IVF/ICSI Support Group

Miracle, why not take no pay first.
I think one of my colleague did that those she did not say. Heard from others. How true i'm not sure
Suyana - Any encouragement at this stage is great! Thanks a heap!! My BT is 23 May...the most nerve racking. The last time my Af came before I even made it to the BT. But they did the BT for me anyways. One day before BT, I had light staining. My heart sank then. This time round, shall see. BUt even if I made it to BT, it is partly becos I was on Pregnyl and crinone. The previous time I only had Crinone. Will update! ;)
Thk queenie
Me will upgrade to the enhance plan under ntuc still..;)
Btw, my exist plan at ntuc dun cover the thousand plus bt i did yesterday..;( my company buy prudential group hospital and surgical plan, heard this got cover 90 days before n after procedure.. But do u know does it cover for table 2A dnc surgery? R u fr prudential? Thk u for ur kind advise..
If i claim fr company insurance then i must let them know i do dnc ler.. Jialat leh.. More pp will know abt my bfp n mc then.. But can claim still ok, worry cant claim then jialat..

Hi hazel
Very funny, kkh say no need admission, just rest at the recovery area after operation .. I was surprise as last time i got admission why this time no?? Which mean hb cannot be with us when we r resting?? Funny.. They say if want admit, cost $1600 plus, if no admit, only cost $1300 plus n can fully pay by medisave.. Hmm.. Blur n now wonder shd i admit? Sigh...

Thk u goh n shanie n clb
I hope to bfp with successful pregnancy too but the thinking of going thru 2ww again n stress of bfp or not scare me again.. Btw goh, did u rest for 2ww after ur fet or go back to work?
I feel so stress up. My coll suddenly disappear and send an email stating she will be going immed resignation. She is a gd coll and we work closely to each other. Now she not around I hv to cover her works. With my IVF coming in July I very worry i will be doing under a stress environment.. They say will find ppl but nt sure will take how long. I wa to defer my ivf but hub say dnt...feel like crying...
Hi Mabel- I also from Nuh under prof wong. Waiting for June menses to start 2nd fresh ivf.
Is this yr 2nd fresh cycle.
All the best for yr Bt on 23/5.
I'm also very comfortable with the team of nurses in chr & prof wong room nurse. So decided to do 2nd round with them ,hope I will strike tis round.
Su- so fast going to 3rd tri Liao. U are in good hands, Dr Su is gentle & nice dr
Queenie, thanks for ur well wishes, ahh, finally get thru major part of the day now waiting for my dinner. It's v tough to tahan the wait to BT tomorrow. Have to keep myself v busy.
Fatefully, think positive, u still have 1 month before ur ivf. I stop working half a month before my ivf cycle to get away from hectic work. Maybe u can let ur boss know ur concerns and see whether they can come up with some arrangement for u. My job turnover rate high so they quite willing to go the extra mile to retain staff.
Qingwei, thanks

All 2ww ladies, the journey is tough but we soldier on, look forward to bb dusts for all
Thanks ladies. Issue is I never have menstrual pains before. Happen to be lucky - Maybe just small uncomfortable on day one only. So v scared since this Sounds like can get really nasty.. Mine is on a wkday pm.. One day laterI got a client meeting... Worried dunno later i can make it a not for fri meeting. Anyway maybe I prepare a few panadol first. Thought panadol more for headache.
Ritzc ; u took unpaid leave half mth before ivf?

My work place don't allow pple take unpaid leave - cos all understaffed and worse someone goIng go deliver in that month.. I feel v bad that I hv to raise his request..... The boss tell me if it's not fair everyone shuffle their work just to accommodate ur condition unless yrs is medical ( meaning like illness! ). If others know, they will not b happy... Like that I think wan to apple unpaid also difficult. Boss says stressed also can't be helped cos it's a decision I need to make if I wan to be a working mom or planning to hv family...telling me just like her - say she also made sacrifices - when she preggy she also still working v hard till 8pm daily -- sigh hear already also sianz right?
J03, d&c for early m/c no need to be warded. Is a day surgery where u will be discharged on the same day. After procedure, u will rest in the day surgery ward for abt 2hrs n can go home.
J03, talking to me or queenie? I blur liao.
Yup ur plan don't cover pre n post treatment.
Me from GE.
Grp insurance normally diff from personal medical de.
If claim coy grp insurance sure will let some coll noe de. Hmm.
Miracle, I did this cycle during my dec.
Wanted to keep this away from sch.
Was lucky all hl was in the hols.
Thankful, that all wentvwell.
Did not inform sch till i was 12wks
I know wat u meant.. The wait to BT is reali a tough one to tahan.. Esp whn each day passes w/o any signs or symptoms.. Every day, I hv to repeatedly tell myself some sisters here bfp w/o symptoms too.. & each day, I muz watch lots of DVDs to keep mind fr wandering off..
Anyway, YOUR day is finali here.. we ll all b rooting for u to deliver ur good news & to grab all ur the baby dusts.. Have a good rest tonite...
Thanks, ladies
Queenie, I'm back to no symptoms state by now, so while reminding myself to stay positive, I'm also looking at backup plans to cheer myself and hubby up if things turn out differently. Spent afternoon browsing Adelaide brochures.
must be realist mah.
Tanny and Fatefully, every organization is different. At first I intend to continue working thru out the ivf treatments but my auntie colleagues advised me to look at my prioties coz already so hard to conceive liao and embarking on this treatment must take extra care. Boss willing to cut my workload but i applied for 1 year no pay leave. Hubby at first worried that I got nothing to do at home and I also feel a bit guilty about being nuah at home but he comes round once he sees me starting my injections.
J03, Please take care. If necessary maybe warded for one day to have nurses take care of you ok. You will have dragon bb soon de.

