IVF/ICSI Support Group

<font color="aa00aa"> tokkie, women are such complex creatures aren't we? want them to buy us yummy things but also angry that they get to enjoy the experience that we can't have. I am the same hahahahaa

My first get-out-of-jail card is next thursday.

RTG - constipation is quite normal, esp. if she's been eating high protein foods and stress and all that. Get her prune juice, add flax seeds in her diet and ask her to take it easy, dun push too hard.

Bloating is normal too - given all the drugs and stimulation that we've put ourselves through. If you can, get her on an egg white (5-7 whites a day), high protein diet, drink loads of water (2 liters a day at least), and try Immunocal that many of us are taking.

Tell her to come in here and chat la, no point being pessimistic la. Tell her she's not alone in this adventure, many of us here too, and we're a fun bunch to hang out =)</font>

will be waiting for your good news on 3/8 ; )
If not comfortable to do HPT then wait for the BT.
As for me the last time, cannot tahan. Did the HPT. he3!
tokkie- kkivf i think you take blood test then afternoon they will call to tell you the results..i think they also scared everyday must deal with crying ladies..wahaha..

babychloe- i dare not leh..you very brave..

i feel ladies who go thru ivf really very brave..must self inject, take blood test, ER, ET, then wait for results whether successful or not, then after bfp, must worry whether bb got heartbeat etc etc..

RTG- welcome..yah..ask your wife to join us here..at least can take her mind off the negative thoughts for a while..
RTG : You guys had ET on the same day as me!
Constipation is normal, and if not wrong, is mainly due to the progesterone, as it deemed to be 'heaty', so drink more water and try to eat more fruits and vegetables. yeah, as what iloveshoes says, get her to join us here!
Ask her dun worry,and go looking into symptoms as there are sisters who have no symptoms and they BFP. According to my TCM, who did the calculation, implantation is likely to take place tomorrow.
Hi sis iloveshoes,

thanks for ur kind advice.
Actually ,after the ET, Dr didnt gave much advice.
She just say must have a gd rest.
Didnt say take more protein, just continue the anti biotic n folic acid tablets..
Just wondering, u gals still go back to work for the 2Ww?
hopefulmummy : icic.. for me usually is after BT, will see doc in abt 2 hrs. So everytime got bad news I cry, until my doc nowadays see me and always warn me not to cry if got bad news. I very crybaby 1. Last mth when I had to cancel my natural cycle to go on medicated, my tears immediately drop.. though I dun dare to show doc liaoz. So hopefully will BFP, if not think my doc will faint when she see me cry again.. :p
<font color="aa00aa"> RTG, Its on that paper I think? I also struck up conversations with the nurses etc. Ask your wife join us la, we exchange lots of tips here with one another.

Not working till probably 2nd week but will check emails from home. Depends on nature of job I guess, for me very hard to step away 100% =)

Medically no reason to stop work but many a times, pyschologically it helps, for some. Best to let your wife decide</font>
agree its hot, just turned on aircon. Same here, put blanket over my tummy. Showered twice liao!

Hubby overseas, back only end AUG. Besides my good friend, no one knows I'm embarking on this journey... so I'm alone. At least have you wonderful ladies to accompany me during this 2ww.

do ask your wife to come in &amp; chat with us. We can share our exp. &amp; learn from each other. If not for this thread, I'm lost.
iloveshoes &amp; hopefulmummy,
I test cos cannot stand the suspense. I'm the kancheong type. he3!
Have 5 HPT on standby already. So like iloveshoes will start testing before going down for the BT on 7/8.
<font color="aa00aa">babychloe - I kancheong but also hate the dissappointment, see how la, now get over today first hahahahha</font>
Hi Tokkie,

Thanks for your kind words..

My wife not Internet savvy, so have problem to come over here for chat.. but no problem as i will always be by her side, making sure she dun dwell on the bad side of thinking.

So sis Tokkie with kkivf as well?
tokkie- that day of ET i also..in front of doc i cry leh..cos ohss so bad, he suggest wait till D5 or FET..then when he said chances reduced by alot..i cry..cos i think of after going thru so many jabs, the embryos may not survive, i just let go cry on the spot..until the sonographer say 'girl, don't cry, ohss may be a gd thing.'
<font color="aa00aa">RTG: these 2 weeks present the perfect opportunity for her to become Internet savvy la! Show her this site and just teach her how to navigate around here =)

Going to shower! BRB </font>
it's good that you can let it out &amp; cry when you're sad. Wish I can do that too but will always tahan &amp; wait till I'm alone @home than my tears will flow.
it's very sweet of you to be so supportive. You can teach your wife how to access this website mah. Very easy. I'm not Internet savvy too. Just the basic I can manage. Really... if I can do it, anyone can.
shoes- very paiseh leh..when i come out and sit outside waiting for my hubby to come back from pharmacy, got 1 hubby sitting next to me, he keep looking at me, duh...
What you ladies having for dinner? Don't cook at all but will try to cook beef steak &amp; salad. Oh ya, &amp; mushroom soup too. Will pop that into the microwave, got it from Soupspoon yesterday after ET.
babychloe- my mum cooked black sauce prok ribs with ginger and lots of kai lan..yum yum.. she say eat some ginger gd for the body to expel the cooling properties in the body..dunno how true/ how gd for the body though..but if mum already has 2 girls, i think shld be quite true!
Babychloe : You alone at hm must be careful, don't strain yourself with chores ya.. any1 helping you with your chores. ... must take care and rest well. Very impt.

hahah...no lar.. sometimes I tell myself don't keep crying in front of ppl, so malu. But in the end, I still cry... cannot help since young crybaby already...

