IVF/ICSI Support Group

Aiyoh, caffeine is no good... But I had a colleague who had a cup every morning when she was a preggie. B4 that, morning one cup, afternoon another cup. So hard to say also.

cham liao lah, like that. cannot sleep at night and morning wake up very tired...coffee helps to keep me awake.

1 cup a day is my limit, and i dun like to drink milk...so my hot beverages very limited

keep my fingers crossed
hi Ad
have you always done yoga combat? wow...

prof chen told me to stop yoga while on this IVF programme...but i hope to continue with very gentle moves. would you know which yoga studio offer such forms?

If you were ask Prof again, he will say strictly no yoga...

When I was pregnant and wanna do yoga for pregnancy at 2nd tri. He said NO NO. He super conservative one and everyone who knows Prof Chen said the same thing oso.
i just did my 1st yoga combat yesterday

But sine tomatoes have give you a "warning", & you're under Prof Chen, think you better listen to his advice & stop doing for this period....i'm not under him, so i'm gonna pretend i've never heard this b4

It's up to your comfort level lah. For me, I din really listen to Prof Chen 100%. I did some yoga poses on my own during my 2nd tri to help me with my terrible backache and they did help me alot.

If you are looking for gentle movements, you can opt to do yoga basic. Dun ever do power yoga... you wil perspire like crazy... very shiong! But I think Ad. will have not problem.
i agree with tomatoes. if you want something gentle, Ture yoga offers a wide range of difft yogas. In fact, ET is also taking her pre-natal yoga from ther. if you are really interested, i can help you arrange a free trial & you go see for yourself....

i have problem with Power yoga, there are some poses that i still can't do. But yoga combat is ok...simple.
Potato chip,
Thanks so much for the diet list.I 'll follow as much as I can. I wish you best of luck for your coming FET.By the way have you been following the diet list for your coming FET?

That time when I did Power Yoga, machiam my bones want to break liao and I really perspire like I just went for a bath... cannot take it. I kay2-kiang2 lor...
I realiz my emotion has not been very stable ever since the IVF failed,though I thought I've recovered. Some how I feel very down and would even cry when I'm alone.
I really don't know what to do to help myself not to be so stress thinking about having BB.
tomatoes, ad
thanks much for your advice

ya lor, prof prefers to play safe...when i was doing IUI i asked him if i can continue wif yoga, he said only those meditative type, cannot do jumping type. sigh. i used to do power yoga...maybe that's why suffered hormone imbalance cos prof told me before that too much movement will cause pituitary gland to be upset.

ok, better take both your advice. i will avoid during this programme and if/when i succeed in getting pg, i will wait until stable then do pre-natal yoga. so ad, can i kiv your offer? hee
so tomatoes, you continued wif yoga until time to give birth?

veli kang kor wif no exercise. feel fat and flabby
sure, no problem. Hope you get pregnant soon & we can go for pre-natal together...haha! With P_Chip...

ya, the power yoga damn siong! but i very liang li er wei, those pose that i can't do, i just dun do lor...dun wanna stress my body. But hor, i perspire more in yoga combat then power yoga...
Hi Potato Chip

Thanks for the list of what to eat and what to avoid. However, how would you define "during IVF"? Is it the first 2 weeks after ET or even subsequently when one gets pregnanct 2 weeks after ET?

I had a m/c before and now with ET, I am super worried what if pregnant then m/c again? How will one know if the pregnancy sails through by when?
think all of us felt like that when we failed our procedure, be it 1st timers like us or those sisters who have gone thru 2-3 times....
i'm also feeling very down today. In fact, just b4 i started my lurcin jab 2 days ago, i was still thinking whether i shld go ahead with my FET...cos', as i've told the some of the sisters here, i just dun have the feelingt hat i'll get pregnant so easily....think this is also one of the aftermath of a failed IVF....
however, just look at all the sisters here, they're all in the same boat as us, & they have the courage to try again, & again...not becos it's fun going thru all these...but it's becos we really want so much to hold our own bb in our arms...
dun think so much...just rest your body now & do other things to divert your attention...some say go shopping, others say spa...for me, it's YOGA!

find something to do, i know it's easier said than done, i myself is still coping with it...but please hang in there.
Hi renee

Yes, it is never easy especially the failure part. Give yourself more time to get over it. As Ad. said, she uses Yoga to distract herself and you can do other things to distract your mind too. All of us are going through the same emotions roller coaster... and let brave it together.