Clb congrats confirm really twins
Goh, your scan will be fine de. Must updates ok.

Itjabi, my nausea getting from bad to worse. Totally don't feel much like eating. Will vomit out after every meal i take and feel nausea whole day.
I intend to take a break in July... really... like a month leave... but not sure my boss will willing to do so. I am from a shipping firm, and work is busy everyday. Even they need time to find ppl to cover pt of my work... for now I feel stress up... how to be relax when IVF is coming and IVF procedure is also another stress thing.
Thanks alot.. 1 more week to go..

Fatefully / Tanny,
Juz to share..
I work in a highly stressful environment, serving corporate clients, across diff time zones... Every day is like gg to war.. I work long hours like til midnite or beyond, & smtimes for consecutive days..
Aft ttc for 2 yrs w/o finding any known cause of infertility, stress seems to b the reason.. Whn I decided to go thru ivf, I concluded tt there is no way I m gg to jeopardise my ivf cycle with my current working lifestyle.. & I can't imagine the stress of rushing betw scans & work..
So, I applied for 2 weeks leave bef I went on my 2 weeks hl.. Aft my BT, I intend to rest for another 1 week or so.. There is no way I can b absent for 5 weeks w/o giving my immediate boss a valid reason.. Hence, I oni told her tt I m gg thru ivf..
I was prepared for the worst, tt she ll not allow me to go on such long leave.. & I was prepared to sacrifice my career.. I don't wish to look back 5 yrs later, swearing @ myself for not putting ttc as top priority..

I very agree with the auntie colleagues of RitzC.. Look @ ur priorities now.. In life, we smtimes can't hv all.. We hv to make sacrifices. & the time has come to decide which option is having a more impt position in ur heart..
I m not encouraging resignations.. But I feel tt we shld not let work stress get into the way of our quest to b mummies.. Jiayou..
Juz my 2 cents worth..
Hi qingwei
Sorry i blur liao.. Hee.. I will just asks one of my hr manager to claim for me but they wun know i do ivf right? Just treat as normal dnc claim is ok right? I dun mind if only one collegue know i do dnc in order to claim but cant let anyone know i do ivf lor..Will they know in the end? Worry the insurance co go dig the history n disclose to my hr manager now..;( Sigh.. I shd get the enhance plan earlier.. Tomorow will be removing my bb away.. Hope to hear ur advise soon else not sure how to tell nurse tomorow.. Sadz day n bye to my bb tomorow.. Just went to watch fast n furious midnight show before my confinement start n qurantine at hm for another one wk plus again..worry n mix feeling now.. All the best to the ritcz n silsilly bt tomorow.. Me hv no bb dust to give u anymore..;(
bingo, wish u a smooth ER today.

J03, rest well after ur op. dun think too much. most important thing is to tiao ur body well. take care. hugz.

whitetiger, is it too early for af to come? u r still on support. think positive, k!
To all going through bt soon all the best.

Joanne; god bless. God always has a plan for all of us. Just have to be strong k. When he closes a door, he always opens a window. Take care of urself.

Melodi; last week was horrible. Couldn't eat anything n drink also feel sick. **touch wood** these past few days better as I still feel sick on the morning but at least can eat n don't vomit as often. Really hope bb is fine. Have u gone for ur scan? Im taking vomiting tablet maybe u wanna ask gynae to give u.
Sisters, I had a nightmare last night. I dreamt of ER and the doctor said there were too much air between the eggs and she couldn't get them out! I don't know why I had this dream since ER is already over.

To make thing worse, this morning I tried to make myself two hard-boiled eggs. When I removed the shell, I realised the two eggs had turned bed! I don't want to think too much but is it bad omen? :'(
ritz & silsilly, good luck to your BT toady

Itjabi, don't worry since you have MS, your BB will be fine de. I went for scan on wed, fine too and 8weeks now. I have the tablets but not much use
Btw, hope to see you in dec mommy thread too
Cos might not be convenient to talk too much about BB stuff here. After your scan let us know ok
Koirc, don't read too much into it. Your bad dream could be due to the stress. It does not tell you the future. Smile..

Silsilly, good luck to you tooo.... ;)
Queenie, Fatefully , Ritz : Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It helps.. Much agree with the auntie colleagues view.....I'm still trying to hang on my job but if really cannot then no choice... ... Btw My boss is very fertile - she can tell me she conceive within 1-2 month for all her children and having fourth one now..
tanny, ur boss is fertile thats the reason she will not fully understand ivf patient. Not every1 can understand us...
My boss (guy) also not understand. they say when is urs then it will be. Sianz...

hi everybody...
i'm in my 2ww. with Dr Loh at KKH. done my et on 18th may...

i am starting to feel totally no symptoms at this juncture and getting worried. prior to this with all the lucrin and gonal-f jabs its almost challenging everyday...

but now its totally nothing... is it common during the 2ww?? am getting worried
