IVF/ICSI Support Group

baby, hv to depend on when your menses will report also. Hmm. I supposed you are a teacher? 1st jab will start on D21 from your D1 menses. That means you will hv to jab approx end of Oct or early Nov to hv the 2ww in early Dec. But again all these are only estimation. It still depends on when your menses will report and hw long your lucrin jab will take and hw long is your stage 2? Cannot plan swee swee one. Only agar agar...

<font color="0077aa">happy
then you are starting using Oct period. So once Oct period comes, you can give them a call inform them, then they will arrange for you to pick up the lucrin.

you are a teacher?</font>
happy, my counselling is the day I sign my consent forms. I arrange on the same day so tt I dun nd to apply so many days of leave. Perhaps you give kkivf a call tmr to check? You have went for the BTs already right?
hehe. yes ladies, i'm a tr...'lao chu' hahaha

dun 1 2 disrupt my tching on 1 hand. on the other hand, dun 1 2 get grouchy n angry with pupils during my conception.
<font color="0077aa">baby,
you are going with which clinic and dr?
My lucrin jabs will start on mid Oct, so my ER/ET/2ww will ard 2nd week of Nov.

You only want to start when the official holiday starts on 20th Nov? so you are a Pri teacher?</font>
tks, miracle, sesame &amp; goofie... so now i can really confirm i'm using oct cycle... hehe...

sesame, am looking at my appt card... it states reg, briefing &amp; ccc... also to bring a copy of our rom cert... mmm... wat does ccc means? counselling?

kkh dun give mc for these appts?

ya, went for bt already...
ineedmiracle, i'm with nuh n my RE is Dr. Anupriya. I hvn't spoken to her about my decision to begin ivf yet. Will inform her on 14 sep when i c her.

Yes, i'm pri sch tr. hehe...

sesame_oil, based on my 28d cycle, i can either use the CD1 cycle on 30 Sep, 28 Oct or 25 Nov.
miracle, the signing &amp; counselling takes 1 whole day... wow... then must apply 1 day leave cos tot of applying 1/2 day...

for doc consultation, any mc or time-off... pai seh... i only went once &amp; took my own leave... din ask for mc...
<font color="0077aa">baby
if CD1 = 28 Oct
the lucrin starts on CD21
then from CD21, you count about 28 days. By then will be er/et =)
hope this helps.

no lah....ours start at 1030...end ard 1230pm</font>
happy, ccc means counselling ba, I think so. No MC will be given, you hv to apply leave.

baby, if your CD1 falls on 28 Oct, then you will start jab on 17th Nov. Stage 2 will start early Dec. Then 2ww will falls btw 14th to 17th Dec. Depending on hw you react to the stimulation jabs. And if you using 30th Sep cycle, then yr 2ww will falls on 3rd week of Nov.
Thanks goofie sesame and happybb. Susan is the lady who is bfp with JJ? She also had few fertilized? Susan care to share?

Goofie I lied that I had piles and hence HL. Boss is male, nice guy but stil ask me if can work fr home. Had to balance btw work and ivf, hence alot ladies here quit to focus. Did u give in in the end? U in 2ww nw, when bt? Progesterone bt done? Any symptoms so far?

Nina hw are u after et?
Aiyo...headache. sch hols only start 20Nov. If i use 20 sep will clash with last 3 days of sch n cannot attend yr end meetings for 2 wks. P sure won't be happy 1.

If i use 28 Oct, my 2ww might eat into jan which is impt for sch starts then...chiam lah...not here not there

<font color="0077aa">baby
you can't think so much..... there will never be a perfect timing. so you have to decide work or baby.
I'm also a teacher, and i will start my jabs in Oct, 2ww will be before 20th Nov. But I will just drop the bomb and go on my HL. As long as students' learning is not compromised then I will say, as a teacher, i've done my part.

