IVF/ICSI Support Group

TTCing, can I call you yenyen instead? Hee...more 亲切!When you are due for BT in mid of Oct, I will be starting my 2ww. By then I will wait for your babydust. Hee...I v jialat, going around asking for babydust from everyone.

Yup, doing my 1st fresh next....week!

Sesame - tq so much for tel no. I'll check it out. I guess you, me,blurlet and who else will be cycle buddies? I'm quite excited there are many of us will be embarking on this journey together and hope for the best for us !!

Hey ladies - my company only allows to use HL if stay overnight in hospital. Does anyone has the same policy? I think it's not neccessary to tell yr colleagues coz some don't understand and will say we are wasting money and have to go through all the hardships.
sesame - actually my staff is more difficult to handle cos they're kpo to the max! management no say cos as long as I finish my work they dun care abt me thats why I have to bring those work that are still pending home to work during my 2ww. u not jialat lah, I'm also going around collecting & asking for babydust!
CKK, if you want to try on acu, then you better start soon since you are starting your jabs. Dr Zou will ask you to go on straight 5 days of acu prior to ER. Try it with an open heart. Some bfp even without any TCM or supplements. Just follow your heart.

Ya, v excited...are you with kkh also?

HL will be issued even not warded for resting at home. How does your company knows whether you hospitalised or not unless they ask for the bills? I never heard of this policy before leh.
winnie, ai yo, then don't reveal to these kpo colleagues. Just say you need to go for minor op. I really hate gossipers. Sometimes they talk without considering other ppl's feelings. Sigh!

Heee...I hope we slowly collect the babydusts and by the time we hv our BT, the bag is full liao then our turn to spread!

Yah loh. Think i'll cycle with NUH coz all my medical records r with them. If i go to KKIVF, afraid might hv to start all blood work n various tests again. Moreover, I don't hv much time till my CD1 on 30 Sep loh.

What u think?
Yes you can call me that..yes, more 亲切..

Oh, who is having BT this month..I oso need to collect tons of bbdust from those who graduated..
Miracle & sesame - kk only called me the day before the deadline to do the amh test (usually 5th day after 1st day menses). I just told I need to go med checkup so he didn't ask anything lor.

The purpose of the test is to study why ppl with quite good fsh hormone result still failed ivf. They want to study and come up with better meds / methods to ensure higher chances next time.

It might not be useful on 1st ivf cycle. It's more those who fails on 1st try. I hope I can succeed on my 1st try and don't have to go through 2nd time. And hope this study can help others who have failed on1st try.
baby, orh, I tot all along you are with kkivf. Oops! Sorry.

If you are comfortable with NUH and its protocol, why not? Who is your RE?

Anyway its too late to go to kkivf liao.

Yen Yen, I also not sure who is due for BT leh. Seems like its been a long time since I see good news here...
CKK, is this your 1st try? I tot the AMH test is to check for our ovarian reserve wor? Hmm. Then how come they still ask me to go for the test since its my 1st try also?
<font color="0077aa">sesame
normally i will prepare the food and place in fridge the night before, morning before i bathe, i will place the food in the steamer and steam with rice.. Then once i finish dress up, will place the cooked food in the thermal flask with different tiers de... And bring to work.
On off i does tat, in fact my work there, many are doing it, cos sick of canteen food..

so the amh test means additional blood to draw out? Haha... Tink i wont opt in. Cos each time the nurse can take up to 20mins or more to find my veins and dram blood frm me... Hee... Till tat day nurse angeline say i can do a marking so tat the nurse will knw where to poke... Lolz...</font>
Sesame- dun worry!! U sure will be able clear each stage smoothly. It's good that u have blurlet, cck as cycling buddies here. Can compare notes.
My next BT is on 21 Sep. M counting down now. M feeling jittery about it. Sure hope I bfp and can graduate.
Sesame - ic.. Wah like that I better call dr Zhou on mon liao.

Ya don't know why my company got such policy. Maybe they will call up kk to check lor. But I don't care la. If they don't allow me to use HL then I use mc and leave.

