IVF/ICSI Support Group

soul - I'm actually craving for that now! the next I crave is pokka milk coffee!! but I'm thankful that my hubby allow me to drink one cup of coffee every morning

Had done my second BT and result show slow progress of HCG again!
Dr loh supect is ectopic pregnancy/ risk of Miscarry.
When i come back from KK, i spoted red bleeding after unrinating..
Called up KK, they told me to monitor if bleeding turns massive i need to go down immed..
I have a terrible feeling that i cant secure my bb...
what is the name of the jab?
I was shocked to see Dr reaction today when he sees my report.. he only shake his head... and didnt say much
only say scare is ectopic / mc
Dr loh just did prescript to me duphaston and i took the medicine at 2pm today...
but bleed flow is still there..
i will go down now...
pls pray for me and my bb...
Ann, seriously I think u shd not wait for bleeding to become full force, please go down immediately, they will serve you for sure. Tell the nurse u r feeling terrible, they will put u in observation ward and ask for the doctor. Can you go down immediately?
Hi ceraine
I also not sure wht cd am i at now as dun care much liao since doing ivf.. Me measure sometime is to know whether hv i ovalute so that i can roughly know when my af come and get prepared.. Hee.. I think is impossible i will bfp since gynea last thurs see got many small egg but no mature egg.. Today shd be only dpo4 or 5 days ba..

Hi stickybfp
So touch that u still remember abt my bbt.. Hee.. But nice bbt also no use as cant bfp naturally still.. Sigh..

Hi calzz and mina
No worries, soon u gals bbt will be ok as long as continue tiao ur body and reduce the intake of cold water.. Jiayou..;)

Hi mina
I am interested on the massages, may i know roughly how much per time? Where they come fr? As i hope where i stay is near to them..;) i think massage is good for blood circulation beside exercising..;) can pm me the detail? Thk u..
winnie, I failed fresh cycle last mth. Now fast fast tiao my body, hope in time for fet next mth but like many obstacles le.. Dr Zou on long leave then scare my natural fet crash with kk lab close for washing.. haiz

Joanne, I pm you liao. She is a malay aunty, should be Singaporean. She will come your place for the 1hr massage. But she charge by location, so you need to call & check price.

I hope everything goes well for you and your precious one. *hug*

I also usually have AF around 25th. That's why I'm more scared now since the feeling is almost the same as AF. I'm trying very hard not to think abt it but just can't switch off!
Dec cnt go for FET cycle then we start on Jan.
So we hve more time to tiao our body lol.
No need so kang cheong.
The more we kang cheong the more we frustrated la!
Be relax ya
Back from 24hr
No jap as doct say its not for early period
Was told to take duphaston 3x per day
Bleeding continue..
Think my chance is slim..
Next appt with Dr Loh on 1 DEC and will have 3rd BT..
I think i know the outcome liao..
I will not give up, I will try again!
faithbb, I kan cheong cos my boss is clearing leave in dec & he will go on block leave next mth. So no one will give any stress @ wk. Moreover, I feel dec is a happy mth with X'mas and New year celebrations! Lastly, its also my 30th birthday. I hoping to get birthday cum x'mas gift mah.. Ha!

Joanne, did you check spam or trash? Cos when i receive pm from leor & calzz, they are in the trash folder. I will pm you again!

Stickybfp, i pm you liao!
Try private Gynae.. They will support u with jabs..meanwhile hv good rest n stay positive
If slow progress, it may be bb not strong enff due to chromosonal reasons etc, may not necessary be ectopic..

But it's Oli 9-10 days post er.. If menses shd come.. Too early Le.. Tats Wat I thought.
Dun give up k.. Stay strong.
I am keeping my faith n staying positive for a BFP...Hope d pain ease off.. Else Tmr Hw to than KK trip

Where's our miracle buddy??
hi StickyBFP, tks for the info.

i m still reading thru the posts...too many of them..anyway congrats to all MTB..jia you!!
pink M,
I'm still having my bloatedness... Tummy becomes big n tight by noon... I get backache everyday too... I start to get v suan after lunch n it'll get worse... I feel that I can't sit still on my chair cos my bum gets achy after sitting for too long... Haha... So everyday I leave office on e dot to rest these days...

