IVF/ICSI Support Group

Shoes, oops! I mean the ivf mummies forum. My dh knows I am in forum but he doesn't know it's 'stressful' to b here lol
you are so blur...hahha

haha....if we dun come into forum...we will be more stress lor...and hu si luan xiang.
Today im so stone. I actually forgot to change my E2 patch in the morning. Just went to change it. Told hubby if really din make it, we will go holiday in June le.
Hi girl, I'm back from er! Had it this morning, went to hongkong cafe for lunch and back home to take a nap...

Feeling fresh noww but tummy very cramp. Do you girls feel this way? Retrieved 32 eggs. Hope it would get fertilised. Crossed finger....

Hi sticky, how's your et?

Janice and Leor, pls do take care , most imp, relax and enjoy ! There 9 months to go !!!!

Please passsssss baby dust to all of us here!
Wah apple, Congrats! 32 eggs! Great harvest! I only had 10 n only 5 fertilized

U rest well ya. I think the cramp is normal. Just rest well n Tmr u shd b ok

32 eggs! Wow! Where are you doing your IVF? I don't know much about D2 vs later transfer but with so many, does it mean you have a choice when to do your ET?
Miracle, it's true lor, without the forum how are we going to spend d 2ww. Actually i plan to go holiday if bfn but now no need le, u too go next yr ba

Apple, u too enjoy your 2ww... When wl b yr transfer?

Finish cooking but suddenly dun feel like eating. Btw can I take oyster source? Been taking then realize it's oyster lol
Hi ceo dan dawn. I did my ivf in KK with dr loh. Drank 3 packet of immunical the night before...

Well 32 is not imp... Most important we have great egg that can be fertilised. I will let you girls know the result once its out.

My ET is on wed... Have any of the girls here transfer 3 embrio? Btw, I only have one tube left as another tube is being cut due to hydrosalping. Husband's sperm low motility too.

Well, let all of us have all the best thru this IVF. Its indeed a painful journey that we have to go through!!!! We ARE STRONG!!!
maybe you just drink the soup lor....
your next holiday have to wait for quite some time lor....else baby so small also not convenient to travel..
Shoes, yep eating now...

Miracle, trying to eat some else hungry. U too mah need to wait for sometime b4 u can travel

I think oyster sauce should be ok. During my 2ww, my mom forgot about the oyster restriction and used it to make porridge for me. So I called CARE to check. Angie said as long as I don't eat the oyster, I can eat the porridge. Their main concern is food poisoning.

My hubby also doesn't like me to go on the forum. He's worried I'll think too much and compare - like number of cells or embryo grading etc.


Are you like Janice and Shoes, who transferred to CARE or were you always with CARE?


What is hydrosalping?
I start having tender aching boobs...not sore boobs, after increasing progynova to 4 tablets a day. so most likely due to the medication...

I did fresh in kk then transfered embbies to CARE for FET.
<font color="aa00aa">try not to eat oyster sauce if you can, not exactly healthy...not just for preggie
Natural better la</font>
Haha! So if I transfer to CARE for my FET, I'll be following in the footsteps of the 3 of you. Hopefully, I would bfp also.
Janice: 2nd trimester is safe for travel. Plan your travel during 2nd trimester otherwise u must wait till bb 9mths then travel. Some of my colleague wait 3 yrs then travel with kids
but I'm doing FET, and using so much...hubby and dr zou said my fresh oso not so many...wahaha
you have pregynl i have patch.....Janice the least...
Shoes, oh ya hor, so many till forget.... + last min progesterone jab

Flowers, actually dh said wanna to plan a trip to Bangkok to pray si mian fuo cos last year we go holiday got go there pray pray so he said must go and pray pray to thank god. I told him only 3 mths later when stable lor
<font color="aa00aa">According to Dr Zou, KK does aspirin now too. I did Progesterone daily with KKIVF too. Not too bad la...

I think like some ladies mentioned, CARE likes to see high levels of hormones</font>
Miracle, I agree with flowers. My fresh at kkh, I only hv 4xpregynl jabs. N after et, doc only said dun fall sick dats all
