IVF/ICSI Support Group

is SGH queue long? how to check?

i am told KK IVF, u need to wait long...

also the queue is it reflect to which doc u see?

For KK, i also heard also at the stage 5 after inject of the Embryos, usually don't allow to lie there for a few hrs. u need to move to another room..
Tany DaJie,

i'm back.. been busy at work recently. pai seh..
AF report yesterday, maybe next week then i be gg to dr zuo. u leh?


i failed this month. u got any news??

Develyn dear,
so glad to see u r feeling better.
rest well ok.
Steventay-Yup, this is the demerit of KK. Furthermore, there are so many patients so less attentive(personnally). I think for SGH, same thing call them to make an appt and thereafter Dr will refer u to the centre. Not sure about the Q.

Any girls who just registered with SGH, can share how long need to wait?
Pari/lina/boon boon,
thanks! I am looking forward to that day... cant wait to see him... so tiring these days until I am losing lots of concentration and energy liao... I have to preserve that for labour and after delivery leh.
Catherine Xiaomei...
pengz... u n tnt call me dajie makes me feels belli OLD leh... i gog accup w my hubby this weekend...
yes, I take coconut water about once a week. Not taking chicken essence at all... I got heaty easily.. I never take that for many years.
Hi All,

Just to share my first failed ivf, dr told me that my eggs grow extremely fast. Once the biggest hit the required size, there is no delay for er. Er has to be done asap. Because of this, my smaller eggs do not have enough time to grow and this results in having less eggs after er.I was only on puregon for 6-7 days.

Then my hubby commented that the reason for the extremely fast growth is due to the raw egg whites which i consume each day + ensure milk. I consumed abt 6 raw egg whites each day. So imagine...and my eggs produced were also sticky.

I did manage to get 2 good quality embryos but then i fell. Less than an hour..i bleed. I guess it was not fated to be ours.
When i told the nurse, she was shocked that i did not suffer from any diarrhoea. I guess my stomach was strong...hehehe..She told me that puregon on its own shd be sufficient to let the eggs grow. We just need it to do its work. I regretted. I thought by eating more egg whites i will have more eggs but instead..i have lesser eggs than what i expect..

Because of this, i need to start a new fresh cycle..
Hi Gloria, 3 pm is fine with me if its just the 2 of us want to meet at causeway point central for both of us. If any other sisters want to join then maybe we can find a more ideal location suitable for all
Hi Sunflower,
Oh me seeing regular gastric doc at gleneagles, did a scope too 2yrs ago and diagnosed with GERD ie gastric reflux. Tats y always have a heart burn and vomitting problem lor. And the same time i also seeing my chinese sinseh. Actually b4 my 1st ivf my gastric already okie liao but after the puregon jabs it became very sensitive and i started merlion even b4 ER, until the male nurse who gave me anaesthetic (during ER) includes medication to stop me from vomitting. The african doc and doc at 24hr has to check me to confirm that i do not have OHSS br i proceed with ET. And I've been merlion for the rest of my 2ww. Horrible experience man.
hi Pari, ok. 3pm at Causeway Point. i'll set my HP to outdoor mode so i dun miss your call. give each other a call when we reached, ok. see u.

sisters who are not working, care to join us at causeway point today for a chit chat at 3pm?
realli no life to rest too much... i get bad splitting headache when i sleep more. i told hubby i jus need quiet time to rest. dun make me sleep. lol...
today jus had papaya fish soup... quite nice leh. not as yucky as some says
Today is my 15 days after transfer.Test date is 15/5/09. Very sad
as HPT shown (-). For past few days still have some bloatedness and symptoms but on the 11th day, had slight bleeding spot and no more feelings liow. Have used up all embryo, think no more IVF for me as I dun want to do all over again...

Hi Libby,
Good Luck. Hope your BT result is rising.
Serene, yes still on MC returning to work only on Monday but no mood to go back leh

Strawmany, Don't give up hope. I read some sisters got -ve with HPT and then +ve at BT hang on till 15May. Goodluck stay positive, baby dusts to you.
Hi Sunflower,

Wow u are very brave to go through the scope without sedation. I was completely knocked out and sleep like a pig

I'm currently taking nexium 40mg. Yup i also wondered if i inherited my gastric fr my parents cos they too have it. It could also be my job nature cos i've being in the banking sector and work is very stressful and didn't have time to take my lunch esp when i was at the frontline.

