IVF/ICSI Support Group

We still have about 2 mths before we hit the 2nd tri... Long way leh.. These 2 mths duno how to pass... Stay home??
Cos we cant walk too much right then how to go out ah... Hmm.. At most only can go out for meals...
Hearing u say take an tai tcm.. I wonder should i go buy frm dr zou le... But someone says cannot take herbs during first tri right? Btw whats yr hcg level today?

The instant ginger goldkil can buy frm ntuc..
There is another one that has no sugar.. All natural ginger frm the same brand.. Comes in a box form... I have both.. The sugarless one u have to add brown sugar on yr own.. But cos it put all natural so i buy lor.. Hee..

angela ask me to go let the tmc doc feel my pulse...see if my body lacking anything tht she can help improve...

so i went lor.. kiasu abit... tcm doc says i hv very strong pregnancy pulse.. very gd..no need to worry..just take her normal an tai medication can liao... seems like angela sends quite a number of patients who BFP back there for an tai medication..

my mum oso says better for me to take ... just in case multiple, must take extra care of the babies from the begining...

i bought the tcm med back yesterday and was suppose to start taking last night...bt i wanted to double check with CARE...so i brought the med there this morning and ask if its safe to take.. ning told me no problem....alot of their patients also taking.
I also just receovered from fever and flu too. I had fever on sun then went to see GP and recovered quite soon. By tue no need to take med le. Both me and my girl caught the virus from my hubby cos we sleep in the same room. Then my girl just recover yday only. Then Mon - wed never go to sch. Mon I was on mc so stayed home to look after, Tue, my hubby stayed home, Wed, we bring her to my mom's place. So I know hubby quite stress whenever my girl is sick. Since my girl just recover, I dun want him to feel stress abt my problem. Later his life is like become daughter and mom's prob only. But this morn I still told him I want to see my doc. Initially I told him spotting, he still ask me is it I too paranoid. Later when I show him the pic that I took last night, then he tell me, no wonder I insist on coming. He tot when I say spotting, is like my previous time like that only.
Alright. I think should be ok then. I'll visit Dr Zou tml and get some an tai yao to take since it should be alright. Just to dble protect and assure myself.
tickles/baby, i oso ask the tcm wht is in those pills and powder... i was told got cordycep, ginseng, etc etc.. the rest of the chinese herbs names i din register....

when i was there, saw a few others early expecting ladies queuing to see the tcm oso.. probably also for an tai medication.

baby, i never tink so far leh...hehehe.. take it one day at a time.. tink too much will be stressed one... maybe as the bb grows, we will feel more and more tired..so we will appreciate the rest at home very much..

at least u go out for meals... heheh.. i dun even go out for meals leh.. i just ran out of shampoo today.. was tinking later hv to ask my hb go help me buy liao...
If you very stressed and nd to let off steam, can let us know. We're here to support each other. It's so not easy when everyone in one hsehold falls ill and you kena too. Hang on, ya?
ok. Thanks! I've recovered now. Plus the assurance this morn. I'm alright now. Thansk!..
baby, bt result just now. D19 beta is 7,100.
nurse says still cannot tell..hehehe.. ask me wait for scan next week better. bt its good progression, so long as got double can liao.
Wow yrs is super high!!! By d19 already at 7000.. Its more than double from yr mon hcg... My d18 is only at 2000plus.. Hmm... Then i think mine is most likely singleton.. Im sure yrs is at least a twins.. Wow wow wow...
baby, hehe.. .. nurse says this HCG can be singleton oso.... so better dun tink too much..later stress..haha...

hey...do u feel tht ur tummy is warmer then usual huh? my tummy like warm warm feeling the whole day one... feels very amazing...
Pandawife/Cupcake, tks. Yes very happy. My doctor very cute he said he so pai sei do so many time den I strike n more worries to come .

Trickes, U take care.

