IVF/ICSI Support Group

nm, yeah lor..i wake up play puking games with the babies twice liao...
pandawife, u r early.....i didn't sleep well last nite too...now feeling tired but can't sleep coz part time helper is cleaning the house.

U puke in morning coz hungry?
gan..same here.. helper here to clean house. i cannot nap..

first time was after i ate my bf round 1..shortly after i puked... 2nd time i was waiting for hb to buy back bf round 2.. puked again... now feeling terrible....
pandawife, maybe u ate something the babies didn't like. I am lying on bed reading.....having slight headache. The movers just came with all the boxes....guess i can't nap later coz hubby will be packing some stuff and i can't sleep with noise. felt like eating strawberries again. =p will go buy later

Leapgal, if u have sharp pain, r u with dr loh? If yes email him and ask if it's ok. I didn't have any sharp pain....only suan suan feeling.
sistas, for Gonal-F, do u have to push the needle to release any air bubble before jabbing?
I realize when I extract the Gonal-F, the syringe kept moving fwd...i am afraid I dun get the right dosage...
Woke up at 4am+ to drink annum milk. Went back to sleep at 6am+. Now got woke up by a call. Hungry again. Peeing often too.
Pink urs is the preloaded pen? If yes, no worry abt air.

Just faith u also drinking annum ar? I bot the chocolate flavour yesterday. Nice to drink!
Juz woke up from my sleep aft hb left for work at 8plus...

Gan, I'm not with Dr Loh so I don't hv his email add. I'm not sure whether Dr Sadhana reply to email. Later wl b doin my last hcg. If the pain stil there aft this last jab, wl try to email her.
gan, oso dunno wht they like.... i feel so lousy no mood to tink of wht to eat oso...

i m waiting for the helper to finish cleaning my bedroom windows, and mop the floor..then i will go in and nap....

Just Faith, i lost count of the number of times i woke up last night to pee..and best part, i am having all sorts of weird dreams...everytime wake up pee liao, fall asleep and hv a different dream.. whole night my brain like in a mess...
pandawife, u r right! I have been dreaming alot lately but i can't remember what i dreamt. They shld be short dreams coz i will wake up, then try to sleep again or go pee....it's bad coz i am back to work..really felt tired in the day. i only remember the dream i had on fri night that my baby grown bigger and dr loh was telling me abt the bb heart rate coz i had a appt with dr loh on sat!

leapgal i think dr sadha replies email. The pain is bearable right?
Tigi, thanks. :)
don't think I will see youto tomorrow coz I will not be going to emerald clinic. 10am, I'll be at day surgery place.
I guess, you ER is towards end of this week rite. I actually went back to Nuh yesterday to do a scan again to confirm my ER. By yesterday, my biggest follicle was 17.5mm so er confirm tomorrow. Did Chr change you gonalf dosage?
Gan, yup the pain is bearable. Its on n off n very mild tat I almost forgot the twinges. Been experiencing this for less than 24 hrs now.
gan, yeah lor.. its like nights of endless dreams.. bt i read online tht its normal for us to experience this during 1st tri... u r right..its very exhausting...

these two days i start to feel alot of pressure pushing against the belly button area.. smtimes making me feel abit breathless too....
Gan, been taking annum milk since 8weeks. I have the vanilla flavour - it's nice too. Do you also take 4 spoonful? I m quite addicted. Twice a day (morning) n before going to bed. When I wake up feeling hungry, I always wonder if this is how little one will feel when he is hungry. And if this is the so called night feeding. Lol.

You heard baby's heartbeat? Did dr loh what's baby's heartbeat?
Gan. Its d9 aft my et. Its needle-like sharp pain on the left n right side right abv the pubic area. Like Panda had said earlier, it cld be my uterus. N in less than a min, the pain is gone. I really hope the 2 embies hv stuck.
Tigi, as of yesterday, 8. I do hope there's more. But I realized prof wong and dr chew only measured the big ones.,, I think. Last year, during gonalf scan, prof was not around. I was checked by a sonographer. She seemed to check every single one though it's very small. Chr nurses also told me yesterday that there might be more as some might be hidden. I do hope so. :)

I also hv alot of dreams lately. I still remember my first dream. I dreamt I was carrying a baby. I brought baby to my brother. I can't see the baby's gender. When I share the dream with mummy, mum says I dun hv enuf rest. But I told my mum, I always hv this thinking, if I expecting boy, I will let my elder brother n sil to be their godparents. Cause my bro got two gals, no boy. If gal, will let my eldest sis and bil to be godparents. Cause they only have a son.

At the back of my mind, I really hv no preference for boy or gal. The dream seemed to be hinting to me it's a boy. Lol.

