IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi j03 n clb, I am the first patient tomorrow
I am also quite stress now. Last time cysts operation they cannot find my vein and poke the wrong area on the hand. That spot was swollen for few days. ET no sedation right. Not sure does that feel like pap smear test or not.

K both of you must be tired also. Rest well for tomorrow ET.

Joanne Tan,
Means cash ard 3-4k if with KKIVF?

Is this too sensitive a question to ask...
what's the success rate for IVF?

Too much short-form that i am guessing here.
ET, EW, ER, 2WW??
ttcx, cash should be less than 5k with KKIVF. Success rate will depend on age group. U can log on to KKIVF website and take a look. BTW, how old r u?

ET is Embyro Transfer
EW is Egg White
ER is Egg Retrival
2WW is 2 Weeks Wait
Hi melodi
Dun stress k..;) wht time is ur er tomorow?? Ya, when i remove polyp two mths ago, they try find my vein on left hand and the needle keep move here n there in my hand till so painful.. Then they take out and asks doc to poke my right hand so this time, i straight away tell the nurse to poke my right hand instead of go thru two pain again.. Hee...

Wonder hows serene scan today? Hope all go smooth for her..
X, so since u are so young, your chance of success should be higher, probably 40%.

Melodi. During my er, the nurse also can't find my vein at left hand so she changed to right hand for me....
hi melodi - no need to stress-la. u already did all the 'work' the last month, now let the doc and nurses (and DH!) do the work. wil be shun li.

hi X, you are still "young" by ivf standard
J03 - haha.. it's ok, let it all go. Normal to have balloon-belly. mine just subsided after about 1 week (and i am hoping it will come back for next 9 months!!). drink lots of water - i believe it helps to reduce the bloating but really alot of water 2-3 liters/day - basically i drink a glass of water, then i go to pee 15 min later... some sistas recommend ginger tea - slice young ginger, brew in hot water, add some honey. some "very very" light walking helps too.
Thanks Ladies for chatting with me.

I guess i have to think if 1 is enough for me...
All these ER,ET, 2ww can be very stressful also.

Good Luck to all of u!!!

So many of us are TTC. JIAYOU!!!
Moo, J03- good luck tomor.. we will all enter 2ww 2gether..buddy buddy

j03- i'm with tcm with clementi dr tan. He only did accup for me during the puregon stage,after ET, he usually wun do accup for patients, only prescribe an tai yao. For today,i have much discomfort, so wun do accup...aiiyo.. i seem to have constipation since yesterday, any sisters experience the same after ER?

melodi, you'll be fine, i'm quite timid one... even j03 saw i'm tensed up... so u can do it too..=)
Thanks clb, ron and other sisters who encourages me. At this stage, I think can do nothing much already. Just leave it to the doc and nurse.

Hope I can join you gals soon for the 2WW too
clb - can buy/take prune juice for constipation. nurse says apparently not good to "kek"

j03 - just a bit will do u can take abt 0.5-1cm ginger, if u like more ginger taste, can slice to thin slices.. brew with hot-water just like you would brew tea leaves for a few minutes. can add some honey. as w/ everything during IVF, take in moderation.

Good luck to your ETs tomorrow too!
Hi ron
Thk u.. May i know how much water n boil for how long? Big or small fire? Thk u for ur wishes..;)

Anybody take doc zou medi during 2ww? So ex ma? I pay $100 for it.. Did he calculate wrongly??
hi clb, jt, melodi, ron and j03
thank you and all the best for sistas whole are ER/ET tomorrow too..we are almost there...jiayou jiayou

ron and jt
what did you eat during your 2ww? when is your hcg bt?

j03 and clb
hope your embbies grow swee swee for you.

what is the purpose for ginger tea?

usually just add fresh ginger and boil with water, add a little of rock sugar or normal sugar for taste.
J03 - no need to boil. just put in a cup or tea pot, add hot water & cover is good enough. otherwise, taste like ginger juice
or if easier, can just and buy the tea bag type
hey ladies, good luck tomorrow.

Going to log off early as dh fell sick.. at least he "hold" the illness until after ET before failling ill - managed to keep himself free from illness last 2 months.. hehehe.. gd nite!
Hi Moo. Will be going kk for a bt tomorrow and the hcg bt is on 12/4. Didn't really take any special diet now. Just try to have a balanced diet of everything and drink lots of water.. And a pack of immunocal daily...

