IVF/ICSI Support Group

I dun tink kk will take note whether u there for bt anot lor...if my af reported, and with kk, i oso can't be bothered with the bt le. In fact my last fresh, i went there 4 days earlier to get the bt done cos i dun wan to drag & waste time inserting. Just want stop n let af come.

Wo men zhen ku ming ah!!!!! I wanted to stop all support bt cos i din tell hubby abt the tests i did so i just continue....the jab is no longer tat hurting cos the pain comes more frm the heart.....


I used to play worship songs to sleep when I first got married and hubby was travelling too. A bit scared being alone then.
It helped me. Now I'm more steady already. Haha!

Kia kia is good.
Cause you only have your helper at home to keep you company, right? But don't think too much and start planning after the discussion with Angela, ok? I believe Janice's 6th sense is zun one and both you and Miracle will bfp.
<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - u can always go down tomorrow for your BT la...at least still can catch Angela? Friday Angela not there already. Tomorrow you 14 dpt liao right?

Asthma better today?</font>

Wearing bedroom slippers at home and socks to sleep have really helped me, I think. My feet used to feel cold to the touch now, it's always warm warm!

So thankful for all the tips I've learnt from the sisters here!
<font color="aa00aa">Dawn - still living by faith lor...ya, only my helper who has OCD in cleaning (HAHAHHA)so very busy doing housework lor....</font>
Sistas fm care... Good morning ya!!!

I hv a question to ask.... May sound silly but I dun care lah... Heeee

Once u all bfp le then continue to let care to take care for 1st trimester rite. They give alot of inserts, jab etc but may I know what can they do if bb no heartbeat? Is there anything they can detect upfront or take precaution before it happens? Or they can give more jabs to assist? Can anyone help me to ask Angela if you see her again?

From what a few gynaes said, they can't do anything except observe and give u bedrest. I juz wana know if angela can do some wonders or not...

Thanks in advance

Has the hospital called you on the number of eggs fertilized? Jia you! One step closer to bfp!


I found my 2ww hard too - reading into every sign and was quite moody sometimes. I hope I cope better if I go for FET - I am still hoping that between now and June, I may finally have my miracle.
sunstillshines, $5K is the medisave right?
I mean the 3K govt grant. this govt grant dont apply for private hospital de.

Miracle, like you. I stop my support on sat le. as I also want my AF to report soon.
Morning dawn. No the hospital has not call me. I think they won't call. Will only know tomorrow in kk. I don't what's the procedure like.

Dawn which hospital r u at ?

I went to a gynae in private practice. He refers his patients to CARE for IVF so my ER and ET were done there.

The embryologist from CARE called me the day after my ER to tell me how many eggs were fertilized but no grading was given until my ET the next day.

1st fresh : 6k medisave + 3K govt grant
2nd fresh : 5k medisave + 3K govt grant
3rd fresh : 4K medisave + 3K govt grant
Shoes: if there are 3 embryos growing on ET day, then how? govt hospital just throw away the extra one more embryos??!! Otherwist no govt grant? If so, the go private better, the medisave is $7K, instead of $6K.
I will stick to fri bt. Theres nothing angela can do if i bfn....and hubby took leave for fri le......just bear with 2 more days of jabs.... Fri wont jab le.....
<font color="aa00aa">Sunshine - patients have a choice (normally) on how many want transferred. If choose 3, then no govt grant, extras are frozen.

