IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="aa00aa">Flowers - yup, I asked from Dr Loh for extra support due to my history and he immediately agreed and arranged. For places like KKIVF, just need to always ask to see doc, I feel la...from what I experienced</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Same reasoning as why grants are given if you buy your flat from HDB, and nothing if you buy private condo.

Not an answer we like to hear, but grants are to assist people with affordibility</font>

Even though I went private, I only had 3 pregnyls and utrogestan for post ET support too. I don't know about Calzz's experience with Mt E but perhaps CARE is just different. It's not just about private vs public.

But I still believe it's only God who can create life. We have sisters who conceive with SGH, KKH and NUH too and conversely, there are unsuccessful cases at CARE too. So none of us should feel bad if there are financial constraints or other reason we can't go to CARE.
haha...thats a good explanation...i was trying to come out with one...
so drowsy from the cough mixture...but waiting for hubby to be home to cut birthday cake...
<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - what cake did you get him?

Janice - smack you ah...already BFP...don't worry too much already ok? All will be ok</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Miracle - yums
enjoy enjoy
what time is he expected to be home?</font>
Shoes always bonk me or smack me
. Winnie said u cannot bonk my head so cannot smack me too wahahaha... But dunno y juz anxious hehe

Miracle, ya lor now the worries are endless
my hubby's bday...not mine...
yah...must warm up abit..else too cold...long time no take cold stuff le..

he should be home abt 10plus...
haha...you cannot smack janice..later her baby dun wan give you baby dusts...must sayang mummy janice and baby ......*guai guai hor...give auntie miracle more baby dusts hor...*
Dawn, it was in the papers that those who bfp with KK are generally younger compared to those who bfp with private. Even the private centers are complaining that they get older patients who failed with public centers and their stats are pulled down because of that.
to transfer out from kk, go kk sign a form and pay abt $80 for transfer.
Then at CARE, pay $160 and sign form for them to go pick up the embbies and transfer to CARE.
Hi hi miracle! Then from there, Wat will b the charges like? As in how much cash I'll have to pay after Tat? A rough estimation will do... So sorry I have to ask, cos I'm considering the options... Affordability is an issue to me
Hi all
I back again just taken dinner with dh. But think today all dishes not nice can't stand long when cooking. Still dun koe y today so bloated compare to yesterday

Tomorrow going for pro blood test. What that for
you mean the FET there ah.
On average till ET is about 5k+ to 6k, (exlude medisave) then after that if there's any other jabs or medications needed, will add on to the bill.
I wonder if we request more supports from dr sf Loh, eg. More pregynl jabs, inserts etc Dnt knw dr Loh will give or not hor....

Election coming hor, think we shd tell gov Oei u want babies Sibo?! give us more grant la!!
Karen: talking about election, this time is going to be my very first time to vote eversince a citizen is allowed to vote at their age! Before marriage I m with MM. After marriage, I am with SM's. Now finally the area I am staying is stand alone.
<font color="aa00aa">Sunshine - this year all seats will be challenged, so I think most eligible citizens will have a chance to vote</font>
I saw an article on Sat's Straits Time about stopping at two wives. I have not read the detail yet. I hope our society is not going to change to that! It is so absurb!
<font color="aa00aa">Doubt that will happen la...and definitely not in SG when there are more university educated women than men....

SG women are not pushovers leh</font>
Sun, it depends on the men. with or without the regulation men who want to hv 2nd wife they can always have it. Hmmm can we hv 2 husbands too? Heh heh heh
Hi sister
We hv been toking so much of what supplement hv we been taking.. Can anyone share what supplements ur hubby is taking to help the spermie? Did ur gynea prescribe any medi for ur hubby? Did ur hubby eat egg white, drink immouncal and do accu too? Care to share? Especially for those whose hubby spermie got great improvement after taking something special this cycle, can share too..;)

Hi sticky
Grad to u... Officially pregnant now..;)
Hi sun
?? Stickybfp just did et today ah.. So she is officially pregnant for two wks right? She hasnt complete her 2ww yet..,
