IVF/ICSI Support Group

j03- it's very saddening to read that it has happened to you again...cannot imagine the pain and trauma u must be going thru right now...like glimmer said, take a breather, go somewhere far and fun with ur son this jun holiday,spend quality time with your family, come back then think of the next step. You still have frozen embbies, there's still hope. Perhaps discuss with Dr Loh to carry out some additional investigative tests first.

J03 - my dear. am sorry to hear about the sad news...pls take care of yourself. can get 2nd opinion?

babymaking - during stim, maybe need to get up to 6-8 eggwhites per day for the proteins.. i know its yucky but just a few days more. I know some sisters have up to 10 (maybe split into 2 eating). halfboiled is easiest.

whitetiger - you should be on the short/antagonist protocol (straight to stimulation jabs followed by ER, and cycle is shorter around 2-3 weeks only, excl the OCP period), the long protocol includes suppression stage which starts CD21 the month before the stimulation jab (hence actual cycle, excluding OCP period, is longer around 6 weeks). The suppression drugs suppresses the hormones that tells our follicles to grow, so the follicles grow more unevenly on the short protocol with some follicles leading in size but some smaller by ER date. Supposed to have no difference in quality of eggs, and more patient-friendly as shorter periods under drugs.
Summer I also had a gum pain during my fresh but after ER the pain gone. I even went to dentist but only advice to take panadol.
j03 - I am sorry to hear that. I can empathize with you and the fear that you have right now. Rest well now, both mentally and physically first. IVF is a 'trecherous' journey for all going through it becos all is not over until smooth delivery of a healthy child. Pull yourself together and reconsider. *hugs*
Thks summer Ron. Babymakin- maybe u try spreading out yr egg taking thru the day then won't find too yucky.

Originally I took only 2 ew in morning, then I started adding in eg fried egg during lunch, or egg in porridge or Maggie mee during snack . Plus eat chawamushi at sakae sushi when I am outside. Do a variety then not so Xian of ew. Also, try immunocal - it has a lot of protein.
J03, very sad to hear your news. A bit too sudden to accept too. Are you intended to go for 2nd opinion. Initially they see two sacs right? Now even the first one also no heart beats? Please take care n tio your body first.
Per per..
It's suppression and stimulation wor.
Yah gets migraine fr d lack of sleep n took chix ess either alternate or daily.. Depends if I feel giddy not.
There are some sisters on night shot but does not suffer d side effect..
Summer, like bluenosebear said only normal panadol. Mine ok after ER. Very painfull during stim stage only. Take care.

Jo3, go for 2nd opinion. Who knows miracle can happen. A lots of things under our control. Tell urself u have do ur best the rest is under God hand. Dont give up. Take care
J03, sorry to hear abt this.
I know how you feel. Been thru before. If you get pg in the future, do let all this affect you.
Take your time n do when u r ready.
You may want dr to do some test on you why this happen repeatedly. I know there's such test but not sure of the name.
J03 - sorry to hear about this. It must have been tough on you... Do take care and don't give up.

To everyone here, when people told me that going through the IVF process is no easy feat, I thought "What's so difficult?". But when I started from the Lucrin injection, I realised that you really need to be physically, mentally and emotionally strong to go through this. At each stage of the process, you pray that everything will be fine so that you can smoothly go to the next stage. And I salute all of you here who are going through this.

This is the first cycle for me and I get to know my result in 1.5 weeks' time. It sure feels like a kid waiting to get the exam results... I am glad that though I do not know all of you here in this forum, I am really thankful and touched by the support I see here.

Jiayou, everyone!
J03, my eyes started to water when I read your post. It must be hard on u. Pls take a break. If u feel better to find out fm the doctor why mc happened, pls do. Don't give up. All of us here r fighting the same battle together.
Whitetiger, don't scare me. Each time I insert sure have discharge. Did I do wrongly???

Ladies, can eat grapes? I caving for fruits. Not sure what fruits can eat.
Blue.. Wave to you back

I'm fine. How abt you?

Just to share this info. When you bfp and wants
to store your bb cord, do sign up with cordlife. They have good price for Nuh patients only. Just found out last sat.
J03, take time to recuperate well ... U have given birth once, should be able to conceive again, maybe just take some more time. Know of a acquaintance who takes quite a few years to conceive her second child with help from a Mt E dr, not ivf. I didn't seek the dr coz for my case ivf is the only suitable option so we stick with kkh. Just want let u know that there are options available, don't giver up k? Take care...
J03, sorry to hear that. *sayang sayang* Do take a break n rest both your body n mind before deciding whether you want to go for another round.