Hi bliss,

So happy for you as u will be going to see your little angel in another 2ww.

Hi JuJu

Saw the baby pics of your little princess..wow so cute!!!
ya can imagine the tiredness. Papaya soup really not bad ah? I am scared of papaya, glad to know that the soup tastes gd.

thanks! oh ya hor, I am in 2ww now. Heehee...
Gloria & Pari- Enjoy and have a good treat eg Medi/Pedicure or massage. It will help to face the coming challenge. Jia Yu!

Strawmany - We know it is hard but don't too sad or give yourself too much stress. Give yourself sometime to recovery. But I hope miracle will happen for u. Please continue to stay positive.
Thanks. I will stay postive. This is my 3rd try. I had fresh cycle couple of years back, tried and failed FET 2 months ago, this time also FET. Really wish I can make it this round. Miracle ***Miracle***

May I know who is also cycling in 2ww?
babydreamzy-thanks for sharing your experience. We all learn from failed so important thing is to continue to try. So let's Jia Yu and good luck for u. When will u start the new cycle?
Strawmany-which mean you only had one fresh cycle which is sometime ago? In fact, you consider lucky to have frozen embroyoes. So don't give up so quicky.

Can't remember all but I know those have started in last month or this month.
ZaZa, Develyn, Libby,Nicole,Sue, Dream,Axjess, anymore? We wish them good luck and BFP soon
Hi Boon,

you have good memories!

Hi ladies,

when you undergo lucrin jab and AF reports, do you feel any different from the other times when AF comes. I have been having heavy and bad cramps. Dunno is it bcos of lucrin jab, accu or too much tomatoes. I have been taking about 3 per day since start of accu.
Hi strawmany,

Please dun give up hope now. You hcg level might be too low to be detected by HPT. A BT will be more accurate.

For me, I've failed 1 fresh cycle and 3 FET cycles and I'm embarking to my 2nd fresh cycle in June.

Sometimes, God planning is not easily understood. Some may get preggy during the 1st ivf and others might get preggy after many cycles or even none. However, I believe that if I give up now, I will never get my dream to become a mummy.

We have many sisters here having similar emotional thoughts and we are supporting each other pretty well.

Please wait till BT and remember to stay positive and never give up hopes.
Boon Boon
I had 1 fresh cycle before. VEry scared of needles now. Luckily FET is medicated type, dun need any more jabs.

Great to know you. Are your cycle fresh or frozen?

no la it's just something that I happen to start taking at the same time as accu. but I ask dr zou whether is it too cooling, she say it is not and is good to consume. And it helps to lose a bit of weight too cos it is supposed to curb your appetite and eat less. It works for me. As I am on the plump side.

currently in KK for checkup. to proceed further, we need to decide to for IVF or not..

and also thinking of changing from KK to SGH for IVF.

so very unsure... anyone from SGH IVF....
Thanks for your encouragement. I ive already used up my 3 chances for medisave claims so this is my last hope. I had phobia for neddle poking since IVF. I've become very timid now, dun know why?
Jiayou! With your perserverance, you will succeed.
Nicole-oic, I remember we are same age right (37)? I have the weight issue also (heehee). I can't answer u but remember to have a good balance diet as you just started the program.
Hi Strawmany,

If you have phobia for needles like me, you may want to get this numbing cream called EMLA from pharmacies / clinic... Just apply a small amount on the intended injection site half to 1 hr before the injection and you should not feel the needle prick...

Many clinics and hospitals apply this cream for children before giving them injection...
Nicole-I have yet start the program. That is why I said I can't reply u. Did u ask Dr Zou? How many times u visit her now? I have been trying to go twice per week.

Hi strawmany, I've also used my 3 chance for medisave deduction in Private hospital. Now, I'm embarking my fresh cycle in KKivf which is cheaper and also have govt subsidies.
