IVF/ICSI Support Group

flowers, your boss did not probe further after you mentioned reproductive system?

Happybb, You can consider telling boss that you go for cyst removal, in general say woman problem? If he ask further then u say cyst?
Agree that most dont understand as they have no problem conceiving and will not understand. I only tel my close friend and family.

Nina, how are u? How was your ET, good? Me also laze around at home, eat n zzzz. Heng got DVD so can watch...

Sometimes will get twitches at both my sides, other than that nothing leh? You leh?
Progesterone BT 16th, BHCG BT 27th. You?

happybb, i think say smthg to do with reproductive system is ok lor, 'cos there are so many possibilities mah, polyps, fibroid, cycst, etc, so chances of suspecting ivf not so high lor
imp22- no he didn't probe further, thinks its women biz so he also paiseh to ask for too much details, worse case juz tell him i m not comfortable discussing this with him lor
imp... i had fibroids removed earlier this yr... when they asked me how am i, i said recovered liao... when i pre empt them i may need to seek treatment later this yr and may need 2 to 3 mths off work, i told them haven confirm need treatment anot... now if i say cyst, dunno if they will buy my story anot...
flowers, when i told my boss tat i'm gg for hl earlier this yr, i said women prob... she probed further & asked upper or lower body... so i just tot her lor... scared this time she asked again...
if your boss can be trusted, then telling can actually lift off some pressures on you but if your boss cannot be trusted then even if they dun buy your story also muz tell story...
blurlet, yes, so happy to see so many ladies doing their ER in Oct and 2ww around the same period as well.

Let's keep each other company during 2ww via cyber space
goofie, phew, that is indeed a close shave!!! Getting puregon in Vietnam with language barrier is indeed a challenge man!

Lucky thing all goes well and now you are in 2ww. I will panic if I were u!
miracle, I can feel your excitement too! Counting down to a month's time. I m counting down to next week and try to get everything done within these few days like getting the groceries, necessities before 2ww. Hope its a breeze for me...pray hard.

I believe all of us here will be mummies soon!

Yes! We can be cycle buddies!!! I think the needles will not be so painful la according to so many girls mention in this thread. I think the most dreadful moment is 2ww.

Yes, I am with Dr Zou. It is a She. I dun find the acu painful. Her contact is 64560833. It is closed every wed.

I did not go for the AMH study as I cannot make it on tt day.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
wow... Getting groceries still earli mah... Hee... Worse come to worse will write list and hubby will do the shopping.
How come many of you are offered the amh test? No one mention that to me... Wonder hw they decide</font>
miracle, I can't trust my hubby to do marketing one...haha...I am stocking up those dry ones like milo, mushrooms, maggi mee, ribena...

also stock up on necessities liao...v kiasu...scared I no time by then.

Perhaps you miss the call? Or maybe you still young la, so din get offered.
Imp22: your keng ideas quite funny wor..
but thinking about it, it's just so difficult for us to get company's and boss' understanding. I was thinking since govt wants us to reproduce and also gv subsidies for ivf, they also might as well help us to handle such mindset that our bosses have. Thus making it easier for us to go thru this process in peace.

M currently using the utrogestan inserts. Quite sian to do this 3 times a day, for 17days. Apparently, this can be taken orally too, but not sure why Kk does not advise this.

I just had my BT today for progest. Can only know the results next tues. Nurse says that high progest doesn't mean possible bfp. Only hcg then can confirm. This 2ww is killing me.
hi, just need to chk with u gals after the BT for hcg, if successful did kk prescribe any medication for support. What is the name of the med n dosage instructed
Sesame- yeah man! Tell me about it!! It was also such a hassle to bring along lucrin and puregon everytime I need to go for biz trips. Glad it's over. U starting your puregon jabs soon? Will this be your first ivf?
Yup!! I believed that with all our perseverance and determination, we will all be blessed with angel babies.

Those embarking on 2ww, must rest rest rest after ET. especially dun stretch hands to reach for things in kitchen etc.
Gals, i juz failed my fresh cycle and went back to work on 2 Sep. i been veri honest to my bosses on wat i m doing and also told my dept colleagues so they will understand y i m away.. briefed them if anyone ask tell them i on minor op. However, few days after in went back i found out almost whole office knw i go ivf even counterparts from other companies also knw.. so annoy with my work plc one gal even ask how come can dun success de it oreadi fertilise outside mah... Zzzz feel like slapping someone. my price for been honest?? till now i still dunno which big mouth go circulate and gossip behind me.. i told my dh tat i dun feel like gg to work everyday...=(
miracle &amp; sesame, after discussing with my DH, think it's more wise to use my 30 Sept cycle. So that means jabs start ard 20 Oct loh. 28 days later means ER/ET ard 18 Nov bah. Then 2ww will be 20 Nov to 13 Dec? I count like that correct or sala har
lina, dun let someone else's mistake cause ur misery. GOD will judge them. U just try ur best to ignore. If they ask u again, just tell them u dun wish to discuss this further.

