IVF/ICSI Support Group

pink M,
haha, can't help leh... My mind starts worrying e moment I open my eyes... Your ms come already, that's y no appetite?

My week-6 scan is on 7th... Still a long wait... How abt yours?

I've been reading up alot after bfp... Yes, breathlessness is normal... I keep reminding dh to check whether I'm breathing once in a while... Lol! I tried many positions to breath normally n I found that sleeping on my left w legs bent is still e best. I guess I'll continue to sleep in this position more...

The crinone given to you comes with bb wipes ??.Mine doesnt though. I don't get any burning sensation. Mine are quite greyish/black ones. Just worried that the new ones inserted gets stuck to the old ones and are not properly absorbed and the old ones will cause cervic irritation/bleeding. Feel like asking Dr to clear out the old residues.. Just before my ET, Dr cleared out about 3-4days of residues.Did Dr P cleared them before your ET ?
Is your breathlessness ok ? Your MS kicked in ?.. Apart from MS and breathlessness, the rest of the symptoms are bugging me. Sometimes I feel abnormal without MS..hee! But I don't want to think too much now. Everytime when I am back to the clinic and start telling the nurse my worries and what i googled, I get "scolded". Was told to stop worrying and send positive signals to the bb instead. haha!
Me too wanna to start in Dec as wat u said Dec is gd period as X'mas holiday coming all the way to New Year lots of days rest for 2ww times.No need take leave.
However,end up cleaning at KK..Haizzzzz angry le!
No choice,we got to bear of it lol till Jan then.
Rainbow, I do get breathlessness at times and I think its pretty normal though I dun go check out why it is like tt. Dh told me babies fighting oxygen with me so I become breathlessness...hahaha...But if your breathlessness is v serious, u need to check with Dr Loh..
hope4baby, in kkivf, if less than 15 eggs retreived, pregnyl jab will be given for support. If more than 15 will be on inserts. Both supports is equally the same.
U retrieved 14 eggs rite?
KK protocol for 14 eggs n below will be prengyl.
R u wearing a black cardigan with pinkish floral bottom?
KK feels there is no such needs. Since less than 14, bloatedness will not be as intensified compared to those with more than 14 eggs. They believed prengyl support is sufficient...
Good morning ladies... long time didn't come in already, just came back from my holiday and bz bz with work till cannot breath :s

How's everyone? didn't go thru the thread as it's too long :p

Seasame, saw your double good news ^.^ CONGRATULATIONS!

Updates: my 2nd af reported le but was told that i need to jab for 1 more month before i can start my cycle. Actually dunno start cycle meaning wat cos dh and i thot already started (???) since already start growth hormone jabs.

Does anyone here know start cycle mean take how long till ET? not sure will conincide with CNY or not leh cos this year our office will be closed for 10 days. btw, Ning told me to finish my conceive well gold then start on CO Q10. Should i continue with both or juz CO Q10 and any brand of CO Q10 will do?

Sorry juz came in after so long and ask so many questions le :p

start cycle means u will start jabbing suprefact to suppress hormones..followed by gonal f/puregon to stimulate the follicles. You can ask Angela for a schedule, so that you know roughly when what is going to happen.

usually hv to jab growth hormone for 2 mths, before starting suprefact.

Suggest u buy COQ10 from CARE...easier..theirs is 1 tablet 150mg if i remember correctly... off the rack ones are usually lesser...
Yah... At KK... Did my progesterone n Ohss bloodtest.. Waiting for payment

Soul darling
How r u today?
Checked w doc, she say very unlikely Af will report so early. D AF feeling could be implantation too.. Regardlessly even if bleeding, still hv to come back for beta hcg as there may be many causes for bleeds.
As to d suanness n aches at pelvic, waist n lower an area.. It's normal since all sharing d same nerves..

Mine quite bad. Juz hv to tolerate...
PandaWife, thank you, at least i roughly know what is going on le

will get the COQ10 from CARE then

haha.. gonna check on the side effect of the growth hormone too... seems like i having mood swing... 1st cycle not so bad cos i control but this time dunno is it cos of the jabs or it's myself who is bad mood :p
now only jab for less than 3 weeks my tummy already bruises everywhere... every morning we need to determine where to jab, dunno how to survive for another 2mth+ more hehe

after u jab, dun rub the jab site..just press the alcohol wipe and hold firmly for a while.

i have been thru the journey before.. tink of the end of the journey with babies
that kept me going through the months.
When I received my new supply of crinone last Fri, they come with bb wipes. Maybe you can ask for them when u next go back to buy more. I think it's supplier give one. No my old discharge wasn't flushed out before ET. Dun worry, as long as you lie down for at least 15 mins after insert all will be absorbed. What comes out later is meant to come out. I asked CARE before. My P level still remains high at 200-300+ so it must be true.