I think my MS is coming.
nm, how was ur scan today? everything ok??

not sure if we bump into each other at the clinic... wht time were u there?
yeah.. havent heard from her the whole day.. maybe resting..hopefully everything is fine...

taking small meals will also help... and remember to take small sips when u drink.. dun drink too much at one time..
haha.. u already hv a boy right? now hv a girl, just nice!! i hope mine is ger leh..hahahahaha...
bt my mum says first one, boy or ger is alright...no need to tink so much..haha.. she more concern if i m having twins...

yes yes, to us, most impt is baby grows well and healthy in our tummy.. the rest are of secondary importance....
i m feeling so hungry now.. just ate a small slice of cake...

my lunch not settling well in my body leh.. tink ate the wrong kind of food..the smell of the lunch kept lingering around me... even after i brush teeth and rinse mouth liao.. its making me nausea...

I transfered 3 back this timen(one already becoming blast and the other 2 not yet blast). My first time I transfered 2 blasts but not successful. Is this your first try? how many you put back?

I have also been feeling crampy these couple of days (started yesterday). Suan suan feeling, like pre-AF cramps. I told my TCM doc today and she said don't worry, that's normal. Cuz we take alot of drugs/jabs etc, so can cause these cramps. But I'm still worried cuz it really feels like AF cramps. the last time my cycle failed, also got the same type of cramps before. Sigh.... I keep telling myself to remain positive. Today is only day 3 after ET... have to go thru another 11 days!

Well... nothing we can do now, except for pray and continue to be positive. Let's hope we're both successful!
working wife,
yes, u r doing the right thing, continue to pray ahd tink positive! also enjoy ur food now! eat well... once BFP, MS kicks in, wanna eat also cannot liao.
Jia you!
Blissful fate, do good that you can see heartbeat already. I could only see sac y'day. My first scan is on the 18th, actually.

Btw, when was yr ET done? Can you recall?
Oh. My ER was 13th. ET 15th. But am wondering how come my first scan is scheduled on 18th

are you still with dr loh?
Working wife
The af cramps may be a good sign too..
I also have it.. Its exactly like af cramps... I have them on and of right after et.. Then intensify from d5 onwards.. Then gradually went away when bt draws nearer.. So dont worry too much ya!
i am not too sure if you were the one that ask which part of AMK hub can you get brazil nuts.
I think it is the basement. Actually it was my husband that told me he could find a shop selling brazil nuts at amk hub,
Dear Ladies,

Greetings! I have been a silent reader for a while. Thanks for sharing generously! It's also heart-warming to see the support and encouragement among each of you.

I just failed my first ivf cycle. Was depressed and now beginning to pick myself up. Would like to know if there's anyone having the same problems as me.

I had only 5 eggs retrieved and only 1 fertilised & transferred. Now, waiting to do the next cycle. Have been advised by KKH Dr Loh to take DHEA. He also prescribed short protocol for next cycle.

I would like to know if there's any lady who had taken or are taking DHEA now. Anyone did short protocol before? Would appreciate sharing.

Did u do icsi?
If not u can do icsi to increase yr fertilisation rate..
With yr first cycle experience.. Dr will most likely increase yr stimmualtion drug to increase yr no of eggs...
Alot of us also succeed in subsequent tries so dont give up ok!
Thanks baby!

Problem is I don't even know what was done the first round. I was not with Dr Loh then. Was just assigned a dr from Clinic D, Dr Tan Heng Hao. Only saw him during taking consent, ER and ET. During ET, he only said the embryo was average grade. I only knew more when I came to this forum after my failed cycle. Called kk ivf centre but the nurses/staff were not helpful. A lab staff even said I should have asked during ET

I switched to Dr Loh now. Hopefully, the second cycle will have better outcome.

Hope I remember correctly, you got BFP right? CONGRATS! Hope you have a smooth pregnancy
Hi Dana

I almost had e same case as u. I only had 2 eggs retrieved n these 2 eggs were transferred. It was my first cycle n failed. Will be seeing Dr Loh tis month for review. Dr Loh has also advised me to take DHEA due to low ovarian reserve but I din take after reading e side effects on e net.

When did u do yr first cycle n when will be yr next? Hv u tiao yr body? I m jus starting to take protein powder.
Just faith, sorry my er was 13 et 15. I think dr loh schedule very tied, so ur scan will be later. Yesterday day did e scan did they tell u how many weeks ur r now? I'm 5.7 week
Just faith, yes I'm still with Dr Loh will stay with him.
he very cute when he read though my record he said wah so pai sei he did so many time ivf for me never strike. I just laugh. Hee hee
Thanks... I bfp on my 2nd fresh cycle.. But im not with kkh..
Maybe u can search more info on ivf/icsi so that u can ask dr loh when u see him for review.. From there u can find out more on yr first cycle.. I believe dr loh will alter yr next cycle to boast yr chances...