Starting with 20 Sept will be better...at least by then, we dun really have to trouble colleagues with admin work or teaching.
I also tried to avoid 2ww during Jan when sch reopens, cos it doesn't really reflect well...1st day of school and on leave...don,t sound good afterall...right?</font>
one way is to get yr RE to prescribe additional hormone pills for u to delay yr 20 sept menses by abt a wk.
but u need to talk to yr dr and see if they're willing to do that for u.
Thanks Sesame and Happy for sharing with me!! At least I know I m not alone

Sesame- that's a very good 'idea'. What if she says want to come and visit me? I m not good at lying. Hehe

Happy- that's very true! Even if I put in efforts now to rush things out for my boss at the expense of my critical period, it will be never-ending and she will continue to want more from me. Now I must be 'selfish'. But I must also think of a clever way to 'push' her away. Think Sesame's idea not bad leh
goofie, just drop a last min bomb via sms tt u r hospitalised and off the hp. Sorry, I am not trying to be bad here but the problem is she keep loading you with work, so this is the last resort to stop her from bugging you. I dunno your boss well, so dunno whether she will be nasty to you after you go back, so you really got to think whether this is a good idea after all.
goofie, once you drop the bomb, off your hp cos we are not supposed to use hp in hospital. Then this will prevent her from wanting to visit u in hospital. Then few days later give her a call to explain everything and tell her u r discharged and resting at home.
Imp- I gave in yesterday when she asked me to take conference calls. And during the calls, that's when she gave me the tasks and deadlines are tight. Which means leave me with no choice but need to work from home. Then next week, she again arrange for meetings and wants me to be involved, which means more action items.

My progest BT is tmrw - 1st 'milestone' haha. No far, no symptoms. Just bloated which has been like that since ER. M keeping my fingers crossed and praying earnestly for it. I will also keeping all ladies here in my prayers.

Baby, sesame, happy- I did not go for my counseling. Think I forgot cos no time. Shld be okay hor?
<font color="0077aa">baby
i intend to just drop the bomb. Cos not sure hw much will they hold the 'secret' for me. Will probably be like JJ, say go for woman's surgery lor. </font>
hmm...k. Think that's the best hor. Anyway, i did tell my vp that i might need to go for a op to remove my left tube due to the hydrosalpinx. so might as well use that excuse lah.
Goofie.... Ur work sounds stressful... Is ur boss a workaholic &amp; expect u to be like her?

Haven been to counselling, so can't advise... But seems alright skipping it like wat sesame said... Think this is a protocol...
Sesame, as u guess it, she will most likely show me face when I return to work. And it's not as if she has not done it before. Think I will just tell her that I m not feeling too well and need to go hospital just to 'ding' her first. That time, when I decided to go for ivf, I had to tell her to keep it confidential cos she has the tendency to tell the whole wide world. And worst is that if too many people knows and keep asking. That will also gv additional pressure. But in the end I just told a few colleagues but not details cos I need them to stand in for me.
Miracle- if u drop the bomb, will u be more stressed if people start looking for you?

Happy- yes, my work is quite stressful. Long hours everyday. I told my boss that she's a workaholic but she says she's not. But when she's in action, she expects us to 'follow' her. Sometimes, I need to clear her 'mess' that she left on projects. So busy until recently, before my ER, on my biz trips, I brought along a empty puregon vial. And I was so shocked when I arrived at hotel.
hm.. that reminds me, i also din go for any counselling. Anyway dun really matter bah, as long we have realistic expectation, prepare for the worse and hope for the best, we should be fine.

goofie, fingers and toes crossed for high P reading! Anyway, since ur boss knows u are doing ivf, she may not know what it entail and thought it is okie to give u some work to do to help out. Just tell her that you are having the side effects and is unable to complete tasks xyzabc on time. She may not like it but at least not complete no to her but just a reduced scope.

I am calculating if everything goes well, My ER and HL will be somewhere middle to end of the 2nd week of oct. I told my boss and staff that i am intending to clear 2 weeks leave around oct. I would have to tell my boss about ivf to take my HL though.
<font color="0077aa">ceraine, goofie
my er to 2ww falls in november. By then there will be no lessons and exams for students. In fact official holiday for students but not teachers. So no one needs to cover me for anything. In fact, nothing much to be done at work that period. Thats why i waited from july till sept to start my cycle =)</font>
goofie, if I were in your shoes, I wld not hv informed this workaholic boss tt I am going for ivf cos no way she will understand. I will just say I need to go for day surgery op or woman problem.

You brought an empty puregon vial, then hw? You miss one dosage?
<font color="0077aa">sesame,
no choice. Cos i wont feel good if i shortchange my students. So at least when they clear their end of yr exam. I feel more at ease to go off HL. </font>
miracle, you are a good and responsible teacher. Yes, at least you will not hv the nagging thought that things are not done before you go on HL. Your schedule is just nice to go on HL and your planned MC also.
sesame, ^^ i think there is afew of us in oct er. like minako. Good for us to pace each other too.. ^^v.

miracle, hm.. it is always good to have peace of mind when 2ww. 8)
Thanks Blurlet- Not sure how long it takes for the p results to be out tho. I definitely have to 'cook' up some stories to counter my boss. Need to say no politely. Thanks to all for giving me nice ideas.

