IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi tch, is the grading that Dr Loh mentioned 'grade 5 is good' is just for KKH or for all hospitals ? Just wondering, sometimes we could be stressed from just learning what grade is the embroyos

blurblur, ok. will try to take it easy now. hmm...i must ask the Dr whether it's a mix of ivf or icsi then. As to the HCG jab, it's not totally painless. Slightly more painful than the usual jab..and after that a little sore, nothing compare to exercise soreness. So it's nothing to scream about. I had the jab at 24hr clinic on the thigh. I tot can jab on backside too but the nurse said jab on thigh.

didi, i think the grading varies from centers to centers. Read on website that most overseas uses 1 to 4, 1 being the best. I guess you are right. Must not be so hung up on the grades. Afterall, Dr did say that grades 3 also can get preggy. And I am sure Grade 5 is no guarantee.
for lining above 8mm is a must. so for both of you have 10mm and above even before ER is very very good leh! so tch,you got very good chance.
Renee & ladybird, thanks for the well wishes. What ever the outcome, though I am not afraid of needles, I am sooooo glad that phase is over. Was quite fedup with the headaches from the Lucrin.

Renee, mine's male fertility.

didi, it's ok. feel free to ask more. Which Dr are you with? Actually, I also go into it without much info. Managed to get some good info for those who have gone through it here.
Thanks blurblur and tch, for the info and website. tch, I will be with Dr Nair from MT E. Will certainly ask you whatever I am not sure (Just Kidding
Hi Blur Blur,
Thank you so much for your encouragement. Was really moody over the weekend... but HB brought me to pig out nydc cakes and icecream. so now, over the moon again!

Hey Tch,
so wasted, I was in Langkawi 2 mths ago.. ah ya, bypass the lake but never drink or bathe in it.
hey gals,

anyone of your encounter HB's fertility prob, and have to "tell" in-laws that it is the woman's problem.. to save HB face?

In a dilemma, if we undergoing IVF and all the tests.. dun know what to tell my parents and in-laws.
Sunrise,I agree with Potato chip, if it is not necessary then no need to tell them. We also did not share this with my mother in law. Only my mum knows. If really must tell, then just tell the truth.
hi gals, i start stimulation today, my first IVF attempt. very relieved to have reached this phase.... the lucrin is killing me, with the headaches and hot flushes.

i'm on 300 IU of puregon.... can i know if this is normal dosage? any advice from the sisters here is very appreciated. Please share your experience with me can?
hi msh,
when i had my lucrin, i was lucky did not experience any discomfort. as for puregon, 300iu is the norm.though i had 150iu only.
i had 300IU of puregon for the 1st five days, then subsequently cut down to 150 IU for remaining days.

i understand that there is an insurance policy for ART but for the baby if it is successful. this was told by the clinic to me, the policy will hv to take effect within 7 days of embryo transfer. so far, none of my insurance agents has told me abt ART coverage for the woman going thru it.
Renee, do u know why u are on 150iu only?

yes missmoon, i'm scheduled 5 days of 300iu. my dr was worried if i don't show signs of response at the end of the 5 days, then it'd be too late to increase already..... but at the same time he doesn't want to give too high a dosage cos this is the first time.

any tips for me gals? very worried and anxious.
ladybird, i still have to do 10 days of lucrin...can imagine more headaches and hot flushes to come...... me also going arrrrgggghhhhhhh
msh, i read somewhere lucrin will deplete the calcium in our body. im taking calcium pill to replenish it. are you taking too? if not you might wanna consider.
pls dun worry too much, puregon is known to be a strong FSH, sure will have follicles. just a question of how many there r. there's at least 14 days of stimulation, so definitely will respond to the hormone jabs.
i hate popping pills one leh..... i always buy my multi vits and vit c's and what have u, and then throw away when they expire.... i'm taking my folic acid diligently only when i decided to do ivf... even thou i ttc since 2 years back and knew the importance of folic acid while ttc. very bad hor? i think i'd try to eat healthily for a while till succes first.... i know i won't contine on the pills one lor. only problem is i'm no nutrition expert and worse still, don't have regular meals one..... but i'm trying hard now.
i totally understand. trying to eat healthily is a big effort me. as im typing now im soooo craving for a cuppa coffee! have to swear off coffee and teh tarik is a major sacrifice for me leh. gals, how did you all do it?
ladybird, haha, it takes major effort to stay away fr them! once in a while i will indulge in a sip of coffee and teh. think a little bit shld be ok lah
i don't take coffee but i love tea. worst still my hubby takes tea so many times in a day and week ends are worse when both of us are together.... seeing him enjoy his tea while i have plain water.... sigh..... just ask yourself... "how much do u want this healthy baby?"
takes a lot of willpower to stay away fr cold drinks and caffeine. drink milk or something whenever craving comes? during the prog and even the after, i forced myself to stay away and these days i hardly crave them anymore.
thanks gals, i must learn to have determination like you all. must go through the cold turkey now.. brrr.. hopefully i won't crave from them soon.
gals i have a very bad stiff neck, it's been for days, i think the last 5 days or so.... is it a side effect of lucrin also? very uncomfy... feel like going to fall sick anytime....
MSH and ladybird,
I also a tea freak! I stayed away from tea for 3 weeks. during that period I only had Holicks. Though I craved for tea very much ,but I remind myself I want to increas our chance to our success, I managed to stay away from it.at the same time taking pills I have no prob with it.Today, my AF finally here.
is it possible for you to find out from prof about how thick was your Adeno the next app when you see him?cause it may help me to decide whether or not I should go for the op to remove it.thanks.
I was only on 150iu because I ovulate regularly and I also had done so-iui at kk. so my record showed that I respond to puregon very well and Dr decided to lower my dosage.and true enough.....
lucky Dr did lower the dosage,otherwise I will suffer even more OHSS.150iu already made me bloated very badly and very painful.can't imagine if I was on280-300iu. Wah piang!!
renee, i'm sorry to hear about your AF. just 5 days ago, i'm fretting about my AF not coming... cos i can't start stimulation without AF. ok, now i know 300iu is the norm and can respond with lower doses.... so i think i should not worry about not responding but concentrate on thinking positive. i'm just so encouraged by the success stories on this thread and at the same time saddened by the unsuccessfuls.... it's just such a thin line..... and nobody could really pinpoint the reasons. it just happens. keep praying... i'm sure you'd have your beautiful baby soon.
oh no..... now i'm worried about over stimulation....... hahahaha.... i want to enjoy christmas weekend no matter what :)
hey msh,
don't worry, i'm all ok already. had my forbiden food TWICE in 3 days(penang food).ha ha....yes while I read through your posts, I realiz you are worry to much.Just stay cool,and trust your DR. He knows best what suits you most to reach your goal. likewise he also want his patients to gain rather than lose.His name and clinic are very impotant ma.Right?Don't add on more stress ok.
hi renee, missmoon and all

