IVF/ICSI Support Group


The report may be true from a purely statistics point of view. But there may be other factors at play too. E.g. government hospitals only transfer 2 embryos so that may play a role in success rates; it may be that generally only those slightly older can afford to go to private IVF clinics cause when we are younger, we have less savings and costs is a bigger concern. Undoubtedly, we get more personalised attention at private IVF clinics and that may help or give us a greater sense of assurance (which is why hubby and I plan to do our FET at CARE too) but I really hope none of us feels bad that we cannot afford private. Most of us are already so stressed / troubled by our difficulty conceiving. These doubts will only add to our burden.

My good friend did her IVF at SGH as she couldn't afford private IVF too. The government grant really helps. She did her IVFs in her mid to late 30s and she succeeded on both fresh cycles. May these positive examples give us hope.


You always nap after dinner and wake up at night, hor? You and Shoes can give each other company la when you cannot sleep.
ya agree... hubby is one big handful...
think i'll jus turn les... heehee

hi dawn,
nap before dinner, now eating dinner... crap...
all the weight i putting on...
in 3rd world countries enough to fill up the body of 12 children liao... and they will look plump plump... haha
Dawn, flowers, saw my name mentioned? I had crinone, utro, prog jabs, pregnyl jab once, aspirin, progynova. So much support also cannot bfp. Really depends on luck loh.
Don't b disheartened k..
But I do agree luck plays a major part n the right timing...
Me also waiting for d right timing...
i am so mad at my dh... today he said he got exams so cannot go et with me... though he already noes it last week... is not a last min thing...
today his bro called him, ask my dh send him and his family to the airport tomolo... my dh said ok... then thurs pick them back from airport and dh planning to bring my mil out to buy some dried grocery on thurs too...
tell me... all these activities are less important than my et... or maybe his family more impt... he last paper is on friday lorz...
i am so jumping mad... then wat i can do... nothing... crap
Hi shoes and flowers
Morning hope u two mgt to get some sleep. Sometime really wonder y kkh want me to put the insert at 12am so by then will be over my sleeping time. Ya my stomach comes yesterday as of it going to tear off but goes off this this morning hope it will remain like this until end of 2ww
Wah all so late still awake..me too 2+ wake up cannot slp but I cannot use hp else get scoldings... juz now got scolding fr dh, he's blocking my way then I said go away... He look at me sternly said cannot like dat next time kids will learn zzzzz

Sticky, dun b upset *hugz*
<font color="aa00aa">Morning,

Janice, good habit to not use HP when wakky middle of night, else hard to sleep again.

Baby, you can always adjust the timings yourself actually, for the insert. What KKIVF give is just a guideline.

Flowers, my cramps are gone already
thanks for asking. So have you peed-on-the-stick?</font>
Shoes : yea pee-ed, negative within expectations. It's alrite, no hugs no sorries please. I know what my next step will be , good luck for your bt on friday ya!
<font color="aa00aa">Flowers, your BT is Fri why test so early. Anyway, still go for your BT ba...

Peko, all the best for your BT tomorrow</font>
Hi All, I am new to this forum. Have been reading but not contributing. I just had my ET yesterday at NUH. Does anyone know if royal jelly will help?
Flower, I very nortti lah. will heck care and skip lor.
it will be your 2nd fresh?
Btw, for govt grant we can use how many times huh?

Shoes, me back to work long ago. only rested 2 days. prefer to work lor. time pass faster this way.
Raining day. maybe porridge? will be so shiok!
Happy 100th International Women's Day, everyone! (Heard from my boss that Women's Day was first celebrated in 1911.


It's still 4 more days to your BT. Let's wait and see?


Your BT's tomorrow? All the best!


You managed to sleep better last night? Noticed you woke up at 2 plus rather than just plain not being able to sleep.
No more blood test before Friday, just an (unnecessary
) appointment with Angela tomorrow?


HUGS. Guys are strange. Maybe your hubby feels anxious about the IVF too so he avoids your appointments (like ostrich) and uses the exam preps and family errands to distract himself. I'm sure it's not because he doesn't care for you.
<font color="aa00aa">Morning Dawn, ya, woke up to pee and drink some soup before reading and going back to zzz. I left my worship songs turned on the whole night and I think it helped.

Ya, tomorrow is sanity check day la...also gives me opportunity to go kia kia hahahahahaa</font>
Janice: you mentioned that during your 2ww, other than going to care, the rest of the time you rest of the time you stayed at home. How did you settle your lunch and dinner? You cooked your own lunch for the 2ww? But the food in the fridge for cooking will also be finished leh... still have to go out and buy mah.
