IVF/ICSI Support Group

linda:yah, it's quitw frustrating!!cos i have all these cravings but cannot eat so much!! haha..

but at least its not like b4 i got admitted.. that one is sad and scary man..

yea mine is this thurs. i will be 6 weeks 1 day i think.. trying to think of questions to ask.. but cant think of much yet!

good luck to yours too...

hi linda,
recently feel warm and sweat easily..cant sleep well at night.
daily progesterone jabs i change to buttock liao,bcos my thigh really painfuliy after 10 jabs..countdown to my BT on this thursday..feel nervous.hope i can join you soon.. pray hard.
hi oxidise
ya...gd luck gd luck all the way

hi sunnybaby
did u do hpt? but onli do it when u r ready... bb dust to u ...
hi chin

sadly i also dunno what more i can do.
me same situation as u. low hcg then menses came liao.
worst i dun have any frozen embies.. must do fresh cycle again

hi liz
we can also meet for lunch! :p
Hi Meow, yours also biochemical pregnancy ? Is this term always use for IVF patients who menses came instead of pregnant? when are you doing your fresh cycle ?
ya hor! Sure!!
anyway, my MIL start nagging again yesterday.. really no need her to constantly remind me of my inadequacy.. haiz...
When AF reports on sept 7th, i called ivf centre n was told to come down the next day. So I started microgynon on the sept 8th and on sept 22nd(16 days later) i started lucrin. Then on 9th oct(18 days after start of lucrin), i went onto puregon.
I did my jabs at 10.30pm so when puregon starts, i did them both one after the other, lucrin followed right away by Puregon.
Dew: well on ET day, he asked me how i m feeling.. I told him i puked the night before.. then he say ..wah.. surely OHSS, then he went on to "scare"me by saying how painful it will be etc..

then he say so how, wanna do blastocyst or freeze the embryo? So i asked him what he suggest, he say up to individual. (cos i think he knws that if i get admitted, blastocyst also can't do)

So i say go ahead with ET...

When i was admitted he said didn't have much choice.. if keep blastocyst, i sick or admitted also have to freeze it..

So i am glad i made that decision...

I think i better keep eating small meals n drink more water.. pray this is a mild case.

After the ER/ET, do we need to follow any confinement meals ? or just eat as per normal ?

drink Protein powder. It helps alot for OHSS, especially for swollen ovaries. It can simply be replaced to eggwhite. Usually powder absorbed much better than solid food. a few of us who got OHSS felt better after taking protein powder.
monica, vi4n and oxidised, i really envy u all leh... hope i can join u all too!!

Now even before i start lucrin, i already have the fear of poking liao...cannot imagine I will have to take 2 jabs per day at later stage.
Worse still if i have OHSS, not sure i can survive then...oops...
january, are you also doing FSH?

I just had my D6 Puregon scan this morning, all's well so I'm continuing my 150iu till second scan on Fri. Can anyone tell me usually how many days after Puregon is the ER at SGH? My hubby having exams on D12 so I'm wondering if they could time it either b4 or after.
hi emma & dew, can I ask what is ur dosage for puregon? both of u have very good number of follicles. Good luck for your up coming ER...
oxidised, hang in there ok.
hope u will feel better soon. Linda, mon, my next app is 2 nov. Will be scan so thats should be the week 6 scan. Yeah our little tigers ha ha and im a tiger myself
oh and no i dont have ms. Jus hungry all the time. Dr anu said ms should come in another week or so. I hope not la. How about u both?

I am still in office
Again, so busy again..

No time to read the postings but did a quite search to see who remembers me..heheeee..ok lah, still got people remember me..heheheee..
sorry for being thick-skinned ;p

Meow, Liz and Lyn...
As said, I was really happy to meet you all...feel like I have known you all for a long time although only met first time...

Today I also went for morning scan, everything status quo, continue with 225 or gonalF..But my mind now is more on my work because really got a lot of things to do...

Thanks for your reminder k...
, now my hubby also must remind me, he will take out the medicine from the fridge and put on table..so won't forget...
Hi Chin, wanted to clarify, in a chemical pregnancy, you do become pregnant, but it is a very early miscarriage. That is, before you can confirm the presence of a sac or heartbeat via an ultrasound.

So implantation did take place, but it didn't hold this time round. Hang in there, you still have your FET coming up soon..
Hi chin
doctors call this chemical pregnancy cos if not for the early bloodtest we do since we r doing ivf. This kind of preg will go undetected for ladies who r conceiving naturally. How to say leh... Ummm cos it is too early stage in a preg, if we dun do BT we wun even know we r preg cos it comes out like normal menses.
I duno when I will start another fresh cycle. Also hvnt decided where to do it.

Hi Liz
think u also immune to ur MIL liao. Just let her continue her singing.. U very cute gal, got those cartoon expressions eg like sweat on forehead gesture haha

Hi babygalore
u still busy at work ar. I m at burger king now waiting for hubby so we can go bk together.
Ur d5 scan tdy? Good good! Hope all goes well. ;)

my bro's gf just gave him a iPhone! I also want. But my m1 contract not over till next oct! Shucks! Anyone got lobang? Hee
hi ladies

Just went to KKIVF today and confirm will be doing FET starting end of this month when my menses comes. Hopefully this month menses will be regular as well. Anyone doing FET end this month also?


Was reading your old posts and realised you did not receive the alkaline sticks. Guess it must be lost in post after so long..i will re-sent again...paisei...

Must be feeling great after your trip..any plans soon?

Dun work too hard...time to go home. Still taking the protein powder...good? When's your ER/ET?