For you, it is good to have a hack care attitude in a way. There's never a good time when we should plan our procedure and just since you have oredi start, just move on.


The food to be avoid is during your IVF procedure, that is when going through jabs, ER, ET. My RE also ask me to avoid during the early stages of pregnancy.
ad is right. while i'm still going through my first attempt and haven't experienced any major setback, i can understand the pressure and stress relating to wanting a bb. it's the desperation of wanting one but so overwhelmed with difficulties to conceive that puts the emotions into a yo-yo swing, much less having to try again.

dun give up...pray hard and with positive thinking, will succeed!

i read on one of the sites, from a lady who went through several attempts of IVF...one of her advice which i thought was quite apt, "dun worry unnecessarily. channel that worry into action. try not to think about your worries unless it's those worries that you can do something about" - applied that to myself and it's worked a little so far

you have all the support!
THANKS TO ALL MY SISTER HERE!Silly me, cry again while reading through all your postings.I really can feel your support and courage. I worry that I may get into depression one day.
Sorry sisters, I hope I don't bring you all down with my -tive attitute here. really don't mean o affect everyone who are going through IVF now.So sorry....

Never let yourself go into depression. Just try to think that there are alot of people out there who are going through the same thing as well, just that nobody really want to talk aboutit openly. Feel free to vent your fustrations, sadness, happiness here - that's the purpose of setting up this thread also mah...
Hi renee

i think i am in the most 'no position' to say anything at this moment one. but i think staying happy and positive is real important. i am telling myself since i made the decision to start with ivf. i keep telling myself 'is okie. i've already done whatever that i need to do. leave it to God... what will be will be....' let's us support one another.. to go thru this long journey.... dun worry!!!
i want to ask you, hw come the chinese mag still haven't released ar? i went to the magazine stall almost everyday but till now still haven't see that mag leh....

Dun bother to look for it lah... that mag super slow in publication. Nobody bother to read it so maybe discontinued liao... hahaha. Even me also give up waiting for the latest issue.

Will let you know if I see it in the newsstand. Nevetheless, thanks for your kind support.

How's life? Still got backache... you not around, here super quiet.
Hi, vege and tomatoes,

I oso bizi today....had a great lunch today..tomatoes,hope u can join us next time..

I oso cant find d magazine..maybe out of stock liao...too many pple buying it...

Missmoon and seow and any member whom i hv missed out,

Welcome aboard...if u want, u can private message me (tnsw)or potato chip your hp number and email so that we can contact each other and oso if we hv gatherings we can meet each other...tis is of cse no obligations, one.....


I am doing my job as kong1 guan2 xiao3 jie1 by inviting new members to our group, hor....altho i disappeared the whole morning..
ang moh kio,
my backache ok liao, juz nw i went to see doctor to take my blood pressure coz im feeling giddy then realised that my blood pressure quite low. In the end i have to take a blood test to see hw much is my red blood counts....gosh, so many problems one

you not going for the next gathering ar? see, i cannot carry BBG again. maybe by the time i have chance to carry her she alrdy knows how to walk liao, dun need to carry anymore....sob, sob...
i seldom see ur posts here now, really miss you alot. I was thinking y'day that maybe i shld start goin to the gym on a regular basis after seeing you so motivated in your gym sessions. At least exercise off the toxins in our body, if not sooner or later i will dunno have what in my body liao... (touchwood lah)

ask you ar (dun say i siao), hw can i know more abt adoption procedures? which websites i can refer to?
Hi hi ladies,
Hope you all still remember me...
Lately has been depressed and insomia, guess just worry abt my condition... Couldn't finished the posting and see so many new pple joining in this thread..

Hi Vege,
I just went for blood test and sad to know that I'm still not ovulating and has to go on 2nd phrase of clomid. Silly me, I went to KKH on saturday only to realise that clinic didn't open so dun have a chance to check with the doc regarding the endo. I will be seeing doc again next month hoping to start ivf/icsi problem. Hope you have a fruitful trip. I went to Waterloo street to pray and qiu qian, praying for a BB sigh! Maybe I deceived myself but at least the lot gives me some hope lor.

Hi Angeline,
sorry to hear abt your condition but dun fret cos it could be just a false alarm. Just have plenty of rest at the moment.

