IVF/ICSI Support Group

faith: not all food outside contain MSG....i think...cos when i eat MSG i will be very thirsty.

there has been studies abt MSG and pregnancy but not sure how certain the results are...studies state that MSG increase the no. of kids with ADHD, ADD and stuff like that (due to the chemicals)
nm, will it affect me as i'm in 2ww. Dun kn y have been craving for chips, so I ate some le. Hopefully it will be ok, i'll be guai guai fr nw on.
Btw, garlic toast consider as dairy products cos of the butter spread?
faith: i am not sure if it will affect us? I am also in 2ww..but i dont take MSG ...some of the bfp ladies here advise me not to even take instant noodles cos of the soup mix (MSG)

there are some chips which are organic or no MSG...u can take a look..

i take cereal for mornings..or oat/honey bars for morning...

lunch is usually bee hoon with veg/eggs ..sometimes bread....

dinner is bought from outside though cos hubby needs to eat too heheh...

garlic bread should be ok i guess...u feel ok?
tks gals....i ask e nurse she say e hormone lvl is 67.1 n is consider low..also maybe bcoz too early...actually above hw many is consider preg?
Hi tokkie,

Mine should be around this time of the month...good to have cycle buddy

How is your preparation?

I go for acu twice per week and take Dr Zou's medicines twice per day + taking Conceive Well Gold everyday for the past 2-3 months. On & off taking the wolfberries + red dates drink, and wear slippers at home. Are these enough?
hormone level as in HCG? u can refer to the spreadsheet on our bfp ladies n their levels..?

very happy for u...today is yr day 14?
Hi Gan,

Can't help but planning for the worst first. I have 6 frozen darlings, intend to transfer 3 again this time. Realized that 2 frozen darlings in each straw. So if put 3 needs to thaw 2 straws..that means 4 frozen darling...now I worry can they survive the thawing...
nm, thxs. I'm feeling ok. I'm in D7 aft ET. Nt much sympthoms at all. I try nt to read too much into it n stress myself.

U in which day nw?

Balroggal, if they say u are preg, means u are preg. Jus go rest, that's the most impt.

above 200 then confirmed preggy. But u r only in day 14. Hcg lvl will double as day goes by.

Please make sure you get xtra med support. Eg progesterone jab etc. Yr duphaston probably will be doubled. Cramps and staining are not good signs.
i still ask few times to confirm..coz i hv 2 incident there which they mix up our record with another couple n one incident is they lost my hubby record...thts y i very scare they gv me wrong info...
balroggal, i noticed private hosp/clinic usually does bt on d14 aft er, unlike govt hosp. so urs shd be accurate...dun worry, since they said u r confirmed pregnant, rest assured n make sure u get enough support fr now.
balroggal, reali happy for u! I 've a feeling u might b pregnant coz yr menses shd not b 5 days earlier than yr BT date (juz my guess) & somemore u said u got spotting & so tat was actuali implantation spotting!

Luckily, u did not wait until Sat for yr BT... its gd u get the support earlier. Pls take care.
Hi girls, after puregon, we should not come our menses rite? Coz mine always come every 25th days and if my ET is after that 25th days, will i still come my period?
nm, no leh. 4days to ur hpt...unlike me, abt a wk more to go. everyday seems like alot of ??? in my mind. fr ytday having anoth on off symptom, menses cramps...wonder wats going on in there...
is ok to have some potato chips if u feel like it lah. dun worry too much abt what u shd or shd not eat. everything in moderation is ok, just dun go on a potato chip binge

if u're on puregon and lucrin yr menses will not come. u will still be surpressed cos of the lucrin.
hi lubna...my next scan on 17th June... they nvr say when ET but i read from the chart.. it they say if scan good = egg at least 16mm, then can hv last pregnly jab and then 2 days later ER...

the nurse says for most pp, need to jab abt 10 days of puregon... so i supposed my 1st scan is D8 on 17th June and 2nd scan is D10 which is a Sat,19th June 2010...

Hmm... ii wonder when kkivf will ask us to store too? just in case my hubby needs to travel... hee
Afternoon grumpus! may u hav a smooth smooth journey and hope i'll also BFP like u!!! and hv u started preparing ur gal to welcome the nmember? Is she sticky nowadays?
Thxs Grumpus! Hee...

