IVF/ICSI Support Group

ladies, i have a ques rdg natural fet. My cycle is abt 32days and i usually ovulate btw 17-19days. Does this consider too long & may switch to medicate fet?
Lily, jiayou.... jiayou.... don't give up and you will succeed
hi lily,
be strong... when bfp is a sticky sticky one... =)

hi mina,
that one we wont noe... have to depends wat ur doc wan u to do le... prob natural also ok de...
Thks to all the concern! I dont hv any frozen leh cos me old liao and not many eggs. Only managed to have 4eggs and all fertilised, transfer 3eggs and 1 defragmented. :-(
Dr Angela says also dont know why cos egg quality quite good, progesterone also quite good so maybe it's growth hormone...
Me will get over it and will most probably try one more fresh cycle all over again and if it's still BFN then no choice lah. Luckily I already have a 4year old gal naturally as a comfort.
Hi everyone. I've been a silent reader but I need some information with regards to the 2ww. When exactly is our menses due during this cycle? Say I have a 28 day cycle, do I count from my LMP in November or do the hormones injections alter the duration totally? And what does the progesterone level indicate? Mine is 264, on pregnyl jabs x4. This is D8 post ER and D6 post ET. I'm having backache and lower abdominal cramps like my AF is coming and I'm like worried. Would appreciate any answers! Thanks so much!
Oh wow Lily! You have a daughter too. So no stress ok. Take it easy.

Anyway buddies, desperately need ur help. As I told u gals, my ohss seems to be coming back. So went back to do blood test today and true enough, I've now at early moderate OHSS. scary ah, I'll nvr forget those miserable days of suffering. I really must stop this fr getting worse but despite trying my best, i cant drink a lot. So need to ask u gals, how are some of the ways that u take immunocal? Does it taste yucky? I heard some of u add into cold beverage but i'm not taking any cold things now. HOw else can u take it?
Liz: u got the same ET n I'm also 28 cycle.. Sad to say I'm also having AF type of cramp right now
if I'm not wrong touch wood if fail then my AF should come on 29 Dec but because we on progesterone support so maybe will be delay by 2 to 3 days once we stop all the medication ;)
lily and 76, will u be able to taste it? is it thick? creamy> cereal-like? I won't be able to drink if it taste yucky so dun want to waste money buying.been eating eff white daily already.

piggy, I'm also feeling the af cramp already, dun think urs is la, my ET is 1 week before urs lei. Anyway, I'm prepared for any results liao, After the whole ohss episode, I think it's more important to be healthy, happy and free! If not successful, I'll be sad (cause go thru so much) but will just try FET, at least no more OHSS for FET. If successful, of course I'll be even happier lah. So whatever it is, just remain positive.
Thanks piggy. So u mean to calculate my menses this month, I must count 14 days from the ER is it, not 28 days from my LMP which was 24/11/10?? Aiyoh, like that this feels like PMS! If I bleed sigh, this will be so sad...
Dandelion : yes positive thinking haha keep talking to embbies hope they can listen to us ;) but hoh the cramp really quite irrating n I need to take deep breathing to relase the pain off a bit leh
bfp bfp bfp bfp !!! Hee hee ;)
Liz : don't quite get u hmmm if u r 28 days cycle then why is it 24 nov ??? My last menses day is 2 Dec leh .. U count from ur mense date + 28 days is ur next AF if ur cycle fail but if urs is different then I'm not too sure Liao .. When is ur BT ??
Ya piggy I had my last menses on 24th of November. So by right, it's supposed to come on 20th of December. I assumed the pregnyl jabs I'm giving myself is delaying the menses. But very weird coz my HCG blood test is like so late on 030111. When is yours? Who else here had the same ET date (171210)? All the best to everyone. May our dream come true....
Liz: oh then is the same day as me Happybb n nip ;) Happybb & nip BT is on 03 Jan 2011 but mine was different from them .. Mine is 30 Dec ;) u from kk too ??
Hi gals
Can ask why you gals will have menses after ET? For my protocol, even if i get a BFN, i will not get menses till the day my gynae stopped my pessaries insertion.
Me not drinking the drinks, so not sure what to expect of the taste. What is the 'yucky' drink that you gals seem to hate to drink? Are you all in the same hospital? Me at gleneagles...maybe different protocol?
Lily... Glad tat u r not gving up yet... And like wat u already know, ur dd is a hugh comfort... Many of us here r still ttcing for #1... 你还是很幸福。。。

Liz... Welcome! U hv the same et as piggy, nip & me...
Liz: I think the Bt date given is worked frm your et date. If you are frm kk, then it will be 3 jan. Cos all of us react diff to the med and some may take longer or shorter time
thanks nip.

76, it's not a drink. its a protein supplement, not given by hospital but the buddies here drink to prevent ohss. btw, u're doing ur program with glen e? is this a fresh cycle or fet?
I just receive my 2 boxes of immunocal. Will try & let u know.
If u want, u can take a few packets from me to see if it's palatable & if it helps. PM me.
Drink more fluids!!!
Good morning!

Apple, I think what Winnie meant is she n her Dh dun like green kiwi so only take gold kiwi ba

Dan, today my 2nd pack of immunocal, so far no feeling yet
Nip : hahaha cannot take it la .. If positive then I can be extra careful mAh n if negative touch wood then I will move on from there n do whatever I want n start planning for the next FET n pre warning to my boss that I will plan for another long hl on mid feb.. Now got Christmas party also cannot go
only can stay home n wait wait wait ;(
u really wana try so early ah..hehehe.... i scared...din even tried hpt in my last round tho i v gian...the previous rounds, i even bought 2-3 sets and keep testing...me crazy rgt?
Hey all, I am a little confused about certain terms.

Long protocol : I am on that this round, takes bat 6 weeks.

What bat short protocol? What is fet? Unmedicated, medicated? If plan for another kid, want to use my embies, then what is it called? How long will this take and what is the process like?

Thanks in advance. I am blur queen.
i only know fet is called frozen embryo transfer. It can be either medicated or natural. (I dunno what it means)i reckon which process to take, long or short protocol, depends on the style of gynae and also your condition of your uterus, egg etc...
Going mad soon actually going through the injections n ER ET is not the worst the bloatness the pain I still can bare it but not this 2ww loh... Yes No yes no yes no yes no ...
