IVF/ICSI Support Group

Joanne, i only make my hubby drink 1pkt of immunocal during my stumulation stage. But not sure does it help or not wor. But i always believe it does help somewhere somehow..haha..

My hubby takes multi-vits prescribed by my gyane and my parents brewed some TCM for him. I also don't know whether they got the prescription from but I believed it helped. While the % of normal forms remained about the same, the motility improved.
Thks Leor, Joanne, Winnie, Ron! Thks for all valuable info.

The Chinese Bu thing hor anyone know must double boil how many hours ah? Ask the Chinese medicinal hall they shd knw hor. Double boil means put inside a clay thingy n put in centre of water in a pot hor? Hehe I very Kuku de...

Hi serene, for me, Initially I Tot of hiding but end up I decided to disclose my IVF procedure to my whole firm. I Dnt care Wat they say. It's my life. Take it or leave it! My baby more impt de. Hehe.
Winnie, dat was last sat mah. I m so happy dat I cannot eat now hehe... Actually it's pokka sparkling apple juice cold cold from d fridge lor... Aiya he's like dat. He drink wine then I cannot drink, he poured red dates drink into wine glass then cheers with me. Lame right?

Miracle, the restaurant call Himawari. They hv 1 at Alexandra n 1 at Changi biz park. Changi biz park is bigger n not crowded. It's ala carte buffet.. Aiya why u ask? U oso cannot eat wat wahahaha
janice - nevermind lah, 2nd trim can indulge a bit liao. 2 sats back we went bugis walk walk, then decide to go toast box for a break, hubby bought one cup of ice tea of me upon my request. so shiok lor!
I going to eat my hard boiled egg le. Don know why feel so bloated today compare to yesterday.
I feel better after thinking must still remain +ve for my 2 babies in me 
O Joanne, my DH only took vigroace. Prescribed by dr sf loh lor.

Having menses can still drink the red dates tea? I'm in love with this drink now
Winnie, actually I wonder y cos my colleague whom we call a camel cos she doesnt drink during lunch but when she's preggy she take all the cold cold drinks n eat ice cream almost everyday... But we are different lah hehe
janice - actually taking cold drinks during preggy is really very bad cos is very very liang. but occasionally is ok but not everyday lah. my dh only give me a few mouthful of ice cream when he eat, its a luxury for me now!

I told very few people about my IVF cause I am over-sensitive. I start wondering if they are looking at me with pity.

I think we are really different from other women. I've a friend who doesn't exercise, drinks cold drinks all the time, eats fast food regularly but she conceives with the snap of a finger. I think the longest she took to conceive was 3 months. Sometimes I feel bitter - why is it so hard for me?
Janice: better don't follow. My friend's daughter is often coughing and she told me that she suspected it's because she had been drinking cold milk, cold drinks during her pregnancy...

Dawn: there is never ending to comparing. He make everything beautiful in His own timing. You never know what is in store for you. Just do your best and God will do the rest.
Dawn, my parents and FIL also not aware that hb and I are going through IVF. So far only a few knows. I find that the more people knows, the more trouble I will get. Everyone will want to give their piece of advice. Mother and aunties will want to boil some tonic for me... wah...I cannot imagine that I will be taking more medicine and supplements now...

I know...But sometimes it's so hard.

I once asked my hubby - what if God's plans for us doesn't include children? He replied, "then I'll ask him what He wants us to do for Him as a married couple without children". I don't have his level of faith and trust unfortunately.
Winnie, ya I m not gonna drink. Anyway already stop for so long already. She juz made me wonder haha

Dawn, ya eveybody is different. My colleague still can plan want rabbit, pig or wat.. N try 2-3 mths said very long lol. But I too hv many like me in off too. So we can't compare. Some people get wat they desire, we juz need to work harder n I think we are more brave than them n will appreciate things around us more.

Sun, hehe dun worry. I am not gonna follow. What's with another 9 mths of waiting... Already waited so long

Yes, I found I was more vulnerable and sensitive during my IVF and was more easily affected by what people say. E.g. a church mate wrote that it's our personal decision to go for IVF and she trusts we have prayed about it. Anyway, she believes that only God can breathe life into embryos.

I think she didn't mean to be unsupportive but the way she put it across made me feel like she was judging me.

My sensitivity and tendency to think too much are why my hubby wasn't keen for me to go on the forum. He worries that I will take some comment too personally or start worrying that our situation doesn't sound as good as those who bfp or we didn't do as much etc.

