IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi White Tiger >> I am not too sure why Papaya cannot, but PinkC did share with us a list of "Should Avoid" foods, i did not copy down, but i remember Papaya is one of them why i remember, coz i just have HALF a giant papaya the night before heehee.. almost fainted.
Thanks, bb nn! I've got so much to learn...

I am getting very bored staying at home especially without hubby around. I think I am going back to work this Wed.

Whitetiger - I am not sure about papaya but my embryologist told me to avoid all kinds of melon.

Is papaya not allowed?
Hi Koirc >> All of us learning lor, no problem, just exchange information :D

If bored, date the sistas whom are also in their 2ww. Go out, eat eat laugh laugh, will be fun, best part, all sit down, all want warm water so dont need to explain so much also :D
Hi all, this is the list I copy from this thread. I cant remember is posted by who..

list of Dos & donts from CARE


Eat - pineapple, watermelon, banana-green skin papaya, coconut, oysters, sashimi, rojak, bitter gourd, brinjal, brown cucumber, spicy food

drink - cold & gassy drinks, coffee, cocoa

do strenuous exercise or carry heavy items

take chinese herbal tea/soup


have plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, eat more fish & vege, take ur medication
I've been having headaches since my menses came after bfn. Menses over and yet the headaches persist. Any sistas have such experience?
Try taking some lemon juice (freshly squeezed) for 3-4days continously.. It works v well for me,my headache was gone on the 3rd day

Each day:
1 yellow lemon
Hot water (depending of how you can take it)

For me, I pour the hot water into a 1 litre flask & add the lemon juice.. It helps to detox the body too. You may take up to a week for detoxification.
I miss u.. Miss ur jokes, happie, relaxed attitude.. Haha..
Ya.. I rem ur classic look whn u saw the papaya thgy on PinkC's list.. Haha...
Wat hppd to ur butt? Sit office chair too much?

Yup.. My BT on 27/5.. same as urs.. & summer.. Which hospital u did urs?
Find smthg to do lah.. Time ll pass quite fast.. I juz woke up fr my nap, aft my insert.. & it's nite time!! Yeah..

I tink tis fri is ritz & silsilly BT..
During my stimulation stage, I took both immunocal & EW on same days.. Esp. on days whn my bloat started... Sorry, lucrin is the jab during isuppression stage.. m not too sure if short protocol has tt..
Bb_nn, 5 more min! Yahoo!!!! Can knock off liao!

Queenie, ahh okay i see. Thanks for sharing.

Ritz & silsilly, +++++++++++++ dust

To the other sistas looking to past time, me & Queenie may go out makan and chit chat, feel free to join
Kimmy, thanks
would love to join u all for makan too, but my back really kills me n Im really on bed rest more often now. Haiz
Babymakimg- immunocal - I always hold my breath before downing it down. Taste is bearable, it is the process of preparing the drink that i find yucky.

But after a few time, it becomes a daily routine.some sisters recommend mix with hl strawberry ormanuka honey or yakult or juice. Do remember cannot use hot water to dissolve as it will destroy the protein.
Hello sisters, I am back.. Early morning went to kkh for appt, go dr zou, meet friends for lunch and shopping! Now really want to zzzzzzzz
today ms africa told me my follicles grow quite slow, so she increase to 300iu (previously is 225iu) for the next 2 days and Wed go back for scan again..my biggest is at 15mm... Hopefully ER can confirmed on Friday..

btw, can we ear kiwi ah?
And issit normal to have stcky discharge now?

Hello bb nn! Good to see you ard! Queenie, kimmy, I think the classic one is "who is pulling u" haha rem??
Hope to meet up again! And together with Pink!

Ritz and silsilly... Spread bb dust to me ok... Jiayou jiayou!
Neil > so nice of yr colleagues......

My side unfortunately they're not supportive although they (not all but a couple only) know what I'm go thru.. The truth is that is a corporate money world out there...

Today went kkh for BT... Things see to be goIng on v slow.... My Hsg is scheduled on day 11... Faster faster!!!
Btw will dr zou prescribe bai feng wan to us? There is this young lady at clinic d taking BT. quite skillful always poke got blood. I rem go to some other place they like can't find my vein n got problem drawing the blood...

Dr Loh only prescribe me folic acid. Anyone prescribe with vit b?
Wah...the thread is moving soo fast...