Maybe beside ordering tingkat food during 2 ww , we can make more bu soup to drink at home ? Like hong zhao and pao sheng. Good for blood circulation and bu qi.
miracle, I see. Its not a norm in my office and all along I hv never done this before. So if I do something unusual, then they will start to gossip again. Every morning, i am busy enough to prepare bf for hubby and myself, so no time for others. Then coming along, I will be doing my jabs in the morning, so from next week onwards, I need to wake up 10 mins earlier. Tired!

My veins also v small. Everytime the nurses will have plms drawing out my blood.
Ckk, think the amh is for those who start fresh cycle. I m also in it for the study. Just give abit more blood initially. And then do some additional ultrasound scan. This project is sponsored by dr sf Loh.
Sesame &amp; miracle - it's my 1st try also. Yeah they will check what's your eggs reserve and also is the egg follicles are good ? Will only know the results after 2 mths wor. So by that time we already finished our cycle liao.
goofie, I hope so! Hee..

Hey, your BT is on eve of mooncake festival wor. Bfp liao can celebrate mookcake festival the next day! Hee..

Remember hor, don't stress about work hor. Not worth!
sesame, I have not done my ET yet.Am going to start my preparation for FET once my AF reports and my ET will be in Nov. Long way to go...
Sesame, seems like ur office has alot of gossipmongers. These people have too much time on hand. Dun care them.
Actually, u can jab at night. Once 2nd phase kicks in, u will need to jab both lucrin and puregon. So, with need more time to jab. As long as jab same time everyday is ok. Just suggestion so that morning can catch more sleep.
Miracle - they took 2 tubes of blood lor. I scared of needles oso leh. Then ultrasound to check how many eggs follicles now.
CKK, Dr Zou is open tomorrow. You can call to make appt in advance. So did you declare to them tt you are going for ivf jus in case they check?

I don't want to cook during 1st week especially when implantation happens during tt time. I don't hv steamer. usually will steam using my wok filled with water. And if cook soup, I hv to keep walking to the kitchen to watch the fire cos I dun like slow cooker. So I will just make do with tingkat la...no choice.
day, so sorry. I did not keep track each and everyone's status...

It is not a long way to go...it is less than 2 months time? You can make use of this period to bu and tiao your body for the FET. All the best!!!
Goodie - is the jabs tolerable ? So we can choose to jab at morning or night. That's good to hear at least morning can sleep bit more and if any side effects will not show during work mah.

Btw, any side effects ? I see some have to be on drips after jabbing. So scary leh
Sesame- yeah!!! I did not notice that it falls on eve of mooncake. Hope Chang'er will drop me loads of babydust
must stay positive, positive, positive!!
goofie, you are v right! My office is a "market" for "fishmongers". Ppl sell fish, they sell newspapers. Bad news travel v fast! I hv seen my colleagues being gossip before so I tell myself I will never reveal to them about my ivf. They will gloat and gossip kind and give you tt weird looks. I can anticipate tt. So best is not to give myself unnecessary stress since ivf is not easy liao. U know sometimes when I take chicken essence in office, they will ask me y I take? I feel like telling them to mind their own biz. Sometimes I just feel like bringing my chinese medi and chicken essence to the toilet cubicle to consume. Hahahahaha...

I also thinking hard whether to jab morning or night. Then decided to jab in the morning cos sometimes I will hv company dinners, friends gatherings and to Dr Zou there. So dun want to hv the nagging thought in mind tt I hv to rush back for the jabs.

I will try to sleep earlier to make up for the 10 mins sleep. Hee. Thanks for the suggestion!
Ckk, yeah, u can choose anytime. Just make everyday is about same time, +/-1 hour. Lucrin not painful cos only 10iu. But puregon is just very slight discomfort, but not a big issue. Puregon is about 200iu onwards depends on age, I think. Thank goodness no side effects on me. But I have heard that some who has pcos may get ohss, that's when follicles are over stimulated, so u get serious bloatedness, vomit. But mostly no side effects. Dun worry about it.
CKK, I think most ladies experience side effects during stage 2. Some will experience bloatedness and more serious is OHSS. So we hv to really increase our protein intake to prevent all these. But hor, man proposes, heaven disposes. Best not to think too much, just do our part and take things one at a time.
Sesame - oh like that I will call the doc tomorrow la. Tks again. Hmmm I think I will only tell my HR I'm going for Ivf and ask her not tell anyone.actually we didn't tell anyone even our parents that we doing Ivf because we don't want unwarranted worries and we stress oso.