I normally take 2 half boiled eggs, 1 chicken essence, 1slice of bread for breakfast with a coffee(now decaf) whenever I m on low carb diet even before I start my ivf. The midwife that delivered me n my siblings make this for my breakfast w milo everyday after I delivered my boy 12 yrs ago. I still take this now n whenever I feel that my body needs more booster.
I did worried aboutmy cholesterol but my hubby said as long I keep my daily carbo intake to 120g. I will have no problem.

I started taking my eggy breakfast when I start my puregon jab till now. Just that after my ET I've change to consume pasteurized eggs when I eat it half boiled to avoid any possible food poisoning.

For extra egg white intake, I also take Cantonese dessert 炖蛋 the white color ones and the shanghainese dish 赛螃蟹 which is made of egg whites n crab meat. Unlike yolks, there is no daily consumption limit for egg white.

Koirc, you are just like me. I also under-prepared. :/

Summer, checked w my hubby. He said ok to take panadol. But keep to daily consumption limit of 8/day. Take 2 normal panadol n a piriton so that you can sleep well. Sleep is essential for the follicles/embryo to grow.

Perper, I had problem sleeping too even till now. Since I can't take any tranquilizer or sleep pills, my hubby n dr Teoh have been asking me to take 1 or 2 piriton at night so take I can sleep. Important to have enough rest. If you don't have lactose problem you heat up some milk n drink before you hit the bed. Unfortunately I have milk allergy.
Whole of last week, I was very tired I think due to all the Crinone and the Pregnyl jabs. Kept sleeping. But on Tuesday (yesterday) I suddenly got alot better. Only one nap and hardly any discomfort in anyway.

Today, I felt it allover again. Tired nad breathless. These hormones are driving us crazy.
Summer, getting better. Cough stop completely 2days ago.
Since yest will feel hungry but each meal intake still lesser.
Can eat 2 small char Siew bao for breakfast. So happy eating it.
morning will buy 4, 2 hot n 2 cold.
Cold keep in fridge in case if hungry can heat 1 n eat.
Nurse said, if can't eat 3 meal normally then eat 6 meal.
That's wat I'm doing.

Where is Queenie??? How you???
Qingwei - both of us scare ourselves.

Always read abt the discharge being like 'cheese' type of discharge after body absorb, but I don't get that leh. After I insert, only see 'discharge' immediately -which I think it is the 'fresh' crinone flowing down. That's why I think something is wrong for me. Pardon my description , but I hv been thinking abt this for few days already, then ask.
J03, take care k?

Can I check whether having urine leakage during sleep is normal after ER? I'm worried that bladder could have been injured during ER.
Whitetiger & Qingwei - In my first IVF, I did experience alot of the cakey crinone crumps. They tend to accumulate and will discharge the next day or two.

This cycle, I also have some discharge, but they are cervical mucus. Just some after inserting but hardly any cakey crumps.

THe nurse this round advise me to squeeze everything after inserting it about 3/4 way in. Then keep squeezing and hold the pump as I pull it out. According to info I read, Crinone is very adhesive to the vagina walls. They do not come off easily once they are in it. Can even do it and start walking off. THe walking will help spread the gel on the vagina walls. That's what I read.

How about the others.
Hey Nell, how are you doing in HK? Ya, I am super unprepared. Like you, I thought I'll just follow instructions but who knows there are more things to take note of than the nurses' instructions lor.

Babybun, I am not sure about urine leakage after ER. But I kept going to pee after ET. It's much better now. Did you ask the doctor/nurse?

I have a question here - some of you talk about CM, just wanted to check if it's normal to have CM after ET?
Joanne; what happened? This is really a shock to all of us. Please take care of urself n be strong. Did u hVe bleeding? Take time to relax n spend time with it son. Be strong hugz.
m here here..
Me nothing much.. No bloat, nothing.. No signs, no symptoms.. Oni like u, eat lesser.. Hungry but gets full easily.. & keep waking up in the middle of the nite..
Got to start pushing away the negative tots.. & the y no tis sign?
U made u feel like eating char siew Bao.. Tmr ask dh buy for me.. Keke...
Thk u gals, u all are the sweetest...
Doc loh order me a few necessary bt today...
Had taken 6 tube of bloods.. Hope can find out the reason behind n is easy cureable else really got forbe next try...will be doing dnc on coming Friday.;( doc Loh say this is consider double miscarriage since both implanted.. Sadz...
Actually infertility already very sad.. End up got problem continue the pregnancy journey, really makes me feel so useless.. Feel bad for hubby..;( thats why i very skeptical even if bfp as i feel can feel happy only when i carry my bundle of joy in my arms after the previous 2bad encounter..
Didnt expect history to repeat.. Now i can only pray for healthy dragon bb..