Jus nw I was watching a documentary "I didn't kn I was pregnant" I cried leh. There is this woman whom doc told her she can't conceive cos she got some ovarian cysts prob. She has ever experience cyst eruption inside bef, n so when she experience pain n bleeding. She thought is the same prob again. But this time the pain was so unbearable n she got her husband to send her to the hospital. Aft scan, doc told her she is preg n ready to give birth. She was in a shock, the husband also fainted. Seeing this child birth touched me so much, I teared... I told my darling embroys inside to be strong!

"wave" Hi !!!!
40 years old also can conceive one ok... : ) Look at Zoe Tay, celion Dion... they also conceieve after 40 mah.....

I am not very young too, I am 35 this year and already did 2 iui, 1 ivf ( fresh ) and 1 FET liao... all not positive.so i try again.. i am now in my 2ww for the second fresh cycle.....

At the recent ER, i only got 10 eggs too.. (you got 7 )despite at a relatively high dosage..
There is nothing we can do abt age... just got to accept it that we may have to take high dosage for gonal F ( 350iu to 500iu)

I heard previously, CARE average age is 40... so there are many pple like you.... Jia you !!

happy for you.. must REST REST now...

Does anyone know how to improve fertilsation rate ?
Hi karen,

I have updated the spreadsheet. So my day8 is on 19th June and my day10 will be on 21th june. Just wondering when i need to take leave as my boss keep asking me. Im in accounts dept so it will clash my mth end closing. Luckily i got my back up to help me.
Hi Ladies,

Do you think i should change my gynae? Currently they give me Dr Tan Heng Hao. He is associate consultant.
balroggal, i suppose to be at work but tot shld log in to see how u r doing. Congrats! Glad u got the additionl support too. Do bedrest now and only walk to toilet. I had a lot of bedrest in my early pregnancy when i had bleeding and spotting. Dun worry, keep a positive mood and everything will be fine. If today 14 after ur er, ur hcg shld be quite ok, am sure kk will ask u go for another bt few days later. When i did bt on D11, et being D1, my hcg was 38.8 and D14 82.4, as long hcg is doubling is fine. Take good care and congrats again!
hi ladies

Grumpus: thanks for ur assurance. Angela was saying everything looks nice. But her comments that she hoped lining doesnt grow too thick really affected me.

Hubby emailed her and she said worst case scenario ppl hve to cancel their cycles nd do FET 3mths later if lining is too thick. I'd be devastated if that happens to me but no choice...
I am counting...ER is next monday...by then wouldnt the lining be even thicker?

Panda: U still rber ur D6 lining? Wow...thanks for consoling me. Do u rber ur final lining? coz I suppose its growing everyday. Angela said to avoid soya bean prdts.

Balroggal: congrats to you. I am so happy for you that you are preggy. Its a beautiful miracle!take care!
Hi Lubna,

Perhaps u can start to make plans to handover ur job latest b4 19th June.. i'm planning ahead so tat i won't be stressed during the 2ww...

i don think i will be changing cos it'll soon be ER for me and Dr Marianne is nice and chatty... maybe u wanna call kkivf for their opinion? maybe u can ask kkivf whether any senior consultant will be handling ur case together with Dr Tan Heng Hao? actually i also not sure if my Dr is associate consultant or not... hee
hello pink!

i'm ok... tis morning i called kkivf.. cos of the mixed up abt Puregon dosage...

they further confirm tat there's 400iu in 1 vial though the box stated 300iu... hee .. think i overlooked ... lucky now i got just enough for 7 days... cos supposedly bal is 200iu but my hubby threw 1 vial containing a bal amount... i still told him "ai yo, i think they sure give extra a little bit, dun worry" then the vial went to the bin... hahaha

i doubt my follicles will be ready by this thurs...

how r u feeling? sigh.. i'm feeling as normal... nothing diffrent lei.. wonder if the follicles are growing... was thinking to visit Dr Zou? but not sure if it's safe for accupunture & herbs right now or later stage ... what's ur view?
pink...i wrote down in a notebook..if nt already forgotten. hee.. my d8 was 10mm..final scan was 12mm..i had quite a few scans by dr paul leh..shld 3 times during stimulation..he is always v assuring..

karen: how often do u do a scan? I have mine every alternate days.
I can feel some sensation in my lower abdomen...no major discomfort, just some fullness. But can see it looks bigger than bigger... eeeks...
Haha u very funny leh...is puregon exp? must be careful..and remember to put them bk into fridge!

as for herbs, maybe u shd ask ur main gynae. While TCM is supposed to complement, i am not sure if it is wise to go into it halfway thru the treatment, esp when ur body is full of drugs now? Just a thot though...