Had a good cry yesterday. cos' saw prof on Sat. He told me i had 2 grade A & 1 grade B embryo transferred. High chance to strike one, but sometimes, certain things just beyond our control. I believe he has done his very best, just thata this time round, luck is not with me.

He suggested for us to go thru it once more (that is next year Mar). And because i have no frozen embryos, i'll have to go thru the whole thing all over again. Sounds like he is also disappointed cos' is like quite wasted.

Anyway, now on vitmins in preparation for the next round. Actually, quite lost faith cos' i am no longer young. Already mid 30s liao.... chiam !! sigh.....

oops, sorrie... i shouldn't have said such things here... for those on it... sorrie okie, and don't be disheartened by my negative results...u all must jia you okie... !!!!
i will try to remember to ask prof abt it on wed. i'm quite absent-minded these days :p.

happy to see u here
pls dun lose faith and hope, ok? there are older women out there who managed to conceive thru IVF too, so pls dun ever give up! is there a reason to wait till march? is it to give the ovaries a rest?
Hi MSH, I understand how you feel about the headaches. After about close too 2 weeks of Lucrin, I felt like I was going to fall sick. And I really did. But think that's got nothing to do with Lucrin but it intensifies the headaches when I was sick. Very terrible. Rest well. I find that sleeping helps minimize the headaches.

I also had 300iu of Perugon so it's normal. Accordingly the rest here, eat at least 4 egg whites everyday during the Puregon to help the follicles grow. I had Puregon for about 12 days. Think that is also normal.

Renee, how soon will the OHSS sets in after ER? I am perfectly alright now except for having some wind in the stomach since ET and keep burping. In fact, bloatedness seems to have subside a little thought stomach is still big. I guess what the nurse say is true, MUST drink lots of water after ER, at least 2 litres which I did and still trying to do that. For a while before and after ER, I tot I was going to suffer OHSS cos I was very dehydrated which is a symtom of OHSS. Seems to be getting better now.

Errr...chamz. Actually I had some tea during the cycle, though not much. I hope it wouldn't affect the outcome.

Moonfairy, as what missmoon has said, the insurance is to be bought after ET for neonatal care of babies.

Hi blurblur, you having your HCG tonight? Let me know how did it go. Getting excited for you.
yup seow,we all must jia you!this thing is really not in our hands.we will try till we see our BB ok!I also cried alot the first time.IT's ok, cry out all you want. no one going to laugh at you. not that you wanna cry so much, but all the hormone in us do make us cry easily.and it shows that you are normal!!
Cheer up cheer up!
Seow, agree with renee. We understand how you feel. It's ok to be disheartened. Maybe you should try TCM to built up your body and health before the next round.
my ohss set in right after ER, then got worse after ET. but i heard there are gals got it even during the puregon jab.i was so badly bloated that i could hardly drink much and eat much. quite a nightmare!
Moonfairy, P-Chip, blur blur,
Thanks for the advice. I also stress ar, dun want the whole world to blame my HB for his spermies ah.

The other day, one of HB fren jokingly ask him to check his swimmers cos' we tryin many months. Can see my HB's face turned green.. SIGH.

This is afterall a very impt thing to a man.
So, worse case scenario will 'bluff' all that it is my infertility problem.
thanks ,i will try to remind you on wed ok.ha ha,ppl told me preggie woman very forgetful one. looks like it's true hor.
Thanks tch, I also feel excited. Will update all. My jab appt is at 9pm so I am back home now replying you
Leaving house at 8.30pm to head to KKH.

No problem, sunrise. If it is really hard then you may want to consider not telling at all.

seow, sayang you okie? and like what renee said, as long as the doc didn't say we can't do it anymore, we must hang on...

msh, I had 400iu of puregon and also had it for 12 days, same as tch.

renee, I'm feeling quite bloated now and have been going to the girl's room very often since then...do you think it is due to the bloatedness. Always feel very urgent and also have a bit of cramp
seow, may I know what vitamins are you taking ? to prepare for your IVf ? as my IVF think I will do it in Feb 06 and want to get ready for that.

tch, had my hcg jab liao. Not as bad as I tot, maybe kinda used to the needle oredi. Just feel sore. Am counting down to wed

what did you tell your boss when u are on 5 days HL?
