IVF/ICSI Support Group

libby - more like i kaypoh.. joining all the funny stuff... whatever they can reveal, i'll do knowledge transfer here..

boon boon - lots of baby dust on you, without the stretchmarks!!

jas - yah, so young... only 27 leh..
and oh.. happy belated birthday..

gloria, sunflower - i wish all of you the best.. i rather you girls get all the baby dust without the stretchmarks!!
**shovel shovel** **throw throw thow** lotsa dust lotsa dust lotsa dust!!!

orangey - yup.. bad... but yeap.. worth it.. lotsa baby dust without the marks for you too..
yeah.. my hubby is one of those... he was just telling his sister that he does not wanna go into the labour ward..
and i was teasing him abt using his sister to threaten me.. yahahaha...

itjabi - yup, like bliss, i'm sure, i am looking forward to seeing the boys...

develyn - welcome back.. hope that you are feeling alot alot better.. rest well.. you still must stay positive okie?? remember visualization..

chris - oh dear.. hope you get better soon...

equinox - dun stress yourself too much.. be positive..

Paule - no worries, appetit will improve at 2nd trimester and u will start putting on weights then... book said, if u hv nausea in the morning, try to eat some dried stuff like biscuit b4 u get off the bed.. dunno if it work tho

WY - ya, i was so scared then when i saw blood. when i called my hb and told him tt, he took half day off immediately and came home cos i was crying. nurse told me that my body is asking me to rest... the problem for working women is tt we dun usually realise tt we have overworked until our body reminded us.
so working mtb, dun work too hard esp during 2ww to the 1st trimester!
Humbug - water festival is just one of the activities during the week where our event will take place.. its an annual thing, so there is no best time for me to get pregnant. i just hv to go for it b4 i age further. ya, hb comes to this forum once in a while and he will keep me posted
Ickle, Pari, Gloria - <<hugz>>, dun give up ya!

Libby - stay positive, miracles do happen...

those in 2ww - rest well and good luck!

leaving office liao

Happy belated BD


So nice to be downunder.. miss that place though.. good and relax place to make baby as the air there is fresh.. can try yeah hehe... all the best ok.. BTW do not touch a kangaroo/wallaby on the head, they hate and they will react by punching or scratching you.


Hang in there
Our arms are open wide for you ok


can see the hippty hop gal coming back to live.. so happy for you
eat more cause you lost a lot of nutrients for the last few days
BUT please REST more too and do not hop around *pengz* hehe... Take care hor...
hehe glad to hear from you. How is bb doing? Yeah have to rest more be it past the 1st tri...cause first baby is always less stable so please do not overwork.. Anyway!!! COOL HUBBY BEE GOT... in case he reads this hehe
Have to treat Bee like queen bee now ok!!! Bee hub!!! :p
im coming back to singapore end of june! cant wait to eat all the goodies plus mama's ai xin cooking! was dreaming all night about sliced fish beehoon soup!

thanks for your advice! i read about this biscuit strategy also... but haven't try yet... would give it a shot!
for sure you would have difficulties sleeping one.... coz during 2ww, no work, stay indoor all the time, plus the well-known stress of the 2ww... you would start to think about everything especially the negative things!
don't force yourself to sleep, if really can't sleep, wake up, read a book or newspaper... then try again...
Hi pari, zaza, jas &amp; jane
Had invite u in my FB...

Oh Humbug, u mean cannot touch the kangaroo's head?? When I stayed in Tassie farm, the owner let me touch and feed them lei...
hi ladies
My ER is scheduled tomorrow morning. Any advice? Thanks

Great to hear that you are doing ok

continue to think positive
Dream, all the best for your ER...

Im going for my blood progesterone test tomorrow. I done my ET on last Friday only. Is it too early to have the test?
Sue - progesterone test is just a hormone test to ensure that you are producing enuff progesterone for the embies to survive their arduous journey to implantation...
hi ladies
has added quite a few ladies and some ladies also has added me in the facebook...thanks...

hi dream
all the best for ur ER ...wish many many gd quality eggs for u

hi axjess
how was ur ER today?

hi libby
wish ur BT tmr the number will rise and rise..have faith and sleep early ya..btw i also had hard timeto sleep at night after my ER and ET...head super aching...

and to equinox, develyn, sue and serene
when will be u gal's hcg BT date? wishes BFP to all

hi zaza
how was ur ET today? and when is ur hcg BT ? BFP to u too
Develyn, glad to see ur posting here. It shows that u nr well...

Dream, go lucky for ur ER. How come so early. Is it coz glen e too many ER cases?

zaza, gdluck for ET. BFP coming ur way...

Libby, we r all behind u cheering for u.......
Hi fresh, u juz came back from perth? I dun really like perth coz i find it too slow. But i m glad u enjoyed urself b4 ur coming cycle....
Hehe.. My DH scared of wounds and blood, so I always joked with my family and friends that before the doctor can help me to carry out my baby, he has to help my DH who might have fainted! LOL!!!!!!
As long as I can BFP and deliver a healthy baby, the stretch marks does not matter at all. I'll start saving to go Slimfit stretch mark removal program. Heh
Sue - dun worry abt it... All of us went thru the kan jiong stage...