This pple har.....really imbeciles lei. Gugu + KPO! Hmm! Mentally box them hahaha.
could understand your frustration and the dragging to work feeling.. I only told my partner colleague that I'm using some help to help me conceive (without mentioning "IVF") I told her she's the only one who noe about this..so if the words get around, I'm sure noe that it's her.. so far I heard no rumours about my IVF.. I'm not intending to tell anyone except you gals who are on the same path who could really really understand what we've been going thru.. actually after my 2wks HL, there are some colleagues who kept askg my close colleagues why am I away for 2wks..kept askg till they fedup..for them, I told a white lie coz I only informed my partner colleague who was backing me up while I'm away..hope that all these gossip will stop after some times.. dun worry too much, try to stay focus on what we need to do.. stay +ve &amp; look forward to your FET.. how many frozen embbies? and which doc are you with? we are here to support each other..

Hi all,
Could anyone advise if my menses report today (CD30), for doing natural FET..does that means that my ET will probably be around 26th Sep (on CD16)??

Thanks in advance!
goofie, I starting lucrin next week. Puregon will be early Oct already. Yes, it is my 1st ivf. V excited. that time you on hw many days of lucrin? Then stage 2 start immediately or only a few days after the 1st BT result is out?
lina, Sorry to hear about your bfn. That is my main reason for not wanting to tell my colleagues the truth cos there is too many bitchy colleagues in office. I just dun wan too much unnecessary attention from those KPO colleagues. After much consideration, I will only inform my boss and my partner only once I embark on stage 2. and I will warn them that they are the only ones who knows. If ever other ppl knows, then they will be the ones who spread. I know my boss wun do tt, I am worried about my Big mouth partner only. But since I already make clear about it right from the start, she will hv 2nd thought to help me sell newspapers.

As for you, don't worry. You will no longer be the talk of the town once there is a bigger or hotter news to cover yours. This will take time and meanwhile just endure. If anyone ask u, tell him/her right at her face tt you do not wish to discuss about it anymore. In future, when ppl ask you when you going to try again, tell them, you are no longer trying. That will keep their big mouth shut!
baby, so you hv decided. Wah, then you can be cycle buddy with miracle liao. 2 teachers somemore. Hee...

Once ER is already consider 2ww le. Your HL will starts from ER. Then will be on 14 days HL. However, I heard from the sisters here that you can ask for extension of HL till BT. Your HL will ends on early Dec if I am not wrong.
sesame, after pondering on it for 2 days, think i shd not be wishy washy abt it loh. moreover i old woman liao, bioclock ticking real fast liao.

gd that i hv miracle as my cycle buddy. at least not so scary
<font color="purple">yenyen63,
my cycle is 35 days, had LH surge on CD18 (indicating ovulation on D19) and had my FET (natural thaw) on O+3=CD21.
So by deducting the 5 days difference in our cycle, you could be doing ET on CD16

goofie &amp; ladies discussing the "how to justify our absence at work" topic,
I've confirmed with the KKIVF nurses that HR has the right to write into the hospital to clarify on the treatments that you are undergoing for those HL submitted. I've a male boss and he is not very personal/approachable and I feared the worst case as related by lina_kt. I thought of giving a white lie as an excuse for my HL, but in case HR pursues out of curiousity/procedure/audit, I thought it safer to quote "female health issues". My male boss didnt probe further &amp; endorsed my HL. Phew.
Majority of my colleagues in office are female most of them hv kids le all natural so they wont understand de one of my female manager even questn me how come i choose to go kkh.. i tired to explain so juz tell her its my own preference... Hope like sesame said they will divert their attn soon.. if not i will be dragging to work everyday.

TTCing, I m wif Dr Loh. Got 7 precious frozen. Looking forward to do my FET. Tis time i will tell noone. Intend to juz tk two days leave after ET to rest and go back to work as norm.
baby, don't think too much liao, cheong ah! the more we procrastinate, the more we will delay lo.

I don't think you are as old as me la..I think i am quite old liao..

Its good to hv cycle buddies lo cos can share share our thoughts ma...hee...
JCX, Yes, HR has the right to write in to check but they also told me so far there are only one or two cases. I hv to keep my fingers crossed that they are not so free. Hee..

lina, don't feel so down. There is nothing wrong to go for assisted help to get pregnant. Those whom are understanding will stop gossiping instead those gossipers will get chided for gossiping and discussing. It will soon be over, just do your work and look forward to your FET. Jia you!!!
Thanks for your calculation..
Yeah! it's correct (the same as I've calculated) I'm looking forward to my natural FET..have applied leaves for a wk after my ET.. I juz hoped my frozen 6 embbies will thaw nicely.. praying every seconds for that..
Are you in 2ww now?

