IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello, bingo,
My cd21 is on 16/4. But nurse ask if possible, collect the jabs on fri pm instead as it ll b less crowded.. Then I oni managed to get a slot with the social worker on 13/4.. So tinking if I shld juz go on 13/4 & settle both at same time.. m trying to preserve my leave just bef Er.. Last read tt u intend to resign.. Did u do it?

Sunflower1978, I can comprehend hw u feel.. On cd1 of my menses, I cried badly.. & I muz say tt I m oso someone who is easily scared.. If u ask me scared of wat, I guess is the fear of the unknown bah.. U 1978? I m.. Heehee...

Joanne tan, melody, clb etc, good luck to ur gals.. I tink my cycle laggi less ppl.. So far like oni me & bingo.. Don't leave us, k? Cos we r lost lambs who need loads of advices & rooting.. & of cos all ur baby dusts whn ur BFP..
Hi gals,

I saw an article that say laughter can help in the process of successful IVF. So ladies, laugh more and get bfp. All the best who going thru the 2ww.

My ivf is in July I think I will be alone, I hnvt heard anyone doing in July yet.
Hi serene
All the best to ur er today... Many eggs will be retrieve k..;)

Hi queenie
Dun scare k.. If we gals can go thru.. U can too as woman is born a strong human..;) jy

Hi valteen
Wave wave.. How r u?? Sometime didnt hear fr u.. Miss u gals...;( r u seeing doc zou now? Whts and when is ur next step?

Hi faithfully
Oh.. Laughter help, then i shd go borrow more funny comedy to make me laugh..;) all the best to ur coming ivf too..;)

Hi gals
Good morning... Nice weather to sleep, how i wish that everyday will rain during 2ww then we can rest well..;) got to wakeup to do insert at 9am so my next insert shd be 4pm ba...7 hr gap right?? Do u gals who r in 2ww get used to being slow motion in life? Walk slow, do things slow.. Really not easy and will forget sometimes.. Jt n ron, whts the max time u gals stand and do something? Feel like ironing but not sure ok or not... Feel so useless if didnt do anything...
Good morning everybody!! It is a nice Saturday

Queenie - Good to know that u r starting your cycle soon. Dont worry. By the time u will be a "old bird" since u got all the advice from us ... haha

J03 - I dont actually walk or do things slower. Just remember dont carry heavy things. If u really want to iron, u can sit down and iron lor... so that u wont stand so much. I also wash the toilet bowl and sink when they gets too dirty (just can't stand it). Heavy duty chores just leave it to dh la...

Fatefully - it is good that u log into the forum so early as by the time in July, u will know what to do and expect.... hehe..
Hi clb, melodi, serene, jt, ron
My ET was cancelled, due to unclear lining, need to monitor for two cycles then decide whether can i proceed for fet, very sad me yesterday and still need time to over come this, all the best for all sistas in 2ww.. Bfp bfp is on the way for you.. Jiayou jiayou!
hello all.

hi Moo - very sorry to hear that. it must have been disappointing. Take your time & hope the road will be smoother for you soon... Thx for still cheering for us.

hi J03, can buy organic milk from fairprice or other supermarkets - check the organic food section. I get mine from fairprice and it's with the organic veg section. No problem if you iron as long as dun carry heavy stuff & squat too much. During 2ww, i actually cook but you are right - all movement in slow motion now.

hi queenie,sunflower - women are blessed with "special" supply of strength hidden in us. When we need to face adversity, we may cry at first but after that always pick ourselves up & battle on! ;)

hi fatefully, thanks for the tip! I'll go get some comedies too can watch when dh is working next week.

hi ladies, did any of the sista take 1500iu pregnyl shots? any idea when does the hcg gets out of the system (to start testing). Last round i did 2000iu and it took around 7 days...
JT - not sure why our beta dates so different. i tot my was abit early but nurse say they do 12dpd3t @ 7/4(i initially tot shld hv been 9/4 ) - yours will be 17dpd3t.
hi ladies, bk from the hospital. i have 7 eggs altogether. pray hard most of them will fertilise. going to take a nap now. chat wif u later. now still feeling crampy.
Hi Moo. Sorry to hear about your case. Jiayou k? Take this time to recuperate and go for FET later. U will sure make it!!