Hi P Chip,
thanks for compiling the list and just realised all the food in the list is what I'm taking now... hmm.. really have to avoid if ttc.

Hi renee,
Dun worry abt failure, I have read an article years ago that a woman has gone thro 6 cycles of ivf before she got a twin.. I'm also very much in fear of failure as pressure on me to produce a BB especially a boy is very great due to my hubby only son. All the ladies here are very supportive.. smile and cheers!

Hi tomatoes,
just manage to glance thro' some of the posting and saw your BBG.. wow now sucking her fingers and very soon she will have her own little teeth...

Paiseh after so many posting..seems my posting very outdated

Me very bizi lah,that day raining must meet two clients somemore...

I dun go gym often, one lah...u shld see the way i eat...oso dun exercise too vigourously...am hving badaches now from doing the stupid treadmill yterday....

adoption?i message or email you, can?incase my info is wrong and i "wu4 ren1 chi3 di4" (teach pple wrong thing)

As I said, dun bother to look for the magazine. All newstand still selling old issue. Maybe discontinued liao lor. Hope you have enjoyed your lunch today. What's did you all have? So sad that I can't join.

But I must say you did a good job very being our PR Director... must put you up for promo soon. But what rank? Senior PR Director?


So did the doc prescribe you with Iron tablets? Eat more iron-rich food like spinach. Take good care. Aiyah, body is like a machine, tend to fall sick at times.

Btw, you sure will have chance to carry BBG wan. But you must still training your arms cos she is oredi 6kg now... but by the next gathering, she might be 7-8kg liao. I hurt my wrists recently for carrying this rice sack.
you also disappeared for quite some time liao hor

at least you got a good qian, unlike me who got a bad qian the other time. Im not going to think abt it liao, just take 1 step at a time. if i keep on thinking it will make me very pek chey and sooner or later i think i will "ki siao"
....so now i just let my RE decide what he wants to do with me, if he wants to cut me then i will let him cut lor, if he wants me to try for 3 months then i will just try...

your 2nd phase of clomid should be 100mg liao rite? so you going for scanning on CD11~CD12?
Hi Candysweet

You must hang on... and you will see results soon! Jia You Jia You!

Ya, BBG grows fast and recently she also learnt how to grab her blouse and put it up to expose belly button and nipples... Luckily she got no boobs yet. haha.
thanks for the link

hw come p chip can meet you gals for lunch? she's on half day leave?

what?? BBG alrdy 6 kg liao?? she's onli 3 months old leh, hw come her weight rise so fast? wow sey, what you feed her besides your milk milk? i think by the time BBG is 1 yr old maybe her weight will be over 10kg liao, wow you reali know hw to take care of her

It is normal for BB to put on 1 kg a month lah.. next time your bb will be same. I read from other threads that their bbs already 6.5-7kg when they are 3 months old. So BBG already a bit slow in this sense.

Her intake not much leh... and very difficult for her to drink milk. I headache also.

Btw, why are you looking for adoption info? Good to read more but I hope you are not heading that route yet....
Hi Vege,
Ya, actually I couldn't even get the qian, I have to pray 4 times b4 my prayer is answered.. I think really ki siao over BB. Dun be disappointed leh, who knows you will get a good one too. Huh? When are you gg for your op? At which hospital?

ya lor, I hate to take that clomid so dun want to take aldy, taste very yucky. After see doc then let her/him make the decision. You thinking of adoption? I have discuss with my hubby before but he rejected the idea. So "die-die" also must produce one.. sigh!

Hi tomatoes,
Thank you.. sure will jia you..must leh.. my hubby line depend on me ...
Hahaha...your BBG is so cute.. next time you can doll her up..

Just PR officer will do...dun promote me so fast, incase i cant perform my job well...

BBG has very good weight...thk she is just nice, maybe she like you leh,want to maintain good weight to be "swee swee"....dun want too fat lah and oso not too thin...

Pchip got errands to run so she had to come to town...

Welcome u back, hv u pm me or potato chip yr contact hp and email address?

i read from some of the other threads that their bbs onli 7kg when 6 months old, so i thot BBG grows very fast lor, din know its normal for bbs to grow at this rate. sorry, sorry.... :p

hmm, abt the adoption part, its just a thought. i think its good to find out more...of coz i want to have my own biological child but i guess hve to clear alot of hurdles to achieve that so im abit pessimistic lor....
i dun want to keep thinking abt TTC, babies etc...so torturing and makes me unhappy, reali see no point in doing that....

