IVF/ICSI Support Group

StickyBB: have you BFPed and seen the sac?
regarding your question...let me try to answer...
Well Angela and Dr Paul saw more than a sac at week 5-6...I was told I was expecting more than one baby...
However, by week 7-8, only one heart beat was seen and the remaining ones do not have any heartbeats although I could still see the fetus...
There is nothing I could do even I was scanned on a weekly basis... Dr attributed this to chromosonal abnormalities... or Nature taking care of what the body cannot take care of...
so in the end I have one baby...
I rbered that faithful morning, I was alone and in tears... Dr PT and Angela advised me to continue with my hormonal support...

Hope this helps. Let me know what other info U need. Chin up!

me no... dh dun wanna start ivf again...
he says no children can focus on other stuffs...
see ba... i also tired liao... this will be my last round...
Oops, Sticky, the question was meant for the other Sticky - StickyBB. Haha! Must distinguish between the 2 of you properly in future.

You just did your FET, I won't ask you about another fresh cycle. Chor chor chor!
hi love,
i ok la...
so how? wat u ate for breakfast...

hi dawn,
haha... but hor... i'm out of options liao... hope i can still hang ard in this thread though me not doing liao...
gals ar * dun chase me away ar * sob sob...

What are you talking about?
In 2 weeks, you will be pregnant and we would be asking you not to abandon us even though you have graduated!
Janice: Wah... your hb come back all the way from his work place to buy lunch for you everyday? He drives? Me, already start to go to NTUC to buy food to cook and get my lunch at the food centre yesterday.

StickyBFP: don't think so much. We are in the 2ww club now. We are together. Chin up! Just follow instruction to take medication and take all the supplements. We will wait together.
Stickybfp- enjoy yr burger.
Shoes- yr chicken rice sounds nice, maybe u eat later?
I still contemplating whether to go accupuncture tomorrow or not. Hubby ask me not to go, scare too shin ku. Maybe I also will be too lazy to go out.
Somemore thurs need to see Prof for review.
cheerup! You've been very strong and independent....Jiayou. Cry if need to..cos sometime it just wake you up and let you be stronger!!

thanks!! you went CARE for what jab?
Shoes, yep we get Ning to gave me till end of the month 1st then extend later. dun wanna take 1 full stretch yet.

Miracle, P jab. Ning will jab for me whenever i go BT instead of my dh hehe... of course i prefer the more professional lor haha

Sun, yes my dh drives but most of the time he prepared eveything in the morning b4 going to work so i can take it in the afternoon or even dinner. he's doing sales, so he can travel...

Sticky, u bfp this time le, dun be sad

my tummy pulling again but dh can only come to fetch me home at 2+ hmmm
flowers, in office. i need to settle my things before i go on long leave again... pple kept telling me to come back for meetings zzzzzzz......
Halo sisters!!! Hi hi dawn! **trumpet..... My AF reported Tis morning! I went down to KK n did my BHCG!!! **trumpet & drums...... NEGATIVE!!! Gua Gua Gua..... Wahahaha....

Initially I felt really depressed when I did the hpt few days ago but now, no more le! In fact, I feel very relieved now since I knw the answer Liao n I'm revitalized n reenergized again!! I'm gg for round 2 (FET) *ting ting

Sisters, so now, can any kind soul advise me on Wat shd I eat to make my body better so Tat my balance 3embbies can stick to me tight tight next round? I need to knw Wat is natural n medicated also leh?? Wats the diff ah? I bal 3 embbies so does it mean all 3 thawed I will still have 3???

So many questions hor... Paisei paisei
<font color="aa00aa">Karen, you have a lot of sound effects hor? lol. When are you heading for your FET?

Think some other ladies have a better answer than I will...</font>
Blue, no worrie about no freezing. Actually i think it is not easy to reach that stage. Just concentrate on your 2 embbies in you

Only 1 out of my 3 attempts, have frozen embryoo.only one to be frozen

So cheer up..
flowers, haha i intend to go for 3 months or at least when i'm stable. since we had already gone through so much, this is my main priority now... and yes they gonna miss me! yesterday i came back all bombard me already.

Karen, sorry to hear that. i can't answer your question on FET leh...
Hehe... Sound effects good ma! Make it more 3D! Wahaha.

I'm waiting for KK to reschedule apt to c dr loh 1st lor but told them asap lah. Preferably in April or latest may ba. Actually been considering n discussing with DH abt switching to care de but end up... Verdict (*trumpet again) no money lah... Cannot afford... So stay with KK ba... WTD... Lolx
Janice - u can eat duck but not liver. my CL advise me if u wanna breastfeed cannot eat liver cos it'll cut all supply
Janice, no worries. I'm fine. Meanwhile u must rest well n b a happy pregy gal! I grab BB dust from u le. U Dnt desert us in this thread ya.
winnie, thank you
oh during my 2ww i ate abit of liver, but nvm lah. from now on i dun eat le. btw are u given any supp by care? ning gave me multivits, cranberry and calcium. she said will give me others for babies after scanning for heartbeats... conceive well has for preganancy de, do u take?

i'll be here but i can't advise much though cos me blur blur de... i juz follow whatever i am ask to do

flowes, i see how lah, maybe not 3 months cos i fan bu xia. actually b4 i go for ER, i told my boss i need to go for 2 weeks. he's the one who suggested i go for 3 months to concentrate on my "project". i told him no LOL anyway i think i am sensitive to something in office, once i'm here i start having running nose.

today tummy full of gases and having headache....
eh... sorry to ask so many question hehe... soft cheese cannot eat and mozzarella is consider soft cheese but eat oso nvm hor? i had pizza that day and pizza came with mozzarella
hi ladies, today mi not working. my boi not feeling well. finally hav time to read e archive. was so busy wif work last week.
blue, dun b sad. now u must tink of ur 2 embbies inside u. they will stick tight tight to u de. therefore must stay happy n positive leh coz they can sense ur emotion. today is ur dpt3. ur implanation will b tis sat right? frm now on, u must stay happy okay.

sun, soft cheese cannot eat not all kind of cheese but i dunno so much abt cheese so dunno which is soft cheese which is not