I believe medisave is 6k,5k,4k, not 7k la. Anyway, medisave is our own money</font>

not sure why u can claim 7k from medisave. I know max for 1st fresh is 6k leh regardless whether you do it in private or public hospital leh.
Shoes: you are right! I have checked my cpf statement. it was 6K. I am thankful for the companies who I worked for, for contributiong to my medisave.
Shoes: does it mean that for et at govt hospital, they will only thaw 2 embryos? Or they will thaw more according to the wish of the couple? If yes,then the balanced already thawed embryos will be refreeze if the couple wants to get the 3K grant? I heard that statistically refrozen embryos cannot survive their 2nd thaw.
Miracle, dun be so sad le, sometimes it is abit of luck factor like what calzz say and that is what dr. loh say also. I know its hard to swallow but well ... that's life, look on the brighter side gal
<font color="aa00aa">Sunstillshines - I'm not familiar with FET at KKIVF, maybe some other ladies have better insight into that</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Sticky - maybe you should give CARE a ring or make an appoinment to see Dr Paul, but normally in such cases it is either a 1) wait and see or 2) termination since there is no fetal heart beat.

Sorry that there isn't a better answer</font>
sticky, personally, i think no one can pre-empt no heart beat scenario. it is a waiting game, only time will tell. thats why after bfp, there are more things to worry abt
Govt fund is only available at KK, NUH, SGH for 3 cycles at $3k each. The condition is that max 2 embroys can be transferred and the woman is not more than 39 yrs old. CPF is also available for 3 cycles starting from $6k, then $5k and lastly $4k. There is no restriction on embroys or hospital.

hope that's clear
Thanks Thanks...

I m juz wondering lah... can CARE detect the problem and give assistance or actually back to the same like what shoes mentioned only left with 2 options.

Coz if CARE can give better assistance in detecting or assisting then I must pursuade my dh to let me go to CARE....hahahaha

I agree with shoes and flowers. nothing can be done for such scenarios. We all want a healthy baby so if bb stop growing during the early stage of the development, it means the bb is not healthy loh so no point keeping also.
Peko... I understand what you all mean but i m juz saying can take precaution earlier or not. I m not insisting must keep the bb without heartbeat lah.... anyway is gone le how to keep rite?

Anyway... thank you so much, now I have a better understanding le. Told you all is a stupid question lor....wahahahaha
<font color="aa00aa">Sticky, sorry la, not possible to pre-empt such things. I believe things like that are really controlled by powers higher than our humand understanding.

Not a stupid question
Why dun you make an appointment to speak with Angela and let Angela pursuade your husband? No harm just going for a chat</font>
Just recieved call, the remaining 3 embryos did not make it to blastocyst, so no embryos to freeze.
Very moody now, really hope that these 2 can stick to me.
Really feel like crying.
<font color="aa00aa">Dawn - think there are 2 "Sticky" ...one is StickyBFP, one is StickyBB...

Hope I never mis-read</font>
halo sisters, back from Care... HP no batt... today's jab is painful dunno why. got other supps to take and was asked to take charcoal cos tummy full of gases. Ning said cos my E2 quite high dat's why like dat.

Today there's a vietnamese lady went to see Angela, while we go toilet, she ran out and ask us about how is CARE cos she did already did 5 ivf in vietnam and not successful so she's here in Singapore seeking help.

Sun, during the 2ww my dh cooked for me or he buy back for me. i really didn't step out of the house except going Care and dinner once.

Peko, i think no matter how, you will still need to go BT. my last cycle, even my af came i was ask to go for BT to confirm in case of eptopic. but choy choy choy won't happen lah and wait for BT 1st, actually HPT not so accurate sometimes. have sister tested -ve but bt is positive and last time i tested +ve but bt is negative. so BT is the best.

SHOES/MIRACLE, my 6th sense very zun one hor. sure to BFP BFP BFP!!!!!!!!! especially miracle, don't anyhow think. i think better dun test already, less stressful
<font color="aa00aa">Janice - no wonder u so quiet today. Did you managed to get leave to rest from work?

OIC, ask her come forum...!! CARE has a lot of patients who travel from overseas...

Thanks for the continual support dear...</font>

morning gals...
*yawn yawn*
i cry until my eyes swell like goldfish

i have gfs that have history of bb no heartbeat...
so they continue their tcm throughout their pregnancy, so far this is the onli thing that helps to keep heartbeat of baby going... cos western med dun have any solutions yet...
u may wanna invest in a good tcm and help u out...