RTG : Good to hear that you are by your wife side's supporting her. Yah, its a very tough journey and usually when alone, we tend to let our mind run wild...

Nope I'm not with KKIVF, Im with Raffles hospital.

I was talking to the nurse during ET, she mentioned its ok to go back to work if work is not too heavy and can sit down. But for the patients peace of mind, they will reccommend as much rest as possible. It really depends on your wife.

Hopefulmummy : I know what you mean. I cried when my E2 was too high during stimulation and the doc dun want to risk ohss. Though I've mild OHSS, coz it can be very dangerous if it gets worse. So she only did ER for me and I had to do FET. I was so tempted to tell the doc I was willing to risk OHSS. But anyway, that's past stories already. But I heard, but not sure how much truth there is, if OHSS, the chances of BFP is higher.
This ivf have taught me alot about myself... I've always thought of myself as a weakling, all my life I've people doing everything for me. But hey, look at me now! I'm so proud of myself... managed to jab myself, cook &amp; most importantly surviving on my own... Not trying to boast k ; )

We can do it ladies, with each others support. Would really love to meet all of you 1 day. Want to give each 1 of you a hug.
babychloe : hahah I just had the mushroom soup for lunch... also got it before ET..wahahha... have been having soup spoon soup for lunch for the last few days... tomorrow got to re-stock...
wish can have home cook soup/food too but too complicated for me to cook the soup. I'm Soooo lost in the kitchen. Trust me!

Don't want to tell my mum I'm doing ivf cos don't want her to worry lor.

I'm home alone. Don't worry, not doing any household chores. Trying to relax as much as I can. When my good friend can, she'll pop by &amp; buy stuff for me. Just that she's overseas now for work &amp; will only be home on the 28th. Looking forward to her visit.
<font color="aa00aa">hopefulmommy - guys are just curious la, nothing better to do. not like there's a lot of activity in the waiting room anyway.

babychloe - life experiences makes us stronger </font>
just called the ask a nurse hotline (2min !! $1.60!!)
she have to get back to me later after she has called the kkivf nurse ...
Hopefully nothing major
got call back .. (that's fast) the kkivf (sister phua ?) said its ok .. just continue the lucrin + puregon jabs
good that you've called. Ex but at least peace of mind.

Maybe you can call ivf center again tomorrow if
spotting continues k.

In the meantime, do rest well.
shoes - u had spotting (that time) ?? Ok .. I really hope it will stop but if the nurse say its ok then i won't over-worry
babytigers, I m with Dr Zou also. Most of the gals here are with her also. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. know too much can be stressful also.
<font color="aa00aa">THUNDERSTORM!!! YEAY! so happy. Can enjoy sleeping in a rainstorm knowing no work tomorrow. WOOO HOOOO!!!!

Think my mild OHSS is back despite downing 4 packets of Immunocal.</font>
I failed my fresh cycle in FEB. Dr says I can do FET in MAY but decided not to. Used this time to tiao my body &amp; been taking supplements too. For my failed cycle, didn't do anything. Was so blur back then about this whole ivf thingy...

On Outpatient Leave (m.c) starting yesterday for 2 wks. Doing my FET in CARE but m.c given by TLC clinic @TMC Dr Paul Tseng who's my doc. At KKH, Hospitilization Leave is given for both fresh cycle &amp; FET.
Hello babychloe!

I'm also planning to do FET, just failed fresh cycle at CARE early this month.

When did you decide to do FET? I mean, read that you could have done FET in May but only did it now in Jul. What made you decide that your body is ready for FET now?

And also, it's not hospitalisation leave (HL) for FET given but CARE but by TLC Clinic? You asked for it or this is by default? Cos during my fresh cycle, it was HL given by CARE, not TLC Clinic. If all FET must take MC, I will need to max out a year's worth of MC in one shot!
I failed my fresh cycle in Jun, with kkh, and SF Loh say can FET using my July/Aug AF. Today dr. zou also say i can go for FET when AF reports, i dun understand how come so different. Was also blur abt the whole ivf thg and i nv take supplements like omega, folic acid, brazil nuts n such ... if i go for FET in Aug its too late to take now rite?

And i think i cannot take anymore MC else my boss will blacklist me in my appraisal ... so sian got so many thgs to worry

pink martini,
sorry to hear about your failed cycle. hugz That was the period that Angela was away on a holiday right? Remember reading your posting.

Really can't answer you that... delayed it cos wanted to do all that I can like accup., taking supplements instead of doing nothing like during my fresh cycle.

Were you given HL for your fresh cycle? Don't think my co. will recognize Care m.c that's why took TMC m.c. I asked Dr Tseng for it.