HI Serene. Have a good rest today ya!

HI Ron. I should be 17dpd2t since i transfer on 2nd day right?
Hi j03, you & clb should be d1pd3t (Day 1 Past Day3Transfer) since transfer was yesterday.

Hi serene, good news. Rest & feel better soon.
hi ladies, mi woke up for 30mins. 9hrs after er. i m feeling veri painful n crampy on my tummy area. when i walk, i feel my whole vagina area being pull down. when lying down, my whole back hurts alot. i cant sit, walk,stand, lay down. really cannot tahan.. later must pop some panadols down. j03, clb, melodi, do u hav these symptoms i describe after ur er?

hi j03, my et is on tues, d3 transfer.
Hi moo, Jia you! Don give up *hugz*

Serene, happy for you
don't worry my 6 and your 7 all will be fertilized
Monday your ET too?
Hi moo, dont give up ok, jiayou! with stong will, we will bfp! did you go for accup? if not, perhaps you can try to help with the lining..

Hi Queenie,

oh so you are collecting the medicine on 16 april, me 4 days after you, 20 April.. i pray that the day come faster cos i cant wait to start! haha.. yes, i resigned from my job last week and my last day will be end of the month..
just nice for my body to rest for ER/ET.. actually my notice period is 2 months, however i told my boss the reason for my resignation and he agreed to 1 month notice..

now my hubby is my new boss.. haha
Hi serene
No... I dun hv backache problem.. Just feel crampy n bloated..and always want to lie down. Dun worry, just pop panadol if cant tahan the uncomfy.. I remember i walk like grandma after er that whole day as if i stand straight, my tummy will touch my swollen ovary which cause more pain.. U will feel better tomorow k.. And fully recover on et day.. Hv an early night gal.. Rest well..
hi melodi, yup hopefully our eggs will fertilised n grow swee swee be4 et. my et shld b tue, d3 transfer. unless they can grow swee swee till blastocyst.

hi baby, i hav 7 eggs. i m not veri bloated but veri painful around my tummy area. yup i will continue my eggwhite n drink alot of water.

hi j03, yup. i also must bend abit when walk coz it is more painful when straighten up to walk. mi lying down must laid side way. my entire waist is so painful. really hope i will b fine by tomolo morning.
hi moo, hugz.. did doc say y lining unclear? did he suggests any support to build good lining when u do ur fet next time? be strong n build up ur body in e meantime. we r here to support one another.
Hi serene
All along my lining is fine and clear, dont know why after ER and during ET, there is something along my lining, it will spoiled my embbies, so for not to waste it, my ET was cancelled.
Hi moo
Is that polyps? As polyps is a white patch on the lining..hope ur af can remove the white patch soon and no need to go thru any operation.... I just get polyp remove before start ivf as polyps will hinder the embby to implant.. Whts ur embbies grading? Tell urself positive that at least u hv embbies waiting for u k..;) take care..
Hi Everyone! Hope all are doing well. Was not feeling too good over last week & am very sad SF LOH did nit reply my email after 2 weeks. Anyone know if he change email add?

Just started Puregon last night so painful. The pen is nit easy to use. I wonder if I can jab using the normal jab..
Joanne, I am trying to confirm too.... Now I know why he has been bugging me when I saw him in feb to start quickly....
It is sad if SF is no longer there. Even he did not reply my email. I still find him being the most competent ivf specialist. It will be KKIVF's lost if he leaves..
Hi all,

I have been married & TTC-ing for 5.5 years. M/C 2 years ago, am now wanting to go for IVF, hubby's motility rate not good, one of my tubes partially blocked. We are both 31 years old.


Am I at the right place to seek advice and recommendations? Anyone can share the steps at getting started?