Kimmy - I actually suspect that my weighing machine is not accurate cos my tummy is really bloated, firm like a ball. Feeling heavy on my thighs
Wah...the thread is moving soo fast...

Kimmy - I actually suspect that my weighing machine is not accurate cos my tummy is really bloated, firm like a ball. Feeling heavy on my thighs
Hi Queenie >> the look on my face is classic hmmmm, don't know how I look really must be some clown face, haa haa, but yeah when I saw PinkC list I got a shock mah I m just thinking huh why of all things it is the papaya that I just ate the night before, plus I did not take one slice I took half the papaya. Maybe that is why the comical look on my face.

Backside pain coz during 2ww always on the bed or sofa lazing, suddenly have to sit 9 hours I think backside can't take the stress. Haa haa...

Hi Kimmy >> I 5.30 pm run Liao got to get girl girl mah

Hi Bingo >> seems like I m the only clown sob... Ms Africa I think I must meet her one day damn curious what she looks like hee hee. Don't worry about your embbiess they sure grow big big n nice nice one
Tmr u can experience days of 2ww again.. Lazing on sofa & bed again.. Haha...

U not clown lah.. U juz hv a jovial character which we reali reali like to hang out with.. Ivf journey is stress & full of anxiety.. Ur happy & relaxed mood reali perks us up alot & thank u for tt..
Ahh.. Ms Africa.. A typical African woman with black locks.. Short & thick, specs.. Can see her megawatt smile fr far & feels warm whn she wish us "All the best!".. Haha...
Hi Queenie >> hee hee come back today, girl girl sleep already, now 2ww again, on the sofa hee hee. I thought all the girls are pretty relaxed n fun to hang out with too.

Ms. Africa, when I have a chance to go to KKH I will check with u sistas n see where she is hiding hee hee. I think must have personal experience.
Wait.. Ms African - can't rem got specs or no.. I was too engrossed with my follicles quantity & size & her megawatt smile to recall.. & u know.. The "Ahhhhh... I finali met ms African" hahaaaaa.. & whn i saw her walking ard, I didn't knw tt she is a doc lo.. Haha..
Queenie - I'm with SGH.

Seems like most people here are with KKH.

Sarah - thanks for sharing the dos and don'ts. It's very helpful.

Can I ask what is this immunocal that everyone is talking about?
The nurses, Drs & sinographer at KKIVF all wear name tag. the lady who is in room 2 who is always doing the scanning is Karen. All very nice folks. Dun anyhow call them names lah.. Hehe

Tan Heng hao is a consultant. Young & promising. He helps to cover dr loh also at times when he is away. Definitely more patient & has better bed side manners than dr loh! Btw, not bad looking too! :p
Txs Hazel. Saw fm e post here dat most of the sistas here r under Dr S F Loh. So was wondering y KKIVF assign me under Dr Tan but he was indeed very patient when going thru the process wif mi & DH.
Now I'm juz waiting for my AF to rpt so dat I can start my program.
Hi all
I am new here. Hv been having trying to ttc for many yrs but end up with three times mc. ;( the recent mc happen after my fresh ivf at 6th wks. Now feel real sadz n will be doing Fet next.
May i know for Fet, if we choose medicated fet, how long is the process? 1cycle? Also, any injection require? Do we still need hubby sperm?? Actually since we hv embroys in the lab, why do we have to check whether we hv ovalution since we wont be using our egg in the body? I am quite confuse here. any advise r welcome. Thk u.

Need experience fet gals for advise desperately. ;(

Hi Hazel
Read abt ur bad mc experience too. Did u do anything xtra to further improve ur health? Did u take various blood test to find out the reason of ur mc? I really got forbe now.
Tahope, most of us chose dr loh ourselves. Being pte patients, we can pick the dr we wan. U dun pick then they allocate. I saw dr HH a few times when dr loh was away. Find him not bad
Alice, If ur menses r regular is better to do natural FET. If not u need to be on lining medication all the way to first 3 mths after pregnant. We need to ovulate n KKIVF will monitor ovulation as we need a good lining to proceed for embyro transfer n implantation. On medicated easier to control ovulation. I dun need there is injection. No need ur hub's sperms also.

I did all the necessary tests after 2 m/c. Lupus, antibodies, thyroids, etc. All negative. In my first m/c at 5 mths, dr run karotyping test on my girl's placenta. all normal too.