Colleagues are definitely no no even if very close one. Because if they know they will surely leak out whether intentionally or intentionally.
CKK, same here, I did not inform my parents and in laws also. Only 1 close friend of mine cos I scared I too bored during 2ww, so at least got 1 friend to talk to me over the phone.

Colleagues is definitely a No No except for my immediate boss and partner lo.
sesame, my AF shd report around 29 sep, if everything sui sui then ET shd be mid Oct then followed by 2ww.

Are we cycle buddies? Who else is cycling in Oct? I think there's quite a few cycling in Oct but cannot remember who le ... lao liao
you're so funny..thinkg of consuming the chix essence &amp; chinese medi in the toilet?? lol..I guess how severity of the "fishmongers" in your office.. when I took my chix essence &amp; chinese medi, I just quietly took it at my desk..although my partner noes about it, she never qn me.. but one of my close colleague smell the strong smell of the chinese medi (esp the AF medi) she will tell me it smell very terrible..but heng she oso didn't qn much.. coz I did told her before it's for building my body (coz of the white lie I said during my fresh cycle) heheh..
flowers, Hey, we are v close. Hmm, who knows we might hv ET on the same day! Hee. So far I know CKK and blurlet and minakochang. The rest I also cannot rmb. Same, lao liao. Too many ladies here to follow. Haha.

Hopefully the last quarter of 2010 is a good period for all going thru ivf, fet...
I will spent my 2ww working 'coz not taking leave, then I have this idea of ordering tinkat and deliver to my office 'cos dun want to walk about too much under the sun, ladies do you all think this will work?
Goofie &amp; sesame - tks for the note. hope I can go through it smoothly. What is ohss ? I very blur on some of the terms.

Hey goofie, all the best to you. Hope you succeed. That day I went to kk to do amh test, I heard nurse called someone and said her pregnancy test is positive. I felt very happy to that person. Hope same for us here =)
Yenyen, cos hor, no one in my company is so into bu body one leh except me. Perhaps all still young and some not married yet. I always gulp my tcm down v fast cos scared of the smell also. Sometimes I will do it v fast in the pantry. Haha.
sesame, juz tell your colleagues you luv chix essence lah ... I really luv chix essence especially the smell of BRands chix esssence but i m not drinking now 'cos very heaty, and too many thgs to eat &amp; drink ...
Wah sesame, you do very very kaypoh collegues leh. I can't stand those ppl so busybody one. Poor you. No need to consume in toilet la haha. Just tell them. Why you want to know. Question them instead of them questioning you.
pink martini, long time no see you here!!! How are you?

All the best for your FET!

flowers, I find the more I talk to them hor, things will get complicated la. So most of the time, I will either smile or say I wan to take lesser MCs so trying to build uo my body indirectly "suaning" them tt they hv taken too much MCs. Haa...V bad of me.
sesame, the last time i ask my colleague to buy she always buy from stalls i dun like lor ... may be she dun want to tabao for me ... so dun want to make thgs difficult for her also ... will cook or order tingkat lor
CKK, I can't be bothered with such colleagues la. In fact, I got not much close colleagues in office. Only 2 of them. Even so I find they like to gossip alot too so I seldom share my personal stuff with them.

I am v sure they will gossip behind my back during my HL, but I bo chup! Even when I go back I am not going to talk much also. Will act busy and tired. Haha.
flowers, sometimes you can prepare sandwiches with wholemeal bread which I like alot for lunch? Or buy on the way to work and heat up during lunch?

Just don't carry too heavy things when you prepare all these. Ask hubby to help out if possible.

flowers, for HL they cannot say anything one cos HL cannot keng leh, its issued by hospital whereas MC can keng one. Haha. I am v sure they cannot suan me back on this. Hehe.