This morning, I also dreamt of going for holidays. I dreamt that I was at Adelaide. Siao right? Good that I can travel in dreams. Better than nothing.
Just faith no didn't hear coz I did the scan at room 4 , that machine no sound. Dr loh show me the blinking heArt

panda I am taking annum materna , think there is 2 flavour, vAnila and chocolate. I got the chocolate coz scared dun like the vanila flavour
Just faith I use 5 scoop leh, but this is definitely much nicer than ensure!

Leapgal will have alot of activity in the uterus, dun worry as long it's not very painful but got concern email doc or call kkivf
Oh I see. Okay. Gan, do you like steamed milk? Annum tasted exactly like when I steam my Meiji fresh milk. Really very nice

I m not a chocolate person. I like vanilla. Heh heh
Just faith the duphuston eat till end of week 12? U started the prenatal vit? I forgot to ask when stop the hormone pills
Hi Tigi and Suyanna,

How are you ?

Suyanna, Good luck for your ER Tomorrow. Remember that we want quality eggs first then, the quantity....Usually, Prof will extract more than 8 eggs...so no worries...

Tigi, your turn will come soon....

Today is D3 past transfer....i found out a new thing.... the thing that cause me to feel nausea is diary product like milk every morning, when i have a beverage like milo or holick, i will want to puke...so now, i eat bf with plain water....

Good Luck !!
Suyana, i also hope more too... to increase chance of fertilization... have been having more discharge, slight headache and feeling a bit lip dry... i betta drink more water.... scared....
Hi judebabe, thanks... how r u feeling?

Ya i got naseous ytd when i drank Ensure on empty stomach... i have history of gastro problem in the past... dun feel any problem with drinking at night after work...
Gan: mine is not the pen. I have to draw the Gonal-F from the bottle...but i dunno why the syringe keeps moving...

Panda: Ok! Now we are frens on FB
Gan, dr log asked if I need new supply if duphaston. As these pills are not cheap, I already counted before I saw him. Then I just ask duphaston eat until when, he said week 12. Ao I told him, no need to top up. Enough to las thru 12 weeks.

He asked me if I feel nausea. I said yes. Especially empty stomach or when I m travelling. Then he said nx time then prescribe obmin plus n natal care plus. N I asked him what are these supplements for, so he xplained if I still hv nausea, better dun eat. I said I can control. Lol. Die die I also want obmin n natal care plus. So he prescribed 2mths supply of obimin n natal care plus. But must eat with eat. Otherwise, when we burp, very smelly. You?
Judebabe, great that you've found your solution to your problem. Agree with you that quality is better than quantity. So hope I've got the quality. Yeswrsday had to wait till 12.30 for the overdriel. Today gonna stuff myself till midnight coz no food after that.
Tigi, continue with healthy diet. Yes drink more plain water.
pink: is yr syring with the white cap?

i used that one if its the same....the syringe does nt move forward leh....very scary leh...

what i do is take the syringe out of packaging and press down hard so as to expel any air. place gonal f on table and insert syringe into gonal f bottle, then invert it to extract necessary amt. once that is done i will flick away any air bubbles and then inject. wait for 10 sec and remove syringe from tummy.

are we using the same method?
Su yana, during ER, all small follicles will be collected as well. This is to play safe. In case you and hubby try on yr own, you might get mutiples on top of what u hv transferred on ET.
pink, better check with your clinic when syringe moving?....
Previously i see bubble in the syringe with my Suprefact that i cannot get rid off i actually inject them back into the bottle... Suprefact cheaper ... so i feel ok if i waste or whatever. But now i learn that the new unused syringe are not at zero point when i open it. So i release the air by pushing into the zero mark before immerse into the Suprefact bottle rather than just punge into the bottle straightaway. Found it helps to minimise bubble.
nm: yes we are using the same method...I also push the syringe fwd so as to expel the air in the gap...but I dunno why the syringe seems to move fwd. I think tmr i will ask Ning when I go for my scan...
Just commented on ur profile pic. Me like it very much!
Just faith so hormone take till end of week 12 right? I told him I want another 2 weeks supply, didn't really count agar agar.

Dr loh said I cam start the vit after my 1st trimester scan ad I dun puke, have sufficient nutrients. But if I kiasu I cam start now. I got 2 mth supply, maybe start next week bah
pink: when you mean "move fwd" ..is it after injecting gonal f into our tummy or when putting the needle into the gonal f bottle?

thanks for yr lovely comment ....hahah

nm: When i tilted the Gonal-F and inserted the needle to extract the liquid, the syringe seemes to move...like by itself. So I find it hard to jab myself coz i have to prevent the syringe from moving while pinching onto my tummy...