Dr told me most likely is embyro quality. So since 2nd m/c, I am taking centrism multi vit on top of folic acids. No other stuff I do to tiao body. I dun think is coz of my health coz I dun hv bleeding episodes at all
hi J03 - the doctors have not idea if the embryos have any chromosomal deficiencies during transfer. All they can see is the general look of the embryo on transfer date (ie. may look beautiful but may be mentally deficient). one of the key reason for early MC is generally due to the body rejecting the embryo before it grows further due to chromosomal deficiencies. On average for women > 30yo, around 40% of the embryos are normal, which makes up to 60% of the embryos abnormal. For women > 35yo, average only 30% of embryos are normal... Some embryos make it to implantation but body reject after a few weeks (before end of 1st tri).

J03 - is everything ok ?
J03, Ron has answered to ur qn on embyro. We will nv know wat's the course of m/c if BT all cleared. Egg quality Is usually the suspected cause most dr will think. Can't remember how much the BT cost but is not ex. They just draw blood once n run the necessary tests. Within a wk result is out. Dr tan did the tests for me as I requested for it. When dr loh is bk, he told me the tests r not necessary. He said I wun be Like this if I hv thyroids or lupus...

I asked dr loh how to improve egg quality. He ssid take multi vit loh. So he gave me centrium multi vit. Usually need to take 3 mths at least b4 egg quality can improve.

After each miscarriage my body went haywire. Wan to start all over again fast also cannot. So I hv to let my body reset n Go bk to normal. Last m/c was in sept. Body went bk to normal only in Jan!

U r already preg with twins, dun think negative.
J03, there is nothing much the dr can do abt the m/c. If it is due to hormones, they can increase support but otherwise they can't do much. Dr Paul also told me hv to take aspirins as precaution. But both dr said no guarantee still. When did u started on aspirins for fresh cycle? When u got preg or b4 that?

He added luveris injections in addition to lucrin n gonal-f. Luveris is for LH hormones. I google online n found tt not enough research was done to check if luveris indeed increase follicle Counts n egg quality
J03, I didn't bother to take any special herbs or drinks after m/c. I dun hv a prob with lining n no spotting issues either. Dr loh told me at least I got preg, that means my womb is good. He said is better than those who nv even got preg. Those cases dun even know if is womb or other prob.

There is a sis here, m/c 3x from one fresh n 2 FET. She wanted to redo fresh again as she felt that her frozen embers quality is no gd. Dr loh said no n every embyro is different. In her 4th attempt with remaining 3 embies she strike triplets! She has delivered. What does this tell us?
Hi Hazel n Ron
Thks for ur reply as seeing Alice post upset me n i feel stress recently.. Tomorow will be my checkup at kkh but want to find out more abt fet at least got mental prepare..

Hi Alice
Hope u r doing fine soon.. Take care..
J03 - hi dear. *sayang* i know you were worried because of the history. Tomorrow is already wk8 scan?

Don't think abt the negative thoughts, ok? You will be expecting new babies soon to play with your 8yo!! Happy thoughts, ok?
A funny You Tube video to lighten everyone's mood, type in under You Tube search :
Gerry Dee - Just for laughs 2007.
I'm using iPad, don't know how to copy the link, but tummy hurts from laughing

J03, think u will enjoy this video
I am a silence reader. Only few times I chat here.

Today I got an af cramp... So sian. Will start my progynova tablet this friday for my fet. Any cycle buddy? If everything ok, maybe do the transfer early June. Pray my precious embbies thaw nicely and stick on me this time..

Hi Joanne,

Sorry, initially I didn't want to kpo much, but I noticed you deleted the post between 9.35am -10.12am.
In fact you are actually replying to Hazel's post to Alice. at 9.32 and 9.35am.

Sorry, but somehow you let me feel that you are actualli Alice, as there was a similar post in another thread.

Everyone is truthful and share about how we feel here in the thread. We are here to support each other.

I remembered when you are doing your ivf, the sistas here answered your questions again and again, despite you kept asking the same questions. We are willing to share. There are times when there are some who are insensitive to others, we tolerated and still treat each other truthfully. But it is really sad when you are not truthful.

Yes, I cannot penalise you and comment what you are doing is wrong. Maybe I'm being sensitive.

Just my 2 cents.