Glad that everything is going well for you. When your no pay leave starting? I also have plans to take no pay leave if i managed to conceive.

You back and been to NUH? When starting cycle?

Quite a number of good news lately in the forum..Congrats to all ladies who have BFP ...Vi4n and oxidised... (and others..did not managed to read through all the archived posts) hope i can be one of the lucky one soon
Is it true that if the mens cycle is irregular, you will be given microgynon to regulate the cycle?
My cycle used to be regular, around 28 to 30 days. But after my failed SO-IUI, the cycle becomes irregular. Missed my period in September, went KKIVF to ask for medicine to induce, was given medroxyprogesterone.
I am starting lucrin on 2 Nov (D21), does it mean I have to inject myself till my next mens come?
hi ladies

I have one can of Ensure chocolate to give away unopened). I'm staying near Redhill and working near paya lebar. Anyone interested just PM me

P.S : Giving away coz i dun like taste of Ensure and have switched to taking protein powder

Yes thats KKIVF for ppl with irregular menses. When you take microgynon, the next menses should come 28 days later. You need to continue your lucrin with puregon...total number of days should be at least one month. If more than one month..you may need another bottle of lucrin..depends if extension is required.

medroxyprogesterone is take for how long coz there's two type for inducing menses. This is only for inducing menses. Microgynon is normally prescribed for ppl with irregular menses. The reason why you are not prescribed likely is you used to have regular cycles just that it got hay-wired hence they just induce for you..which should be sufficient
Hi Fond, i took medroxyprogesterone for 10 days and 5 days later, the menses came. Hope my cycle will be back to normal else can,t imagine injecting myself for a few weeks till my mens come

Did the nurse brief you? Normally you need to inject the lucrin for about two weeks then you go for scan, if ok then start puregon... which you also need to inject together with lucrin until before your ER. Thats why will total inject lucrin for close to one month.

There are ppl who will be requested to extend lucrin for one week before they start puregon hence may need second bottle of lucrin.
Hi Fond, i went for briefing in August, and she did mention that lucrin will inject for 14 days, go for scan.
I am just worried that now my menses cycle is haywire after the failed so-iui, will affect my ivf procedure
hi vi4n
i onli sometimes feel nausea...no ms yet..

hi fond
great u r going for ur FET soon...jia you oh..me now clearing my AL then follow by no pay leave till 1st tri over..
gan2973, dun worry. the more u r stressed, the more ur menses will go haywire. Relax, trust the doc, if ur menses are really irregular, u will be given microgynon.
Meow, went straight hm on sat. At 3pm then went for lunch for body massage with hubby..

Liz, maybe can ask u hubby to tell her off one time...

Babyglaore, stay focused on work also good..

U gals can meet for lunch anytime but dun forget abt me hor... Really nice meeting u all

Good to feel nausea..means got sufficient hormones in body for support
Thats good
take good rest during your first tri. Especially important for IVF ladies

Oh ya..thanks for your baby dust...the other day someone offered me to touch her very pregnant tummy...so happy after touching...hope to be the next lucky one

Yes like what hazel mention dun be stress, just post questions here if you have queries else just follow KKH protocol you will be alright. There are ladies who have delayed menses during cycle/lucrin but still proceeded with IVF...so dun worry

we wun forget abt u.. u are the very knowledgeable one..
anyway.. all of u know so many doctors.. me lost w so many names. hehe

no plans yet.. AF regularised then see how loh. heee. u starting on FET soon.. envy!

Dun want to waste time leh...CNY coming...and my mil and the rest...will ask the same question again...so give another try before that lor.
I total lost about 12 kg already hope this weight loss will help in this FET.

Can check with you your puregon and Gonal F dosage at KKH and NUH? Want to do some $$ calculation see how much i need to pay if i switch to NUH. Maybe i opp from you...switch to NUH then got luck..haha

Email you already. I am quite fat leh..so maybe thats why lose weight faster. I am on a health diet programme and it help identify what food i eat will make me fat. Which i feel quite effective and overall make me healthier ...thats why i decided to go ahead with FET this Nov.
gan, my lucrin & injections are at the KKIVF fridge. paid abt 100 bucks for lucrin, injections & alcohol swabs. Pls bring along a cooler bag to bring the lucrin home. u will be given an ice bag, but is better to bring a cooler bag if u hv so that the ice wun melt so fast.

Will pick them up on 28 Oct (Wed) afternoon when i go for the counselling. I am to start Lucrin on 31th which happens to be a Sat and i dun wan to wait hrs on Sat AM just to pick up the lucrin & learn how to use.

KKIVF centre is the least crowded in the PM.. n dun hv to wait.
Hi Ladies,
Wanna ask you is anyone of you using Blakmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold.
What is the right time to start with ?
hi fond, yes, I was back and visited NUH for my BT and I am starting cycle very soon... Good to hear that you are starting ur FET soon.. Jia You..
gan, dun feel nervous. I am scared also but I dun wan to think abt it until that day coMe. Tell urself so many sisters here went through this. Look at oxidise n cat, they have suffered so much, but they are so brave n they persevere. at least we can tell ourselves that we hv tried, outcome we can be happy or sad. But still we tried n wun regret later in life. Now, we can only say our prayers, be positive n hope for the best.

this morning i woke up and measured and i am officially scared. my girth has increased to 87cm and weight close to 60!!!

i dunno why it keep increasing when i knw it shd be getting better.. so scared and worried now.. what is happening to my body!!!

to all starting injections, dun worry, the 1st time is always the most difficult.. poking something into ur flesh is daunting..but after awhile u get used to it!