Hi gals
Dun be sad if u bfn as if bb not healthy, is better that u got bfn than to get bfp n end up still disappointed.. Worst is hv to do operation to hurt ur womb n do mini confinement and yet no baby at home to carry..;( imagine i spend tons to put in the embroye n now need to spend another thousand to remove the embroye that i put in.. Feel so contradicting to myself n this happen twice for me.. This time is a bigger gambler than soiui... thinking this way will makes u feel ok even if bfn but of course, i hope all of us can bfp n give birth to a healthy bb smoothly.. Me really feel sad this round as i thot i hv prepare myself well after one yr of tcm tiaoing, happy to hv high hcg.. But End up still like that.. Deep sign.. Really dun know how can i prevent? Any gals who been thru this can advise? Doc Loh say i can do fet after 2mths but am i ready to prevent all these fr happening again? Too many question mark in my head now..

Hi Hazel
When u hv ur mc last time, did doc Loh oso order a few bt for u? Got find out the reason behind after bt?
Queenie, my Dh say I'm a pig. Sleep n sleep. Only took me quite long to fall asleep in the night time.
Yeah try cha siew bao. If u find it nice n keep 1 or 2 n eat when hungry.

I need fruits.... I going to nearer coffee shop buy. See if can get apple.
J03, he didn't order for me. I own self asked dr to test! First m/c, even run kyrotyping genetic tests on my placenta. Nothing Is wrong.

Did u ask him wat tests Is he running for u?
Hm.. U didn't hv medical insurance? Other than ivf cost, I claimed all the rest I spent. Blood tests, scans, etc after confirmes pregnant, m/c charges, etc I claimed bk every single cent...
Hi Hazel
Ya, wht insurance u under? Yes, i hv insurance but does they cover miscarriage various test as well? Cover for my dnc too?

Hmm., he didnt say want to run a test until i gives him a list and he say not all necessary so only test 7 types of bt.. One is tyroid, fullblood count and two bt abt blood clot..the rest i not so sure.. Will get the result back on friday n tell u the detail but am sure u no need to know as u will hv a healthy bb born soon.. Most ex is the choromosal test on both of us which cost $300 plus per pax.. The result will not out so fast for this.. But the rest will know by friday.
Medical insurance = shield plans?
I tot mc during first 3 mths are not covered unless hospitalise due to pregnancy complication. But most insurer only cover up to 5 type of pregnancy complication.

I think Hazel referring claim for her mc shld be her 5th mth mc.
J03, my enhanced income shield, a hospitalization plan covers all these. I hv a rider which covers the excess & co payment. So as long as I Go To a restructured hospital, A class, I can claim all. My plan is not a pte hospital one. So if I go pte, I need to pay a certain %. d&c is a day op, yes it covers. 3 mths B4 n after the op, I can claim all. Incl HSG scans, hcg BTs when preg, BTs that did like thyroids, lupus, antibodies. U will be doing all these also..

As for chromosome tests I did on my placenta at first m/c at 5 mths. I dunno how much it cost since I claimed from insurance.

When did he put u on aspirins this round? On ER day?

Anyhow, I know how sad u feel.. N how scared u were previously, but is not something we can control... Esp egg quality... We just do our best n try again. Dun give up!

All ur BTs will be fine one
The kk nurses at admission told me can't claim. I told her can claim just let me fill up the form. I paid a deposit at pt of admission. Within 3 wks I m discharged insurer settled the remaining bill with KKH directly in full. KKH paid me bk my deposit I paid earlier. Didn't touch any of my medisave also.

I kept all the scans n BT receipts. I did 2 HSG checks last m/c also n other follow up reviews with dr loh. 3 mths after m/c d&c I sent in all my receipts including those I spent 3 mths b4 m/c.. Ie those dr visits. I was reimbursed every single cent within a mth i sent in. No qns asked
After 13 jabs. Just finish the Hcg jab at KK O&G. The pain is straight to my spine and whole leg is dumb. I cried in my journey home. This Friday will be the ER.
Miracle, wave back to u

how are you? Starting soon?

My little one is fine. Going to 26 weeks.
Hope all go well.

Good luck to all ladies here. Relax n calm n don't think too much during 2ww.

Hi Hazel
U mean the income shield fr ntuc?? Did u upgrade ur coverage as am not sure whts my default plan under ntuc?
Think i shd call them tomorow.. So u mean all the bt that i just spend thousand plus can claim? Thats a surprise for great help to me... I remember last time when i do dnc under normal gynea is 4 bed in a ward which no need pay any cash except pay using medisave.. Now i think i will hv to use b
Class ward which is 2bedded?? In order to hv doc Loh do the dnc... Hope he can do a gd job for me...and i can claim else i may hv to pay some amt by cash this time... Sigh.. I think for this half yr, i am in the kk operating theatre for 3 times..ie. polyp removal, er n dnc... Really jialat... Hope next time will be for delivery purpose...pray hard...
