IVF/ICSI Support Group

really la, i think my boobs have decrease in size since i started my yoga 2 weeks ago..., i actually lost 1 kg after 2 weeks, think 1/2 kg is from the boobs...so the cheong sum sure lose one.....

Yoga helped me lost 1/2 kg somewhere...& another 1/2kg on the boobs...if this continue mah my boobs from the original C will become A-???

goodness, i typed a long reply but it didn't get through.

I am 35 this year so that may increase my chance of having multiples?

AS i was saying, reason for the fear is a fortune teller said we are suppose to have quite a few kids. When she said that, I kind of smirk cos I was thinking if she had known about hubby's infertility issue then she wouldn't say that..but now that we are going IVF, her predictions may come true?
It's silly...go ahead and laugh. hahaha

I am more afraid of carrying the babies in me rather than caring for them after birth. Reason is that I have been having hip and back aches since delivery of my 1st child. Also afraid of premmies..maybe my fears are unfounded. What are all the others opinion about this?

tnsw, now that I sound so silly..no face to see you all. Will let you know when I am ready to meet up. Thanks for the warm offer.

please dun feel silly....many of us are silly in our own ways...dun worry lah, we give you time before you hv the thots of mtg us up...

we wont laff at you one lah, the comments that i make and my thots are even more silly/goondu

btw, yr first kid is it thru ivf?were u the one who pmed me a few wks back...i can be quite blur at times too...

If you are afraid, then put in 2 embryos. Dun stress yourself out because of this. Listen to what your RE has to say for your case. We may not be able to advise you much. If it is really fated that you have twins, treat it as a godsend. As for fear of difficulties during pregnancy, have your gynae closely monitor you then. I have also heard of doing prenatal yoga and or prenatal massages helps. But must find those who really knows prenatal massage.

Np, you can always join our gathering when you are ready
tnsw, yes I was the one. My 1st child was conceive miraculously via natural though at that time my hub was already having low sperm count and high abnormality problem. No such luck for No. 2 though we tried for slightly more than 1 yr.

Tomatoes, thanks for your advice. Will consider prenatal yoga if i do conceive. Maybe should start now...

I also got super terrible backpain when I was in 2nd trimester. So pain until my tears came out. I did some yoga and it did help me alot...gradually the pain went off. Hope it will help you when you conceived again.
hi, i'm new here... a fren recommended me this website. we're considering ivf cos hubby side got problem. sigh.... almost no soldiers. want to seek second opinion, talked to my gp, she advised going straight to ivf specialist. can anyone share which dr u seeing and whether he/she specialise in ivfs? thanks alot in advance,.... am in a lost don't know which hospital to go to and which specialist to see now.....
if you are going private, I'm not very sure.
I done mine at KKIVF. but did not succeed. some how I think my gynea has a very high successfull rate in his hands. Just that I'm not lucky enough...
thanks for your answer...u din reply me, so i thot my emails never reached you....both of us same same lah got one kid liao.....

hope to meet u one of tis days...
i think there are a number of centres you can go to, depending on whether you want to go private or otherwise.

there's SGH, NUH and KK, and the private centres i believe are Thomson Medical where LC Ching practises (he's a fertility specialist), Mt E and Gleneagles. not sure about their rates though. sorry, may confuse you further with so many places that has fertility centres.

i'm with Christopher Chen Centre for Reproduction Medicine, under gleneagles. as was tomatoes, the founder of this thread.

You mentioned that I am the founder, machiam me Sir Stamford Raffles. hahaha.


Yes, there are various centres that you can go to. There are quite a few sisters here are with Dr CT Yeong (formerly from KKIVF but now pte) and found him to be very good also.
thanks, for the replies. renee, at kkivf, are u subsidesed or private? is it true have to wait very long? who did u see?

missmoon, how much is christopher chen's rates? is he the one that the JE chinese physician recommends?

did u get a referral from gp or polyclicnic or can i walk in? i've never seen specialist b4 don't know where to start
thanks, tomatoes, where is ct yeong now?

actually my problem is i don't know how to start.... do i need a referral or do i walk in..... next is is the govt hospital really terok interms of waiting times ? if i go govt hospital and i choose a specialist, then do i pay pte rate? i'm totally confused on this private and subsidised thingy ... how to start hah? *scratch head*
Thanks I've receive the list.

sorry ar, I din mean to chase you for the list.

wow, are you very excited to do your ER next week? Not too for from now babe. Jiayou ok.

Hei, we both may do our FET(sorry forgot is yours FET?)around the same time. Dr Loh said he's afraid my AF delay, then may not be able to do FET for me since the audit is on. Sigh... the more I kan cheong the more obstructions...why like that?!!!!
its ok lah, no pblem...we oso keen to noe u mah....although we noe each other under such circumstances...heh heh...

r u working?

you going to do fet so fast after yr fresh cycle?