But I've really learnt loads from the sisters here and I think cause we are all on this tough journey and understand its pains and sorrows, we can provide support to each other.
Dawn: Yes, it is hard. I must say very hard. Do you know the song: "Trust and obey for there is no other ways...." Sun still shines daily. See, at what age did Abraham and Sarah had Issac? When he was 100 yrs old and Sarah, 90 yrs old. God's promised him when he was 90 yrs old. The promise was fulfilled 10 yrs later. Whatever happened, He is still in control.
haha.. cute name hor? February we were in between month for us bewteen IVF#1 & IVF#2, and Doc said hb sperm improved (a bit-la!) so he said might as well go & try.. u can go Google it. and have fun
<font color="aa00aa">Dawn, dun need to take what other people say to heart.

Knowing that some leaders are not setting good examples, we just need to make sure that we are, when we are in a position of leadership. That's always how I feel.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Dawn, you can goggle "SMEP"...its a plan to concieve naturally lor...

Sunstillshine - I always bargain with God jokingly, can dun wait till I 90 not???</font>

When I learnt of my bfn, I cried to 3 worship songs.

1. Paul Baloche's "What Can I Do?"
"...it awes and humbles me, to be loved by a God so high. What can I do, but thank you? What can I do but give my life to you?..."

2. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
"...Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.

3. All to Jesus I Surrender

I told myself that if truly my life belongs to Him, then I must accept whatever He has planned for me in this area of children too.

But it's hard not to feel like an orphan and give into thoughts like He loves me less than my friends whom He readily blesses with children. And I still struggle from time to time.
Dawn, not everyone will encourage IVF. The reason is life will be sacrified. Life is formed at conception. When IVF is done, not all the embryos will survive. It takes hb and I a long time to finally make the decision to go for it. After going thru the procedure, I begin to value even more how God has breath a life. No matter how much we do, ultimately, it is still in God's hand.

Dawn, each of us is responsible with our action. We just have to do our best.
Any ladies from TMC-TFC clinic? Do you know if MOH has lifted the ban on new IVF cases there? I know they can still do IUI but stopped IVF if you are not existing patient.

I deliberated for a long time too. My struggle was less with the embryos not surviving cause that is beyond our control but what we do with remaining embryos if we succeed. What if one goes for a fresh cycle and conceive twins or triplets? Is it ok to intentionally give up on the remaining embryos and authorise the IVF clinic to dispose of them? That was the part I struggled with.
Sunshine - what you say is so true. We can only do our best, in the end it's all in God's hands, so we can hope and pray for the best results and know there's a plan for all of us. so might as well enjoy our given life while we are trying to add a few little ones to our lives.
Dawn: You think too much. God will not give you something you cannot handle. I will not give up or even dispose them. Because they are lives. I have no right to dispose them. I will still go to do the transfer until I finish all the embryos.

Ron: Esp for us who are doing ivf, we got to see how life is formed from just cells... each embryos are wonderfully and fearfully made.

I guess it crossed my mind cause my SIL succeeded on a fresh cycle and had multiples. There are still 6 embryos left but I doubt she will do again. So I wondered...

But yeah, this situation is a hypothetical for me cause I only have 5 frozen embryos.
Should not worry about it.
before i started IVF, my greatest difficult was accepting uncertainly.. but now with IVF, every day every hour every outcome is beyond my control, and i just leave it to God .. so i take my folic pills and just bought immunocal, make sure i play my part too-la..
hi dawn,
i think is up to individual definition of life... to me our red blood cells die off every 48hours or any of our body cells is a must to renew itself, by dying off and reproducing new ones...
our fertilised embryo is no difference from our body cells... i deem onli when our embryo has a heartbeat, it is then known as a new life...
of cos, all our embbies has a right to live... but God will tell u when its time and when its not... dun worry too much...
wat matters most is u are still breathing, cos u are a precious life to him...
ok lor shoes...
=)is a say sry lunch from my dh... and then he bought durian too... for the sake of good food...
i forgive him...
hi joanne, i going to dr zou at 5.30pm. initially my appointment is 7.30pm. but since i m at home today, might as well go earlier. might b able to see u there

hi dawn, sun, i let my parents n pil know abt going to ivf coz they keep asking y we having 2nd one. my mil even ask my boi to ask mummy for a didi meimei infront of me. faint** she keep pestering my hub to ask him whether we dun to hav children anymore? is it bcoz ur wife dun wan? anyway both of us cant tahan anymore so after 2 iui failure, we told them we going for ivf. then my mil continue to pester us who is infertilie? whether we got see tcm? y not try naturally for few more mths. consider 1st dun rush into ivf. * faint* but after much explanation to her, she is more understanding. sometime she will brew chinese herbs for mi n hub. also help mi to look after my boi when i go accupunctre. now i m more relax as i dun have to fret when they probe here n there. i felt tat communication n getting support frm family members is veri impt. during my 2ww, my mil can also help to prepare my meals n brew herbs for me. my fil can help to do hse work. tis will really help mi alot.