Good luck to all sisters tomorrow for ER/ET!!!
hi ladies, been busy at work today. need to clear my work b4 hl next week. can check wif those who jab e ovidrel jab 0.5ml. is e liquid inside e syringe less than half of syringe?
today scan show1 26mm, 1 18mm, 2 17mm, 1 15mm, 1 14mm and 4 less than 12mm. hopefully e rest will mature by sat er. n more than 2 fertilised i will b veri happy

hi moo, all e best to ur et tomolo.

hi melodi, all e best to ur er tomolo.
Oh.. So most of us will be at kk tomorrow..;) jt, me, clb n melodi... But we dun know how each other looks like.. Think will be crowded at ivf centre... Jt, all the best to ur bt too..
Hi Joanne, i am on long protocol.. yup CD21 injection. Btw, will Dr Zou still give us medicine during our injections?

sisters going for ER/ET, jiayou!!
Hi serene
Thats a good size of follicle u hv..;) so u take pregynl tonight? All the best to ur coming er..

Hi gals with doc zou
How much does ur 2ww medicine cost? Thk u...
blue, yup i push gently up till e liquid fill up e air n a small drop of liquid shown on e tip of needle. e liquid inside is less than half filled leh.
hi blue, my er is on sat 8.30am. so the overidel shot must b taken 36hrs b4 er. btw do i need to bring sanitary pad n wear it after er? when e anesathia wear off, will u still feel e pain? how long it take for e pain to wear off.
Hi sisters, thanks for all the good luck wishes. Hi clb n j03, have a good n successful ET. Ha ha we have to guess who is who tomorrow

K really need to force myself to sleep le. Nite

Can I check with the ladies here

1. What food/herbs/medicine can help to increase lining?

2. I already have 1 child from my fresh cycle and if I go for fresh cycle anymore subsidy from the government?

3. May I know how's Dr Zou from AMK. Is she specialise on IVF patient? Is her success rate of implantation after acupuncture high? Is she using acupuncture and medication? Does she tiao our body before our next cycle? Sorry, I never visit her before so wondering how is it like.

Thank you in advance. Best of luck to those going for ER/ET tomorrow
Hi, I have Crinone 8% Progesterone vaginal gel, Serono. Expiry on 04 Oct 2012. Balance 26 sticks.
I was on it initially but switched to injection due to unsuitability. It has always been kept in my refrigerator. All sealed. I am willing to give it away for free. If you are interested, please drop me an email at [email protected] so we can arrange.
Serene- think is sat so they have to do it early in the morning.
Becos that time my er was at 12.30pm.
U k bring along th pad, I only wear a thicker panty liner, slight staining only.
Mild cramp & pain, don worry, maybe only took 11 follies, so not much impact ba.
But if u scare of pain kind, advise u to take 2 tabs panadol after yr meal. That is what I did, so I was quite comfortable. U k bring the panadol there.
Today suppose to take my D21 pill but hv to postpone cos hb hv to travel due month end as hb worry that I may hv side effect when he is not in town. Hv to call kkh to postpone....dnt knw why I cry when I knw I hv to start the pill today. Anyone hv the same feeling like me
good morning, ladies.

hi serene - there may be slight cramps but usually is like mild period cramp. first hour may feel abit of pain but u will still be resting. if pain, can try to lie on your side. you have 4 decent size follicles.
hi Truffle, i think you still qualify if you have 1 kid & u fit all other criteria.

you can check this out at the MOH website.

MOH > FAQ >Policies > Co-fund for Assisted Reproduction Technology at Restructured Hospitals
hi joycelyn,

the ivf journey is an emotional one as alot of uncertainty. Do take care of yourself & start the journey only when you & dh are ready physically & emotionally. The sistas here will be here to cheer you on

is there anything in particular you are worried about?
Morning ladies...
Had a talk with DH last night.
He say... just see how things go. If really only 1, he's happy also.

Now... seems like i'm the one wanting #2.

Wish u all the best.
Gd am Joanne,
Ya, i agree that i'm very stress but trying to make myself relax...

Hi Ron,
Thanks for the concern. maybe i'm too emotional in mny ways.
there are mny thgs that i'm worrying but hopefully will slowly for every step that i going to go thru.
i know you all sister are very helpful, once there any problem, get quickly log in.
anyway, i have postpone to the next menses as my hb is going on business trip this month....
hi joycelyn, good to hear from you, as JT says, try to relax abt the ivf process

A few of us newbies are trying to find our way around ivf success, but there are also some senior sistas who graduated to mummies but still follow this site from time to time, and they provide alot of guidance & answers to our "silly" questions

We all just take it one day at a time. Glad u have DH supporting you on this. take care of yourself this weekend.
Hi jt
May i check with u that after ur et, when u insert the tablet? U insert three since is too late for this morning insert? At wht time? Hope to hear fr u soon..

Hi gals
Am back fr et.. Saw clb.. Think she wear black today..
Transfer two grade 4.. Had 10 fertilized.. Am so worry last night that didnt sleep well.. Now feel better le...
