IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="aa00aa">Janice - no Brie or Mozzeralla....but if you've eaten already, then forget it please..no point crying over split milk!</font>
Janice - Angela ask me to take folic acid, then 8 weeks ask me to take obimin plus. but I went to pharmacy to buy new obimin without fish oil, cos first trim I puke very badly, super sensitive to fish smell or fish taste. other than that no other supp leh, they never give me cranberry or calcium. but dr paul say since I'm taking obimin its enough already. I never take conceive well for pregnancy

only cannot eat blue cheese, other cheese can eat. I still eat pizza with cheese, pasta with cheese hehehe. but no raw or semi raw food hor, dun be like me eat one mussels when I was 15 weeks then LS for 2 days
shoes, orh, anyway already inside my stomach and digested and poo out le :p

winnies, oh then ning so fast gave me so many... oh yes obimin plus haha... cranberry cos she said pregnant lady tends to hv uti. hehe okie i dun take raw food for the rest of 9mths then i'll go for sashimi buffet!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - I am already on cranberry, cos told her I felt something was coming on that day...</font>
Janice - care never say anything so I just continue with what I take. only thing I beg Angela to change utrosegan to duphaston cos I cannot tahan the drowsiness + tiredness from preg is driving me nuts.

last nite went to eat jap food with hubby, the sashimi look so mouth watering! he also dun allow me to eat cha soba!!!
bnb - wat to do... this baby didn't come easy already, just endure lor. after my confinement, I make sure I go feast!

HUGS! So glad to see you bounce back so soon! We are all strong ladies here!

I don't know how to prepare for FET too. But as I posted on Friday, my friend whose family owns a Chinese medicinal hall tells me after a failed IVF cycle, can double boil black chicken with dangshen, paoshen and black dates to bu.


Sidetrack a bit. My office had a ladies lunch to commemorate International Women's Day and some of the bosses were talking about providing support to each other etc. When I thought about it later though, I realised that in my department at least, I honestly feel that the male bosses are the ones who are more understanding and empathetic while the lady bosses I think (who all pop when they want) don't give a hoot how someone in our situation may feel lor. To them it's like - well, I didn't have a problem. Don't see why yours has anything to do with work? Just get on with it.

Do you all feel that way too? That male bosses are actually more understanding while the female bosses are the ones who are unsympathetic and even unkind?
shoes, no problem hehe... but thanks for the link
actually i felt itch these 2 days but forgotten to tell Ning. when she gave me cranberry, then i remember haha

winnie, ya that's what i planned ahaha! if u like sashimi, there's a restaurant having very good jab buffet with fresh and thick sashimi ^^
janice - I'll ask u for the restaurant name end july hahahaha

flowers - no idea leh, I have oily scalp... so when I took coq10 I feel no diff
Hi Winnie, am taking folic. The 1 n only thing I've been taking all this while. I've been a baaaaaad girl... Lol

Hi flowers, u no need to eat le lah! BFP BFP!!! Yeah! Gambete!!!!

Hi dawn, same sentiments! Female bosses r not s understanding n they r way more neow than male bosses....n the black Chicky thingy must drink after AF ma??

Hi sticky, Thks for helping me research on coq10.

So means I'll just take conceive well, coq10 n folic acid la hor. Hope it's enuf. Conceive well can take together with folic???
winne, better to tell ur dh not to eat those mouth watering food tat u cant ear infront of u. else next time ur baby will keep drooling. like my boi still drooling when he was almost 2 years old. haha.. i heard from old people that to stop drooling. i must bring my boi to visit a friend hse n use their kitchen rag to wipe his mouth without letting my friend knowing. guess did i try it? so must really tell ur dh he also cant eat else coz u to hav craving. keke..
winnie, sure! haha actually last sat i already planning to go if bfn LOL....

Serene, 1 day my dh used his hand to cover something and drinking... i asked him wat he's drinking, he said apple juice, u cannot drink so i cover lor so i'll tell him this heh heh heh
serene - he never eat those mouth watering food in front of me, its the naughty me trying to try my luck only hehehehe
Karen, u must meet my MALE boss super duper neow, hot temper, lor sor etc etc far far worse than my prev female bosses. Many of my colleagues say he worse than women ... Lol
Hi Karen, i just bought ConceiveWell yesterday too
) It already comes with 500mcg folic per daily dose so depends how much folic acid you need per day. I use to take 400mcg per day so now I just replace with ConceiveWell.
janice - choy!!! wat bfn.... look forward to ur scan in 2 weeks time. actually I couldn't wait for 6 weeks scan &amp; run to dr paul at 5 weeks to scan liao hahaha. tell ur dh u can drink apple juice mah
Thks Leor! No worries! I'm fine already! Now my AF alot! Sorry to b gross! Wah! Like great wall of china Ai crumble down like Tat le.... Stained my bedsheet le! Hmpf! Hehehe
Dear sister

Pls drink alot of water after u start ur lucrin injection (suppression injection) onwards as doc zou say all injection is heaty.. Am surprise though.. Hence, she say alot of pp fall sick these period due to heatiness... So pls take care n drink more water.. No fried food etc... Jiayou gals..;)

Btw, hv asks questions last night but no one answer..;( can any sister advise?
We hv been toking so much of what supplement hv we been taking.. Can anyone share what supplements ur hubby is taking to help the spermie? Did ur gynea prescribe any medi for ur hubby? Did ur hubby eat egg white, drink immouncal and do accu too? Care to share? Especially for those whose hubby spermie got great improvement after taking something special this cycle, can share too..;)

Anyone going to doc zou tonight? Me going at around six plus..;)
Yes winnie n karen
Excess folic will discharge thru our urine so no need worry abt overdose... Me only worry abt not enough..;)
joanne - my hubby take immunvital, 150mg coq10, 2 caps of cordyceps every morning. he never drink immunocal &amp; never do accu
dawn, karen, tats y i dun dare to tell my immediate boss i m taking 2 weeks hl due to ivf. i told her going for woman related operation. then she probe more. i told her the operation to remove cysts. end up true enough i developed cysts during my 2weeks suppression jab. n hav to abandon last cycle. faint*
i tink is my retribution for deceiving her. but i really dun wan to let her especially she is unmarried. she wont understand de
ron - I take folic acid together with conceive well throughout my whole cycle. once u bfp, u have to take folic acid till ur first trim is over

thanks, Winnie. I just popped the folic pill hahaha.. Spend so much effort to get BFP, anything that helps I will try..
