IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi Cheyenne! nice to see u here! any side effects from puregon?i was bloated yesterday.. but now ok already... maybe mine could be due to wrong dosage... hee....

i used cloth nappies for my first child until abt one yr old. laundry wise i washed everyday, i use washing machine to wash in very hot water so find it quite ok. only hv extra folding to do. leakage wise, is more leakage from the pee having soak right through rather than leaking from the sides and that only happens when the get older.
u went j8 shopping?? u live around there? i hang out quite a bit at j8 too, my mum's shop is in bishan
pandawife: can i chk with u if you take ur coq10 daily? u took it fm stimulation till now?

i just bought coq10from nature farm.. 60 tablets for S$105 at a disc already...
wow, yr daughter and mine are very close in age! mine born jan 08, they'll be going to school together...hee hee

hey, each puregon vial has 400iu in it even though the box says 300iu, so there will be quite a bit left if u only use 200iu per vial. actually u can use one vial for 2 days!
really! tku grumpus... at least i hv least worry abt not injecting enough dosage... hooray!!! ya lor... which childcare u enrol ur daughter? mine at Q-Dees yio chu kang.. who knows they may be in the same childcare! hahaha...

r u working full time or SAHM?

I can't remember which thread I gotten the info.
You can buy maternity/ free size clothes from :
Blk 185 Toa Payoh central

Can't remember the brand/ shop name is Carrana.

I just bought a few dresses from the shop, average ~$30 per dress. The designs are quite nice. The shop sells different range of clothes, but the free sizes/ "maternity" wear are at one corner.

Do check them out if you are keen.
hello Karen

Today is my D4 of puregon. Beside having headache and mild cramps on and off. So far so good. But wonder if this is really good? does that mean not much stimuation on the eggs? :S

Yup, grumpus is right. The box will indicate the exact amt of puregon in vial. So i guess you should be fine. But do reflect to the nurse you got extra dosage at least they are aware.
Cheyenne I went bAck to work 9 days after my et for my FET a slow walk in the park shld be fine. But maybe dun walk more than 30 mins and be careful of pple cycling or running

nm it's good to have hubby pamper u now .=) nowadays I also dun do much only let my mouth and fingers do the work. Kekeke

grumpus maybe we met each other before wor, I am staying in bishan!=)

Thanks. Think I just rest for the first 3-4days, if feel good i will resume back my walk after that but will heed the advice from you gals will just do short walk.

Btw, any gals here with KKIVF managed to get more than 14 HL from them? Any idea if request for longer HL will be approved?
Gan, did u just request from the nurse? As I am thinking if they can give me MC on ER, then the next day I will go back to work since ET is a few days apart?

Then on the ET day, can we request the HL to start on that day and also 19days HL ?
Cheyenne et is 2 days after er, e.g mon er wed et. The HL starts from er till BT so 19 days. Can tell nurse if Nurse dun give, tell doc that u like to rest till BT. Wld advise to rest the day after ER too coz u may hAve some discomfort at tummy area especially if u have lotsa eggs retrieve
Yo Karen: good to see you here.Woo, must be careful not to make those mistakes! hee...can understand...so many jabs and things to do...its easy to get things mixed up!
Jiayou my cycle buddy! =)
Hello all,
Am coming from out of town for IVF, would really like the recommendation of a good acupunture doc who is familiar with IVF and is ok with little bit english?
many thanks
Em Kay:U can try to go to Dr Zou..She speaks little english..knows abt IVF..quite a no. of sistas here go to her too..me too actually..

Zou Yumin Tcm Physician & Accupuncturist
Blk 505 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8
#01-2670 S569505
Tel: 64560833

Do call to fix appt..;-)
really feelin very sian..today is 14 days past ER, n I got my mense this morning...totally no mood n last nite i already guess my mense is coming anytime le coz i got very obvious mense cramp...i really cant control my tears, keep droppin..i jus called kkivf to ask if it is still neccessary to take blood test, she say yes..i thk i won go any of these days...maybe sat then i go...coz i thk is a waste of time...
ya, gt utrogestan for support..is not spotting, although it's nt heavy, bt it shld be full flow by today le..my BT suppose to be this friday..
last night i got some crampy feeling after dinner...and it went away after a while...then ard 2 plus i woke up and felt it again... its not severe but slight on and off crampy feeling....no spotting nor staining....

not much energy though although i drank ensure plus milk already...now making hot the garlic bread to eat...

just now had some whitish/clear discharge with small clumps of crinone...

ladies: is that normal? today is day 10 for me after ET
Balroggal: Sorry to hear..ya like NM said..u dun wan to go test today..just in case dear..Hang in there...Big HUGzz... to you...
balroggal, sorry..I was juz wondering how come yr menses come so early? & somemore u r on support during 2WW.

I agree wif nm..u may wan to go & do BT to confirm.
Yours seem to be like mine.. I have bleeding on D11..it's like menses(though it's lesser than my usual monthly flow) my intuition told me to test HPT and there's a faint line on D15..so I went down and took HCG and it's kinda low coz I hesitated just like you that's why I tot it's menses and I'm more sian when the nurse didn't even ask me to go down (when i insisted on going down, they still said no need)why not u go down today to take your blood test and see if it could help in any way.. I urge you to go down, even if it cannot help..on another hand,it could help to close the issue... update us again...
Balroggal, go down kkivf and asked for early bt, dun wait till sat. Some girls do have some bleeding though they r pregnAnt, reason cld be the discharge of the other embbie or other reasons. If u r pregnant u need additional support. If not at least u bring a closure to this cycle. Not easy, in fact felt terrible to see red before bt. But u cld be pregnant so ask for early bt. I had spotting then subsequently light af before my bt for my fresh cycle, felt Terrible but I asked for early bt coz told nurse if I preggy i must stop the blood. Take care
Girls I need help. This morn the scan showed I uv 26 follies n my lining is alr 8mm. Tis is only day six. I'm very worried tat I respnded too fast. Angela said not too worry nut added she son wan the lining to be too thick too fast. My Er is next Monday...I'm worried I hv to cancel the cycle ....

Today is my third day on puregon. First day, when my hubby inject, got some blood. Experiencing slight cramping below but went off by afternoon. Feel very tired eventhough been taking essence of chicken. My feet also feel like swollen. Is that normal? Do you inject lucrin and puregon side by side and at the same time? What other side effects you have?
Pink destiny: you using TCM or acupuncture? These are supposed to help with lining rt? Perhaps it's helping too well n shld stop them? U check with Angela is there anything u shld or shldnt do meanwhile?
sorry pink.. can't help much.. except to say dun let it affect u too much ya.. i'm sure OHSS got symptons... dun think u hv any rite...

Lubna... third day i also got feel feet swoolen.. after tat the next day gone... blood on injection area maybe due to we inject on the capillary... try to press hard on the spot after injection.... tat's wat the instruction booklet for puregon pen says....

fyi, i got no side effects.. so far... *touch wood** hee
Hi anyone,

Any tips to produce good eggs? My first scan after puregon is this saturday. What will happen after saturday? Pls advice.

dont worry--I had more than 20 and it all went down well.


I am alos having same discharge and pain on and off like u--- I feel so scared every time I go to toilet--wish there was some way to find out how my emmies r doing

I'm afraid my lining gets too thick so I fun wanna let it grow too much too fast. My biggest folkie is abt 12mm and there r smaller ones. Angela said everything looks v nice but I can't h but worry. Seems my body reacts too fast. Panda I feel more reassured readin abt it case..