Thanks in advance!
Lamby, yes he is vvv gd in his skills... Not just ivf...He just did a very complicated & high risk op for my friend. My friend is impressed. Prior to tt she was v worried.. But after this op, she fully trusts him now
morning ladies, thanks for e concern n advise. i m better much now after a long nite zzz. but still feeling abit crampy at my abdomen area.

hi moo, ur doc still scan e lining b4 they proceed to et? tats veri thoughtful. at least know e lining status b4 er. u r wif care right? hope ur lining is cleared n start fet in may or jun.

hi lamby, wow u r in stimulation stage already. good good can proceed to er n et in 2 weeks time. sorry i not using puregon pen cant advise u much. but to my knowledge all stimulation pens is much easy to use n painless as compare to suppression jab.
Hi serene, glad you are feeling better today.

Hi gals, tomorrow is my ET but I start to have fever since yesterday. Trying to drink lots of water but if tomorrow I still have slight fever how? Will KK don allow me to do ET?
Lamby & Joanne

He confirmed that he was just joking in his clinic!! He said if he does move to pte I will be the first to know! Phew! He jokes alot but these kind of jokes we take very seriously!
Hi melodi
Oh no... Why sudden fever? Better drink more water or barley drink and vit c pills today as if u hv fever, not sure will they let u proceed or not.. Even if proceed will not be gd for ur embbies too... Hope u will recover to tonight.. No flu n cough hor?

Hi serene
Glad to know that u r feeling better now..;) drink more water too..

Good morning gals... Boring weekend as cant go out..;( feel so ok and want to go shopping.. Can or not huh? Hee...

Hi stickybfp
U there?
Hi hazel, m glad Tat it's only a false alarm. Wat wld we do if the magic hands leaves us!! Lolx

Hi lamby, dr Loh Nvr change email addy, he always try to make it a pt to reply his emails, he told me b4 Tat if he omits to reply Tats b cos Yr email has been churned to page 2 n he doesn't read page 2 so he says if he no reply, Pls PlS Pls re email him again so Tat Yr email will b in page 1 of his mailbox
Ceo38, he is not just gd in fertility. He is a good surgeon too. Sharp & fast. He just did a high risk & complicated surgery for my friend. My friend has been hesitating to go for the surgery when I recommended him to her. Now she told me he is really gd.
Morning Ladies,

Need your kind help. I heard that Brazil nut is good for implantation. Was wondering where I can buy there nuts?

Went to NTUC and Giant but still unable to find it. Pleae help
Btw He does not reply at times also coz sometimes too sensitive for him to response over email. He is using iPhone now too.. Sometimes too many mails he can miss too... :p
Hi MMS. I am same situation as u and I went to SF Loh of KKIVF. I did scan followed by a day surgery as I had something inside my womb. Then I proceeded with IVF.. Now after all the jabs/ER/ET, I am in my 2WW....

Hi Hazel. I also emailed to him and he said he's just joking and so many pple know about it. Haha... I told him he's too popular that's why everyone is concerned

Hi Lamby. When u use the Puregon pen, make sure it is 90 degrees when u poke in, then u wont feel any pain....
Hi J03. We seldom get this chance to laze at home right? Find things to do la... read magazines, watch some drama series.. will help to kill your time :p

hi melodi, drink more water to lower down ur temp. hope ur fever will subside by tonite. then tomolo can do et

hi j03, pls rest at home. coz have not implantation yet. wait till late next week then go shopping. but still need to b careful dun let ppl knock into u. did u lay on bed most of e time after et? who cook for u? if my et on tue, i wondering if i shld cook lunch for myself wed, thurs n fri? else see my mil can help mi tabao. she is working part time so nite time she definitely cook for us.

hi farisah, u can get brazil nuts at amk ntuc, vivocity cold storage n carrefour suntec city. is at the nuts counter. u ask e salesperson to get for u as they sell in grams. normally i bought 200g. can last mi to 2 cycle 2ww.