On 7 Dec is already week 7 already right? I don't have appointment date yet but cos I go BT twice a week so I guess anytime also can scan if convenient.
PandaWife, i didn't rub leh, i juz press the alcohol wipe.

you hv been thru the journey too? i juz endure and sometimes pain i dun dare to tell my dh cos he stress he dun dare to jab make me more stress LOl

btw, do you hv any side effect from the jabs that time?
Where have you been longtime never heard from you leh...r u still reading our thread if yes drop us a message over here...
We miss you, how's yr 2ww any news on bfp ?
Janice, i also jab 3 mths of saizen...

i numb the site w ice before jabbing...so tht minimal discomfort n pain.

hmmmmm...i dun really know if the emo feelings were side effects of saizen OR just me coz of all the jabbing everyday..... can be quite daunting smtimes to start the day with a jab...hehe..

same here...even now, i hv to jab proluton 2x a week.. hb has to do for me coz jab the butt.. smtimes painful ..but i also keep quiet..coz dun want him to feel upset...
Pandawife, ya now i numb w ice. when i was overseas, no ice, i use a cold can drinks to numb it else i dun think i can "survive" for the next 2.5 months...

ya i agree with you... every morning i drag waking up cos need to jab. dat's y i wonder is it juz me or the saizen hehe...

dh going overseas this coming sun and mon, i called Ning and she said i can jab at nite. Heng ah! cos till now i still dun dare to jab myself

you still need to jab? jab till when?

I am jabbing until 1 week before i m due to pop! hahaha... coz 3 babies.. hv to jab to keep the uterus soft and conducive for them to grow ...

been jabbing since preggie until now... plus during pregnancy everywhere is more sensitive.. hence double the discomfort.. even w ice cube..will still feel stinging pain after jab. but no choice, hv to tahan.. for the sake of the little ones.

i also dun dare to jab myself...heheh..u r not alone. the ladies who can diy are reallly really brave!
Want to know if there is any of u here had this problem.
Went for first scan after 4 days of gonalf and there are 9 follicles. However, i think it is small. Prof did not measure. Wonder how small can it be. Waiting to see if blood test is ok to check on dosage of gonalf. Can the follies really grow faster after today? What can i do...quite sad rite now.
Pandawife, wow jab for so many mths... Hmm but when u see yr little ones all is worth it

Ya lor, I really peifu those ladies who diy... After going thru so much I still dun dare to do it myself. Juz dun hv d courage. I think I'm already very brave to jab le :") cos I m super scared of needles yet cos of bb I'm doing it n everyday some more. Lol
hi ladies

got feeling my AF coming

anyone can tell me the whole process so that i can prepare myself. From 1st appt w kkivf onwards.

i have yet to see doc in kkivf. besides Dr Loh, any female doc? i shy to see male doc but dr loh is expert in ivf...paiseh.
I think KK forgot to prescribe nauseous med

My backaches killing me nw.. Juz reach home.. Am resting now.hv to lie totally flat.
Hmmm.. Thot they expedited my bloodtest n results shd b out ard 10+... shall call them after lunch if dun hear fr them.

U huh.. Think u r seeking assurances fr d aches :⦆
Seeking assurance frm aches & enjoying it better than worrying tat they are af symptoms right? Remember we need to stay positive and zen so just got to find a better way.

Today your embbies are still implanting and working real hard so mayb tat explain the aches.

Ask u, are u taking bbt during this 2ww? Bbt must take in morning ah, if rest of day take, not accurate le ah?
Been wanting to take... But poor quality sleep.. Won't be accurate too.
Yes, it has to be taken around same timing every morning, right after u wakie, n in bed.

I wanted to start taking since Tuesday but silly right,as Hvnt implant mah.. Plus it can be stressful. Decided to let nature takes its course..
During natural TTC.. I do night bbt occasopnaly too. After o, will be ard 36.8+ to 37.1+
Bbt will drp to 36.6+ to 36.7+ on eve of Af ...

Morning wise.. When there is 2 consecutive drops.. Usually Af will report same or next day..
Yes they do. But usually they'll try to arrange fir Fridays.

Yah.. Still nauseous
was abit unwell in cab Le.. D moment I reach hm.. Hv to pop sour plum. Now feeling nauseous too,
Tummy was still soft morning during d chkup.. Hardens now..

Yah.. My tingkat late today.
American ginseng is very heaty and very bu lei. During 2ww and aft bfp better dun drink. Before tat dun drink too often.
Good to walk ard for blood circulation ...
I was searching high n low for u.. Manage to spot a girl in pinkish reddish top n kneelength Bermuda..
Did u see a lady in wheelchair juz now, that's me!!! So malu.. Hubb make me sit on wheelchair
grumpus, very heaty ah? coz the box i bought wrote "reduce heatiness"... hmm... ok but take once a week before 2ww ok bah?

Once a wk shd be ok lah. Oh u bought those ready made American ginseng tea in box type? Not the actual ginseng from those tcm shop ah?