When will you be doing your FET? medicated or natural?
this time round, I did not tell anyone even though I applied 1 wk of AL.. coz it's less stress this round..
Lina...*hugz* sorry to hear of ur bfn &amp; the unnecessary pressure tat u hv to face at work... But glad tat u r not giving up... Jia you jia you!!! u will get to see ur precious angels soon...
Sesame, I had 20days of lucrin, includes jabbing when my mense was here. Supposed to only have 18days but BT reveals not suppressed enough. So, had to wait total 20days then start puregon for 12 days. I felt that the moment u start puregon, everything moves fast. Then next is ER. After which, things slow down during 2ww.

Lina- what's done cannot be undone. Look foward!! We have not sinned or done anything wrong. For those who ask, just smile and walk away. For me, I told only my boss and 2 other close colleagues. If anything leaks out, then I would reallybe disappointed in them. For the rest, I had to say I m on hl due to a minor op/procedure. Most guys dun ask much.

Jcx- think it's safe to say hl due to gynae issues. Think u are also lucky that your boss is male and not kpo.

We have come so far in this, and already embarking in this is a tough and emotional decision. We must be proud of ourselves for this courage and , look forward to being a beautiful mum-to-be. Take deep breaths and pray.
ya, baby... hv the same query as u too... and also if mc will be given if we suffer fm the side effects? dun wan to let the whole world see neh...
my hubby ask me what excuse will I say if my staff ask why I have HL, I told him I'll just tell them I got "cyst" and need to go for op to "remove" them thus my HL. I can be contacted on my mobile if they have any urgent things that need my immediate attention

yesterday while on our way out for dinner I told hubby to buy a cobweb broom, he ask me where got cobweb, I told him during my 2ww I'll be so bored till cobweb will grow on me so that broom will be useful hahahaha
Thks ladies.. i feel beta after letting go.. so thankful got all of you ladies ard.. lets jiayou together.. I pray tat we will all BFP... strike twin/triplets...=)

TTCing, I m sure ur embbies will thaw nicely de.. I will be doing natural fet nx mth. Will get ready a big bag for ur baby dust ya...
thanks..I sure hope very very much that my 6 precious embbies will thaw nicely.. all the best to your natural fet next mth..let's jiayou!!
goofie, I am scheduled to hv 19 days of lucrin. Perhaps kkh encountered alot of not properly suppressed cases, thus now extend the duration lucrin jabs ba.

Ya, I also think tt once stage 2 starts, everything will be v fast. Hopefully I can clear each stage nicely.

when is your pregnancy BT?
winnie, at least yours is family biz so you u only hv to handle staff side. As for Management, its ok right?

Tk the 2ww as a good time for you to slow down your pace and rest.

Don't think about work la...
<font color="0077aa">lina
women being women... Aunties being aunties, really difficult to control what comes out frm their mouth. Sometimes only when they went thru what we are going thru, will they understand and keep quiet.
I ever mentioned to 2 colleagues my intentions of doing ivf, but i guess when nearere to the date, and gg on HL, i will just cook up another reason. Better to be safe than sorry.

yeah!!! We are gg to be cycle buddies. I calculated many times, sept will be a better mth for us to start... So tat we can rest in dec if we bfp!!!

will you be cycling with me?

can i check, how many days of lucrin and puregon are you on for your fresh cycle? Cos i'm also 35 days af cycle, so wanna check on if your af reports punctually while you're on lucrin? And hw many days jab... =)</font>
Thanks day &amp; sesame..

Btw, I just got my menses reported.. I will be going down for my D3 scan this monday... getting all excited..
<font color="0077aa">sesame
miss a call, u mean kkivf actualli call to ask u to be on amh test ah... I'm not young lah. JJ is younger than me and she is on the amh test too.... Me already 30+ le... =)

dun eat maggi mee when u start cycling hor... Not healthy de. Think when i start cycling, i will cook n bring food to work. Cos canteen food high in salt. Salt can cause bloating, so perhaps trying to reduce it can help reduce ohss at later stage... Will it? Hmmmm</font>
yah miracle, hehe...if all goes well, we'll be cycle buddies. U R right loh. I count here count there still tot sep is ideal. Only thing is NUH protocol for IVF dunno same for KK or not lei.

Any sisters went thru' IVF in NUH? can advise if the no of days for both jabs is similar to KKIVF?
miracle, I got a call from kkivf a few days aft I sign the forms. A lady call me about the amh test and as I cannot make it tt day so I din go.

Sometimes I really got cravings for maggie mee leh...I usually take once a month but I only put in a bit of the powder la...the rest is mainly meat, fish, veg and egg lo. But I will get rid of the wax first before I take the mee.

I gt no time to cook everyday leh. How to cook everyday and bring to work? I will just take as usual but avoiding those unhealthy food lo. If I suddenly bring food to work hor, my colleagues will start to think what happen to me and will start to gossip again once I go on HL.

And during my 2ww, I will order tingkat...so no choice la cos I dun hv the intention to tell my parents and pil...
my BT will be in the mid of OCT..if everything goes smoothly &amp; nicely for my FET..

How about you? doing your fresh cycle?

baby, you hv intention to cycle in NUH?

From what I know NUH normally jab 14 days of suprefact only, then will proceed to stage 2 with Gonal F. I think more or less with a few days difference.
