IVF/ICSI Support Group


Ridiculous lah... have you ever read in the new that patient cannot wake up from GA? Sure can wake up lah! You really cute

I din take special meals after my lapro. You might wish to consider cooking some light meals like porridge, fish soup etc. Then after a few days, I start to take BFW to bu3 my uterus. Maybe the rest of the sisters can shed some light on meals after lapro?

CEO P_Chips

I can help to do the coordination for 1 Nov gathering though I won't be attending.


Do you all want potluck again?

Hi vege,
I would have to agreed with tomatoes, dun worry abt not waking up from GA. I have gone for a minor op and was put on GA 10years ago... still surviving leh..
However, more imptly is that you need plenty of rest and take some light meals. It is best to have your hubby to fetch you home ya?

Hi P_chip,
Jia you! Take care and dun be stress.. hope to hear good news from you.
Hi Ladies,
I'm feeling better after half a day outing. I went for facial and small shop shop.Also my sisters here have been so kind to me.I shouldn't let all your afforts down the LONG KANG. I better be strong and stop looking back! Thank you all so so much.

Pot chip,
Once again, I wish you the BESTEST LUCK for your FET ya. Hope sisters who are like us, doing FET next month will hear good news!

Hope i did not drag you down with my grandmother story. (Though it could be quit interesting ha ha!)I very much appreciated your understanding and patience.Most importantly you support. Thanks for being by my side.I got what I needed.
Hei, good mornig Babes!
Does anyone here know how is ET doing now?Din't see her posting rthese 2 days hor?

You both also going for FET right?At what stage are you now?how long more to jab before can do ET?

Did you just started a fresh cycle or also FET?
how are you taking it so far? please Jiayou ok. Jiayou Jiaoyu...
no, this is my first ivf...coming to day 14 of puregon jab...expecting egg ER next week, will know after seeing prof tomorrow
Hi Renee

I m the one sending out the phone list. So co-incident, I just sent out the email, and u were posting here asking for it. hahahaha... I normally try to email on Friday, cos hope to accumulate more new members.

Btw, thanks for the well wishes.

i m here, yesterday too busy with work liao so no time to read n post. So glad that u are feeling better after the shopping and facial
Hi renee,
i'm in the midst of the FET procedure now. Started my contraceptive pills on 1st Oct. Started my lucrin jabs on 18th Oct. Finished my pills, jabs will have to do for 10-16 days...till my AF comes. Then will have to start on another pill for 2 weeks, then transfer...estimated transfer is probably 3rd week of Nov. But not confirm yet, will have to see how i react to the drugs & pills...
Hi ladies

i just realised this morning that today is my 2nd ROM anniversary, wow so fast leh, time reali flies....

i hope by next year ROM anniversary i have a bb liao, reali reali hope.....

im supposed to see lao fu zi tomolo then he machiam very busy leh, ask me to bring forward my appt time, said he has to leave by 11pm...wow sey dunno why so busy? think you are the best person i can ask coz you are his best fren, hee hee
i don't know leh...i'm his patient, not his friend la...somemore i'm the most ma fan patient....haha!
So what time you supposed to see him? novem is seeing him at 10.40am i think. You see him to decide on the op ah?
Me & ET will be at Pacific plaza for yoga. You wanna come meet us for a drink?

I'll have time between 10.45-1pm...

My computer skills can be said to be very lousy..actually the other gals hv been very kind in compiling the info eg tel numbers, tcm etc..hv u got a copy?if not,the last copy was from july 21, which was compiled nicely by ET...

I onli talk talk onli,the rest all done by the others..

The best fren of lao fu zi is not ad,its ta fan shu or the thin man in the cartoon..ha ha..
my appt with him is 10.30am...hw come his time so crampy? can finished seeing all the patients by 11am meh????

tomolo most prob i will be goin with my yanzi for the appt coz lao fu zi wants to test yanzi hormones, so dun think can meet u gals for drinks liao...btw hw is our dear novem?
that thin man i think is Mr Qin, something like that, hee hee....

aiyoh, still can't forget that Ad spill the beans abt Lao Fu Zi, tomolo i go and see him sure malu one, hope he dun tell my yanzi i call him lao fu zi
if my appt is 10.30am then novem appt is 10.40am wouldn't it be very rush for him??? somemore i dun think i can finish what i want to say by 10.40am....i have a list of questns to ask him leh...tomolo i must ask him where he go, hw come so busy???
p chip

Lao Fu Zi got galfren meh? i dunno leh coz i always thot lao fu zi is a born loser, always cannot get galfrens or dumped by gals, hee hee
got one gal always with laofuzi, or rather laofuzi tries to date her out,smtimes kena whacked by her,ha ha...or take the handbag go and beat his face...

hope novem got gd news..
what are your plans now? do you still intend to start your cycle in Dec?

me will ask Dr Yeong to arrange the op for me tomolo...i dun wan to wait for AF liao, very time consuming, hopefully by next week im in operating theatre liao
Hi ladies,
Good afternoon...

Hi tnsw,
I have pm you aldy. Paiseh, supposed to send yesterday...

Hi Renee,
Thank you.. glad that you are better now.. oh I have not started yet and will only c doc next month to see how his advice goes. I really hope to start by Dec and pray that it doesn't clash with KKH int'l audit.

