IVF/ICSI Support Group

babychloe : hahaha...yah agreed. Me also taking brazil nuts and ensure milk. Not taking other chinese herbs, but will be continue to do accupunture. I hate H20 too... Evian is good during 2ww? I had no idea. But I drink oxygenated water at home but less than 2L scared of having to keep running to the washroom, coz we use dispenser and we dun boil water. heehee.. lazy ppl...

Yah its a good thread here, esp during 2ww, very bored lying in bed...

kitty_chan & hopefulmummy,
Hi there! Understand you ladies are in your 2nd wk of the 2ww. Good luck & hope you can shower all of us with buckets full of baby dusts!
<font color="0077aa">babychloe
from what i know, evian has very lower minerals in the water as compared to the water we get from taps.. Hence some use it for baby drinking water and making milk for babies..</font>
Hi hi! Thanks for the info.
You'll be starting your cycle in SEP? Agree with u that Nurse Sara is great! I did my fresh cycle @KKH. Use this time to tiao your body ya. Good luck!
Hello! You did your ET a day ahead of me. Here's wishing u bfp!
Are you taking Dr Zou's herb drinks during your 2ww?
Glad to have you ladies as cycle buddies so can share our exp. + 'entertain' each other during this 2ww.
me very bored too lying in bed. Have my laptop next to me all the time. Just a remainder, don't put it on top of your tummy k. Read it from past postings, 1 of the seniors mentioned it.
babychloe : Don't worry. &amp; thanks for the reminder. I'm currently using a bed table bought from Ikea.
Now being confined to my bed by HB.
Hi ladies.... Today marks the last day of my 2WW, tmr will be my BT. Keeping my fingers crossed now that things will worked out. Really really nervous esp when I've tested the HPT myself... So crossed fingers, crossed toes, crossed everything... Heehee! To all ladies in 2WW, do rest n guai guai take the protein... Me have had 32 eggs retrieved, 19 into embies and transferred 2 embies. My tummy still a bit bloated as didn't follow the doc n the nurses instructions to take protein regularly...
somehow I just feels the immunocal smells abit werid... Last although I'm a slient reader in this thread all the while, but this thread has been my only source of encouragement during this 2WW...
*grabbin the bb dust*
Faith_chen : All the best for your BT tomorrow!!
Hmm... sounds like there will be good news tomorrow! Do keep us posted!
Faith Chen,
you mentioned you've tested the HPT. hmmmm... sounds like we'll be hearing good news tomorrow! Will be waiting to catch your baby dust ; )
<font color="aa00aa">hi faith, sounds like a BFP for you!
Are you with CARE or KKIVF?

Babychloe - hi there. Not taking any herbs or acu from Dr Zou as she didn't recommend any to me. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">babychloe, read that you transfered your embies to CARE. May I know the procedure and costs involved? </font>
Tokkie, I hoped so too...
Thanks! And good luck to all ladies in 2WW. I personally feels that it's the toughest stage of all as I mentioned to my DH. Do take good care of urself n follow the snr instructions...
Iloveshoes, me only dares to disclose to the sistas in tis forum here... My parents, in-laws oso didn't noe that I'm gg thru the procedures... Hope that KKIVF calls me to disclose the good news tmr!
I really hoped that it's a good news!!!
<font color="aa00aa">Faith, already see good sign on the stick so should be no problem liao la! Dun worry for nothing =) so what have u been up to these 2 wks? any tips?</font>
faithC- congratz in advance hope to spread bb dust to usss...

hi babychloe, i tok of transfer my embbies from kkivf to care but haven have any consultation wif angela yet as hb is away. can share wif us the cost n procedure? Heard from nurse sara tat there are some admin fee etc from kkivf side, but duno abt care.

After ur transfer of embbies to CARE, is there any different of ur embies grading? very worried it very affect the quality.
<font color="0077aa">iloveshoes
wanna check with you again.
Your lucrin cycle how long?
Your puregon cycle how long?
If i din recall wrongly, your puregon cycle rather short right?

i'm waiting to collect your baby dusts.
So happy to hear another successful case from kkivf!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">miracle - u collecting stats again?

puregon 8 days, i asked to be delay to 9 days.

You should ask those who have BFP lika Faith mah...more reliable stats</font>
hi babychloe, yup..moving into 2nd wk of 2ww liao.like so fast..then after that must go back to work..sian..

tokkie-me also using the breakfast table from ikea..hehe..cheap and good..but trying to restrain laptop use to minimal cos scared radiation affect bb..

adeline- may i know why did you decide to transfer to CARE?
shoes- ya lor i interested to go care but if transfering with affect the embbies then i will remain in kkivf for my FET.

how's ur 2ww? any bloated feeling? must rest well but oso must walk ard for blood circulation.
<font color="aa00aa">Adeline - 2ww ok la, trying to remain positive lo hahaha. Been taking my immuocal so feeling alright.

Maybe can make appointment with CARE and ask?</font>
hopefulmum- i have heard many bfp from friend's friend other than the forum here, so mayb have a try there, hope for better luck. But the cost is steep, faintz...
iloveshoes &amp; Adeline L,
Transferred my embbies to Care from KKH not because they are not good. In fact the nurses like Audrey, Sara &amp; Dr Loh have been very supportive &amp; encouraging but at my age (I'm in my late 30s), feel that I need more 'support', extra BT, medications for my FET.

* Paid about $80+ for admin fee at KKH. Hubby &amp; you need to sign Transfer form &amp; let them know whether Care collecting the embbies or KKH to send it over.