Feel free to ask qns here.. Im sure the gals here will be more than willing to ans them! Stay positive ok

your case is quite similar as mine. i took dhea for 3 mths after my first failed ivf. i was scared n worried of the side effects, but my doc say it wil help in the overall well being other than improving the poor ovarian reserve. i dropped quite a fair bit of hair but not to the extent of botak la.. i m on short protocol also , only have 7-8 eggs retrieved and only 2 embryos transferred n no frozen at all. so now i have to start all over again for my 2nd ivf..

i think is december who asked on the brazil nuts.
Hi Ladies

I've been a silent reader for the past few months.

I'd like to congrats all ladies who've BFP and wish you all a smooth 9 mths ahead!
For those in 2WW, all the best!

I've just had a IVF cycle cancelled due to poor response to Gonal-F and this sat will be seeing Dr Loh to see what he plan he has for me .......

I think I could've been over suppressed by BCP and Lucrin.
Let's see what he says 1st!

Good night!
Hi AF and Dana, welcome! Feel free to ask anything here.

Blissful fate, y'day my scan at KK 24hrs only saw a sac abt 1cm. Doctor says mine got "shadow".. cannot see any heartbeat yet.. lol. Abit kan cheong now but trying to distract myself with other work.. I was the one that told Doctor I am five and a half weeks... then doctor says, ya, going to six weeks.

Since our ER and ET on the same date, I think i should be 5.7 weeks as of y'day. just to kapo with you, when is the EDD for your case?
Dana, mine were fertilized through ICSI. Think Dr Loh's protocol is, when too few eggs are retrieved, he will send all eggs for ICSI.

Believe in him. This is the second time I bfp under his magic hands.
hi sisters,

Congrats to those who've BFP and yes, do enjoy your pregnancy and look forward to motherhood.

for those who's still hoping, do stay positive - although it is easier said than done.

i'm into my next cycle. today am in day 1 of puregon. still a long way to go and many hurdles to clear... but let's stay +ve together bah!

towards our dream of completing a family!

Jia you, sisters!
Just Faith, dun be anxious. Maybe ur BB naughty, dun let u c. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Wah, Pandawife, urs must be twins, so happy for u! Makes me droop with envy....

I'm nw waiting for menses to come, jus finish microgynon ytdy. My left side seems to be twitchinhg badly, cos seems to move. Is there anything wrong?
Thanks Faith.. not confirm yet if its twins.. hv to wait for scan next week.

i m more concern if baby is growing well everyday.. still learning to adjust and cope with the physical changes of pregnancy.
iam not feeling too good.. some uneasiness in abdomen.. so scared that i got up early..
just praying and will go to zzz..

so many new comers.. welcome to the thread..
Hi Panda_wife, if you don't mind me asking, on what day did you do ET? is it day 3 embryo or day 5 blast? What was different this time vs. your first cycle?
Good morning!


May I know what is the Gonal F/ Puergon dosage you've been prescribe?

You were on GF or Puregon?
What was the dosage when they put u on short protoco?
Would you like to share the schedule/ timeline/ what to expect during the short protocol?
How you know you've low ovarian reserve?
You did any test to check?
On DHEA, kindly advise the dosage you take - 25mg, how many times tablet a day?

Sorry, I've asked too many qn.
U woke so early today!
Bad ms again?
What physical changes u having now? I dont have any leh except for sore boobs... Even my tummy becomes flatter liao...

Gan, how are u now? Is everything ok for u?
Hoping to see yr post here...

hi girls, will be discharged today and given 1 week mc till i c dr loh next friday for 1st scan. No conclusive reason why i bleed on wed. See some fresh blood when i wipe myself after i pee yesterday afternoon and some spotting after scan in the morning yesterday. Saw the sac and yolk sac. Didn't see fetal pole guess too early. Waiting to see heartbeat next week. Will take things easy now.

just faith, the sonographer at ADC r more careful in scanning so can see more, doc at 24 hrs are not so detailed. The doc on sunday told me see a black doc. But scan at ADC was able to see sac and yolk sac. So dun worry.