Today's cramp seems more than yesterday... Keep feeling like something is pressing inside when I lie down. And I had abit of gastric discomfort n nausea today... I keep being hungry in the day, but not so much night time... N whole day I feel cold. I'm hiding in 2 blankets now... U feel cold too?

thanks for e info on AMC n Dr Loh's appt... After reading your post, I see e documents again, really got one line showing appt time... Haha, I saw that paper so many times, but didn't notice it... Words too small... :p
Hi Pink Martini,
I sms Angela ask for advise. She said better with medicated FET. Tml will call Care to arrange an appointment go down with dh to have a discussionwith Angela. Actually i really scare of will disappointed again. I really scare of the result is -ve...
Hi Ceraine
Good to heard that you feel better and can finish ur dinner. When is your bt?
I'm fine, thks.
Waiting for FET...
I more or less feel the same as u but not cold leh... Don't say office la cos office is really cold. Other than that I'm not cold, feel warm most of the time. Ya bloatedness started by mid-day. By dinnertime, it's the max already. Last few days after work, I went straight home & lay on the sofa never move cos back hurts & I'm so tired out. After resting like that for abt 20-30 mins then I can get changed & think about dinner. At night also pee more now. Pee already cannot go back to sleep, like now....

Good, so u can start now & transfer in Dec?
Have faith in yourself & CARE!
During my FET, I did some funny little things like changed my iPhone wallpaper to a pic of flowers & a big 'BELIEVE' at the centre. I want to remind myself all day to believe in myself.....
Pink M,
I dun purposely wake up to peepee... I go just because I wake up early n got nothing to do... See that u girls r waking up to pee n eat, but I'm not... Dunno if I'm e abnormal one.. Hope our backaches will go away soon so that we can concentrate on our work...

There seems so much to worry... When I'm short of breath, I worry bb(s) not enough air... When boobs r not sore (only nipples sensitive to touch), worry if i'm ok inside... When I think abt my blood issue, worry if my bb(s) will stay long till full term... Most impt is worried whether there r heartbeats... I guess I can't stop worrying till at least after my week-6 scan... I need my sleep back too... -_-
Rainbow ar... Don't worry so much lei. Everything will b fine. I don't wake up to eat, only to pee. In fact though I'm hungry often but I got no appetite to eat.

U got appointment for 6 weeks scan already?
I also read somewhere that heart rate faster & breathlessness is normal in early pregnancy cos the mummy is trying to produce more blood for baby or something like that.
Ceraine, soul
On tues late noon, theres so much activity in my lower abs n pelvic area, i decided to just rest and let the implanting process to work and drill hard.
On wed, everything just stop. No aches no pain n i start wondering.... Implant done? Or no need implant? Got me worried but i was also so sleepy i slep the whole morning n noon. But aches came back after dinner, nt intense but i enjoyed the presence of the aches. Hubby said i so silly.

Dun tink of af symptoms cos tats similar to preg symptoms and so hving it is good!

We will bfp on 3 dec de. Jiayou jiayou!!!!!
Yes, this journey is filled with endless of anxieties ya. I try to get my mind off all these and I am feeling less worried now. Letting nature takes its course now. For the past couple of days, I have been waking up during the wee hours feeling hungry but yesterday I was really exhausted and I slept through the night. But this morning I woke up still feeling v.tired & lethargic ...

For the past 3 days, there are quite alot of crinone residues (old cakey little chunks) discharge whenever i peed/wipe. Clinic says its ok..Its been 4weeks plus since my crinone inserts and it gives me a feeling that there are lots more stuck down there.. Do you experience this ?
HUGS!..Are you bed-resting now ? When I had my spotting/slight bleeding episode, I did complete bed-rest for 2 days, prayed and talked to bb and finally the spotting stopped. Please stay positive ya!.
Hi gals
good morning..
For red date tea, i think is better to make it using boiling method so that the smell and taste can come out better and stronger.. Last time i use slow cooker boil over night, the taste is definitely stronger and better.. But since hv to drink frequent, i wakeup morning to boil it for 10mins and pour it and with the ingredient into the thermal flask when still hot..
Taste abit plain but still got the strong red date smell..;)

Btw, they already disclose that the two private hospital which didnt follow the sop when doing ivf is gleneagles and o&g partner, omg.. Lucky we r fr kk.. So scary...but with this incident, am sure all hospitals going to be more careful now..hopefully..

Yes I do have old brown cakey crinone disharge every now & then. There was a day I even felt a burning sensation on the lips of V. But there's this bb wipes that comes with crinone now. That helps with the mess. These few days the inserts are all nice & clean.