* For me I arranged for Care, paid $150 to collect my embbies. Again both hubby &amp; you need to sign Transfer Form at Care.

* Do remember to give Care a copy of the KKH Transfer Form as they'll need it when collecting our embbiess from KKH.

I was worried initially too that condition of embbies will be affected during the transfer but Angela explained that it has been done many times &amp; all was fine.

I've 4 embbies &amp; they all thawed well. Transferred 3 of the better grades. Have a BT on 27th &amp; 30th &amp; my medications will be adjusted accordingly. Then Preg Test will be done on 7/8. Praying real hard will be bfp!

Prior to transferring my embbies, had a consultation with Dr Hendricks &amp; she explained that @KKH, will have BT only on 7th day after ET, followed by Preg Test.
Don't feel comfortable with the 'limited' support given hence decided on the transfer.
Know of seniors here who have done FET @KKH &amp; bfp. It's all up to our individual decision.

FYI, FET @Care cost about $5k+.

Do feel free to ask me any questions that you may have.
Good luck!
<font color="aa00aa">adeline, where are u since u say u are away?

Babychloe - that's a rationale choice. I agree that KKIVF has been a good expereience so far for me too. Thanks for sharing your experience =)</font>
shoes- me having meeting in KL,sian... aft back from 2ww have so many things to do.

babychloe- thank for sharing. Hope to hear good news from u soon
<font color="aa00aa">adeline - k la, KL not very far, not so bad. Wonder if its hard to get appointments at CARE since they seem to be gaining in popularity</font>
Hopefulmummy : Icic. I find very hard to restrain leh... coz got nothing much to do, other than TV and read. Hee hee.. How your feeling now as you entering into 2nd week of 2ww?

BabyChloe : Wow! Care's pricing is really steep. But as the other sisters say, money can be earn back. Most impt is that we feel comfortable with the care given.

iloveshoes : *wave*wave* How you feeling?
iloveshoes &amp; Adeline L,
maybe you would like to make appt for consultation with Angela. Its about $40-50+, sorry I can't really remember.

Whenever I have doubts, I'll SMS Angela &amp; she never fail to reply even if its 10+ at night. I must say she's very dedicated in what she does &amp; she really cares about her patients. I believe the ladies @Care will agree wholeheartedly.

Should my cycle fails, TOUCHWOOD!!! at least I know I've done my best... what with the transfer, TCM, taking of supplements etc.

I was a sotong during my fresh cycle. Did do &amp; don't know anything.

Must thank all you ladies here as I've gain much knowledge from all of you.
<font color="aa00aa">tokkie - feeling bored lor. LOL

babychloe - thanks for the info. Private practice vs. public health has to have some difference after all *wink*</font>
tokkie- yah lor..really nothing much to do..some more the weather so hot..i'm perspiring in bed man..

i don't feel anything leh..except for a bit of cramps..no spotting..dun even feel bloated now..
<font color="0077aa">iloveshoes
heee... So pai seh... *blush*
i just want to see roughly how long each jab on average so that i can plan and inform my hod. Cos usually end oct and nov will kena
invigilation, so need to inform earlier so that they wont put me down for it.

How i wish i can start earli like sesame, using aug cycle. But nvm lah, so now just plan lor.... </font>
Iloveshoes, srly me is someone cannot slow down... I was lying on the bed the 1st day only... Subsequently, me surfing the net, walking around the house, hugging on the the cable TV... boring rite? Kekekeke... I try to keep myself occupied as my thoughts will sway to the neg side somehow unknowingly...
<font color="aa00aa">miracle - dr zou says her patients average 10 to 14 days of puregon. FYI for your planning purposes</font>
iloveshoes &amp; Adeline L,
you're most welcome. Btw, I didn't have any prob. making appt @Care.

out of curiosity, how much is FET done @Raffles?

when's your Preg Test? Ya, very sian when have to go back to work after the 2ww. Me felt that way too during my fresh cycle. he3!
Hopefulmummy : yah.. super hot.. hiding in air-con room now. But covering my tummy with jacket &amp; quilt cover. Crazy rite? wahah...but cannot take it already.

Adeline : I know what you mean, so now i rotate, TV, lappie &amp; book... think gg nuts soon. The moment I stand up hb will ask me to go back and lie down... sianz...

At least tomorrow can walk abit, gg for my progesterone &amp; E2 BT &amp; accupunture. heheheh....

babychloe : inclusive of suppression and actual ET about 3K.
<font color="aa00aa">hopeful mom - think I will be like you and wait for BT too haha

tokkie!!! so lucky, tmrw can see the outside world!!!!!</font>
iloveshoes : yah.. looking forward eventhough its only a trip to the hospital... now like luxury..wahahha.... yesterday hb say he want to go pasar malam near our hse to buy thing for me to eat. But coz I cannot go I felt so sad and angry wif him. In the end, he also dun dare to go liao. Think his wife must be crazy...

hehehe... dun worry soon will be your turn to go see outside world... when is you progesterone BT?

Hopefulmummy : I think most likely will test just before i go for BT. Dun wan to cry in doc's ofc. My doc scare of my crying liaoz....

Hi all sistas,

my wife n me currently with kkh ivf/icsi.
We are now in into 5 days after Embryo transfer on 22/7,
it was D2 embryo transfer...
Now wife telling she feel difficult to pass motion, like constipation...n right side stomach bloated n weird feeling.
Not sure is this some kind of sign?
Any sistas here having same response?
Asking on behalf of my wife as she is always pessimistic
, thinking alot that this cycle will fail.