Miracle- from now till you start, it's best time to tiao your body. I read in a website that it takes 3 months for new follicles to form. So if planning for ivf and want to harvest good eggs, u must start nourishing 3 months advance.

Sesame: my boss appears so nice if I appear stressed and worked hard. So, when I told her my plans, she's very supportive. But now she realize that I m probably resting at home and do nothing and that's why thinks she can load me with work.
After I realized it's an empty vial, my hb called kkivf next morning and said that by hook or crook, I must get puregon jab else I need to abort this cycle. Then I checked with concierge to give me contacts of clinics. After having lords chicken talk (cos i was in vietnam and they don't really understand English) I found one. Luckily brought enough money, that day, I had to jab 2 times. And prayed hard that my follicles are still growing. Thank goodness. It was such a close shave.
<font color="0077aa">sesame
all well planned, but the most important factor is the duration of the jabs. I'm looking forward to it. In just a mth time, exactly a month, i will be starting my jabs.

I can feel your excitement, since yours is so much nearer to the date.

Really hope all moving smoothly and we all can be 2011 mummies!!!!</font>
<font color="0077aa">goofie
thanks for the advice.
Been taking my supplements since july, so the time i start my jabs, will be 3mths. And also seeing tcm to bu my body.... Done what is needed for my follicles to grow. Now just depending on them to 'zhen qi'. And also the supports frm dh, which is the most impt.
Haha... Now im like a warrior waiting to be called to the frontline to fight...just waiting for my turn...=)</font>
Sesame, I'm glad to know that we gonna be cycle buddy! U are one day ahead of me. I'm excited and nervous at the same because don't know if I can take the pain. I'm scared of needles.

Is your acu with dr Zhou also? Is it painful ? I'd like to try to increase my chances. Do u have his contacts?

Oh did u get selected to do the AMH study at kkivf ??
Happy, I keng very long then come up with this de haha. Cos my colleagues surely speculate if I am preggie, why take so long leave etc. So I had already spread the news to 1 of my colleagues and let her do the job. so that I go back, they wont ask me embarassing question - u preggie isit?!?!?! They prob ask me WHY u got piles, bla bla bla.

I think KK also can remove piles ba? I told them few times the HL cannot state what "reproductive medicine" or "IVF" hor. So the HL came back was with the department as "Gynaecology". that Probably was the most giveaway.

But as my submission of HL is online, my boss jus need to approve, the actual HL form he do not need to see/endorse, we just need to submit HR. Should HR ask, then I will think again. Infact everytime I submit such claims/leaves, boss jus need to approve online without seeing the claims/mc de..

The last time I did my FET, I lied I sprained my ankle and took 4days. The MC also show as KK, but dept put as "RM". So far also ok le... ala my boss dont get to see, and he doesnt bother such things being a man which is heng for me lor

Goofie, try not to stress urself during this period woh, is your work still manageable for you now? mus gauge when to stop and rest.
You using utrogestan inserts right? Good luck for your progesterone readings!
Btw, I heard bloatedness is a good sign
flowers, heng my boss doesnt need to endorse lor, so he approve online nia. Else I also headache what to keng, as my kpo colleagues will speculate.

So u told the truth?
I cannot and wont leh, though I felt that if I tel my male boss he will understand. Cos I believe the more ppl I tel, the more ppl will spread around. Some do not understand why we have to go thru this, some will show concern which gives us unwanted stress.
imp, heng ur boss dun need to see the hl...

me same as flowers... boss hv to endorse then approve online... haiz... till now haven think of wat to tell boss the reason for hl... dunno can say if i wan to keep it confidential anot... cos i dunno how to tell lies one... scared i give the cat away when they prompt me further...

and i agree, some do not understand wat we are gg thru even though they hv children... cos their children comes easy to them... unlike us, tried so many means, still hv to go thru ivf...

Imp22, I jus eat and zzz lo.. sometime do some light hsework... otherwise ask mi juz sit dwn for 2ww do nothing very sian.. will hv body ache.. How abt u?? So far any symptoms?? when bt? Progesterone bt done?