Orangey - am gonna be nice and tell you what others always tell me... Dun worry, your hubby will rise to the occasion... Off the record... You know best what your hubby is like... My hubby always poke fun at me by saying that his first sight of the boys, already cleaned, nice pink and bathed... **hint hint** he does not wanna go into the labour ward with me...
ha!! Coward...
hi tany da jie
just now 5pm i went for my accup leh..and i indeed missed u and ur cupcake so much wor...so u got gd news bo??
hi libby,
stay positive.

hi equinox,
that's me. After 1st ET, i started talking to my boy about eggs growing, then he got high fever that ended in hospital stay. Then 2nd try, i asked him to talk to the womb to remind the embryo to stick. Again, he got bad cough and fell sick. Then 3rd try, i refuse to tell him anything. He was ok. It's really strange but not sure if is really coincidence. He is normally very strong, hardly fell ill. His hospital stay actually caused me much worry and during 2ww, i had to carry him and travel to hospital daily. Some people believe he is jealous of the sibling, so he became sick. Hope your child can recover soon. You also take care ya.

hi libby,
stay positive.

hi develyn,
do take care. Don't move around too much.

hi dream,
all the best for your ER.
Hi Bliss
How r u?? din hear from u at this thread! u pop already??

Hi libby
All the best to your beta test today..wishing your hcg will rise high high...

Hi Eve
Glad to know u r well...rest well and dun use pc too often..
itajabi and those who are preggie,

pls do not consume cod liver oil during pregnancy cos there is some content in it that will affect the fetus, however, you may wana eat fish oil instead cos it has omega 3 that is good for fetus.
TnT xiaomei,
when u gog accup again har? 5pm i still working wor... cannot go leh... u wan more cupcakes ah?

me ah? no news yet lah... relax relax...
hi noi,
I am still here, not yet popped.

Just tat my tummy pain, contractions and cramps are getting more intense and terrible! I am trying my best to make myself feel better at home for these last few weeks.
Hi bliss,

Must be very anxious and looking forward to see your bb right?

Wish you have a smooth delivery. When r u supposed to due?
Hi Gloria

This June will be my second FET. Dec fresh, Apr first FET. I am on artificial FET, means I have to take medication to ensure that my womb lining is thick enough for transfer. Dr Loh also gave me asiprin to promote blood flow. By the way Dr Loh said that for my previous two tries, embroyos were of good grading, just could not implant...
Sagimo-how are u? long time didn't hear from u?

Jas &amp; Mel - Thank u! This month my O very late thought I missed it in my trip but end up only occurred last week and didn't notice it until Dr Zou mentioned yesterday. Anyway, it is faith and trust I have done the best:>

Bliss-Wish u to hear your good news soon. Please stay positive.

Dream-Hope u have many quality eggs. Jia Yu!
Bliss-when is your due day? You are not working? your is a baby boy or girl? Very happy to see many more babies in this forum. Take care and relax yourself while you are at home.
Fellaine-Please stay positive and always put your faith in the future. Hope coming FET will give you the best luck.
Fellaine, what's your next plan? how many frozen embies do u still have for FET?

Bliss, contractions means anytime u'll pop loh... wish u smooth delivery! must upload pics of your prince asap, ok...
hi all,

how is the IVF different from hospital below?

KK IVF , SGH IVF - which better? any different in cost?

HUH IVF too far for me...

KK IVF told me their queue now is till Oct this year..
Hi Fellaine,

If Dr Loh said that your embroyos were of good grading and just could not implant, is there anyway he could do to make it implant? Lining problem? Additional medications?
Hi Gloria, Noi, Lina, Linda, Paulyn, Boon Boon,
Have added yr into my face book.

Hi Develeyn,
Great to see u in the forum again, take care and have more rest
Hi, this thread moves really fast. I went to see Dr Zou yesterday and had my 1st accu, was not bad at all. Dr Zou reviewed my reports and said lining is thin. She has advised me to take TCM and do accu twice a week. Thanks for recommending Dr Zou. Then out the whole day yesterday.

Develyn, Good to hear that you are better now. TAke care and all the best to you for your BFP baby dusts to you.

Gloria, I read from this thread that KK does a BT one week after ET to check progestrone level, but at NUH they did not do that. I am concerned with my lining so checked with CHR nurse on Monday and she told me my lining 10mm which is ok. Don't know leh do you have any questions to ask Prof tomorrow want to share so I can know what to ask him on Friday too. Hope you are recovering well. Did you check the message I sent you at FB.

Fellaine, Tks for sharing your journey.

yeah, seems like there's still monitoring for progesterone level during 2ww in KKH.

one thing that was puzzling (shared by sisters here):
with crinone inserts, our AF should not have reported. does it mean that our crinone inserts is insufficient?

Sisters, any comment on this?
Hi Gloria, I agree with you on that, its puzzles me too. I read in the net a few days ago in another forum where someone said that their body did not absorp the crinone. You think that would have been our case that's why AF came before BT. Sent you a SMS did you receive?
Serene/Boon boon/gloria,
thanks! My edd is 27 May, I am 38 weeks today.
I am also unsure of what those pain and contractions mean, too many different discomforts at the same time, hips cramps, thighs cramps, gastric pain, lower tummy contractions and rectum pain... I am also confused and feeling so tired while trying to tahan...
Mine is a boy, i am not working, have quit my job just before started my ivf last Aug.
Thanks all, I will rest well and try to relax as much as possible.
I just pray my boy will come out smoothly and he will give me some signs before he comes out... can be quite nervous how he is going to be delivered... coz I am alone at home most of the time.

steventay-very difficult to tell u which is better than the other. I think many of us will agree it is important which Dr you are more comfortable with. As for the cost issue, I think will not be very much different (maybe KK slightly cheaper ??).