Hi Vege,
agreed with you that time flies fast, my 2nd ani ROM will next month too so hoping next yr will have good news..
Btw, my friend just went for lapro and she is recovering well... Avoid seafood and fried oily food...ok? However, there might be some discomfort when gg to toilet which my friend experiencing. Nevertheless jia you!
vege, novem...

me too going to see doc tomorrow at 9:30am. So maybe i will see u all ard if u come early. V easy to identify me cos i will be there with hubby, my mum (long hair tied up) with bb samuel... so we will be quite prominent

novem... wish you great news tomorrow!
wow, you reali will bring fish soup for me?
kekeke... i think dun need lah, dun think im going to be hospitalised, just a day surgery...however if you are serious abt the fish soup thingy then i dun mind lah, hahhahaha...kns hor?
I oso very sian,m hving bad headache...now..later going to walk around during lunch and relieve my boredom...

dun noe next thg wat to do, since cant start anything oso machiam i sian...

2mr,i brg'g xyz for "england" lesson...too bad u cant meet us..leh..

thks, i got yr number,will reply u soon...
you today MIA from office again ah? Shiok hor....suka suka take leave...bo chiap...
i just had lunch, pi dan porridge...now damn sleepy........think too full liao.....
hi missmoon

i will be seeing prof tomorrow also. morning for blood test and afternoon for consultation of what is our next step.... maybe we can meet there....
hi seow
ya, good idea to meet there
wat time will u be there? i'm usually there by 8.30 for blood test and dunno wat time appt delayed till
Hi All

Been so busy and not able to login... btw, is anyone coordinating the gathering 1 Nov? need me to be coordinator not? Or you all prefer someone who can attend the gathering to coordinate?
you also meeting them tomolo for drinks ar? good hor, if my yanzi not with me i will definately join you gals....

so hw's your lunch? you go where for jalan jalan?

i dun mind whether the fish soup is buy one or home made one, as long as you got the "xin" enough liao

but frankly speaking, i dun think im going to be hospitalised, hopefully after the op i can jump and move around liao

hope can see u at Tow Yung tomolo. Whoa, you bring your whole family to see Dr Yeong ar, kekeke

hmm....if chairwoman wants to be coordinator of coz we dun mind lah

So is potluck ok for you all?


Can email to me your address and time availability? I will do the mass email by this weekend as I cannot access yahoo email in office.

CEO Potato Chip

Is there any latest contact listing that you want to update me so that I won't miss anyone when sending out emails. Thanks!
Hi all,

From what I read, most of you are here TTC no.1 using IVF.

I am trying to TTC #2 and may most probably go through IVF. During the session at KKH, i was asked the no. of embryos that I want to transfer. I have indicated 2 and the doc seems surprise. As I already have a child, I don't want the risk of multiples, especially triplets.

For most who succeed, did most of you transfer 3 embryos and still end up with only 1 child? What are the chances of triplets with 3 ET?

Thanks for the info
thk i onli mtg ad bec her timing fits the lesson time slot for my xiao yanzi..

good luck for your appt 2mr, so gd yr yanzi can go with you...

dun worry too much lah,everythg shld be ok...
Hi tch

Do you mind if I ask what is your age as normally only people above 35years of age will have a higher chance of having multiples. If not, most of us transfer 3 embryos. I din a oni gotten a singleton. Dunno what happen to my other 2 precious embryos. Sob Sob!
Hi Chairwoman

I just emailed the latest list 12noon today. It will be pot luck. Thanks for helping. Me very gan dong now. Tears rolling down fr my small little eyes. Xie Xie.
potato chip,
sorry, i just emailed u details of our latest member candysweet1...can just put the list out again...

maybe can wait a few hrs more to email in case we hv more members and can save u work, somemore...compile at the end of the day...

welcome back again...do u want to pm me or potato chip yr contact number and email so tt we hv gatherings and outings, we can contact u.tis is of cse no obligation if you want to maintain anonymity...
P chip is very drama, kekeke

tnsw, i thot ur xyz not going to J&G class anymore? maybe i can drop by to say hi to u gals...where u meeting ad and what time? maybe u can email me or sms me
really har? risk of multiples for women above 35? prof will decide how many to transfer with a max of 3? or we decide? of cos, that depends how many survive, right?

xyz dun want to attend the jg class but cant juz like that drop out..muz give one mth notice...before the term ends..so no choice...i told the admin pple to suspend his lesson for next term.....but i dun let him noe, just trying to make him attend next year but i doubt he will attend again...

the teacher told me to let him stop for a while as he hasnt been behaving well...

tonite muz counsel him again...

forgot to answer u juz now,i went around circular road just now and then went to funan centre walk around and see thgs loh..tis wk very sian, din hv much lunch appts and most of the time, bot back lunch..unless colleagues called me last min to go lunch...

Thanks. Received liao...


Yalor, you very drama... aiyah, this is the least I can do... if not, me just a sleeping chairwoman, sure kanna kickout in no time. For you, you can show your appreciation by concentrating fully on your FET. Dun notti notti do the notti things.... hahaha

I think 35 is the guideline but I may be wrong. But idea is the older a woman is, the higher chance of multiples. Prof will put max if the patient is young to max the chances. He will do whatever he can to increase the success rates of his clinic one. That why normally he want his patients to go for lapro b4 IVF.


Remember to make sure Ad. wears her cheongsum and parade for you all hor. Do take video cam along.....


yeah,both days got family commitments lah, tts y i cant attend...tell u 2mr during our gossip session...heh heh..