If you want to have subsidised rates, you will need to go Polyclinic to get a referral letter to KKH. Then you will be able to get a subdised rates for the tests done at KKH. But for IVF procedure, it would not be subsidised lor.
I'm with Dr Loh Seong Feei. Very nice guy. I'm a private patient. Yes I always have to wait at least 2hrs to seew him at his clinic D. If you make appt to see him at KKIVF centre it may not be so long waiting but only certain days and time he will see patient there. That explain why so long waiting to see him at the clinic lo.
tomatoes, that means whether subsidised or not, eventually the ivf procedure is pte rate lor? then same la hor?

renee, u mean dr loh has another clinic outside kkivf? where is it?

sigh...... sorry hor,... hope u gals can be patient with me.... newbie la.
I'm not working.I quit my job 1 year ago. Now I'm A full time housewife.Yes indeed i want to do FET soon. So long Dr never say no, I'll go ahead and do it. I very impatient or rather I don't want to waste time.before my chance decrease by my age. Though I'm 30 this year.
FET is Fresh Enbryo Transfer. It for those who have failed IVF 1st time, but still have left over embryos to be used.
ER is Egg Retrieval, it's part of the IVF procedure, where the eggs are being retreived.
ET is Embryo Transfer. This is normally done 2-3 days after the ER, in easy to understand term -sperms & eggs put together, survive, become embryos, then RE will transfer 2-3 embryos in.
lucky gal,u...i am working at the moment....did you hv full bedrest after your ivf?

sorry to ask such questions as i want to noe the general consensus for rest after et...

you are vy young...hope u succeed soon....
you are still very young. I'm already 33
And not an egg still....
i failed my IVF in July & just started my FET. Rested 2 1/2 months. Think your RE will advise you to rest for at least 1 cycle b4 you start any procedure.
ok, i understand now. thanks for the clear explanation ad.

anything i should know for first time ivfian b4 i see the dr, so that i can look intelligent :)

think we can create one new title for you "marketing director".....very good answers for the questions on et and er...

who says u got no eggs,u got seven in the fridge okay...dun anyhow say thgs okay...

good job...see u 2mr..

CT Yeong's clinic is at Tanglin Shopping Centre. Perhaps other sisters here can give you more information on him.

If you go KKH and select your own RE, it will be pte rate. If referred by Polyclinc, you will be seeing a diff RE each time and the appt and waiting time maybe longer.
errr...i din get it wrong did i? u too modest liao.

excited and also very scared, keep worrying abt quality of eggs etc...thinking now how to plan my MC/leave at work without letting the cat out of the bag...

yes, i was recommended by her. understand that his centre's rates range between 10K and 18K, depending on a number of factors. i think this is just the IVF process, not including the day ward charges from the hospital side for the eventual ER and ET.
wah christopher chen very ex le.... i don't think i can afford.... gals seeing ct yeung, can share his rates pls? do i have any other options to choose from? pls help. thanks
Hi ladies,

Very busy today, only got time to log in now. wow more & more new "sisters" liao hor....Welcome on board MSH!

hey we sama sama lei, I'm also 30 this yr, also failed IVF but succeeded with FET. so hope u will be like me. Jia You!

wah, got new post for you liao hor! congrats on your promotion!
not sure if you're aware, can claim from medisave $6k for first fresh cycle, $5k and $4k respectively for subsequent 2nd and 3rd fresh cycles. unfortunately cannot claim for FETs.
Dun like that leh...i'm just sharing & doing my part as a small member here...i no Marketing Director la....just a lady selling vegs in the market...haha
You're right. My mistake, typed too fast....
FET is Frozen Embryo Transfer...
I was easting durian puffs just now & the word fresh just flashed across my mind...haha!
My apologies!
See...i typed wrongly again....eating became easting....haiz....

Better not appoint me for any post...will mess up everything! haha!
hi msh,

i am also new here. missmoon & tomatoes guided me in here. is really great to have friends who speak the same language. for me, i am not able to talk to my working colleagues, else the whole 'kampong' will know... luckily got u pp around.

Hi missmoon,

i will be there also around that time to do my blood test. but cannot confirm exact time leh... i will try to be as early as possible lor
Myslef, ET, novem & vege are all currently seeing Dr CT Yeong.
His 1st consultation is usually S$80 & subsequently is S$60 for follow ups. Scans varies from S$30-S$60, depending on complexity.
He's considered reasonable.
He doesn't do IVF in his clinic but does it in Thomson Fertility Centre, which is located at Thomson Medical Centre

Good idea hor, thot we suppose to hold a AGM till now still KIV lei....

we always so talkative, the moment we meet, the market very busy liao until forget to eat, take pictures n do voting....
my appt to see prof is early part of afternoon, so nurse asked me to go earlier for blood test otherwise results not out in time...i bo pian... but see how also, cos i want to try and catch up on sleep. insomnia is getting out of hand
hi missmoon

seems like we r doing the same thing almost at the same time leh. i also will be doing blood test in the morning and appt early part of afternoon... think we sure to meet... u carry a rose with u lah...heee

i ever waited for 2 hrs... but that is in the night cos the couple in front of us is first time see prof...

okie, nevermind, lets see if we got the tele-pathy to know each other..hee... like that fun leh