I also used to go Kuan Yin miao to pray and get a qian.. but me very bad... always cheat. If I will pray until I get a good qian wan to make myself happy. Me very terrible hor ;p

Having a BB girl also headache, I will go crazy over buying clothes for her until I forget she got new dresses haven't wear. Then buy the time I dig out, she can't wear liao... waste my $.

You have been doing a great job... me actually failed as the Chairwoman... never contribute anything... in fact is you and CEO P-Chip doing all the work. I must give up my post liao.


Actually when I was TTCing I also prepare myself for adoption and wanted to find out more. But when I heard the process is long and tedious, I got scared. Then I told myself, if no kids, I can go holiday every year with hb without worries.

Nevetheless, as I said, good to read more but you dun give up your TTC journey hor. Must be positive hor!!!

No,lah, u succeeded in ttcing with ivf,so the post is right for you....pchip is the one who does all the compiling etc....i just welcome new members to our board,ha ha

yes,i agree with u, must be positive but smtimes cant help but feel down...guess its normal to feel the roller coaster of emotions like wat u said..

i going to tng chu liao..bye

You just posted not long ago and now time for you tng chu... so fast. Me still got to slog till 6+.... bye bye...

Aiyah, there are also other sisters here also succeeded with IVF also mah... and they know more things than me even....


If there is anything I can help, pls let me know as I know you be busy with your FET. If not, me will kanna retrenched soon. Hahaha

who dare to retrench the founder of tis thread?
u started the thread mah..the rest who succeeded are not so active on tis thread,mah...

bye bye...hv fun with bbg tonite..
bye bye, see u tomolo

i think i must reali be positive, even Dr Yeong also assured me that once i clear the op, shld be quite easy to get pregnant and said that making babies cannot be kan cheong one, must really take 1 step at a time and make sure no problems liao then can make babies with a peaceful mind. I think he's right lah and i hope he can reali helped me since he said he has confidence in me, hee hee

I also have confidence in you that you will succeed b it naturally or via IUI/IVF. Your problem is a minor problem oni. Once clear, you can have bb with a peaceful mind also. Dun worry, the op is a super minor op.
Hi tnsw,
Bye bye, have a good day. I will pm you tonight.

Hi tomatoes,
hahaha... like that also can. actually I want to cheat also but dun dare...
ya lor agreed with you. I like to buy a lot of bb gals clothes for my friend's bb also. It is a lot of fun shopping for Bbgal clothes... so cute and lovely clothes they have..

hi vege,
dun worry.. go for the op if Dr yeong has assured you. I would also considered for op if my problem is determined as well.. recently my side has been really painful suspected cysts in the ovary..scare..so must c doc to confirm whether it is true or not.
hi all

seems like u all have been in this thread for a long time liao.... hey, i am new comer.. dou1 dou1 zhi3 jiao4.

i almost fall off my chair when i saw the list of food to avoid during the ivf program.... chiam liao.. cannot eat chicken...
Hi seow

Dun like that say lah... we are just sharing with one and another and everyone still learning new things.

Ya, must avoid chicken but kampong chicken still ok
tomatoes and candysweet

thanks for the assurance you gals have given me, thanks alot

tomatoes, i noe it's a minor minor op but im not scared of the op, as i mentioned before, i scared i cannot wake up, kekeke

ask u ar, after your lapro, did you take anything to help you recover faster? i dun intend to tell my mum abt this op, so i guess i have to prepare my own meals but i dunno what i shld take and what i shld not take, hmmm....
Hi Chairwoman

Hehehehe.. cant retrench u lah. U r de icon for this thread lei. No U, no US mah. As for helping, I may not be able to help in the co-ordination for the gathering after the 1st wk of November gathering. There will be one more coming up in November. The date will be confirmed by our Vege_C. Hope somebody can help.

Hi Vege_C

Please don blame me for not organizing this hor. I need to apply leave from you this time. Hope u approve my leave.

Hi Renee

I hv failed 1 fresh IVF n 1 FET lei. I think as long as I hv done my best, I hv not regrets lor. Hv to be positive and move on. No point looking back.

P chip

of coz we will not stressed you on the organising of the gathering. Your FET is the most impt thing now, so no need to apply leave, just go and do your FET and come back to tell us the good news, we will be waiting eagerly for it
