.

What to check on the label:

•Differin (adapelene)
•Retin-A, Renova (tretinoin)
•Retinoic acid
•Retinyl linoleate
•Retinyl palmitate
•Tazorac and avage (Tazarotene)

Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid is another no-no for pregnant women.This mild acid is used to treat certain skin disorders, including acne, and you can find it in a number of skin products, such as cleansers and toners. BHA, or beta hydroxy acid, is a form of salicylic acid and is used in some topical exfoliants to reverse signs of aging.

What to check on the label:

•Salicylic acid
•Beta hydroxy acid
jus for information, if you are concerned, can try cetaphile from wastons, it's very mild facial pdt, suitable for preg...

for sk11, i recalled 1 sister said it contains retinol? not sure, maybe sisters using it need to check it out?

tks moo and glimmer! Moo, slow and steady finishes the race. ur BFP will come very soon! =)

tks qingwei- hee, yes jus recalled abt the pre existing clause...wow, financial advisory is ur part time job? then u r in 2ww, u r still juggling 2 jobs?
Hi Mums, I have a focus group discussion on skin care products, any mums keen to participate. Date on 8th or 9th of June, time to be advised. Token - $150.00 for a 3 hrs session. If interested, kindly sms me your name, age, contact no, brand use to 97640028. Thanks.
Queenie & qingwei- u r on inserts? yes i keep having nagging feeling i din push inside enuff...initially told dh to help me, as his fingers longer, than i found it gross, so i did it myself...as long as u lie down for a while (15 min to 30 min), the inserts wld have melted inside and "spread" to where ever it needs to go to...i realised inserts melted quite fast inside de...and the discharge afterwards, i also experienced alot "fall out", but no worries, enuff wld have gone inside liao... =P

Suyana- my gynae is Dr benjamin tham fr TMC. How abt u? =)
Suyana- yes agree to be with doc we r comfy with. when is ur EDD?

glimmer- EDD is 25 Dec... but if C sect, shld be early dec...we shld be same same...
Suyana- congrats! nearly 3rd trimester already. how do u cope? r u working? i'm struggling thru 1st trim with ms, really hope 1st trim ends soon.
so far, things have been good for me.
I continue to work but i took things very easy.
I am quite glad, i did not really have ms.
When i have it, is when in the evening. And i will not say it is really ms...just feel like throwing out and not due to food or anything else. I am thankfully with everything.

Are you having twins?
Congrats Suyana! I hope to be in your shoes soon though my hopes this time isn't high there is only one precious little bean in there. Not even sure if it has already stuck on even.

I have not met Dr Su from NUH before. I have been with Dr Chew and only met Prof Wong once when Dr chew had an urgent op to attend to. I heard that Dr Chew and Prof Wong of NUH are focusing on IVF treatment patients and so if BFP, will be assigned to another gynae. Not sure if it is true though.
Have you ever done a natural killer cells bt before? Some doctors do believe this could be a cause for recurrent mc. You can do a google on NK cells or Natural Killer cells. Hope this helps. Take care.

Mabel, don't think negatively. It is not over for you. Your little one might the one for you.

Yeah, it is true, Dr Chew and Prof Wong are focussing on IVF. Actually, not too sure about Dr Chew. SO far when i did my cycles i had been attended by Prof. Only once or twice, i was attended by Dr Chew coz Prof was away.

So when i bfp, Prof followed me till 12 weeks. After that i am free to go and choose other gynae which means i can also go to other hospital. SO i had Prof recommended gynae over there and he recommended Dr Su. SO i took her.
I wanted a female gynae.
Prof was good enough not to recommend me those high end gynae who may have higher consultation fee. Dr Su fee is reasonable.
Mabel, when is your BT?
